998 resultados para Natural Theology


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The question of the authority of law has occupied and vexed the literature and philosophy of law for centuries. Law is something that characteristically implies obedience, but the precise nature of law’s authority remains contentious. The return to the writings of the Apostle Paul in contemporary philosophy, theology and jurisprudence begs attention in relation to the authority of law, and so this article will consider his analysis and critique of law with a focus on his Epistle to the Romans. It argues that Paul’s conception of the authority of law is explained on the basis that the law is from God, it externally sanctions obedience by virtue of the civil authorities, and it convicts internally in conscience. This triad is justified by the law of love (‘‘love your neighbor as yourself’’), and will be explained in relation to the natural law tradition as well as converse ideas in positivism. Hence, considering the reasoning of Paul in relation to traditional jurisprudential themes and the law of love provides a useful alternative analysis and basis for further investigation regarding the authority of law and the need for its obedience.


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This article argues that the secular liberal and positivist foundations of the modern Western legal system render it violent. In particular, the liberal exclusion of faith and subjectivity in favour of abstract and universal reason in conjunction with its privileging of individual autonomy at the expense of the community leads to alienation of the individual from the community. Similarly, the positivist exclusion of faith and theology from law, with its enforced conformity to the posited law, also results in this violence of alienation. In response, this article proposes a new foundation for law, a natural law based in the truth of Trinitarian theology articulated by John Milbank. In the Trinity, the members exist as a perfect unity in diversity, providing a model for the reconciliation of the legal individual and community: the law of love. Through the law of love as the basic norm, individuals love their neighbours as themselves, reconciling the particular and the universal, and providing a community of peace rather than violence.


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This study is a systematic analysis of mediated immediacy in the production of the Brazilian professor of theology João Batista Libanio. He stresses both ethical mediation and the immediate character of the faith. Libanio has sought an answer to the problem of science and faith. He makes use of the neo-scholastic distinction between matter and form. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, God cannot be known as a scientific object, but it is possible to predicate a formal theological content of other subject matter with the help of revelation. This viewpoint was emphasized in neo-Thomism and supported by the liberation theologians. For them, the material starting point was social science. It becomes a theologizable or revealable (revelabile) reality. This social science has its roots in Latin American Marxism which was influenced by the school of Louis Althusser and considered Marxism a science of history . The synthesis of Thomism and Marxism is a challenge Libanio faced, especially in his Teologia da libertação from 1987. He emphasized the need for a genuinely spiritual and ethical discernment, and was particularly critical of the ethical implications of class struggle. Libanio s thinking has a strong hermeneutic flavor. It is more important to understand than to explain. He does not deny the need for social scientific data, but that they cannot be the exclusive starting point of theology. There are different readings of the world, both scientific and theological. A holistic understanding of the nature of religious experience is needed. Libanio follows the interpretation given by H. C. de Lima Vaz, according to whom the Hegelian dialectic is a rational circulation between the totality and its parts. He also recalls Oscar Cullmann s idea of God s Kingdom that is already and not yet . In other words, there is a continuous mediation of grace into the natural world. This dialectic is reflected in ethics. Faith must be verified in good works. Libanio uses the Thomist fides caritate formata principle and the modern orthopraxis thinking represented by Edward Schillebeeckx. One needs both the ortho of good faith and the praxis of the right action. The mediation of praxis is the mediation of human and divine love. Libanio s theology has strong roots in the Jesuit spirituality that places the emphasis on contemplation in action.


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Resumen: En ocasión de la autobiografía de Robert Spaemann aparecida en 2012, este trabajo examina la lectura que Spaemann hace de la teleología en la doctrina de Santo Tomás de Aquino, especialmente en su obra Natürliche Ziele (2005) que prosigue la versión de 1981. En la primera parte, se estudia la historia de la teleología en el pensamiento filosófico y científico expuesta en «Fines naturales». La finalidad intrínseca en la naturaleza de los seres es conocida con profundidad creciente gracias a Platón, Aristóteles, al estoicismo y a la tradición cristiana. Estos aportes se integran en una estructura teleológica unitaria en el Aquinate. Después acontece una «inversión» de la teleología centrada en la conservación del propio ser y una consideración de los fines como algo externo a la realidad. Con la teoría evolucionista surge la teleonomía que se limita a las reglas del dinamismo, suprimiendo el fin. Con todo, los científicos no logran eliminar los términos «con el fin de» o «para» en su lenguaje. Eso permite proceder a un redescubrimiento de los fines naturales. En la segunda parte, se ve cómo Tomás de Aquino lleva el conocimiento de la finalidad más allá de Aristóteles, porque ella remite a una inteligencia creadora. La teleología implica una teología, aunque no queda del todo claro si es la teología filosófica o la cristiana. Spaemann tiene un planteo ontológico de tipo persuasivo, pero en algunos momentos siente dificultad para superar en el plano teorético a quien se limita a una teleonomía.


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Resumen: En el pensamiento de Santo Tomás de Aquino, la Filosofía Moral y la Teología Moral tienen al bien como concepto central, es decir, el ser en cuanto apetecible y en cuanto fin de la tendencia o apetito. Lo anterior es debido a que lo bueno expresa el ser en cuanto se relaciona con el apetito y de este modo señala la capacidad del ser para mover la voluntad o una tendencia cualquiera hacia su fin. Es por esto que Santo Tomás sostiene con Aristóteles que el bien coincide con la noción de fin. Y es por la importancia de estos principios y por su repercusión en la moral y sobretodo en la explicación de la libertad moral, que este breve trabajo consiste en una profundización en las relaciones entre el bien, el fin y la naturaleza y algunas de sus aplicaciones a lo que se conoce como tendencia natural o apetito natural y la tendencia libre que se refiere a la voluntad sobre todo a la voluntad de la persona humana. No se trata de un intento por presentar todas las conclusiones que de estos principios se siguen, lo cual correspondería a la Filosofía o a la Teología Moral, sino más bien de una profundización en los principios metafísicos, para asentar los cimientos del orden moral.


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Argues that the theory of nature-cum-theology and the view of of natural laws of the 17th century natural philosopher, Robert Boyle, were more complex and eclectic than is usually believed. Support is given for construing Boyle as a more complex thinker than previous scholars have suggested.


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Albert Camus is typically categorized as an atheistic thinker, in the same breath as Sartre. Yet there is a sizable, often sympathetic, theological response to his works, which deal at great length with Christian themes, wrestle with the problem of evil, and are animated by his own avowed desire — in strong contrast with Sartre and other existentialists — to preserve a sense of the sacred without belief in human immortality. This essay reconstructs three components of Camus’s rapport and disagreement with Christian theology, which he approached pre-eminently through the figure of Augustine, central to his early Diplome thesis. First, we recount the young Camus’s neopagan ‘‘religiosity’’ — a sense of the inhuman majesty and beauty of the natural world at the heart of what he termed (and later regretted terming) the ‘‘absurd,’’ and rooted in Camus’s own unitive experiences growing up amidst the sea, sand, and blazing sun of North Africa. Second, we look at Camus’s engagement with the problem of evil, which for Camus — as for many early modern thinkers such as Bayle or Voltaire — represented the decisive immanent tension in later medieval theology, vindicating — in ethical terms — the modern rebellions against altar, pulpit, and throne. The essay closes by rebutting the charge, strongly argued recently by Ronald Srigley, that Camus was (both) anti-modern because anti-Christian. Camus’s aim, we propose, was instead to bring together a neopagan sense of the wonder of the natural world and our participation in it, with the egalitarian components of Christian ethics, severed from secularized eschatological content.


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The innocent Job suffers, friends are no help, and then Job screams at Yahweh, demanding justice. The first surprise is that Yehweh responds to Job, does not criticize him but tells him he is ignorant, and then gives him a science lesson. The content of that lesson is the second surprise.


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This folder contains a single document describing the "rules and orders" of the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. The document begins by defining the subjects to be taught by the Hollis Professor including natural and experimental philosophy, elements of geometry, and the principles of astronomy and geography. It then outlines the number of public and private lectures to be given to students, how much extra time the professor should spend with students reviewing any difficulties they may encounter understanding class subject matter discussed, and stipulates that the professor's duties shall be restricted solely to his teaching activities and not involve him in any religious activities at the College or oblige him to teach any additional studies other than those specified for the Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Furthermore, the rules establish the professor's salary at £80 per year and allow the professor to receive from students, except those students studying theology under the Hollis Professor of Divinity, an additional fee as determined by the Corporation and Board of Overseers, to supplement his income. Moreover, the rules assert that all professorship candidates selected by the Harvard Corporation must be approved by Thomas Hollis during his lifetime or by his executor after his death. Finally, the rules state that the Hollis professor take an oath to the civil government and declare himself a member of the Protestant reformed religion. This document is signed by Thomas Hollis and four witnesses, John Hollis, Joshua Hollis, Richard Solly, and John Williams.