898 resultados para Nonmarket strategy, international expansion, regulated firms


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A műhelytanulmány annak a kutatási munkának az első eredménye, amelyben a rendszerváltás után nemzetközileg sikeressé vált magyar vállalatok sikertényezőinek elemzését tűztük ki célul. A kérdés jelentőségét abban látjuk, hogy a magyar piac korlátozott belső nagysága miatt a sikeres magyar vállalatok számára a külföldön való terjeszkedés megkerülhetetlen stratégiai követelmény. A mélyinterjúkon alapuló kutatáshoz szakirodalmi áttekintést végeztünk, összeállítottuk kutatási propozíciónkat, kidolgoztuk a mélyinterjúknál használandó kérdéslistát. Ez a műhelytanulmány az első két mélyinterjú anyagát tartalmazza, de kidolgozás és előkészítés alatt vannak további vállalati esettanulmányok is. ----- This working paper presents the first results of our research project aiming to analyze the success factors of Hungarian companies that became successful internationally after the change in the economic system in Hungary. We believe this is a significant topic as international expansion for successful Hungarian companies is a strategic requirement, due to the limited size of domestic markets. Our research is methodologically based on in-depth interviews, backed by literature review. We have developed propositions and an outline for semi-structured interviews. This working paper covers the recorded material of two in-depth interviews of executives from two different companies, while additional case studies are still being prepared.


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The paper investigates the role of regionalization and regional identity in the endeavours of emerging economies to connect successfully to the global world economy. It addresses the question of whether the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), with its loose institutional integration framework, has contributed to the global integration of its very heterogenous members in the first decade of the 21st century – and, if so, what are the drivers behind this. The paper summarizes connecting theories, using a multidisciplinary approach, and uses descriptive statistical analysis to identify the achievements of the ASEAN-6 countries within global trade and foreign direct invesment (FDI) flows in the given time period. We suggest that ASEAN countries, with their efforts to initiate interconnecting regional organizations in Asia, most specifically the ASEAN+3 (APT) construction, did contribute to greater integratedness of member countries; and they have created a regional image with a common market and production base. Such achievements, however, can be in great part attributed to the micro-level activities of international and regional firms wishing to establish cross-border production networks in these countries.


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The paper investigates the role of regionalization and regional identity in the endeavours of emerging economies to connect successfully to the global world economy. It addresses the question of whether the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), with its loose institutional integration framework, has contributed to the global integration of its very heterogenous members in the first decade of the 21st century – and, if so, what are the drivers behind this. The paper summarizes connecting theories, using a multidisciplinary approach, and uses descriptive statistical analysis to identify the achievements of the ASEAN-6 countries within global trade and foreign direct invesment (FDI) flows in the given time period. We suggest that ASEAN countries, with their efforts to initiate interconnecting regional organizations in Asia, most specifically the ASEAN+3 (APT) construction, did contribute to greater integratedness of member countries; and they have created a regional image with a common market and production base. Such achievements, however, can be in great part attributed to the micro-level activities of international and regional firms wishing to establish cross-border production networks in these countries.


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O processo da Internacionalização pode ser definido como a execução de operações no estrangeiro conducentes a movimentos de fatores de produção de um país para outro. A globalização dos mercados e a frequente instabilidade da realidade macroeconómica do mercado interno, em concomitância com a sua reduzida dimensão, têm levado a que muitas empresas portuguesas iniciem uma política de expansão internacional. De facto, a exploração de mercados internacionais revelou-se, do ponto de vista das empresas, crucial no sentido de contornar os constrangimentos decorrentes de um mercado interno restrito e cada vez mais saturado. No entanto, a decisão da companhia em internacionalizar, requer do respetivo decisor de topo uma análise cuidada de toda a informação relativa ao processo de internacionalização, incluindo a escolha dos mercados, as estratégias, formas de entrada e os obstáculos. Neste relatório, depois de sistematizar o conhecimento relacionado com a internacionalização, é efetuada uma aplicação deste conhecimento num caso de estudo relacionado com uma empresas portuguesa que presta serviços na área das tecnologias de informação e comunicação e que se tenciona expandir para mercados no estrangeiro.


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We embed a simple incomplete-contracts model of organization design in a standard two-country perfectly-competitive trade model to examine how the liberalization of product and factor markets affects the ownership structure of firms.In our model, managers decide whether or not to integrate their firms, trading off the pecuniary benefits of coordinating production decisions with the private benefits of operating in their preferred ways. The price of output is a crucial determinant of this choice, since it affects the size of the pecuniary benefits. In particular, non-integration is chosen at “low” and “high” prices, while integration occurs at moderate prices. Organizational choices also depend on the terms of trade in supplier markets, which affect the division of surplus between managers. We obtain three main results. First, even when firms do not relocate across countries, the price changes triggered by liberalization of product markets can lead to significant organizational restructuring within countries. Second, the removal of barriers to factor mobility can lead to inefficient reorganization and adversely affect consumers. Third, “deep integration” — the liberalization of both product and factor markets — leads to the convergence of organizational design across countries.


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La región de África Austral emerge como un nuevo escenario geopolítico complejo, en el que la lucha por la adquisición de los derechos de exploración, extracción y distribución de minerales estratégicos ha intensificado la presencia del número de actores estratégicos en esta zona. En este sentido, es interesante analizar el juego de poder que se desarrolla entre Estados Unidos y China con el fin de neutralizar la debilidad estratégica que representa la carencia de estos recursos naturales, esenciales para el desarrollo de sus industrias, así como también la oportunidad que representan como mecanismo para ampliar las esferas de influencia extra continental. Así pues, la presente investigación analiza a partir de la explotación de los minerales como recursos estratégicos, los efectos de la geoestrategia reciente de estos dos jugadores activos del sistema internacional contemporáneo en la relación con los Estados que conforman la región meridional del continente africano, durante el periodo 2000-2010.


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A internacionalização assume um papel central na agenda do ensino superior, influenciando a missão e condicionando, de forma deliberada ou emergente, as opções assumidas pelas Instituições. Embora vários estudos e análises internacionais de referência confirmem esta evidência, a reflexão sobre o contributo da internacionalização para o desenvolvimento das Instituições de Ensino Superior remete-nos para duas questões: como é que a internacionalização pode ser gerida pelas Instituições? e qual o contributo dos Gabinetes de Relações Internacionais? Recorrendo ao estudo de caso e à análise bibliográfica, esta investigação desenvolve e confirma que para recorrerem à internacionalização como ferramenta para alcançar determinados fins, as Instituições de Ensino Superior têm de alicerçar a gestão dessa internacionalização em dois pressupostos, nomeadamente: reconhecer a transversalidade e promover uma abordagem estratégica do fenómeno. Neste contexto, e de acordo com os resultados da investigação empírica, os Gabinetes de Relações Internacionais emergem como centros privilegiados de inspiração para a internacionalização das Instituições que integram. Não apenas porque efectivamente implementam uma actividade que promove a internacionalização, a mobilidade internacional, mas principalmente porque a gestão dessa actividade é susceptível de evolução e sofisticação, despoletando novos desafios ao nível das abordagens institucionais para com a internacionalização. ABSTRACT: lnternationalisation is now a central agenda for higher education, shaping the mission and influencing, deliberately or emergently, the institutional decisions. Although several international studies and analysis of reference confirm this fact, when thinking about the contribution of the internationalisation to the development of the Higher Education lnstitutions, two questions arise: how can internationalisation be managed by the lnstitutions? And what is the role played by the lnternational Relations Office? By using a case study and a bibliographical analysis, the research points out that to use the internationalisation as a means to achieve certain goals, the Higher Education lnstitutions must base the management of internationalisation on two major assumptions: recognizing the transversality and promoting a strategic approach to the phenomenon. ln this context, and according to the empirical research results, the lnternational Relations Offices emerge as privileged units, inspiring the internationalisation process of the institutions in which they operate. Not only because the offices operationalize an activity that effectively promotes internationalisation, the international mobility, but mainly because the management of this activity is likely to develop and improve, prompting new challenges in terms of institutional approaches to internalionalisation.


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This article focuses on the results of the final stage of research into the climate strategies of firms in the automotive and pulp-and-paper industries in Brazil, a country that is becoming increasingly important also in terms of climate change issues. In the first stage, the Climate Strategy Model (CSM) was developed to assess whether firms were adopting the necessary practices to assure the successful implementation of climate strategies. In the second, the CSM was applied to firms in the above mentioned industries that were chosen because of their important role in the domestic economy. In the final stage, interviews with executives of these firms were conducted to identify root causes of climate strategy implementation deficiencies and obtain new insights from an international perspective.


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International Market Selection is an important step towards a successful internationalization strategy. This is no different for startup companies like MyHelpster. This work project was intended to help MyHelpster with their internationalization process by completing the IMS portion of it. The IMS process presented in this paper lead to the conclusion that MyHelpster’s next market for expansion should be the USA. In order to find as much success as possible the author suggests being patient and only expanding when the company has the necessary capital, experience and credibility. Both primary and secondary data were used to compile the qualitative and quantitative analyses.


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Investing in Global Relationships: Ireland’s International Education Strategy 2010 – 2015 was published in September 2010. Significant progress has been made in implementing this strategy, to complement and support the work undertaken at institutional level: - A strong national brand is now in place: Education in Ireland, managed by Enterprise Ireland. - There is much closer alignment between education and immigration policies. - A new Government of Ireland Scholarship has been established, managed by the Higher Education Authority. - An International Education Marketing Fund has been developed which allows institutions to collaborate in Enterprise Ireland- led national marketing initiatives. - Promotional efforts are taking place in the priority markets of the USA, Brazil, China, India, SE Asia and the Gulf. Ministers have visited each of the priority markets in the last two years. - Ireland is participating at national level in major international scholarship schemes such as Science Without Borders (Brazil) and the King Abdullah Scholarship Programme (Saudi Arabia). - Statutory provision is now in place for an international education mark and code of practice, which will be rolled out in 2014 by Qualifications and Quality Assurance Ireland (QQI). - International student numbers have risen in priority sectors: 14% growth in the English language sector and 9% growth in higher education since 2010. - Ireland’s international education offering has also diversified, including with increasingly significant levels of cross- border provision. However, global demand for education continues to change rapidly. There continues to be a massive expansion in demand for education around the world, particularly in emerging markets with growing middle classes.


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This thesis investigates the influence of a firm’s mindset on international success in the context of the Finnish marine industry. The study draws theoretical wisdom from organisational behaviour and strategic management literatures. The research aim set for this study was to identify and categorise existing strategic types based on mindsets found in the marine industry SMEs, and to link the influence of mindsets with success by examining the role of mindsets in a firm’s performance. Mindsets of firms were conceptualised as aggregate collections of perceptions that influence how the surrounding environment is discerned by the members of the firm. Mindsets are idiosyncratic to firms and therefore important firm-specific resources which influence decision-making and can be observed through the strategic behaviour of firms. Qualitative case study method was applied which was further supported by quantitative data on the financial performance of the ten case firms. Taxonomy based on the dimension of mindsets and prediction was developed to demonstrate four ideal types of firms identified within the marine industry. It was found that all of the case firms emphasised adaptation in their strategy while planning was emphasised to a varying degree. Moreover, two different methods of adapting were found; proactive and reactive. Firms which plan in the long-term and adapt proactively constantly investigate whether their plans are synchronous with the realities of the market; by having an open mindset, a firm’s perception of the reality of the market is enabling the firm to develop value creating strategies which are superiorly informed.This finding was supported by the financial data and led to the proposition that having an open mindset and placing a high level of emphasis on prediction may have a positive influence on international success. Also, it was proposed that concentrating only on exploiting business opportunities in the present time and not exploring any addition opportunities can have a negative influence on the firm’s performance, even if the mindset of the firm is open.


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Dans ma thèse doctorale, j'étudie trois facteurs importants qui caractérisent le commerce international : les différences technologiques entre les pays, les barrières à l'entrée sous la forme de coûts fixes et la migration internationale. Le premier chapitre analyse si les différences technologiques entre les pays peuvent expliquer la spécialisation dans le commerce international entre les pays. Pour mesurer le niveau de la spécialisation, je calcule les index de concentration pour la valeur des importations et des exportations et décompose la concentration totale dans la marge de produits extensive (nombre de produits commercialisés) et la marge de produits intensive (volume de produits commercialisés). En utilisant des données commerciales détaillées au niveau du produit dans 160 pays, mes résultats montrent que les exportations sont plus concentrées que les importations, que la spécialisation se produit principalement au niveau de la marge intensive du produit, et que les économies plus grandes disposent d'importations et d'exportations plus diversifiées, car elles commercialisent plus de produits. Compte tenu de ces faits, j'évalue la capacité du modèle Eaton-Kortum, le principal modèle de la théorie ricardienne du commerce, pour représenter les preuves empiriques. Les résultats montrent que la spécialisation à travers l'avantage comparatif induit par les différences de technologie peut expliquer les faits qualitatifs et quantitatifs. De plus, j'évalue le rôle des déterminants clés de la spécialisation : le degré de l'avantage comparatif, l'élasticité de la substitution et la géographie. Une implication de ces résultats est qu'il est important d’évaluer jusqu'à quel point la volatilité de production mesurée par la volatilité du PIB est motivée par la spécialisation des exportations et des importations. Étant donné le compromis entre l'ouverture du commerce et la volatilité de production, les bénéfices tirés du commerce peuvent s'avérer plus faibles que ceux estimés précédemment. Par conséquent, les politiques commerciales alternatives telles que l'ouverture graduelle au commerce combinée à la diversification de la production pour réduire la concentration de l'exportation peuvent se révéler être une meilleure stratégie que l'approche du laissez-faire. En utilisant la relation entre la taille du marché et l’entrée de firmes et produits, le deuxième chapitre évalue si les barrières à l'entrée sous la forme de coûts fixes à exporter sont au niveau de la firme ou au niveau du produit. Si les coûts fixes se trouvent au niveau de la firme, la firme multiproduits a un avantage de coût de production par rapport aux autres firmes parce qu’elles peuvent diviser les coûts fixes sur plusieurs produits. Dans ce cas, le commerce international sera caractérisé par peu de firmes qui exportent beaucoup des produits. Si les coûts fixes sont au niveau du produit, l’entrée d’un produit est associée avec l’entrée de plusieurs firmes. La raison est qu’une fois que la première firme entre et paye les coûts fixes du produit, elle crée un effet d’entrainement qui réduit les coûts fixes pour des firmes rivales. Dans ce cas, le commerce international sera caractérisé par plusieurs firmes qui vendent des variétés différentes du même produit. En utilisant des données détaillées provenant de 40 pays exportateurs à travers 180 marchés de destination, mes résultats montrent que les barrières à l'entrée se trouvent principalement au niveau du produit. Un marché plus large favorise l'expansion d'un plus grand nombre d’entreprises au sein d'une catégorie de produit plutôt que de permettre aux entreprises produisant plusieurs produits de croître dans une gamme de produits. En regardant la différence entre le nombre d'exportateurs au sein d'une catégorie de produit dans des destinations données, je trouve que le taux d'entrée de firmes augmente significativement après qu'un produit entre la première fois dans le marché. J'en déduis donc que le premier entrant réduit les coûts fixes pour les firmes suivantes. Mes recherches démontrent également que malgré une plus grande compétition sur le marché du produit, les entreprises disposent de revenus d'exportation supérieurs et sont plus susceptibles de rester sur les marchés internationaux. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec l’hypothèse que l’effet d’entrainement incite l'entrée de firmes rivales et permettent aux entreprises de produire à plus grande échelle. Cette recherche dévoile un nombre de conclusions importantes. D'abord, les politiques commerciales encouragent l'entrée de nouveaux produits, par exemple, en promouvant des produits dans les marchés de destination entraînant ainsi des retombées qui se traduiront par un taux de participation plus élevé de l'entreprise et une croissance de l'exportation. Deuxièmement, les consommateurs du pays importateur peuvent bénéficier de prix plus bas pour le produit en réduisant les barrières techniques du commerce. Troisièmement, lorsque l'on effectue des expérimentations politiques sous la forme de réduction des coûts commerciaux, il est de coutume de considérer uniquement une baisse des coûts marginaux et d'évaluer les répercussions sur le bien-être du consommateur. Cependant, un élément important des accords commerciaux est la réduction des barrières techniques au commerce grâce à la négociation de normes communes pour un produit. Négliger l'existence des barrières à l'entrée et les conséquences des réaffectations de l'industrie affaiblit l'impact des réformes commerciales. Le troisième chapitre prend en compte le rôle de l'information dans la facilitation du commerce international. Les immigrants réduisent les coûts de transaction dans le commerce international en fournissant des informations sur les possibilités d'échange avec leur pays d'origine. En utilisant des données géographiques détaillées sur l'immigration et les importations aux États-Unis entre 1970 et 2005, je quantifie l'incidence qu'ont les nouveaux immigrants sur la demande pour les importations de biens intermédiaires aux États-Unis. Pour établir le lien cause à effet entre le commerce et la migration, j’exploite l'important afflux d'immigrants d'Amérique centrale après l'ouragan Mitch. Les résultats montrent que l'augmentation de dix pour cent d'immigrants a fait croître la demande pour les importations de biens intermédiaires de 1,5 pour cent. Mes résultats sont robustes aux problèmes de la causalité inverse ou la décision d’émigrer est causée par des opportunités de faire du commerce.


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Through multiple case studies of firms we argue that firms that have developed corporate responsibility strategies, albeit informally at first, do so by making intentional, informed and collective choices about CSR initiatives. More precisely, we point to the importance of considering corporate identity in making these choices and to the process of adaptive coordination, which includes both responding to and influencing the CSR environment. We conclude that CSR strategic landscape are determined more and more by the astute and careful management of a network of cooperative and competitive stakeholder interests which possess both tangible and intangible value to a firm.


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Purpose – The development of marketing strategies optimally adjusted to export markets has been a vitally important topic for both managers and academics for about five decades. However, there is no agreement in the literature about which elements integrate marketing strategy and which components of domestic strategies should be adapted to export markets. The purpose of this paper is to develop a new scale – STRATADAPT. Design/methodology/approach – Results from a sample of small and medium-sized industrial exporting firms support a four-dimensional scale – product, promotion, price, and distribution strategies – of 30 items. The scale presents evidence of composite reliability as well as discriminant and nomological validity. Findings – Findings reveal that all four dimensions of marketing strategy adaptation are positively associated with the amount of the firm's financial resources allocated to export activity. Practical implications – The STRATADAPT scale may assist managers in developing better international marketing strategies as well as in planning more accurate and efficient marketing programs across markets. Originality/value – This study develops a new scale, the STRATADAPT scale, which is a broad measure of export marketing strategy adaptation.