784 resultados para Molares decíduos
The cervical enamel projection (CEP) is an anatomic variation that can be found in the cement enamel junction, it´s recognition and early diagnosis improves outcome the tooth involved, allowing greater efficiency in treatment. The knowledge of the location, grade and incidence of CEP is decisive on prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. It were studied 1200 molars (600 mandibular molars and 600 maxillary molars) separated from the collection of teeth on the Discipline of Anatomy in FOSJCampos - UNESP. Each group of 600 teeth was separated from the second side (300 teeth) and the second type (first, second or third molar). Each tooth had thoroughly inspected the cervical region, in all their faces, in order to verify the incidence and the grade of CEP in each surface. It was found that the CEP covered in 278 (23,17%) teeth was 146 (52,52%) mandibular molars and 132 (47,48%) maxillary molars. The CEPs were concentrated on a tooth surface in 222 (79,86%) teeth, in two surfaces 53 (19,06%) teeth, and in three surfaces in three (1,08%) teeth. From the total of 4.800 surfaces examined the CEPs were found in 337 surfaces, and 228 (67,66%) surfaces of the grade I, 60 (17,8%) grade II and 49 (14,54%) grade III. The buccal surface presented 207 (61,42%) CEP, the lingual surface in 57 (16,91%), the mesial surface in 35 (10,39%) and the distal surface in 38 (11,28%) CEP. The results of this study demonstrated that the CEPs have focused more on the mandibular teeth on only one surface of the tooth, the grade I was the most found and the buccal surface the most involved
In regarding to the high prevalence of traumatic dental injuries in primary teeth and the possible disturbances on developing permanent successor germs, an early diagnosis and an adequate establishment of treatment planning are very important to minimize the damage caused by the trauma. Sequelaes can affect the coronal portion (white or yellow-brown discoloration associated or not with enamel hipoplasia, dilacerations of the crown), the root portion (dilaceration, duplication or cessation of root formation) or the whole successor permanent tooth (odontoma sequestration or disturbances of permanent successor eruption). The aim of this study is to make a literature review of the developmental disturbances of permanent teeth followed by traumatic injuries to theirs primary predecessors and to present cases reports to advise the dentists, their patients and parents about the damage that developing permanents teeth can undergo.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the measurement accuracy of endodontic files obtained by digital and conventional radiographies in primary teeth. Kerr and Hedströen files (# 20), with the reference as the apparent length of tooth, were inserted in the root canal of 18 extracted primary teeth, which were x-rayed by digital and conventional techniques. Measurements from a reference point to the apical end were carried out by an experienced operator twice in a week. An electronic ruler was used for the digital method and a caliper was used for the conventional method. The data were subjected to Pearson correlation test and Student´s t test (p = 0.05). The correlation between the first and the second measurements was r = 0.99, regardless the type of file and method. Comparing the measurements within the methods, the agreement was r = 0.96 for Kerr and r = 0.95 for Hedströen files. The values of length files in the digital radiographies were statistically lower than that obtained in the conventional radiographies (p = 0.02). However, the values obtained by the two methods were statistically similar to real length of teeth for Kerr files (p = 0.29) and for Hedströen files (p = 0.18). The digital radiography was a more trustful method to obtain the lengths of endodontic files.
Patients are looking for esthetic and functional changes when seeking orthodontic treatment and expect the remaining of a stable occlusion. Occlusion stability is one of the goals of the orthodontist; however, dental relationships changes in long-term can occur leading to a relapse of the treatment. Teeth and shape of arches tend to return to the original form, been the retention phase important after the appliance removal, even after several years of post-treatment. This article approaches a submission of a clinical case of Class II division 1 treated with extraction of premolars analyzing its long-term stability.
In this article the authors clinically compare the efficacy of two different anti-inflammatory drugs - Etoricoxib (Arcoxia®) and Diclofenac (Olfen®) – in the control of postoperative pain resulting from the surgical removal of impacted lower third molars. Fifteen patients requiring the extraction of bilaterally impacted lower third molars were selected at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Araraquara School of Dentistry – UNESP. The drugs were randomly administered during the first and second surgical procedures. Pain was evaluated by means of a visual analogic scale for 72 hours following the surgical procedure. After statistical analysis of the results, the authors concluded that there were no significant differences in terms of postopoerative pain control between the two drugs studied.
The aim of this in vitro study was to comparatively evaluate the mesio and distal furcation entrance measurements of first maxillary premolar. The measurements were compared with different curette blades. A caliper was used by an examinator to acquire the measurements of root trunk (TR); 1 mm (D1) and 2 mm (D2) both below the furcation entrance. For this study Gracey, Mini Gracey, Padua Lima (PL) and Goldman Fox 4 curettes (Millenium) were selected. Measurements of DT - total distance of the active blade length, DI - width of the active blade, DM - width of the medium part of the active blade were obtained for the curettes. The measurements were obtained in both the coronary face and in the lateral face. The data TR, D1 and D2 presented normal distribution and were statistically analyzed by paired t-test. Statistically significant differences were found in the mesial root trunk region (TR) of both premolars. The mean of the measurements was greater than the distal. Mean and standard deviation were obtained, and both Gracey and Mini Gracey showed mean measurements compatible with the closer furcation entrance (D1 - 1 mm). Goldman Fox 4 showed adaptation only in the mesial face, and Padua Lima showed no access to any of the faces. Thereby it is concluded that the access of the furcation is narrow (D1). The mesial face of the root trunk (TR) showed mean measurement greater than distal face. Gracey and Mini Gracey curettes demonstrated to be compatible for both faces, mesial and distal of the first maxillary premolars studied.
Periodontal treatment of teeth with furcation lesions often have unpredictable results due to several factors that may hinder therapy or influence the progress of periodontal disease. Of these, the length of the root trunk may contribute to the early injury of the furcations or even cause complications for the application of the treatment; the opening of the roots can guide the type of treatment to be instituted and cervical enamel projections may hinder the instrumentation of the region or even act as a retention plate niche. Thus, the purpose of this study was measured using a digital caliper, root logs database 400 molar both the 1st and the 2nd and both upper and lower as well as analyze using appropriate index type projection cervical enamel and through appropriate classification the opening of the roots in order to guide the diagnosis and treatment plan. We conclude that there is variation in measures of root trunk between the faces of the teeth examined and that greater cervical enamel projection (ECP) correlates with a decrease in the length of the root trunk in the sample evaluated as the first molars have higher occurrence of roots with a degree of opening larger than the second molars.
The author has verified the average depth of the mandibular fossa, in the X-ray image, using the oblique lateral transcranial technique from the right and left sides samples of each patient, which included a total of 176 patients, 87 male and 89 female. The patients were in following phases: deciduous dentítion (the patients had only deciduous teeth in the oral cavity or, if they had any permanent teeth, they could not be in occlusion), mixed dentition (the patients presented deciduous and permanent in the oral cavity) and permanent dentition (the patients had only permanent teeth in the oral cavity), until the eruption of the permanent third molars, in the region from São José dos Campos. São Paulo. Brazil. The patients were under treatment at the Dental School. UNESP (São Paulo State University). ln order to measure the depth of the mandibular fossa in millimeters an imaginary line was traced on the X-ray image, perpendicular to the other line that served as a reference, which was traced from the botton part of the articular eminence up to the tympanosquamous fissure. After the data were obtained and put in a data sheet, they underwent statistical analysis. The results showed that, in the average, the depth of the mandibular fossa in masculine sex is non-statistically signíficant larger than what was observed in feminíne sex, and the right side is larger than the left side, with significant statistical differences. However, only in permanent dentition, in masculine sex, the depth of the mandibular fossa on the right side is larger than on the left side with significant statistical differences
Introduction: Pathology associated with retained or partially erupted teeth are common in the general population. Objective: the aim was to evaluate the measurement of pericoronal space of retained third molars and partially erupted teeth in panoramic radiographs. Method: a retrospective study was carried on on the frequency of tooth retention and the problems it can cause in 107 radiographs of patients where the width was measured to verify the presence or absence of diseases associated with the involved teeth. Results: in the 107 panoramic radiographs analyzed the most frequent measurement was of 1.0 mm with 32.71% of cases followed by 2.0 mm with 29.91% of cases. Conclusion: The measurement of the pericoronal sapce of retained third molars and partially retained through its greatest width is in a practical and effective technique for application in routine clinical practice, which suggests the presence or absence of eraly odontogenic pathology
A extração de dentes inclusos pode ser realizada utilizando diferentes técnicas cirúrgicas, senda a odontossecção com o uso de instrumentos rotatórios a mais utilizada nos dias atuais com o uso das turbinas de alta rotação. Recentemente têm sido empregado o aparelho de ultra-som para a realização da odontossecção e da osteotomia nas cirurgias bucais, justificando o seu uso por promoverem uma maior segurança aos tecidos moles adjacentes e promoverem um corte mais preciso. Objetivo: A proposta deste estudo é comparar, in vitro, a eficácia das pontas diamantadas acopladas ao ultrassom quando comparadas às pontas diamantadas acopladas no motor de alta-rotação durante o seccionamento de terceiros molares inferiores e nas técnicas de osteotomias. Metodologia: 45 terceiros molares inferiores humanos hígidos foram incluídos em resina acrílica transparente para padronização da posição desejada durante o corte utilizando a turbina de alta rotação, o aparelho de ultra-som ou a associação de ambos. Os tempos de odontossecção e osteotomia foram calculados a comparados entre os diferentes grupos. Resultados: Durante a odontossecção o grupo ultra-som apresentou tempo médio bem acima dos outros grupos, demonstrando haver diferença estatisticamente significante em relação aos grupos alta-rotação e alta-rotação+ultra-som (p0.05). Quando analisado o tempo gasto para a osteotomia, não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os 3 grupos (p>0,05). Conclusões: A utilização dos métodos em associação (alta-rotação+ultra-som) apresenta-se como uma opção segura e rápida para os procedimentos de osteotomia e odontossecção, possibilitando uma maior segurança aos tecidos adjacentes.
Metidos a movimentação dentária induzida. Métodos: utilizou-se 30 ratos Wistar, divididos em três grupos (GI, GII e GIII), compostos por 10 animais cada e sacrificados, respectivamente, 7, 14 e 21 dias após o início do experimento. Os valores médios individuais dos grupos experimentais foram comparados com seu respectivo controle por meio do teste Mann-Whitney. Comparou-se, também, os valores entre regiões em um mesmo período de tempo e, ainda, entre períodos de tempo diferentes em uma mesma região através da Análise de Variância (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis e subsequente teste de Tukey. Resultados: os grupos GI e GII exibiram a dimensão do LPD diminuída nas regiões apical da raiz mesiovestibular e cervical da raiz distovestibular, e aumentada nas regiões cervical da raiz mesiovestibular, apical da raiz distovestibular e média de ambas as raízes. Conclusão: a diminuição e o aumento da dimensão do LPD evidenciada em uma mesma raiz — mesiovestibular ou distovestibular —, caracterizou o movimento dentário no sentido de inclinação. As três regiões, apical, média e cervical, comparadas entre si em cada período de tempo, bem como os três períodos de tempo, 7, 14 e 21 dias, comparados entre si em cada região, confirmaram o movimento de inclinação em GI e GII, e a diminuição gradual da intensidade dos fenômenos de GI para GII, até o restabelecimento da normalidade dimensional em GIII.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)