957 resultados para Morphological traits
Background: Within an evolutionary framework of Gastrotricha Marinellina flagellata and Redudasys fornerise bear special interest, as they are the only Macrodasyida that inhabit freshwater ecosystems. Notwithstanding, these rare animals are poorly known; found only once (Austria and Brazil), they are currently systematised as incertae sedis. Here we report on the rediscovery of Redudasys fornerise, provide an account on morphological novelties and present a hypothesis on its phylogenetic relationship based on molecular data. Methodology/Principal Findings: Specimens were surveyed using DIC microscopy and SEM, and used to obtain the 18 S rRNA gene sequence; molecular data was analyzed cladistically in conjunction with data from 42 additional species belonging to the near complete Macrodasyida taxonomic spectrum. Morphological analysis, while providing new information on taxonomically relevant traits (adhesive tubes, protonephridia and sensorial bristles), failed to detect elements of the male system, thus stressing the parthenogenetic nature of the Brazilian species. Phylogenetic analysis, carried out with ML, MP and Bayesian approaches, yielded topologies with strong nodal support and highly congruent with each other. Among the supported groups is the previously undocumented clade showing the alliance between Redudasys fornerise and Dactylopodola agadasys; other strongly sustained clades include the densely sampled families Thaumastodermatidae and Turbanellidae and most genera. Conclusions/Significance: A reconsideration of the morphological traits of Dactylopodola agadasys in light of the new information on Redudasys fornerise makes the alliance between these two taxa very likely. As a result, we create Anandrodasys gen. nov. to contain members of the previously described D. agadasys and erect Redudasyidae fam. nov. to reflect this novel relationship between Anandrodasys and Redudasys. From an ecological perspective, the derived position of Redudasys, which is deeply nested within the Macrodasyida clade, unequivocally demonstrates that invasion of freshwater by gastrotrichs has taken place at least twice, in contrast with the single event hypothesis recently put forward.
The evolution of elongated body shapes in vertebrates has intrigued biologists for decades and is particularly recurrent among squamates. Several aspects might explain how the environment influences the evolution of body elongation, but climate needs to be incorporated in this scenario to evaluate how it contributes to morphological evolution. Climatic parameters include temperature and precipitation, two variables that likely influence environmental characteristics, including soil texture and substrate coverage, which may define the selective pressures acting during the evolution of morphology. Due to development of geographic information system (GIS) techniques, these variables can now be included in evolutionary biology studies and were used in the present study to test for associations between variation in body shape and climate in the tropical lizard family Gymnophthalmidae. We first investigated how the morphological traits that define body shape are correlated in these lizards and then tested for associations between a descriptor of body elongation and climate. Our analyses revealed that the evolution of body elongation in Gymnophthalmidae involved concomitant changes in different morphological traits: trunk elongation was coupled with limb shortening and a reduction in body diameter, and the gradual variation along this axis was illustrated by less-elongated morphologies exhibiting shorter trunks and longer limbs. The variation identified in Gymnophthalmidae body shape was associated with climate, with the species from more arid environments usually being more elongated. Aridity is associated with high temperatures and low precipitation, which affect additional environmental features, including the habitat structure. This feature may influence the evolution of body shape because contrasting environments likely impose distinct demands for organismal performance in several activities, such as locomotion and thermoregulation. The present study establishes a connection between morphology and a broader natural component, climate, and introduces new questions about the spatial distribution of morphological variation among squamates.
Paraehlersia San Martin, 2003 is reported for the first time for the Atlantic coast off South America based on specimens collected off Brazil and Argentina. The specimens belong to two new species, which are herein described. Paraehlersia longichaetosa sp. nov., is characterized by having spiniger-like chaetae with long blades, up to 120 mu m in length, bidentate anterior falcigers, with relatively coarse subdistal tooth, bidentate dorsal simple chaetae, with teeth about same size, and subdistally irregularly inflated aciculae, apparently hollow, with acute tip. Paraehlersia martapolae sp. nov., has spiniger-like chaetae with shorter blades, up to 82 mu m in length, bidentate falcigers, with thin subdistal tooth, distally irregularly rounded dorsal simple chaetae, and aciculae subdistally bent at almost right angle, sometimes with apparently flattened top. These new species are compared to their most similar congeners. Additionally, a table summarizing relevant morphological traits of all currently known species of Paraehlersia is included.
South America and Oceania possess numerous floristic similarities, often confirmed by morphological and molecular data. The carnivorous Drosera meristocaulis (Droseraceae), endemic to the Neblina highlands of northern South America, was known to share morphological characters with the pygmy sundews of Drosera sect. Bryastrum, which are endemic to Australia and New Zealand. The inclusion of D. meristocaulis in a molecular phylogenetic analysis may clarify its systematic position and offer an opportunity to investigate character evolution in Droseraceae and phylogeographic patterns between South America and Oceania. was included in a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Droseraceae, using nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid rbcL and rps16 sequence data. Pollen of D. meristocaulis was studied using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques, and the karyotype was inferred from root tip meristem. The phylogenetic inferences (maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches) substantiate with high statistical support the inclusion of sect. Meristocaulis and its single species, D. meristocaulis, within the Australian Drosera clade, sister to a group comprising species of sect. Bryastrum. A chromosome number of 2n approx. 3236 supports the phylogenetic position within the Australian clade. The undivided styles, conspicuous large setuous stipules, a cryptocotylar (hypogaeous) germination pattern and pollen tetrads with aperture of intermediate type 78 are key morphological traits shared between D. meristocaulis and pygmy sundews of sect. Bryastrum from Australia and New Zealand. The multidisciplinary approach adopted in this study (using morphological, palynological, cytotaxonomic and molecular phylogenetic data) enabled us to elucidate the relationships of the thus far unplaced taxon D. meristocaulis. Long-distance dispersal between southwestern Oceania and northern South America is the most likely scenario to explain the phylogeographic pattern revealed.
In order to support the conservation of the Mediterranean octocorals improvements on information regarding their taxonomic units and phylogenetic relationships are strongly needed. In the present thesis work, phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial mtMSH and 16S genes were performed including 15 Mediterranean octocorals species on the 56 recognized to date. Moreover, an extended datasets with Atlanto/Pacific congeners Octocorallia species was implemented to clarify their phylogenetic relationships and estimate the divergence times of the Mediterranean species. Results indicated that: 1) there are similarity and differences among molecular and morphological traits depending on the taxonomical level considered; 2) the molecular phylogeny of the Mediterranean octocorals retrace the previous relationships based on wide octocorals analyses; and 3) the divergence time among Mediterranean and Atlanto/Pacific species varies depending on analysed taxa. At higher taxonomic level, the Mediterranean trees supported the division of the Mediterranean Octocorallia into one major clade (Alcyoniina-Holaxonia) plus two unresolved branch including the single species available of Scleraxonia and Stolonifera respectively. This topology was better supported including the Atlanto/Pacific congeners species. The molecular evidence suggested that Alcyonium palmatum and Corallium rubrum species are the youngest with a divergence time estimated around 4 MYA. Particularly, C. rubrum results were in agreement with the hypothesis that recent orogenesis process of the Mediterranean Sea promoted the allopatric speciation of this specie. Increasing the sample design and implementing the emerging next-generation genomic-sequencing technologies, further studies would be able to improve the understanding of the Mediterranean octocorals phylogenetic relationships and evolution.
Die Linaceae-Linoideae, vor allem die Gattung Linum, wurden unter Verwendung von zwei molekularen Markern (rbcL und ITS) bzgl. ihrer Phylogenie und Biogeographie untersucht. Die Linaceae entstanden während der mittleren Kreide in den frühen tropischen Regenwäldern, von wo aus sich die monophyletischen Linoideae vor etwa 51-46 Mill. Jahren über die temperaten Gebiete der Nordhemisphäre ausbreiteten. Während die drei basal abspaltenden Gattungen Anisadenia, Reinwardtia und Tirpitzia bzgl. ihrer Verbreitung auf Südostasien beschränkt sind, ist die Gattung Linum heute auf allen Kontinenten vertreten. Der Ursprung von Linum liegt wahrscheinlich in Südwestasien bzw. dem östlichen Mediterraneum, wo es im Oligozän zur Aufspaltung in zwei Entwicklungslinien kam ('Blaue Gruppe' und 'Gelbe Gruppe'). Während die überwiegend blaublühenden Linum-Arten ('Blaue Gruppe') vor allem in Europa und Südwestasien vorkommen, weisen die Vertreter der 'Gelben Gruppe' ein wesentlich größeres Verbreitungsgebiet auf. Gelbblühende Linum Arten findet man auf allen Kontinenten mit Diversitätszentren in Nordostamerika und Südwestasien. Interessanterweise wurde Amerika zweimal unabhängig voneinander besiedelt. Während die gelbblühenden Arten vor etwa 22-20 Mill. Jahren von Westeuropa über den Atlantik den amerikanischen Kontinent erreichten, wanderten Vertreter der 'Blauen Gruppe' im Pliozän (vor 3.78-3.33 Mill Jahren) über die Bering-Landbrücke in die Neue Welt ein. Auch in Südafrika sind einige gelbblühende Linum-Arten zu verzeichnen, die nicht über Nordafrika (wo einige Arten der 'Gelben Gruppe' beheimatet sind) die südliche Spitze des Kontinents erreichten, sondern von Amerika aus. Die molekularphylogenetischen Ergebnisse legen eine Eingliederung der Gattungen Cliococca, Hesperolinon, Radiola und Sclerolinon in Linum nahe, die durch morphologische Merkmale gestützt wird. Linopsis, die artenreichste Sektion der Gattung Linum, bedarf einiger Umstrukturierungen auf der Basis der molekularen und morphologischen Daten. Ein interessantes Phänomen innerhalb der Linaceae ist das Vorkommen von heterostylen und homostylen Arten innerhalb der Familie. Die Kombination der molekular-phylogenetischen Ergebnisse mit morphologischen Beobachtungen des Reproduktionssystems lassen darauf schließen, dass sich Homostylie innerhalb von Linum mehrfach unabhängig voneinander entwickelt hat. Das Modell von Primula wurde als Grundlage verwendet, um Aufschluss über die Entstehung der Homostylie innerhalb von Linum zu erlangen. Aus Primula ist bekannt, dass eine Kopplungsgruppe aus mindestens drei Genen an der Vererbung von Heterostylie beteiligt ist: G/g kodiert hierbei die Griffellänge und die Selbstinkompatibilitäts-reaktion der Narbe, A/a die Länge der Filamente und P/p die Selbst-inkompatibilitätsreaktion des Pollens. Umfangreiche Kreuzungs-experimente einer homostylen und einer heterostylen Linum-Art deuten darauf hin, dass die Genotypen der beiden Blütenformen in heterostylen Linum-Arten denen in Primula entsprechen. Langgriffel sind hiernach homozygot rezessiv (gpa/gpa), während die Kurzgriffel heterozygot sind (GPA/gpa). Selbstkompatible, homostyle Arten können theoretisch durch verschiedene Rekombinations-ereignisse entstehen. Erste Ergebnisse der rasterelektronen-mikroskopischen Betrachtung der Pollenkornoberflächen und Narbenpapillen deuten darauf hin, dass innerhalb von Linum Homostylie durch unterschiedliche Rekombinations-ereignisse mehrfach aus heterostylen Arten entstanden ist. So besitzt die homostyle Linum leonii den Genotyp gPA/gPA, während für die homostylen L. tenuifolium und L. nodiflorum der Genotyp Gpa/Gpa wahrscheinlich ist.
Zentrales Thema der Arbeit war die Aufklärung von Verwandtschaftsverhältnissen im „Tree of Life“ der vielzelligen Tiere (Metazoa) unter Einsatz großer DNA-Sequenzdatensätze und phylogenomischer Methoden. Zur Untersuchung der internen Phylogenie der Syndermata (= meist freilebende Rädertiere („Rotifera“) + endoparasitische Kratzwürmer (Acanthocephala)) sowie ihrer Position im Metazoen-Stammbaum wurden insgesamt sieben neue mitochondriale (mt) Genome sowie neue Transkriptom-Sequenzdaten von sieben verschiedenen Syndermata-Spezies generiert und/oder analysiert. Die Stammbaumrekonstruktionen auf Grundlage dieser sowie orthologer Sequenzen anderer Spezies in Form von phylogenomischen Datensätzen mit bis zu 82.000 Aminosäurepositionen ergaben folgende Aussagen zur Evolution: (i) Innerhalb der Acanthocephala bilden monophyletische Palaeacanthocephala das Schwestertaxon zu den Eoacanthocephala. Die Archiacanthocephala sind Schwestertaxon zu allen vorgenannten. (ii) Innerhalb der Syndermata bilden die epizoisch lebenden Seisonidea das Schwestertaxon zu den endoparasitischen Acanthocephala (= Pararotatoria), die Bdelloidea sind das Schwestertaxon zu den Pararotatoria (= Hemirotifera) und die Monogononta das Schwestertaxon zu den Hemirotifera. Die klassischen Eurotatoria (= Bdelloidea + Monogononta) sind demnach paraphyletisch. (iii) Innerhalb der Metazoa bilden die Syndermata gemeinsam mit den Gnathostomulida die Gnathifera. Diese sind die Schwestergruppe zu allen anderen Spiralia-Taxa, welche sich in Rouphozoa (= Platyhelminthes + Gastrotricha) sowie die Lophotrochozoa aufspalten. Die Platyzoa (= Gnathifera + Platyhelminthes + Gastrotricha) sind demnach paraphyletisch. Diese phylogenetischen Hypothesen wurden im Hinblick auf ihre Implikationen für die Evolution morphologischer und ökologischer Merkmale interpretiert. Demnach sind während der Evolution dieser Tiergruppen mehrfach sekundäre Verlustereignisse von komplexen morphologischen Merkmalen aufgetreten (laterale sensorische Organe innerhalb der Acanthocephala und das Räderorgan (Corona) innerhalb der Syndermata), was die Verwendung dieser Merkmale im Sinne einer klassisch-morphologischen Phylogenetik kritisch erscheinen lässt. Der Endoparasitismus der Acanthocephala hat sich wahrscheinlich über ein epizoisches Zwischenstadium, wie man es heute noch bei den Seisonidea findet, entwickelt. Der letzte gemeinsame Vorfahre der Spiralia war vermutlich klein und unsegmentiert und besaß keine echte Leibeshöhle (Coelom). Demnach hätten sich Segmentierung und Coelome innerhalb der Metazoa mehrfach unabhängig voneinander (konvergent) entwickelt. Die Arbeit beinhaltete folgende weitere, zum Teil methodische Aspekte: (i) die Analyse der Architektur der mt Genome der Monogononta bestätigte die aberrante Organisation in zwei Subgenomen für die Brachionidae. (ii) Eine Prüfung der Tauglichkeit ribosomaler Proteine für molekular-phylogenetische Arbeiten ergab das Vorhandensein widersprüchlicher phylogenetischer Signale in diesen speziellen Proteinsequenzen. (iii) Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass systematische Fehler wie „long-branch attraction“ bei der Positionierung der Syndermata im Stammbaum der Metazoa eine große Rolle spielen und adressiert werden müssen.
Sperm competition exerts strong selection on males to produce spermatozoa with an optimal morphology that maximizes their fertilization success. Long sperm were first suggested to be favored because they should swim faster. However, studies that investigated the relationship between sperm length and sperm competitive ability or sperm swimming velocity yielded contradictory results. More recently, ratios of the different sections of a spermatozoon (the head, midpiece, and flagellum) were suggested to be more crucial in determining swimming velocity. Additionally, sperm ability to remain and survive in the female storage organs may also influence fertilization success, so that optimal sperm morphology may rather maximize sperm longevity than velocity. In this study, we investigated how sperm morphology is related to sperm velocity and sperm longevity in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Sperm velocity was found to be correlated with head/flagellum ratio. Sperm with small heads relative to their flagellum showed higher swimming velocity. Additionally, shorter sperm were found to live longer. Finally, we found sperm morphological traits to vary substantially within males and the head/flagellum ratio to be unrelated to total sperm length. We discuss the hypothesis that the substantial within-male variation in sperm morphology reflects a male strategy to produce a diversity of sperm from long, fast-swimming to short, long-living sperm to maximize their fertilization success in a context of sperm competition.
In birds, causes and consequences of variation in maternally-derived steroids in egg yolk have been the subject of intense experimentation. Many studies have quantified or manipulated testosterone ("T") and one of its immediate precursors, androstenedione ("A4") - often lumping the two steroids as "androgens" and treating them as functionally equivalent. However, yolk A4 is deposited in substantially higher concentrations than T, binds only weakly to the androgen receptor, and is readily converted into either T or estrone by steroidogenic enzymes present during embryonic development. Thus it may not be appropriate to assume that A4 has the same effect as T. In addition, A4's metabolic fate is likely to differ between females and males. The goals of this study were to examine the sex-specific uptake and metabolism of yolk A4 and consequences of elevated levels of yolk A4 on development and behavior of domestic chicks. Eggs were injected with 2mu Ci of tritiated androstenedione; radioactivity was detected in all tissues of day 7 and day 16 embryos and found in both aqueous and organics phases of day 7 yolk, with no difference between sexes. A second set of eggs was injected with 125ng of A4. A4 increased growth of morphological traits (tarsus, beak) in females, but not males. A4 males had smaller combs than controls; there was no treatment effect in females. A4 reduced tonic immobility behavior in both sexes. The results of this study illustrate the importance of distinguishing both between androgens and between sexes when investigating avian endocrine maternal effects. Copyright 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Rapid phenotypic diversification during biological invasions can either arise by adaptation to alternative environments or by adaptive phenotypic plasticity. Where experimental evidence for adaptive plasticity is common, support for evolutionary diversification is rare. Here, we performed a controlled laboratory experiment using full-sib crosses between ecologically divergent threespine stickleback populations to test for a genetic basis of adaptation. Our populations are from two very different habitats, lake and stream, of a recently invaded range in Switzerland and differ in ecologically relevant morphological traits. We found that in a lake-like food treatment lake fish grow faster than stream fish, resembling the difference among wild type individuals. In contrast, in a stream-like food treatment individuals from both populations grow similarly. Our experimental data suggest that genetically determined diversification has occurred within less than 140 years after the arrival of stickleback in our studied region.
Divergent selection acting on several different traits that cause multidimensional shifts are supposed to promote speciation, but the outcome of this process is highly dependent on the balance between the strength of selection vs. gene flow. Here, we studied a pair of sister species of Lake Victoria cichlids at a location where they hybridize and tested the hypothesis that divergent selection acting on several traits can maintain phenotypic differentiation despite gene flow. To explore the possible role of selection we tested for correlations between phenotypes and environment and compared phenotypic divergence (P-ST) with that based on neutral markers (F-ST). We found indications for disruptive selection acting on male breeding colour and divergent selection acting on several morphological traits. By performing common garden experiments we also separated the environmental and heritable components of divergence and found evidence for phenotypic plasticity in some morphological traits contributing to species differences.
Free-ling amoebae (FLA) including Acanthamoeba spp., Naegleria fowleri, Balamuthia mandrillaris and Sappinia pedata, can cause opportunistic infections leading to severe brain pathologies. Human infections with pathogenic FLA have been increasingly documented in many countries. In Switzerland, thus far, the occurrence and distribution of potentially pathogenic FLA has not been investigated. Swiss water biotopes, including swimming pools, lakes, rivers and ponds, have now been screened for the presence of FLA, and assessment of their pathogenicity potential for a mammalian host has been undertaken. Thus, a total of 17 isolates were recovered by in vitro cultivation from these different aquatic sources. Characterization by sequence analysis of Acanthamoeba spp.-specific and 'FLA-specific PCR products amplified from 18s rDNA based on morphological traits, thermotolerance, and cytotoxicity towards murine fibroblasts yielded the following findings: Echinamoeba cf. exundans (3 isolates), Hartmannella spp. (3), Vannella spp. (4), Protacanthamoebica cf. bohemica (1), Acanthamoeba cf. castellanii (1) and Naegleria spp. (5). B. mandrillaris and N. fowleri did not range amongst these isolates. None of the isolates exhibited pronounced cytotoxicity and all failed to grow at 42 degrees C; therefore, they do not present any potential for CNS pathogenicity for humans.
Background: Clear examples of ecological speciation exist, often involving divergence in trophic morphology. However, substantial variation also exists in how far the ecological speciation process proceeds, potentially linked to the number of ecological axes, traits, or genes subject to divergent selection. In addition, recent studies highlight how differentiation might occur between the sexes, rather than between populations. We examine variation in trophic morphology in two host-plant ecotypes of walking-stick insects (Timema cristinae), known to have diverged in morphological traits related to crypsis and predator avoidance, and to have reached an intermediate point in the ecological speciation process. Here we test how host plant use, sex, and rearing environment affect variation in trophic morphology in this species using traditional multivariate, novel kernel density based and Bayesian morphometric analyses. Results: Contrary to expectations, we find limited host-associated divergence in mandible shape. Instead, the main predictor of shape variation is sex, with secondary roles of population of origin and rearing environment. Conclusion: Our results show that trophic morphology does not strongly contribute to host-adapted ecotype divergence in T. cristinae and that traits can respond to complex selection regimes by diverging along different intraspecific lines, thereby impeding progress toward speciation.
The acquisition of accurate information on the size of traits in animals is fundamental for the study of animal ecology and evolution and their management. We demonstrate how morphological traits of free-ranging animals can reliably be estimated on very large observation distances of several hundred meters by the use of ordinary digital photographic equipment and simple photogrammetric software. In our study, we estimated the length of horn annuli in free-ranging male Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) by taking already measured horn annuli of conspecifics on the same photographs as scaling units. Comparisons with hand-measured horn annuli lengths and repeatability analyses revealed a high accuracy of the photogrammetric estimates. If length estimations of specific horn annuli are based on multiple photographs measurement errors of <5.5 mm can be expected. In the current study the application of the described photogrammetric procedure increased the sample size of animals with known horn annuli length by an additional 104%. The presented photogrammetric procedure is of broad applicability and represents an easy, robust and cost-efficient method for the measuring of individuals in populations where animals are hard to capture or to approach.
Poor udder health represents a serious problem in dairy production and has been investigated intensively, but heifers generally have not been the main focus of mastitis control. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, risk factors and consequences of heifer mastitis in Switzerland. The study included 166,518 heifers of different breeds (Swiss Red Pied, Swiss Brown Cattle and Holstein). Monthly somatic cell counts (SCCs) provided by the main dairy breeding organisations in Switzerland were monitored for 3 years; the prevalence of subclinical mastitis (SCM) was determined on the basis of SCCs ≥100,000 cells/mL at the first test date. The probability of having SCM at the first test date during lactation was modelled using logistic regression. Analysed factors included data for the genetic background, morphological traits, geographical region, season of parturition and milk composition. The overall prevalence of SCM in heifers during the period from 2006 to 2010 was 20.6%. Higher frequencies of SCM were present in heifers of the Holstein breed (odds ratio, OR, 1.62), heifers with high fat:protein ratios (OR 1.97) and heifers with low milk urea concentrations combined with high milk protein concentrations (OR 3.97). Traits associated with a low risk of SCM were high set udders, high overall breeding values and low milk breeding values. Heifers with SCM on the first test day had a higher risk of either developing chronic mastitis or leaving the herd prematurely.