973 resultados para NFC, Near Field Communication, Android
Measurements and simulations were performed to assess workers' exposure to solvent vapors and aerosols during the waterproofing of a tiled surface. This investigation followed two recent incidents in the same company where workers experienced acute respiratory illness after spraying a stain-repellent resin containing fluorinated polymers on stone-tiled walls and floors. Because the waterproofing activity had been done for years at the tile company without encountering any exposure problems prior to these cases, it was strongly suspected that the incidents were linked to a recent change in the composition of the coating mixture. Experimental measurements and simulations indicated that the emission rate of particles smaller than 10 microm may be estimated at 0.66 mg/sec (SD 0.10) for the old resin and at 0.37 mg/sec (SD 0.04) for the new one. The measurement of the solvent emission rate from surfaces coated with the two resins indicated that shortly after spraying, the emission was in the range of 18 to 20 mg/sec x m2 and was similar for both products. Solvent and overspray emission rates were introduced in a two-zone compartment model. The results obtained in the near-field indicate significant exposure to overspray mist (7 and 34 mg/m3 for new resin) and solvent vapors (80 to 350 ppm for the new resin). It was also shown that the introduction of the new resin tended to significantly decrease the levels of solvents and particulates in the workers' breathing zone. These results strongly suggest that cases of acute respiratory illness are related to the specific toxicity of the fluorinated polymer itself. The fact that the same polymer is used in various commercial products raises concern regarding other possible occupational and domestic exposures.
OBJECTIVES: A survey was undertaken among Swiss occupational hygienists and other professionals to identify the different exposure assessment methods used, the contextual parameters observed and the uses, difficulties and possible developments of exposure models for field application. METHODS: A questionnaire was mailed to 121 occupational hygienists, all members of the Swiss Occupational Hygiene Society. A shorter questionnaire was also sent to registered occupational physicians and selected safety specialists. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses were performed. RESULTS: The response rate for occupational hygienists was 60%. The so-called expert judgement appeared to be the most widely used method, but its efficiency and reliability were both judged with very low scores. Long-term sampling was perceived as the most efficient and reliable method. Various determinants of exposure, such as emission rate and work activity, were often considered important, even though they were not included in the exposure assessment processes. Near field local phenomena determinants were also judged important for operator exposure estimation. CONCLUSION: Exposure models should be improved to integrate factors which are more easily accessible to practitioners. Descriptors of emission and local phenomena should also be included.
Definició i prototip d'un sistema de comunicació multiplataforma i multiusuari basat en HTML5 per a dispositius mòbils i entorns d'escriptori.
We examine the phenomenon of hydrodynamic-induced cooperativity for pairs of flagellated micro-organism swimmers, of which spermatozoa cells are an example. We consider semiflexible swimmers, where inextensible filaments are driven by an internal intrinsic force and torque-free mechanism (intrinsic swimmers). The velocity gain for swimming cooperatively, which depends on both the geometry and the driving, develops as a result of the near-field coupling of bending and hydrodynamic stresses. We identify the regimes where hydrodynamic cooperativity is advantageous and quantify the change in efficiency. When the filaments' axes are parallel, hydrodynamic interaction induces a directional instability that causes semiflexible swimmers that profit from swimming together to move apart from each other. Biologically, this implies that flagella need to select different synchronized collective states and to compensate for directional instabilities (e.g., by binding) in order to profit from swimming together. By analyzing the cooperative motion of pairs of externally actuated filaments, we assess the impact that stress distribution along the filaments has on their collective displacements.
JÄKÄLA-algoritmi (Jatkuvan Äänitehojakautuman algoritmi Käytävien Äänikenttien LAskentaan) ja sen NUMO- ja APPRO-laskentayhtälöt perustuvat käytävällä olevan todellisen äänilähteen kuvalähteiden symmetriaan. NUMO on algoritmin numeerisen ratkaisun ja APPRO likiarvoratkaisun laskentayhtälö. Algoritmia johdettaessa oletettiin, että absorptiomateriaali oli jakautunut tasaisesti käytävän ääntä heijastaville pinnoille. Suorakaiteen muotoisen käytävän kuvalähdetason muunto jatkuvaksi äänitehojakautumaksi sisältää kolme muokkausvaihetta. Aluksi suorakaiteen kuvalähdetaso muunnetaan neliön muotoiseksi. Seuraavaksi neliön muotoisen kuvalähdetason samanarvoiset kuvalähteet siirretään koordinaattiakselille diskreetiksi kuvalähdejonoksi. Lopuksi kuvalähdejono muunnetaan jatkuvaksi äänitehojakautumaksi, jolloin käytävän vastaanottopisteen äänenpainetaso voidaan laskea integroimalla jatkuvan äänitehojakautuman yli. JÄKÄLA-algoritmin validiteetin toteamiseksi käytettiin testattua kaupallista AKURI-ohjelmaa. AKURI-ohjelma antoi myös hyvän käsityksen siitä, miten NUMO- ja APPRO-yhtälöillä lasketut arvot mahdollisesti eroavat todellisilla käytävillä mitatuista arvoista. JÄKÄLA-algoritmin NUMO- ja APPRO-yhtälöitä testattiin myös vertaamalla niiden antamia tuloksia kolmen erityyppisen käytävän äänenpainetasomittauksiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa on osoitettu, että akustisen kuvateorian pohjalta on mahdollista johtaa laskenta-algoritmi, jota voidaan soveltaa pitkien käytävien äänikenttien pika-arvioinnissa paikan päällä. Sekä teoreettinen laskenta että käytännön äänenpainetasomittaukset todellisilla käytävillä osoittivat, että JÄKÄLA-algoritmin yhtälöiden ennustustarkkuus oli erinomainen ideaalikäytävillä ja hyvä niillä todellisilla käytävillä, joilla ei ollut ääntä heijastavia rakenteita. NUMO- ja APPRO-yhtälöt näyttäisivät toimivan hyvin käytävillä, joiden poikkileikkaus oli lähes neliön muotoinen ja joissa pintojen suurin absorptiokerroin oli korkeintaan kymmenen kertaa pienintä absorptiokerrointa suurempi. NUMO- ja APPRO-yhtälöiden suurin puute on, etteivät ne ota huomioon pintojen erilaisia absorptiokertoimia eivätkä esineistä heijastuvia ääniä. NUMO- ja APPRO- laskentayhtälöt poikkesivat mitatuista arvoista eniten käytävillä, joilla kahden vastakkaisen pinnan absorptiokerroin oli hyvin suuri ja toisen pintaparin hyvin pieni, ja käytävillä, joissa oli massiivisia, ääntä heijastavia pilareita ja palkkeja. JÄKÄLA-algoritmin NUMO- ja APPRO-yhtälöt antoivat tutkituilla käytävillä kuitenkin selvästi tarkempia arvoja kuin Kuttruffin likiarvoyhtälö ja tilastollisen huoneakustiikan perusyhtälö. JÄKÄLA-algoritmin laskentatarkkuutta on testattu vain neljällä todellisella käytävällä. Algoritmin kehittämiseksi tulisi jatkossa käytävän vastakkaisia pintoja ja niiden absorptiokertoimia käsitellä laskennassa pareittain. Algoritmin validiteetin varmistamiseksi on mittauksia tehtävä lisää käytävillä, joiden absorptiomateriaalien jakautumat poikkeavat toisistaan.
Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) is a non-invasive imaging technique, which provides information reporting the functional states of tissues. SPECT imaging has been used as a diagnostic tool in several human disorders and can be used in animal models of diseases for physiopathological, genomic and drug discovery studies. However, most of the experimental models used in research involve rodents, which are at least one order of magnitude smaller in linear dimensions than man. Consequently, images of targets obtained with conventional gamma-cameras and collimators have poor spatial resolution and statistical quality. We review the methodological approaches developed in recent years in order to obtain images of small targets with good spatial resolution and sensitivity. Multipinhole, coded mask- and slit-based collimators are presented as alternative approaches to improve image quality. In combination with appropriate decoding algorithms, these collimators permit a significant reduction of the time needed to register the projections used to make 3-D representations of the volumetric distribution of target’s radiotracers. Simultaneously, they can be used to minimize artifacts and blurring arising when single pinhole collimators are used. Representation images are presented, which illustrate the use of these collimators. We also comment on the use of coded masks to attain tomographic resolution with a single projection, as discussed by some investigators since their introduction to obtain near-field images. We conclude this review by showing that the use of appropriate hardware and software tools adapted to conventional gamma-cameras can be of great help in obtaining relevant functional information in experiments using small animals.
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung und Anwendungen von periodischen Goldnanopartikel-Arrays (PPAs), die mit Hilfe von Nanosphären-Lithografie hergestellt wurden. In Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Nanosphären-Größe wurden dabei entweder kleine dreieckige Nanopartikel (NP) (bei Verwendung von Nanosphären mit einem Durchmesser von 330 nm) oder große dreieckige NPD sowie leicht gestreckte NP (bei Verwendung von Nanosphären mit einem Durchmesser von 1390 nm) hergestellt. Die Charakterisierung der PPAs erfolgte mit Hilfe von Rasterkraftmikroskopie, Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und optischer Spektroskopie. Die kleinen NP besitzen ein Achsverhältnis (AV) von 2,47 (Kantenlänge des NPs: (74+/-6) nm, Höhe: (30+/-4) nm. Die großen dreieckigen NP haben ein AV von 3 (Kantenlänge des NPs:(465+/-27) nm, Höhe: (1530+/-10) nm) und die leicht gestreckten NP (die aufgrund der Ausbildung von Doppelschichten ebenfalls auf der gleichen Probe erzeugt wurden) haben eine Länge von (364+/-16)nm, eine Breite von (150+/-20) nm und eine Höhe von (150+/-10)nm. Die optischen Eigenschaften dieser NP werden durch lokalisierte Oberflächenplasmon-Polariton Resonanzen (LPPRs) dominiert, d.h. von einem eingestrahlten elektromagnetischen Feld angeregte kollektive Schwingungen der Leitungsbandelektronen. In dieser Arbeit wurden drei signifikante Herausforderungen für Plasmonik-Anwendungen bearbeitet, welche die einzigartigen optischen Eigenschaften dieser NP ausnutzen. Erstens wurden Ergebnisse der selektiven und präzisen Größenmanipulation und damit einer Kontrolle der interpartikulären Abstände von den dreieckigen Goldnanopartikel mit Hilfe von ns-gepulstem Laserlicht präsentiert. Die verwendete Methode basiert hierbei auf der Größen- und Formabhängigkeit der LPPRs der NP. Zweitens wurde die sensorischen Fähigkeiten von Gold-NP ausgenutzt, um die Bildung von molekularen Drähten auf den PPAs durch schrittweise Zugabe von unterschiedlichen molekularen Spezies zu untersuchen. Hierbei wurde die Verschiebung der LSPPR in den optischen Spektren dazu ausgenutzt, die Bildung der Nanodrähte zu überwachen. Drittens wurden Experimente vorgestellt, die sich die lokale Feldverstärkung von NP zu nutze machen, um eine hochgeordnete Nanostrukturierung von Oberflächen mittels fs-gepulstem Laserlicht zu bewerkstelligen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass neben der verwendeten Fluenz die Polarisationsrichtung des eingestrahlten Laserlichts in Bezug zu der NP-Orientierung sowie die Größe der NP äußerst wichtige Parameter für die Nanostrukturierung darstellen. So konnten z.B. Nanolöcher erzeugt werden, die bei höheren Fluenzen zu Nanogräben und Nanokanälen zusammen wuchsen. Zusammengefasst lässt sich sagen, dass die in dieser Arbeit gewonnen Ergebnisse von enormer Wichtigkeit für weitere Anwendungen sind.
Aquesta tesi presenta un nou mètode pel disseny invers de reflectors. Ens hem centrat en tres temes principals: l’ús de fonts de llum reals i complexes, la definició d’un algoritme ràpid pel càlcul de la il•luminació del reflector, i la definició d’un algoritme d’optimització per trobar més eficientment el reflector desitjat. Les fonts de llum estan representades per models near-field, que es comprimeixen amb un error molt petit, fins i tot per fonts de llum amb milions de raigs i objectes a il•luminar molt propers. Llavors proposem un mètode ràpid per obtenir la distribució de la il•luminació d’un reflector i la seva comparació amb la il•luminació desitjada, i que treballa completament en la GPU. Finalment, proposem un nou mètode d’optimització global que permet trobar la solució en menys passos que molts altres mètodes d’optimització clàssics, i alhora evitant mínims locals.
We examine the motion of the ground surface on the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat between 1998 and 2000 using radar interferometry (InSAR). To minimise the effects of variable atmospheric water vapour on the InSAR measurements we use independently-derived measurements of the radar path delay from six continuous GPS receivers. The surfaces providing a measurable inter-ferometric signal are those on pyroclastic flow deposits, mainly emplaced in 1997. Three types of surface motion can be discriminated. Firstly, the surfaces of thick, valley-filling deposits subsided at rates of 150-120 mm/year in the year after emplacement to 50-30 mm/year two years later. This must be due to contraction and settling effects during cooling. The second type is the near-field motion localised within about one kilometre of the dome. Both subsidence and uplift events are seen and though the former could be due to surface gravitational effects, the latter may reflect shallow (< 1 km) pressurisation effects within the conduit/dome. Far-field motions of the surface away from the deeply buried valleys are interpreted as crustal strains. Because the flux of magma to the surface stopped from March 1998 to November 1999 and then resumed from November 1999 through 2000, we use InSAR data from these two periods to test the crustal strain behaviour of three models of magma supply: open, depleting and unbalanced. The InSAR observations of strain gradients of 75-80 mm/year/krn uplift during the period of quiescence on the western side of the volcano are consistent with an unbalanced model in which magma supply into a crustal magma chamber continues during quiescence, raising chamber pressure that is then released upon resumption of effusion. GPS motion vectors agree qualitatively with the InSAR displacements but are of smaller magnitude. The discrepancy may be due to inaccurate compensation for atmospheric delays in the InSAR data. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The spatial distribution of aerosol chemical composition and the evolution of the Organic Aerosol (OA) fraction is investigated based upon airborne measurements of aerosol chemical composition in the planetary boundary layer across Europe. Sub-micron aerosol chemical composition was measured using a compact Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (cToF-AMS). A range of sampling conditions were evaluated, including relatively clean background conditions, polluted conditions in North-Western Europe and the near-field to far-field outflow from such conditions. Ammonium nitrate and OA were found to be the dominant chemical components of the sub-micron aerosol burden, with mass fractions ranging from 20--50% each. Ammonium nitrate was found to dominate in North-Western Europe during episodes of high pollution, reflecting the enhanced NO_x and ammonia sources in this region. OA was ubiquitous across Europe and concentrations generally exceeded sulphate by 30--160%. A factor analysis of the OA burden was performed in order to probe the evolution across this large range of spatial and temporal scales. Two separate Oxygenated Organic Aerosol (OOA) components were identified; one representing an aged-OOA, termed Low Volatility-OOA and another representing fresher-OOA, termed Semi Volatile-OOA on the basis of their mass spectral similarity to previous studies. The factors derived from different flights were not chemically the same but rather reflect the range of OA composition sampled during a particular flight. Significant chemical processing of the OA was observed downwind of major sources in North-Western Europe, with the LV-OOA component becoming increasingly dominant as the distance from source and photochemical processing increased. The measurements suggest that the aging of OA can be viewed as a continuum, with a progression from a less oxidised, semi-volatile component to a highly oxidised, less-volatile component. Substantial amounts of pollution were observed far downwind of continental Europe, with OA and ammonium nitrate being the major constituents of the sub-micron aerosol burden. Such anthropogenically perturbed air masses can significantly perturb regional climate far downwind of major source regions.
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) would appear to be particular effective in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) for active learning. Most research studies looking at computer-supported collaborative design have focused on either synchronous or asynchronous modes of communication, but near-synchronous working has received relatively little attention. Yet it could be argued that near-synchronous communication encourages creative, rhetorical and critical exchanges of ideas, building on each other’s contributions. Furthermore, although many researchers have carried out studies on collaborative design protocol, argumentation and constructive interaction, little is known about the interaction between drawing and dialogue in near-synchronous collaborative design. The paper reports the first stage of an investigation into the requirements for the design and development of interactive systems to support the learning of collaborative design activities. The aim of the study is to understand the collaborative design processes while sketching in a shared white board and audio conferencing media. Empirical data on design processes have been obtained from observation of seven sessions with groups of design students solving an interior space-planning problem of a lounge-diner in a virtual learning environment, Lyceum, an in-house software developed by the Open University to support its students in collaborative learning.
A radionuclide source term model has been developed which simulates the biogeochemical evolution of the Drigg low level waste (LLW) disposal site. The DRINK (DRIgg Near field Kinetic) model provides data regarding radionuclide concentrations in groundwater over a period of 100,000 years, which are used as input to assessment calculations for a groundwater pathway. The DRINK model also provides input to human intrusion and gaseous assessment calculations through simulation of the solid radionuclide inventory. These calculations are being used to support the Drigg post closure safety case. The DRINK model considers the coupled interaction of the effects of fluid flow, microbiology, corrosion, chemical reaction, sorption and radioactive decay. It represents the first direct use of a mechanistic reaction-transport model in risk assessment calculations.
A quasi-optical interferometric technique capable of measuring antenna phase patterns without the need for a heterodyne receiver is presented. It is particularly suited to the characterization of terahertz antennas feeding power detectors or mixers employing quasi-optical local oscillator injection. Examples of recorded antenna phase patterns at frequencies of 1.4 and 2.5 THz using homodyne detectors are presented. To our knowledge, these are the highest frequency antenna phase patterns ever recovered. Knowledge of both the amplitude and phase patterns in the far field enable a Gauss-Hermite or Gauss-Laguerre beam-mode analysis to be carried out for the antenna, of importance in performance optimization calculations, such as antenna gain and beam efficiency parameters at the design and prototype stage of antenna development. A full description of the beam would also be required if the antenna is to be used to feed a quasi-optical system in the near-field to far-field transition region. This situation could often arise when the device is fitted directly at the back of telescopes in flying observatories. A further benefit of the proposed technique is simplicity for characterizing systems in situ, an advantage of considerable importance as in many situations, the components may not be removable for further characterization once assembled. The proposed methodology is generic and should be useful across the wider sensing community, e.g., in single detector acoustic imaging or in adaptive imaging array applications. Furthermore, it is applicable across other frequencies of the EM spectrum, provided adequate spatial and temporal phase stability of the source can be maintained throughout the measurement process. Phase information retrieval is also of importance to emergent research areas, such as band-gap structure characterization, meta-materials research, electromagnetic cloaking, slow light, super-lens design as well as near-field and virtual imaging applications.
The chemical specificity of terahertz spectroscopy, when combined with techniques for sub-wavelength sensing, is giving new understanding of processes occurring at the nanometre scale in biological systems and offers the potential for single molecule detection of chemical and biological agents and explosives. In addition, terahertz techniques are enabling the exploration of the fundamental behaviour of light when it interacts with nanoscale optical structures, and are being used to measure ultrafast carrier dynamics, transport and localisation in nanostructures. This chapter will explain how terahertz scale modelling can be used to explore the fundamental physics of nano-optics, it will discuss the terahertz spectroscopy of nanomaterials, terahertz near-field microscopy and other sub-wavelength techniques, and summarise recent developments in the terahertz spectroscopy and imaging of biological systems at the nanoscale. The potential of using these techniques for security applications will be considered.
This paper is concerned with the problem of propagation from a monofrequency coherent line source above a plane of homogeneous surface impedance. The solution of this problem occurs in the kernel of certain boundary integral equation formulations of acoustic propagation above an impedance boundary, and the discussion of the paper is motivated by this application. The paper starts by deriving representations, as Laplace-type integrals, of the solution and its first partial derivatives. The evaluation of these integral representations by Gauss-Laguerre quadrature is discussed, and theoretical bounds on the truncation error are obtained. Specific approximations are proposed which are shown to be accurate except in the very near field, for all angles of incidence and a wide range of values of surface impedance. The paper finishes with derivations of partial results and analogous Laplace-type integral representations for the case of a point source.