958 resultados para National parks
There are currently no regulatory mechanisms, laws or policies that specifically provide rights to Indigenous peoples over their Indigenous knowledge and intellectual property. We strongly recommend that the commonwealth take the lead to ensure that national sui generis laws are developed (perhaps to operate initially in areas of Cth jurisdiction, such as IPAs and national parks). The development of such laws should be in tandem with practical guidelines to assist their implementation. A comprehensive, nationally consistent scheme for access to genetic resources, which offers meaningful protection of traditional knowledge and substantive benefit-sharing with Indigenous communities, has to be developed. There are already a range of reports/resources that urge these same reforms and that we direct the Enquiry to again; these include the Voumard Report (2000) – especially Fourmile’s Appendix 10 – “Indigenous Interests”, and Terri Jankes “Our Culture, Our Future (1998).
Nature, science and technology. The image of Finland through popular enlightenment texts 1870-1920 This doctoral thesis looks at how Finnish popular enlightenment texts published between 1870 and 1920 took part in the process of forming a genuine Finnish national identity. The same process was occurring in other Nordic countries at the time and the process in Finland was in many ways influenced by them, particularly Sweden. In Finland the political realities under Russian rule especially during the Russification years, and the fact that its history was considered to be short compared to other European countries, made this nation-building process unique. The undertaking was led by members of the national elite, influential in the cultural, academic as well as political arenas, who were keen to support the foundation of a modern Finnish identity. The political realities and national philosophy of history necessitated a search for elements of identity in nature and the Finnish landscape, which were considered to have special national importance: Finland was very much determined as a political entity on the basis of its geography and nature. Nature was also used as means of taking a cultural or political view in terms of, for example, geographical facts such as the nation s borders or the country s geographical connections to Western Europe. In the building of a proper national identity the concept of nature was not, however, static, but was more or less affected by political and economic progress in society. This meant that nature, or the image of the national landscape, was no longer seen only as a visual image of the national identity, but also as a source of science, technology and a prosperous future. The role of technology in this process was very much connected to the ability to harness natural resources to serve national interests. The major change in this respect had occurred by the early 20th century, when indisputable scientific progress altered the relationship between nature and technology. Concerning technology, the thesis is mainly interested in the large and at the time modern technological manifestations, such as railways, factories and industrial areas in Finland. Despite the fact that the symbiosis between national nature and international but successfully localized technology was in Finnish popular enlightenment literature depicted mostly as a national success story, concerns began to arise already in last years of the 19th century. It was argued that the emerging technology would eventually destroy Finland s natural environment, and therefore the basis of its national identity. The question was not how to preserve nature through natural science, but more how to conserve such natural resources and images that were considered to be the basis of national identity and thus of the national history. National parks, isolated from technology, and distant enough so as to have no economic value, were considered the solution to the problem. Methodologically the thesis belongs to the genre of science and technology studies, and offers new viewpoints with regard to both the study of Finnish popular enlightenment literature and the national development process as a whole.
This review of grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis) attempts to collate current knowledge and identify knowledge gaps that may require further research. Grader grass is a tropical annual grass native to India that is now spread throughout many of the tropical regions of the world. In Australia, it has spread rapidly since its introduction in the 1930s and is now naturalised in the tropical areas of Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia and extends south along the east coast to northern New South Wales. It is a vigorous grass with limited palatability, that is capable of invading native and improved pastures, cropping land and protected areas such as state and national parks. Grader grass can form dense monocultures that reduce biodiversity, decrease animal productivity and increase the fire hazard in the seasonally dry tropics. Control options are based on herbicides, grazing management and slashing, while overgrazing appears to favour grader grass. The effect of fire on grader grass is inconclusive and needs to be defined. Little is known about the biology and impacts of grader grass in agricultural and protected ecosystems in Australia. In particular, information is needed on soil seed bank longevity, seed production, germination and growth, which would allow the development of management strategies to control this weedy grass.
The study assessed qualitatively the threat status of all nigerian freshwater fishes using such criteria as rarity, size at maturity, mode of reproduction, human population density, habitat degradation, pollution and range of each species among others. The biology of 48% (129n) of nigerian freshwater species is not well known. Of the 266 known freshwater fishes, 47 species represented 17% are critically endangered, 15 (5%) are endangered , 8(3%), are vulnerable while 23(8%) are near threatened. The paper suggests increased basic knowledge of threatened species and conservation policy along three lines public awareness, legislation and creation of national parks, aquaria and reserves as measures needed to ensure the conservation of the fishes
A Constituição Federal brasileira relaciona dentre as garantias do cidadão o direito ao meio ambiente sadio e a liberdade religiosa e de liturgia. Também prevê como valor constitucional a ser defendido pelo Estado brasileiro as matrizes culturais africanas. A problemática da presente pesquisa é o conflito entre esses valores e garantias em um Estado democrático de direito, conflito este que indentificamos no caso selecionado para estudo: a proibição de oferendas das religiões afrobrasileiras no Parque Nacional da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro, pela administração da entidade gestora do Parque. A partir deste estudo de caso, propomos questionar: 1) como o conflito é construído numa perspectiva multidimensional (da geografia cultural, da teologia, da sociologia etc); 2) se e por que as religiões de matrizes africanas foram excluídas do arcabouço jurídico ambiental brasileiro; 3) se este arcabouço pode ser interpretado de modo a favorecer a prática de oferendas e 4) se há uma consciência e uma ética ambientais emergentes naquelas comunidades religiosas, facilitadoras do argumento defensivo da prática de oferendas em áreas verdes públicas. Assim, o objetivo da presente pesquisa é contribuir para a solução exitosa deste conflito, de modo que esta solução seja válida e exeqüível em qualquer área verde sob administração pública. Desse modo, advogamos a tese de que é possível ponderar as duas garantias constitucionais em conflito, de forma que as oferendas, ao invés de proibidas, sejam aceitas de modo disciplinado, não agressivo ou menos agressivo ao meio ambiente, pela negociação dos atores envolvidos. Através da metodologia qualitativa demonstraremos que há um conflito entre atores que dão distintos significados ao meio ambiente, a partir de racionalidades distintas, sendo a da administração ambiental fortemente ancorada na própria doutrina formatadora dos parques nacionais. Aditaremos que o conflito poderia ter sido evitado ou minorado se as comunidades religiosas urbanas afrobrasileiras tivessem sido reconhecidas como populações tradicionais pelo movimento socioambientalista, fortemente inspirador da legislação brasileira. Demonstraremos ainda que, apesar desta lacuna, a legislação que já está dada pode ser interpretada de modo a chancelar a prática das oferendas, e que a proibição seria um equívoco legal da administração ambiental, tendo em vista que o direito ambiental oferece um sistema principiológico favorável à prática das oferendas, tarefa facilitada por uma emergente ética ambiental naqueles grupos religiosos. Não obstante, uma proposta de inclusão de um artigo na Lei do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação será elaborada, para evitar que a solução do conflito dependa de interpretações. Por fim, recomendaremos que a interdição no Parque da Tijuca seja exemplarmente substituída por uma negociação entre as partes envolvidas, de modo a que sejam preservados todos os interesses constitucionais envolvidos, proporcionando o avanço da democracia brasileira.
The 25th anniversary of the Galapagos National Park. Fire at the Darwin Research Station. The control of introduced mammals. Good news about the Hood tortoises. The endangered land iguanas. Penguins, cormorants and flamingos in 1984. A workshop on national parks. International conservation award to Secretary Ripley. Visits and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station.
Fishery statistics for 1978 are presented for: (1) total production; (2) effort and landings; (3) gill-net fisheries production landings and purchases; (4) monthly percentage composition of catch for Kariba area; (5) African camp effort statistics: (6) sardine fisheries.
The level of Lake Kariba steadily fell during the period 1 June 1979 to 2 Feb 1980, except for a 2-wk period during Dec when it was allowed to rise slightly. Following this the level was again drawn down in anticipation of the Upper Zambezi flood water reaching the lake. At its highest level in June 1979 the lake was 487.42 m above sea level but by Feb 1980 it had dropped to 484.53 m, a total drop of 2.89 m. This left a considerable area of exposed shoreline and a large number of stranded mussels. This report presents the results of an attempt to estimate the mussel mortality, carried out from 28 Jan to 1 Feb 1980. The study area extended from the Charara river mouth to Andora harbour with a total of 24 stations.
Investigations on the zooplankton in Lake Kariba were carried out as part of a broader programme investigating components of the sardine, Limnothrissa miodon, food chain and factors affecting their productivity. This report deals mainly with the crustacean zooplankton, Bosmina longirostris and Mesocyclops leuckarti, which are the most important species in the sardine's diet. Factors which influence the number and distribution of the zooplankton are discussed. The relationship between the zooplankton and Limnothrissa are also briefly discussed.
The effectiveness of 2 mark and recapture techniques was evaluated using tiger fish, Hydrocynus vittatus. The 2 techniques used were: tagging with a plastic tag and fluorescent spray marking. While the tagging method resulted as the logical method to use within the constraints of the tiger fish study, it cannot be considered completely reliable for the estimation of population size in Lake Kariba.
The angling census carried out in the Sanyati Gorge, August 1980 - March 1981, is reported. The results are compared to those obtained in the 1973 census. The objectives of the census were: 1) to determine the extent of angling mortality on tigerfish (Hydrocynus vittatus) thereby quantifying this previously neglected component of total mortality; and 2) to assess the economic importance of tigerfish to the recreational fishery on Lake Kariba.
Growth rates of male and female tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus were determined from length/frequencies of fish from the Sanyati Basin and Sinamwenda estuary, Lake Kariba. Growth rates were similar in both sexes for the first two years, after which females grew faster and reached a greater length. Fish from the Sanyati Basin appeared to grow slightly faster than those from the Sinamwenda Estuary.
Details are given of development of the Gache Gache Fishing Cooperative and fishing activities in Lake Kariba undertaken during the year June 1984-June 1985. The viability of fishing cooperatives in Lake Kariba is also examined.
Water quality problems are reported to be the factor limiting prawn production in the local prawn farm. This investigation was carried out to monitor water quality and its relationship to physical, chemical and biological conditions in the ponds in order to establish what factors should be monitored in order to predict problems. Pond collapse was found to be associated with high concentrations of ammonium, high pH and blue-green algae dominated phytoplankton populations. There was no easy means of predicting the imminent collapse of ponds as the phenomenon was never associated with the extreme of any of the conditions monitored. Rather it seemed to be related to the stability of the pond's algal population, which was largely unaccounted for. Recommendations toward improving water quality are proposed.