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Kvinnors känsla av oro och rädsla inför förlossningen har under de senaste årtiondena intresserat forskare inom en medicinsk kontext, framför allt i Sverige och Finland. Den obstetriska och psykologiska forskningen har strävat efter att definiera, finna metoder för att mäta samt klassificera dessa känslor. Begreppet förlossningsrädsla används i dag ofta såväl inom den medicinska diskursen som bland allmänheten som ett samlande begrepp för att beskriva föderskors rädsla både inför, under och efter förlossningen. Trots detta finns det ändå ingen allmänt vedertagen definition av eller enhetliga kriterier för vad som skall inkluderas i begreppet. Förlossningsrädsla har konstruerats och etablerats som ett till synes objektivt medicinskt definierat fenomen och vården av förlossningsrädsla har institutionaliserats inom specialsjukvården. Däremot har de praktiker och institutioner som bidragit till att skapa förlossningsrädsla som ett vetenskapligt faktum, en svart låda, blivit osynliga. I "Rädsla inför förlossningen – ett uppenbart kliniskt problem? Konstruktionen av förlossningsrädsla som en medicinsk kategori" granskas uppkomsten, etableringen och institutionaliseringen av förlossningsrädsla som en medicinsk kategori inom vetenskaplig forskningslitteratur i Sverige och Finland. I fokus för analysen står processer av kunskapsproduktion genom vilka förlossningsrädsla formuleras som en specifik medicinsk kategori. Förlossningsrädsla som begrepp och kategori kan beskrivas som ett gränsöverskridande objekt som ständigt reproduceras och konsolideras genom den pågående forskningen.


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Denna studie syftar till att via utformandet av en teoretisk modell nå ökad förståelse för hur människan erfar lidandet. Studien, som har en hermeneutisk ansats, fokuserar lidandet som drama och kamp, vilka beskrivs som lidandets form och substans. Data insamlades genom samtal med informanter från två kontext. Den ena informantgruppen som utgjordes av nio personer med drogrelaterade problem valdes med utgångspunkt i ett antagande om att missbruket härrör från ett livslidande. De övriga informanterna (nio stycken) söktes inom ett till det yttre kontrasterande kontext, de hjärtopererade patienternas. De texter dessa samtal genererade tolkades sedan med utgångspunkt i en hermeneutisk ansats, som hämtat metodologisk inspiration av Ricoeur och Helenius. Tolkningen ägde rum i flera steg och det meningsbärande söktes genom naiv tolkning, analys av textens struktur samt genom ett sökande efter alternativa tolkningar. Tolkningsprocessen resulterade en uppsättning teser vilka relaterades till undersökningens teoretiska perspektiv samt till en begreppsanalys av ’kamp’. Den teoretiska modellen tar fasta på lidandets kamp som en kamp mellan värdighet och skam, lust och olust. Denna kamp kan gestaltas i lidandets drama där människan på olika sätt söker lindring i lidandet. Detta kan ske genom att man försöker besegra lidandet, avtäcka det eller försonas med det. Ytterligare ett sätt att söka lindring är att ge upp lidandets kamp och resignera. I den teoretiska modellen gestaltas även hur människan kan förhålla sig till kampen på olika sätt beroende på vilket perspektiv hon har inför framtiden. Då människan uppfattar att framtiden präglas av ett hot om avskurenhet och död förhåller hon sig till livet på ett sådant sätt att lidandet dominerar. Om uppfattningen om framtiden präglas av liv och gemenskap kan hon förhålla sig till kampen som hälsa. När lidandet blir outhärdligt förlorar människan sin förankring i tiden. I och med att människan isoleras i nuet kan lidandet bemästras och begränsas till en konkret situation. För att en rörelse i hälsoprocesserna skall äga rum måste människan emellertid relatera till tiden. Relationen till en annan människa och skapandet av en lidandeberättelse innebär en möjlighet till förankring i tiden och därmed också till helande.


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The main aim of the study is to elucidate the meaning and dimensions of the concept of „virtue‟, and to find the place of virtue in a caritative caring ethics, i.e. a caring ethics based on human love and mercy. The intention is to create a theory model which utilizes the possibilities of virtue in developing the caritative caring ethics as a whole. The caritative caring ethics has a universal potential – it is primarily not a professional ethics, but it may form a frame of reference and basis for formulating ethical codes, and for ethical discussions within different caring contexts. The hermeneutic approach of the study is inspired by Gadamer‟s philosophical hermeneutics combined with the view of hermeneutics as a hypothetical-deductive process. The study is guided by Eriksson‟s model of definition of concepts. The concept of „virtue‟ is studied focusing on its ethical dimensions. These ethical dimensions of virtue are seen as anchored to an inner ethos, whereas ethos stands for the ontological goodness, a basic notion of the Good that permeates the entity of the human being, and forms the base of the culture where he lives and acts. The overarching research questions are: 1. What is virtue? 2. What is „virtue‟ as a basic concept in caring science? 3. What place does virtue have in caritative caring ethics? The answer of the first question is mainly searched for by an ontological determination comprising partly an etymologic and semantic analysis of „virtue‟, and partly a determination of the essence of virtue. The answer to the second and third questions are mainly searched for using a contextual determination, where the purposive context and pragmatic features of virtue are studied in relation to caring ethics. The ontological and contextual determinations are brought together through hermeneutical interpretation, forming a new whole, which constitutes the results of the study. The results of the study are depicted in a theory model, in which the movement of virtue from ethos to deed is moulded as caritative caring ethics. The material of the study consists of dictionaries, texts written by Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, articles, dissertations, and books, as well as parts of a pilot survey answered by 33 nurses. The results of the study show that the essence of virtue is primarily functional, not ethical. The ethical emerges when virtue is contextualized in a human communion. Virtue makes something fulfil its function well; makes the human being good, and gives him morals and morality. The human being needs prudence, love, and humility to acquire and develop the moral virtues. Virtue is a power, related to a value, which considering a caritative caring ethics consists of the caritas motif. Human love is shown through deeds, making the human being do what he is expected to do. Virtue, as an active power of becoming, affirms and clarifies the human being‟s ability to develop in the direction of the Good. Virtue becomes essential and unifying when morality appears in the human mind as auctoritas, an inner, prompting power based on divinity or a transcendental ethos. Together ethos and virtue create opportunities for an inner ethics based on voluntariness and joy in being and doing the true, the good, and the beautiful.


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The home as ethos, an ethical dimension of human beings, is this study’s focus of interest. Can the home as ethos comprise motive and driving force for a human being? This dissertation has a mainly hermeneutic approach with a Caring Science interpretive horizon. Firstly, the purpose of this study is to develop the concept “home” through etymological and semantic analysis. The concept’s Caring Science content is also investigated. Secondly, the purpose of this study is to investigate, through the use of a history of ideas method, how the home as ethos is made visible and evident in public health nurses’ caring during the first half of the 20th century. Which motives compromise the driving force behind public health nurses’ caring? Which idea patterns are stressed? Material for the study’s concept determination consists of tymological dictionaries as well as Swedish language dictionaries published from 1850 – 2001. The results of the concept determination provide a preliminary idea-model, where dimensions such as ethos as a human being’s innermost room, human beings’ manner of being, and the metaphor “my home is my castle” are stressed. These results comprise the background of the history of ideas portion of the study. The study’s history of ideas investigation occurs through the evaluation and interpretation of historical sources focusing on the caring provided by public health nurses. Public health nurses comprise both the context and prevalent traditions during the time-period studied. The historical sources consist of three different types of sources, namely textbooks, archived material, and the professional nursing journals Epione and Sairaanhoitajatarlehti. The purpose is to rediscover fundamental idea-patterns through the thematic structuring of the patterns appearing in the historical sources. Three main idea-patterns and underlying themes are rediscovered: love- a fire which burns inside human beings; reverence for human beings and home; and the honor of responsibility. The emerging patterns are tightly interwoven and form a pattern. A new interpretation occurs, widening the study’s horizon and leading to the emergence of the theory-model’s contours. The study’s theory-model is formed from three different levels. Ethos as a human being’s innermost room- the spirit, encompasses a human being’s value base and the spirit that he/she is permeated with. Fundamental values are converted into an internal ethic, becoming visible in human beings’ manner of being- the manner of conduct. The metaphor “my home is my castle”- the tone, symbolizes the room where a human being’s abstract or concrete being lives. The spirit, the ethos, is expressed in a home’s culture and atmosphere, that is to say the tone of a home or how one lives in a room. Communion is a significant component in the creation of a culture and atmosphere. This study’s theory-model gives rise to a new perspective that can generate new patterns of action. The study’s theory-model results in a new historically-based view that create new patterns of action in care and Caring Science today.


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The aim of this study is to deepen understanding and knowledge of the concepts and phenomenaof power and authority from the standpoint of caring science. The overall questions of the research are: What is power? What is authority? How do power and authority manifest themselves in the context of caring? How are power and authorityto be understood as caring science concepts? The overall research inception is determination of the concepts in accordance with the hermeneutic approach based on Eriksson's model. The process of understanding follows Gadamer's (1999) hermeneutics. The thesis consists of three part studies. An ontological determinationof the character of the concepts is carried out where a hermeneutic interpretation is made of texts in the Old and the New Testaments in the Bible. The pragmatic features of the concepts are studied on the basis of nurses' written stories of authority and patients' written stories of power and authority. Beside the review of literature concerning power and authority a qualitative meta-analysis ofthe concept and the phenomenon of empowerment are made. The ontological determination shows how a human being's power is the authority to hold every living thing in trust, to tend and care life. To anyone using this authority, serving onesfellow-being is the purpose. Understanding the pragmatical features of authority in the stories of nurses reveals the life-giving nature of serving. By serving the nurse draws near her true mission as a human being, her authority to care for life with love. The service of the nurse and her ability to see and confirm the patient's otherness creates confidence and results in her authority. The nursedoes not abandon the responsibility associated with authority. When the patientdoes not entrust the nurse with authority the nurse employs her inherent authority to alleviate the suffering of the patient. The pragmatical features of the concepts of power and authority in the patients' stories indicate how the nurse puts her power to an improper use if she only makes use of the authority conferred by the hierarchy of power in the organisation, assumes all power and fails to use her faculty for loving care. Patients feel that their existence is threatened when the nurse tries to deprive them of their authority; they experience homelessness, despair and impotence. Patients' struggle for existence and absolute dignity deprives their health processes of strength, and their suffering becomes unbearable. Patients recognize their vitality when encountering a nurse who uses her authority to alleviate the patients' suffering. The power of compassion is strong, and the patients' dignity is recreated when they are able to serve fellowpatients or nurses. The purpose of human life can be understood as the use of one's own inner power and strength. Love.


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The overall aim of this study is to seek new knowledge and deeper understanding of the body as a phenomenon from a caring science point of view. By means of a hermeneutic definition, the body is studied on a contextual as well as an ontological level in order to create a deeper understanding for human beings in relation to health and suffering. The study focuses of the body as a perspective of human beings. It is important for the knowledge growth in caring science to create a deeper understanding for the body, thus making it possible to understand patients in nursing care. The overall methodology is a hermeneutic definition which covers a contextual and an ontological concept definition. In the three empirical studies, Giorgi’s phenomenological method was used. The first empirical study comprises twelve students’ statements about experiences of their body in different situatons in life. The second study is composed of interviews with fifteen patients who had been afflicted by illness and been subjected to surgical treatment. In the third empirical study, ten patients who had been cared for in perioperative nursing care were interviewed. In the data analysis, the essential meaning of the body as a phenomenon is described, along with its variations and nuances. In the ontological determination of the body, an etymologic and semantic analysis is carried out, as well as a qualitative analysis of ideas, where the material is comprised of chosen texts on the body from different perspectives. In the concluding analysis the results were synthesized. The result of the first empirical study shows that a body is expressive and manifests movement in its striving for dignity. The body harbours language and inherent powers to cope with the unexpected, as well as feelings of anxiety, fear and powerlessness. The second study shows that the body is experienced as mysterious when it is afflicted by illness, but it is also found mysterious as an opponent to man and life. A battle is fought between the illness that breaks down the body, and human beings fighting to keep their unity whole. The body appears as a prison and a host for a threatening illness. The body bears a feeling of powerlessness when it is changed by illness and suffering. In a care and treatment context, the body is objectified by the patient and the caregiver. It is the illness that forces the patient to sacrifice parts of the body in order to once again become whole in the unity. The third study shows that the patient in a perioperative nursing context delivers him-/herself over to the hands of the caregiver, who defends and protects body and life. The patient experiences a sense of well-being when the caretaker receives him/her and protects the body from dangers. Suffering is alleviated when the patients are allowed to talk about what has happened in their body. The result of the semantic analysis shows that the body as a concept is described as bending around the human soul and spirit. Linguistically, dimensions like corporeal, shape, totality, unity and mortal clay, are described. Different ideas about the body described it as: a material animate part of man, active and demanding, something that perceives its surrounding world and as a subjective body of senses, thoughts and language. Ideas about the body also describe it as a biological and physiological, living organism, submitted to the laws of nature, a passive apparatus and a socially constructed gender. The results of the different studies were synthesized and reflected against a caring science perspective. The research has created a deeper understanding for the body as a material abode and as an entity of body, soul and spirit.


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Digitoitu Turun Kuninkaallisen akatemian väitöskirja vuodelta 1754.


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Dedicated to: Thomas Holmstedt, Wilhelm Ehrnstolppe, Friedrich Grönhage, Henric Dahlman, Christlieb Lebr. Carpelan, Axel Germund Lilliegren, Johan Haxen, Pehr Granroth.


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Dedicated to: Carl Gustaf Tessin, Jean Georg Lilljenberg & Johan Browallius, Algot A. Scarin & Johan Leche & Jonas Synnerberg & Joachim Schultz.