979 resultados para Neuropsychological Tests


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The Frontal Assessment Batery / A Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (FAB) é um teste neuropsicológico, constituído por seis subtestes, cujo objetivo é avaliar a disfunção executiva global, nomeadamente as funções relacionadas com o lobo frontal, tais como a concetualização, flexibilidade mental, programação motora, sensibilidade à interferência, controlo inibitório e autonomia ambiental frontal. De forma a contribuir para o avanço dos estudos normativos em Portugal, esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da FAB, numa amostra de adultos da população portuguesa. O protocolo abrangeu a seguinte bateria de testes neuropsicológicos: Bateria de Avaliação Frontal, Figura Complexa de Rey, Matrizes Progressivas de Raven e Teste do Desenho do Relógio. A amostra deste estudo incluiu 376 indivíduos, 155 do sexo masculino e 221 do sexo feminino. Os resultados desta investigação sugerem que a pontuação da FAB é influenciada por algumas variáveis sociodemográficas, designadamente a idade, escolaridade, profissões e região. A análise correlacional mostrou que há apenas uma correlação positiva moderada entre a FAB e as Matrizes Progressivas de Raven. Apesar da consistência interna da FAB ser baixa, existe uma estabilidade temporal moderada. Ao finalizar, consideramos que a FAB reúne os requisitos para se apresentar como uma bateria útil e eficaz, demonstrando um grau razoável de estabilidade temporal, mas fraca consistência interna, sugerindo que a FAB não é indicada para amostra não clínica. / The Frontal Assessment Baterry (FAB) is a neuropsychological test, composed of six subtests, whose aim is to assess the overall executive dysfunction, namely functions related to the frontal lobe, such as conceptualization, mental flexibility, motor programming, sensitivity to interference, inhibitory control and environmental autonomy. In order to contribute to the advancement of normative studies in Portugal, this dissertation aim to evaluate the psychometric properties of the FAB, in an adult sample of the portuguese population. The protocol included the following battery of neuropsychological tests: Frontal Assessment Battery, Complex Figure of Rey, Raven's Progressive Matrices and Clock Drawing Test. The sample this study included 376 individuals, 155 male and 221 female. The results of this investigation suggest that FAB is influenced by some sociodemographic variables, namely age, education, profession and region. The correlational analysis showed that there is only a moderate positive correlation between the FAB and the Raven Progressive Matrices. However, also they found low positive correlations between the FAB and the Complex Figure of Rey, and Clock Drawing Test. Although the FAB has a low internal consistency, there is a moderate temporal stability. Finally, we consider that the FAB gathers the requirements to present itself as a useful and effective battery, demonstrating a reasonable degree of temporal stability, but weaker internal consistency, suggesting that the FAB is not indicate for non-clinical sample.


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A Figura Complexa de Rey-Osterrieth (FCR-O) é um teste de avaliação neuropsicológica realizado em três momentos, que avalia a habilidade visuoespacial, organização percetiva, aptidão visuoespacial construtiva, memória visual, atenção, planificação e função motora. Esta investigação tem como objetivo avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da FCR-O, numa amostra de adultos da população portuguesa. O protocolo de investigação incluiu uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos: Figura Complexa de Rey (FCR-O), Teste do Desenho do Relógio (TDR), Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (FAB), Rey 15 Item, Matrizes Progressivas de Raven (MPR) e a Escala de Auto-Avaliação da Ansiedade de Zung. A amostra deste estudo abrangeu 453 sujeitos, 192 homens e 261 mulheres, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 90 anos (M = 40,44; DP = 19,78). Os resultados principais deste estudo indicam que a FCR-O é influenciada por diversas variáveis, tais como a idade, sexo, escolaridade, profissão, residência e regiões, apresentando uma validade convergente adequada, com correlações positivas com o TDR, FAB e MPR. A título conclusivo, verificámos que a FCR-O tem caraterísticas psicométricas satisfatórias, especificamente da consistência interna, concordância entre juízes e estabilidade temporal, sugerindo a sua utilização em populações não clínicas. / The Rey–Osterrieth complex figure (ROCF) is a neuropsychological test which was conducted in three phases to assess visuospatial ability, perceptive organization, constructive visuospatial ability, visual memory, attention, planning and motor function. This investigations aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of ROCF, in an adult sample of the Portuguese population. The investigation protocol includes a battery of neuropsychological tests: Complex Figure of Rey, Clock Drawing Test, Frontal Assessment Battery, Rey Item 15, Raven Progressive Matrices and the Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale. The sample of this study consisted of 453 subjects, 192 men and 261 women, aged between 18 and 90 years old (M = 40.44, SD = 19.78). The result of this study indicate that the ROCF is influenced by several variables, such as age, sex, education, profession, residence and regions. It also has adequate convergent validity, with positive correlations with TDR, FAB and MPR. In conclusion, we verified that the ROCF is a useful instrument to early detect some neuropsychological deficits. It revealed satisfactory psychometric characteristics, specifically in internal consistency, agreement between judges and temporal stability, suggesting its usage in no clinical populations.


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Objetivo: Estudar as propriedades psicométricas e os dados normativos da Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven numa amostra da comunidade da população portuguesa. Método: A amostra é constituída por 697 pessoas (314 homens e 383 mulheres), com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 90 anos. Todos os participantes preencheram uma declaração de consentimento informado e uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos, incluindo a Forma Geral das Matrizes Progressivas de Raven (FG-MPR), Teste de Memória de 15-Item de Rey, Escala de Autoavaliação de Ansiedade de Zung, Bateria de Avaliação Frontal e Figura Complexa de Rey. Resultados: A média na FG-MPR foi de 44,47 (DP = 10,78). Os resultados demonstraram que todas as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, sexo, escolaridade, profissão, regiões e tipologia de áreas urbanas), exceto o estado civil, apresentaram ter influência significativa nas pontuações da FG-MPR. A confiabilidade e a estabilidade temporal da FG-MPR revelaram-se adequadas. A análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória mostrou que o modelo para um fator não é adequado. Um modelo a quatro fatores continua a não ser adequado. Conclusão: Os dados do presente estudo sugerem que se trata de um instrumento com potencialidades na sua utilização junto da população portuguesa. / Purpose: To study the psychometric properties and date normative of the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices in a Portuguese community sample. Method: The sample consists of 697 people (314 men and 383 women), aged between 12 and 90 years. All participants filled an informed consent form and a battery of neuropsychological tests, which included Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (RSPM), Rey 15-Item Memory Test, Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Frontal Assessment Battery, and Rey Complex Figure Test. Results: The average in RSPM was 44.47 (SD = 10.78). The results showed that all of the sociodemographic variables (age, sex, education, profession, region, and typology of urban areas), with the exception of civil status, showed significant influence on RSPM scores. The reliability and temporal stability of RSPM were adequate. Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model is not better explained by one factor. A two-factor model was not also suitable. Conclusion: The data from this study suggest that it is an instrument with potential for its use among the Portuguese population.


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Objetivo: Estudar as propriedades psicométricas do Teste do Desenho do Relógio numa amostra da população portuguesa. Método: A amostra é constituída por 749 pessoas (345 homens e 404 mulheres), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 94 anos. Todos os participantes preencheram uma declaração de consentimento informado e uma bateria de testes neuropsicológicos. Resultados: A média no Teste do Desenho do Relógio foi de 4,10 (DP = 1,25). Os resultados demonstraram que as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, escolaridade, profissão, regiões e tipologia de áreas urbanas) apresentaram ter influência significativa nas pontuações do Teste do Desenho do Relógio. A confiabilidade e a estabilidade temporal revelaram-se adequadas. Conclusão: Os dados do nosso estudo indicam que o Teste do Desenho do Relógio pode ser utilizado pela população portuguesa. / Purpose: To study the psychometric properties of the Clock Drawing Test in a Portuguese sample. Method: The sample consists of 749 people (345 men and 404 women), aged between 18 and 94 years. All participants filled an informed consent form and a battery of neuropsychological tests. Results: The average in Clock Drawing Test was 4.10 (SD = 1.25). The results showed that the sociodemographic variables (age, education, profession, region, and typology of urban areas) showed significant influence on Clock Drawing Test scores. The reliability and temporal stability of Clock Drawing Test proved appropriate. Conclusion: The data from our study indicate that the Clock Drawing Test may be used by the Portuguese population.


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RESUMO Objetivos: O Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) potencia o desenvolvimento de disfunção executiva, conduzindo a défice no desempenho das tarefas do quotidiano. A avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas é importante para desenvolver estratégias de reabilitação adequadas. Assim, são objetivos descrever os dados normativos, precisão de diagnóstico, propriedades psicométricas e análise fatorial da Bateria de Avaliação Frontal (FAB), instrumento breve e de rápida administração, numa amostra de idosos com AVC. Métodos: Inserida no projeto Trajetórias do Envelhecimento de Idosos em Resposta Social, esta investigação conta com uma amostra de 112 pessoas idosas com diagnóstico médico de AVC e 157 pessoas idosas de um subgrupo de controlo sem AVC. Os sujeitos apresentam idades compreendidas entre os 60 e os 100 anos (M = 78,20; DP = 7,57) sendo maioritariamente do sexo feminino (n = 194). A avaliação inclui entrevistas e testes neuropsicológicos agrupados em medidas de funcionamento executivo, medidas cognitivas de referência e medidas clínicas de controlo. Resultados: As variáveis idade e escolaridade interferiram nas pontuações obtidas na amostra clínica, não sendo verificado impacto da variável sexo. Para um ponto de corte de 7, a FAB teve uma sensibilidade de 83,4% e especificidade de 66,1 % (AUC = 0,64); revelou um alfa de Cronbach de 0,79 e correlações fortes com os testes executivos (teste de Stroop, Figura Complexa de Rey, fator Atencional-Executivo do Montreal Cognitive Assessment e Alternância nos testes de Fluência verbal). A análise fatorial confirmatória apontou uma estrutura com um fator. Conclusões: A FAB apresenta boa consistência interna, validade convergente e validade de constructo, aparentando ser uma escala útil para avaliar o défice executivo em pessoas idosas com AVC. Dadas algumas limitações do estudo, que poderão explicar a fraca precisão diagnóstica da FAB, são incentivadas investigações futuras pois a FAB revelou-se um instrumento com propriedades psicométricas promissoras. ABSTRACT Goals: Stroke potentiates the development of executive dysfunction, leading to impairment in performance of daily activities. The neuropsychological assessment of executive functions is important to develop adequate rehabilitation strategies. Thus, describing the normative data, diagnostic accuracy, psychometric properties and factor analysis of the Frontal Assessment Battery (FAB), a brief and easy to administer instrument, in a clinical sample with stroke are objectives of this study. Methods: Being part of the Aging Trajectories of Institutionalized Elderly, this research has a sample 112 elderly people with a medical diagnosis of stroke and a control subgroup of 157 elderly people. The subjects have ages between 60 and 100 years old (M = 78.20, SD = 7.57), mostly females (n = 194). The measurements used include interviews and neuropsychological tests grouped in executive functioning measures, cognitive measures of reference and clinical measures of control. Results: The variables age and education affect the scores obtained in the clinical subgroup, having the variable gender no impact on these. Using a cutoff score of 7, the FAB had a sensitivity of 83.4% and a specificity of 66.1% for screening stroke (AUC = 0.64); showed a Cronbach's α of 0.79, and strong correlations with executive tests (Stroop test, Rey Complex Figure, Attentional-Executive factor of Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Switching in the verbal fluency tests). The confirmatory factor analysis supported a one-factor structure. Conclusions: The FAB presents good internal consistency, convergent, and construct when used for elderly with stroke. Due to some limitations of the study, which may explain the weak discriminant validity, further investigations are encouraged because FAB has showed promising psychometric properties.


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L’objectif principal de cette thèse était d’obtenir, via l’électrophysiologie cognitive, des indices de fonctionnement post-traumatisme craniocérébral léger (TCCL) pour différents niveaux de traitement de l’information, soit l’attention sélective, les processus décisionnels visuoattentionnels et les processus associés à l’exécution d’une réponse volontaire. L’hypothèse centrale était que les mécanismes de production des lésions de même que la pathophysiologie caractérisant le TCCL engendrent des dysfonctions visuoattentionnelles, du moins pendant la période aiguë suivant le TCCL (i.e. entre 1 et 3 mois post-accident), telles que mesurées à l’aide d’un nouveau paradigme électrophysiologique conçu à cet effet. Cette thèse présente deux articles qui décrivent le travail effectué afin de rencontrer ces objectifs et ainsi vérifier les hypothèses émises. Le premier article présente la démarche réalisée afin de créer une nouvelle tâche d’attention visuospatiale permettant d’obtenir les indices électrophysiologiques (amplitude, latence) et comportementaux (temps de réaction) liés aux processus de traitement visuel et attentionnel précoce (P1, N1, N2-nogo, P2, Ptc) à l’attention visuelle sélective (N2pc, SPCN) et aux processus décisionnels (P3b, P3a) chez un groupe de participants sains (i.e. sans atteinte neurologique). Le deuxième article présente l’étude des effets persistants d’un TCCL sur les fonctions visuoattentionelles via l’obtention des indices électrophysiologiques ciblés (amplitude, latence) et de données comportementales (temps de réaction à la tâche et résultats aux tests neuropsychologiques) chez deux cohortes d’individus TCCL symptomatiques, l’une en phase subaigüe (3 premiers mois post-accident), l’autre en phase chronique (6 mois à 1 an post-accident), en comparaison à un groupe de participants témoins sains. Les résultats des articles présentés dans cette thèse montrent qu’il a été possible de créer une tâche simple qui permet d’étudier de façon rapide et peu coûteuse les différents niveaux de traitement de l’information impliqués dans le déploiement de l’attention visuospatiale. Par la suite, l’utilisation de cette tâche auprès d’individus atteints d’un TCCL testés en phase sub-aiguë ou en phase chronique a permis d’objectiver des profils d’atteintes et de récupération différentiels pour chacune des composantes étudiées. En effet, alors que les composantes associées au traitement précoce de l’information visuelle (P1, N1, N2) étaient intactes, certaines composantes attentionnelles (P2) et cognitivo-attentionnelles (P3a, P3b) étaient altérées, suggérant une dysfonction au niveau des dynamiques spatio-temporelles de l’attention, de l’orientation de l’attention et de la mémoire de travail, à court et/ou à long terme après le TCCL, ceci en présence de déficits neuropsychologiques en phase subaiguë surtout et d’une symptomatologie post-TCCL persistante. Cette thèse souligne l’importance de développer des outils diagnostics sensibles et exhaustifs permettant d’objectiver les divers processus et sous-processus cognitifs susceptible d’être atteints après un TCCL.


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BACKGROUND: Some degree of cognitive decline after surgery occurs in as many as one quarter of elderly surgical patients, and this decline is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Cognition may be affected across a range of domains, including memory, psychomotor skills, and executive function. Whilst the exact mechanisms of cognitive change after surgery are not precisely known, oxidative stress and subsequent neuroinflammation have been implicated. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) acts via multiple interrelated mechanisms to influence oxidative homeostasis, neuronal transmission, and inflammation. NAC has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in both human and animal models. There is clinical evidence to suggest that NAC may be beneficial in preventing the cognitive decline associated with both acute physiological insults and dementia-related disorders. To date, no trials have examined perioperative NAC as a potential moderator of postoperative cognitive changes in the noncardiac surgery setting.

METHODS AND DESIGN: This is a single-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, with a between-group, repeated-measures, longitudinal design. The study will recruit 370 noncardiac surgical patients at the University Hospital Geelong, aged 60 years or older. Participants are randomly assigned to receive either NAC or placebo (1:1 ratio), and groups are stratified by age and surgery type. Participants undergo a series of neuropsychological tests prior to surgery, 7 days, 3 months, and 12 months post surgery. It is hypothesised that the perioperative administration of NAC will reduce the degree of postoperative cognitive changes at early and long-term follow-up, as measured by changes on individual measures of the neurocognitive battery, when compared with placebo. Serum samples are taken on the day of surgery and on day 2 post surgery to quantitate any changes in levels of biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress.

DISCUSSION: The PANACEA trial aims to examine the potential efficacy of perioperative NAC to reduce the severity of postoperative cognitive dysfunction in an elderly, noncardiac surgery population. This is an entirely novel approach to the prevention of postoperative cognitive dysfunction and will have high impact and translatable outcomes if NAC is found to be beneficial.


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The clinical syndrome of heart failure is one of the leading causes of hospitalisation and mortality in older adults. Due to ageing of the general population and improved survival from cardiac disease the prevalence of heart failure is rising. Despite the fact that the majority of patients with heart failure are aged over 65 years old, many with multiple co-morbidities, the association between cognitive impairment and heart failure has received relatively little research interest compared to other aspects of cardiac disease. The presence of concomitant cognitive impairment has implications for the management of patients with heart failure in the community. There are many evidence based pharmacological therapies used in heart failure management which obviously rely on patient education regarding compliance. Also central to the treatment of heart failure is patient self-monitoring for signs indicative of clinical deterioration which may prompt them to seek medical assistance or initiate a therapeutic intervention e.g. taking additional diuretic. Adherence and self-management may be jeopardised by cognitive impairment. Formal diagnosis of cognitive impairment requires evidence of abnormalities on neuropsychological testing (typically a result ≥1.5 standard deviation below the age-standardised mean) in at least one cognitive domain. Cognitive impairment is associated with an increased risk of dementia and people with mild cognitive impairment develop dementia at a rate of 10-15% per year, compared with a rate of 1-2% per year in healthy controls.1 Cognitive impairment has been reported in a variety of cardiovascular disorders. It is well documented among patients with hypertension, atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease, especially after coronary artery bypass grafting. This background is relevant to the study of patients with heart failure as many, if not most, have a history of one or more of these co-morbidities. A systematic review of the literature to date has shown a wide variation in the reported prevalence of cognitive impairment in heart failure. This range in variation probably reflects small study sample sizes, differences in the heart failure populations studied (inpatients versus outpatients), neuropsychological tests employed and threshold values used to define cognitive impairment. The main aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of cognitive impairment in a representative sample of heart failure patients and to examine whether this association was due to heart failure per se rather than the common cardiovascular co-morbidities that often accompany it such as atherosclerosis and atrial fibrillation. Of the 817 potential participants screened, 344 were included in this study. The study cohort included 196 patients with HF, 61 patients with ischaemic heart disease and no HF and 87 healthy control participants. The HF cohort consisted of 70 patients with HF and coronary artery disease in sinus rhythm, 51 patients with no coronary artery disease in sinus rhythm and 75 patients with HF and atrial fibrillation. All patients with HF had evidence of HF-REF with a LVEF <45% on transthoracic echocardiography. The majority of the cohort was male and elderly. HF patients with AF were more likely to have multiple co-morbidities. Patients recruited from cardiac rehabilitation clinics had proven coronary artery disease, no clinical HF and a LVEF >55%. The ischaemic heart disease group were relatively well matched to healthy controls who had no previous diagnosis of any chronic illness, prescribed no regular medication and also had a LVEF >55%. All participants underwent the same baseline investigations and there were no obvious differences in baseline demographics between each of the cohorts. All 344 participants attended for 2 study visits. Baseline investigations including physiological measurements, electrocardiography, echocardiography and laboratory testing were all completed at the initial screening visit. Participants were then invited to attend their second study visit within 10 days of the screening visit. 342 participants completed all neuropsychological assessments (2 participants failed to complete 1 questionnaire). A full comprehensive battery of neuropsychological assessment tools were administered in the 90 minute study visit. These included three global cognitive screening assessment tools (mini mental state examination, Montreal cognitive assessment tool and the repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status) and additional measures of executive function (an area we believe has been understudied to date). In total there were 9 cognitive tests performed. These were generally well tolerated. Data were also collected using quality of life questionnaires and health status measures. In addition to this, carers of the study participant were asked to complete a measure of caregiver strain and an informant questionnaire on cognitive decline. The prevalence of cognitive impairment varied significantly depending on the neuropsychological assessment tool used and cut-off value used to define cognitive impairment. Despite this, all assessment tools showed the same pattern of results with those patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation having poorer cognitive performance than those with heart failure in sinus rhythm. Cognitive impairment was also more common in patients with cardiac disease (either coronary artery disease or heart failure) than age-, sex- and education-matched healthy controls, even after adjustment for common vascular risk factors.


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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la existencia de la relación entre la atrofia cortical difusa objetivada por neuroimagenes cerebrales y desempeños cognitivos determinados mediante la aplicación de pruebas neuropsicológicas que evalúan memoria de trabajo, razonamiento simbólico verbal y memoria anterógrada declarativa. Participaron 114 sujetos reclutados en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de la ciudad de Bogotá mediante muestreo de conveniencia. Los resultados arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos (pacientes con diagnóstico de atrofia cortical difusa y pacientes con neuroimagenes interpretadas como dentro de los límites normales) en todas las pruebas neuropsicológicas aplicadas. Respecto a las variables demográficas se pudo observar que el grado de escolaridad contribuye como factor neuroprotector de un posible deterioro cognitivo. Tales hallazgos son importantes para determinar protocoles tempranos de detección de posible instalación de enfermedades neurodegenerativas primarias.


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In this study, we examined genetic and environmental influences on covariation among two reading tests used in neuropsychological assessment (Cambridge Contextual Reading Test [CCRT], [Beardsall, L., and Huppert, F. A. ( 1994). J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol. 16: 232 - 242], Schonell Graded Word Reading Test [SGWRT], [ Schonell, F. J., and Schonell, P. E. ( 1960). Diagnostic and attainment testing. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.]) and among a selection of IQ subtests from the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB), [Jackson, D. N. (1984). Multidimensional aptitude battery, Ontario: Research Psychologists Press.] and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) [Wechsler, D. (1981). Manual for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R). San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation]. Participants were 225 monozygotic and 275 dizygotic twin pairs aged from 15 years to 18 years ( mean, 16 years). For Verbal IQ subtests, phenotypic correlations with the reading tests ranged from 0.44 to 0.65. For Performance IQ subtests, phenotypic correlations with the reading tests ranged from 0.23 to 0.34. Results of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) supported a model with one genetic General factor and three genetic group factors ( Verbal, Performance, Reading). Reading performance was influenced by the genetic General factor ( accounting for 13% and 20% of the variance for the CCRT and SGWRT, respectively), the genetic Verbal factor ( explaining 17% and 19% of variance for the CCRT and SGWRT), and the genetic Reading factor ( explaining 21% of the variance for both the CCRT and SGWRT). A common environment factor accounted for 25% and 14% of the CCRT and SGWRT variance, respectively. Genetic influences accounted for more than half of the phenotypic covariance between the reading tests and each of the IQ subtests. The heritabilities of the CCRT and SGWRT were 0.54 and 0.65, respectively. Observable covariance between reading assessments used by neuropsychologists to estimate IQ and IQ subtests appears to be largely due to genetic effects.


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Objective: To investigate how age-related declines in vision (particularly contrast sensitivity), simulated using cataract-goggles and low-contrast stimuli, influence the accuracy and speed of cognitive test performance in older adults. An additional aim was to investigate whether declines in vision differentially affect secondary more than primary memory. Method: Using a fully within-subjects design, 50 older drivers aged 66-87 years completed two tests of cognitive performance - letter matching (perceptual speed) and symbol recall (short-term memory) - under different viewing conditions that degraded visual input (low-contrast stimuli, cataract-goggles, and low-contrast stimuli combined with cataract-goggles, compared with normal viewing). However, presentation time was also manipulated for letter matching. Visual function, as measured using standard charts, was taken into account in statistical analyses. Results: Accuracy and speed for cognitive tasks were significantly impaired when visual input was degraded. Furthermore, cognitive performance was positively associated with contrast sensitivity. Presentation time did not influence cognitive performance, and visual gradation did not differentially influence primary and secondary memory. Conclusion: Age-related declines in visual function can impact on the accuracy and speed of cognitive performance, and therefore the cognitive abilities of older adults may be underestimated in neuropsychological testing. It is thus critical that visual function be assessed prior to testing, and that stimuli be adapted to older adults' sensory capabilities (e.g., by maximising stimuli contrast).


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Diagnosis threat is a psychosocial factor that has been proposed to contribute to poor outcomes following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This threat is thought to impair the cognitive test performance of individuals with mTBI because of negative injury stereotypes. University students (N= 45, 62.2% female) with a history of mTBI were randomly allocated to a diagnosis threat (DT, n=15), reduced threat (DT-reduced, n=15) or neutral (n=15) group. The reduced threat condition invoked a positive stereotype (i.e., that people with mTBI can perform well on cognitive tests). All participants were given neutral instructions before they completed baseline tests of: a) objective cognitive function across a number of domains; b) psychological symptoms; and, c) PCS symptoms, including self-reported cognitive and emotional difficulties. Participants then received either neutral, DT or DT-reduced instructions, before repeating the tests. Results were analyzed using separate mixed model ANOVAs; one for each dependent measure. The only significant result was for the 2 X 3 ANOVA on an objective test of attention/working memory, Digit Span, p<.05, such that the DT-reduced group performed better than the other groups, which were not different from each other. Although not consistent with predictions or earlier DT studies, the absence of group differences on most tests fits with several recent DT findings. The results of this study suggest that it is timely to reconsider the role of DT as a unique contributor to poor mTBI outcome.


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This exploratory study intends to characterize the neuropsychological profile in persons with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) using objective measures of cognitive performance. A neuropsychological battery of tests for attention, memory and executive functions was administered to four groups: PTSD (n = 25), mTBI (n = 19), subjects with two formal diagnoses: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI/PTSD) (n = 6) and controls (n = 25). Confounding variables, such as medical, developmental or neurological antecedents, were controlled and measures of co-morbid conditions, such as depression and anxiety, were considered. The PTSD and mTBI/PTSD groups reported more anxiety and depressive symptoms. They also presented more cognitive deficits than the mTBI group. Since the two PTSD groups differ in severity of PTSD symptoms but not in severity of depression and anxiety symptoms, the PTSD condition could not be considered as the unique factor affecting the results. The findings underline the importance of controlling for confounding medical and psychological co-morbidities in the evaluation and treatment of PTSD populations, especially when a concomitant mTBI is also suspected.


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Previous research has suggested that individuals with OCD show compromised performance on tests assessing visuospatial and executive processes. This study aimed to further examine such findings by investigating the relationship between OCD symptom improvement following cognitive-behavioral therapy and changes in neuropsychological performance in individuals with OCD (n = 26), compared to test-retest control participants (n = 10). Successful treatment of OCD led to improvements relative to the control group on neuropsychological tasks measuring spatial working memory. Neuroscientific models of OCD consider such findings to be consistent with possible cortical dysfunction in OCD. However, a significant limitation of the study is in its inability to discount alternative explanations for this finding, such as the influence of changes in beliefs. Implications are discussed.


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Executive dysfunction is reported in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). However, batteries employed in previous studies included no more than three tests of executive function. In this study, we aimed to assess executive and attentional functions in JME using a comprehensive battery of eight tests (encompassing fifteen subtests). We also evaluated neuropsychological profiles using a clinical criterion of severity and correlated these findings with epilepsy clinical variables and the presence of psychiatric disorders. We prospectively evaluated 42 patients with JME and a matched control group with Digit Span tests (forward and backward), Stroop Color-Word Test, Trail Making Test, Wisconsin Card-Sorting Test, Matching Familiar Figures Test and Word Fluency Test. We estimated IQ with the Matrix Reasoning and Vocabulary subtests of the Wechsler Abbreviated Intelligence Scale. The patients with JME showed specific deficits in working memory, inhibitory control, concept formation, goal maintenance, mental flexibility, and verbal fluency. We observed attentional deficits in processes such as alertness and attention span and those requiring sustained and divided attention. We found that 83.33% of the patients had moderate or severe executive dysfunction. In addition, attentional and executive impairment was correlated with higher frequency of seizures and the presence of psychiatric disorders. Furthermore, executive dysfunction correlated with a longer duration of epilepsy. Our findings indicate the need for comprehensive neuropsychological batteries in patients with JME, in order to provide a more extensive evaluation of attentional and executive functions and to show that some relevant deficits have been overlooked. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.