972 resultados para Minimal manipulability
We get a continuous one-parameter new family of embedded minimal surfaces, of which the period problems are two-dimensional. Moreover, one proves that it has Scherk`s second surface and Hoffman-Wohlgemuth`s example as limit-members.
We describe several families of Lagrangian submanifolds in complex Euclidean space which are H-minimal, i.e. critical points of the volume functional restricted to Hamiltonian variations. We make use of various constructions involving planar, spherical and hyperbolic curves, as well as Legendrian submanifolds of the odd-dimensional unit sphere.
We prove the existence of an associated family of G-structure preserving minimal immersions into semi-Riemannian manifolds endowed with a compatible infinitesimally homogeneous G-structure. We will study in more details minimal embeddings into product of space forms.
This paper shows existence of approximate recursive equilibrium with minimal state space in an environment of incomplete markets. We prove that the approximate recursive equilibrium implements an approximate sequential equilibrium which is always close to a Magill and Quinzii equilibrium without short sales for arbitrarily small errors. This implies that the competitive equilibrium can be implemented by using forecast statistics with minimal state space provided that agents will reduce errors in their estimates in the long run. We have also developed an alternative algorithm to compute the approximate recursive equilibrium with incomplete markets and heterogeneous agents through a procedure of iterating functional equations and without using the rst order conditions of optimality.
This paper follows the idea of Amartya Sen, Nobel Prize of economic, about the role of State in the assurance of minimal existence condition, and aim to answer how countries of Latin America (specifically Brazil) and countries of Europe (specifically United Kingdom) deal with the assurance of this minimal existence conditions. According to Amartya Sen’s view, development must be seen as a process of expanding substantive freedoms, such expansion being the primary purpose of each society and the main mean of development. Substantive freedoms can be considered as basic capabilities allocated to individuals whereby they are entitled to be architects of their own lives, providing them conditions to “live as they wish”. These basic capabilities are divided by Amartya Sen in 5 (five) kinds of substantive freedoms, but for this article’s purpose, we will consider just one of this 5 (five) kinds, specifically the Protective Safety capability. Protective Safety capability may be defined as the assurance of basic means of survival for individuals who are in extreme poverty, at risk of starvation or hypothermia, or even impending famine. Among the means available that could be used to avoid such situations are the possibility of supplemental income to the needy, distributing food and clothing to the needy, supply of energy and water, among others. But how countries deal whit this protective safety? Aiming to answer this question, we selected the problem of “fuel poverty” and how Brazil and United Kingdom solve it (if they solve), in order to assess how the solution found impacts development. The analysis and the comparison between these countries will allow an answer to the question proposed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We investigate a neutrino mass model in which the neutrino data is accounted for by bilinear R-parity violating supersymmetry with anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking. We focus on the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) phenomenology, studying the reach of generic supersymmetry search channels with leptons, missing energy and jets. A special feature of this model is the existence of long-lived neutralinos and charginos which decay inside the detector leading to detached vertices. We demonstrate that the largest reach is obtained in the displaced vertices channel and that practically all of the reasonable parameter space will be covered with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1). We also compare the displaced vertex reaches of the LHC and Tevatron.
Red blood cells (RBCs) from most vertebrates restore volume upon hypertonic shrinkage and the mechanisms underlying this regulatory volume increase (RVI) have been studied extensively in these cells. Despite the phylogenetically interesting position of reptiles, very little is known about their red cell function. The present study demonstrates that oxygenated RBCs in all major groups of reptiles exhibit no or a very reduced RVI upon -25% calculated hyperosmotic shrinkage. Thus, RBCs from the snakes Crotalus durissus and Python regius, the turtle Trachemys scripta and the alligator Alligator mississippiensis showed no statistically significant RVI within 120 min after shrinkage, while the lizard Tupinambis merianae showed 22% volume recovery after 120 min. Amiloride (10(-4) M) and bumetanide (10(-5) M) had no effect on the RVI in T merianae, indicating no involvement of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) or the Na(+)/K(+)/2Cl(-) co-transporter (NKCC) or insentive transporters. Deoxygenation of RBCs from A. mississippiensis and T merianae did not significantly affect RVI upon shrinkage. Deoxygenation per se of red blood cells from T merianae elicited a slow volume increase, but the mechanism was not characterized. It seems, therefore, that the RVI response based on NHE activation was lost among the early sauropsids that gave rise to modern reptiles and birds, while it was retained in mammals. An RVI response has then reappeared in birds, but based on activation of the NKCC. Alternatively, the absence of the RVI response may represent the most ancient condition, and could have evolved several times within vertebrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The recent experimental results on neutrino oscillation and on muonium-antimuonium conversion require extension of the minimal 3-3-1 model. We review the constraints imposed on the model by these measurements and suggest a pattern of leptonic mixing, with charged leptons in a non-diagonal basis, which accounts for the neutrino physics and circumvents the tight muonium-antimuonium bounds on the model. We also illustrate a scenario where this pattern could be realized.
In the minimal 3-3-1 model charged leptons come in a nondiagonal basis. Moreover, the Yukawa interactions of the model lead to a non-hermitian charged lepton mass matrix. In other words, the minimal 3-3-1 model presents a very complex lepton mixing. In view of this we check rigorously if the possible textures of the lepton mass matrices allowed by the minimal 3-3-1 model can lead or not to the neutrino mixing required by the recent experiments in neutrino oscillation.
The measurability of the non-minimal coupling is discussed by considering the correction to the Newtonian static potential in the semiclassical approach. The coefficient of the gravitational Darwin term (GDT) gets redefined by the non-minimal torsion scalar couplings. Based on a similar analysis of the GDT in the effective field theory approach to non-minimal scalar, we conclude that for reasonable values of the couplings the correction is very small.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)