141 resultados para Microchip


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A thin-layer electrochemical flow cell coupled to capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (EC-CE-(CD)-D-4) was applied for the first time to the derivatization and quantification of neutral species using aliphatic alcohols as model compounds. The simultaneous electrooxidation of four alcohols (ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, and 1-pentanol) to the corresponding carboxylates was carried out on a platinum working electrode in acid medium. The derivatization step required 1 min at 1.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl under stopped flow conditions, which was preceded by a 10 s activation at 0 V. The solution close to the electrode surface was then hydrodynamically injected into the capillary, and a 2.5 min electrophoretic separation was carried out. The fully automated flow system operated at a frequency of 12 analyses per hour. Simultaneous determination of the four alcohols presented detection limits of about 5 x 10(-5) mol As a practical application with a complex matrix, ethanol concentrations were determined in diluted pale lager beer and in nonalcoholic beer. No statistically significant difference was observed between the EC-CE-(CD)-D-4 and gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) results for these samples. The derivatization efficiency remained constant over several hours of continuous operation with lager beer samples (n = 40).


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This paper describes a long-range remotely controlled CE system built on an all-terrain vehicle. A four-stroke engine and a set of 12-V batteries were used to provide power to a series of subsystems that include drivers, communication, computers, and a capillary electrophoresis module. This dedicated instrument allows air sampling using a polypropylene porous tube, coupled to a flow system that transports the sample to the inlet of a fused-silica capillary. A hybrid approach was used for the construction of the analytical subsystem combining a conventional fused-silica capillary (used for separation) and a laser machined microfluidic block, made of PMMA. A solid-state cooling approach was also integrated in the CE module to enable controlling the temperature and therefore increasing the useful range of the robot. Although ultimately intended for detection of chemical warfare agents, the proposed system was used to analyze a series of volatile organic acids. As such, the system allowed the separation and detection of formic, acetic, and propionic acids with signal-to-noise ratios of 414, 150, and 115, respectively, after sampling by only 30 s and performing an electrokinetic injection during 2.0 s at 1.0 kV.


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The formation and properties of carbonate adducts of some organic hydroxy compounds in aqueous medium were investigated. Fatty alcohols and sugars were chosen as representative classes of biological interest, and the medium was carbonated aqueous solution with pH ranging from 3.0 to 8.3. Capillary electrophoresis with two capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectors (C4Ds) was used for quantitation and to obtain the mobility of the monoalkyl carbonates (MACs), which were used to determine the equilibrium and kinetic constants of the reaction as well as the diffusion coefficients. For increasing chain length of the alcohols, the equilibrium constant tends to the unit, which suggests that fatty alcohols can form the corresponding MACs. The formation of MACs for cyclohexanol and cyclopentanol also suggest the existence of similar species for sterols. Carbonate adducts of fructose, glucose, and sucrose were also detected, which suggests that these counterparts of the well-known phosphates can also occur in the cytosol. Our calculations suggest that one in 1000 to one in 10 000 molecules of these hydroxy compounds would be available as the corresponding MAC in such a medium. Experiments carried out at pH values less than 3.0 showed that there is a catalytic effect of hydronium on the interconversion of bicarbonate and a MAC. Taking into account the great number of hydroxy compounds similar to the ones investigated and that bicarbonate is ubiquitous in living cells, one can anticipate the existence of a whole new class of carbonate adducts of these metabolites.


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The presence of monoethyl carbonate (MEC) in beer and sparkling wine is demonstrated for the first time, as well as the formation of this species in drinks prepared with a distilled beverage and a carbonated soft drink. A capillary electrophoresis (CE) equipment with two capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detector ((CD)-D-4) was used to identify and quantify this species. The concentrations of MEC in samples of lager beer and rum and cola drink were, respectively, 1.2 and 4.1 mmol/l, which agree with the levels of ethanol and CO2 available in these products. Previous results about the kinetics of the reaction suggest that only a small amount of MEC should be formed after the ingredients of a drink are mixed. However, in all three cases (whisky and club soda: rum with cola; gin and tonic water), MEC was quickly formed, which was attributed to the low pH of the drinks. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This communication reports a promising platform for rapid, simple, direct, and ultrasensitive determination of serotonin. The method is related to integration of vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) in electrochemical microfluidic devices. The required microfabrication protocol is simple and fast. In addition, the nanomaterial influenced remarkably the obtained limit-of-detection (LOD) values. Our system achieved a LOD of 0.2 nmol L-1 for serotonin, to the best of our knowledge one of the lowest values reported in the literature.


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Microchip electrophoresis has become a powerful tool for DNA separation, offering all of the advantages typically associated with miniaturized techniques: high speed, high resolution, ease of automation, and great versatility for both routine and research applications. Various substrate materials have been used to produce microchips for DNA separations, including conventional (glass, silicon, and quartz) and alternative (polymers) platforms. In this study, we perform DNA separation in a simple and low-cost polyester-toner (PeT)-based electrophoresis microchip. PeT devices were fabricated by a direct-printing process using a 600 dpi-resolution laser printer. DNA separations were performed on PeT chip with channels filled with polymer solutions (0.5% m/v hydroxyethylcellulose or hydroxypropylcellulose) at electric fields ranging from 100 to 300Vcm(-1). Separation of DNA fragments between 100 and 1000 bp, with good correlation of the size of DNA fragments and mobility, was achieved in this system. Although the mobility increased with increasing electric field, separations showed the same profile regardless of the electric field. The system provided good separation efficiency (215 000 plates per m for the 500 bp fragment) and the separation was completed in 4 min for 1000 bp fragment ladder. The cost of a given chip is approximately $0.15 and it takes less than 10 minutes to prepare a single device.


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The scale down of transistor technology allows microelectronics manufacturers such as Intel and IBM to build always more sophisticated systems on a single microchip. The classical interconnection solutions based on shared buses or direct connections between the modules of the chip are becoming obsolete as they struggle to sustain the increasing tight bandwidth and latency constraints that these systems demand. The most promising solution for the future chip interconnects are the Networks on Chip (NoC). NoCs are network composed by routers and channels used to inter- connect the different components installed on the single microchip. Examples of advanced processors based on NoC interconnects are the IBM Cell processor, composed by eight CPUs that is installed on the Sony Playstation III and the Intel Teraflops pro ject composed by 80 independent (simple) microprocessors. On chip integration is becoming popular not only in the Chip Multi Processor (CMP) research area but also in the wider and more heterogeneous world of Systems on Chip (SoC). SoC comprehend all the electronic devices that surround us such as cell-phones, smart-phones, house embedded systems, automotive systems, set-top boxes etc... SoC manufacturers such as ST Microelectronics , Samsung, Philips and also Universities such as Bologna University, M.I.T., Berkeley and more are all proposing proprietary frameworks based on NoC interconnects. These frameworks help engineers in the switch of design methodology and speed up the development of new NoC-based systems on chip. In this Thesis we propose an introduction of CMP and SoC interconnection networks. Then focusing on SoC systems we propose: • a detailed analysis based on simulation of the Spidergon NoC, a ST Microelectronics solution for SoC interconnects. The Spidergon NoC differs from many classical solutions inherited from the parallel computing world. Here we propose a detailed analysis of this NoC topology and routing algorithms. Furthermore we propose aEqualized a new routing algorithm designed to optimize the use of the resources of the network while also increasing its performance; • a methodology flow based on modified publicly available tools that combined can be used to design, model and analyze any kind of System on Chip; • a detailed analysis of a ST Microelectronics-proprietary transport-level protocol that the author of this Thesis helped developing; • a simulation-based comprehensive comparison of different network interface designs proposed by the author and the researchers at AST lab, in order to integrate shared-memory and message-passing based components on a single System on Chip; • a powerful and flexible solution to address the time closure exception issue in the design of synchronous Networks on Chip. Our solution is based on relay stations repeaters and allows to reduce the power and area demands of NoC interconnects while also reducing its buffer needs; • a solution to simplify the design of the NoC by also increasing their performance and reducing their power and area consumption. We propose to replace complex and slow virtual channel-based routers with multiple and flexible small Multi Plane ones. This solution allows us to reduce the area and power dissipation of any NoC while also increasing its performance especially when the resources are reduced. This Thesis has been written in collaboration with the Advanced System Technology laboratory in Grenoble France, and the Computer Science Department at Columbia University in the city of New York.


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This study provides a comprehensive genetic overview on the endangered Italian wolf population. In particular, it focuses on two research lines. On one hand, we focalised on melanism in wolf in order to isolate a mutation related with black coat colour in canids. With several reported black individuals (an exception at European level), the Italian wolf population constituted a challenging research field posing many unanswered questions. As found in North American wolf, we reported that melanism in the Italian population is caused by a different melanocortin pathway component, the K locus, in which a beta-defensin protein acts as an alternative ligand for the Mc1r. This research project was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Gregory Barsh, Department of Genetics and Paediatrics, Stanford University. On the other hand, we performed analysis on a high number of SNPs thanks to a customized Canine microarray useful to integrate or substitute the STR markers for genotyping individuals and detecting wolf-dog hybrids. Thanks to DNA microchip technology, we obtained an impressive amount of genetic data which provides a solid base for future functional genomic studies. This study was undertaken in collaboration with Prof. Robert K. Wayne, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).


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In questa tesi viene illustrato il progetto di un sistema di controllo per uno shaker elettrodinamico. L'architettura è basata su sistemi a microcontrollore Microchip PIC e implementa un controllo in retroazione al fine di ottenere una elevata precisione nell'ampiezza dell'oscillazione. Un prototipo del sistema è stato implementato con componenti commerciali. Vengono presentati i risultati del test funzionale dei sotto-circuiti realizzati.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation entstand im Rahmen eines multizentrischen EU-geförderten Projektes, das die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Einzelnukleotid-Polymorphismen (SNPs) zur Individualisierung von Personen im Kontext der Zuordnung von biologischen Tatortspuren oder auch bei der Identifizierung unbekannter Toter behandelt. Die übergeordnete Zielsetzung des Projektes bestand darin, hochauflösende Genotypisierungsmethoden zu etablieren und zu validieren, die mit hoher Genauigkeit aber geringen Aufwand SNPs im Multiplexformat simultan analysieren können. Zunächst wurden 29 Y-chromosomale und 52 autosomale SNPs unter der Anforderung ausgewählt, dass sie als Multiplex eine möglichst hohe Individualisierungschance aufweisen. Anschließend folgten die Validierungen beider Multiplex-Systeme und der SNaPshot™-Minisequenzierungsmethode in systematischen Studien unter Beteiligung aller Arbeitsgruppen des Projektes. Die validierte Referenzmethode auf der Basis einer Minisequenzierung diente einerseits für die kontrollierte Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Laboratorien und andererseits als Grundlage für die Entwicklung eines Assays zur SNP-Genotypisierung mittels der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie in dieser Arbeit. Der eigenständige Hauptteil dieser Dissertation beschreibt unter Verwendung der zuvor validierten autosomalen SNPs die Neuentwicklung und Validierung eines Hybridisierungsassays für die elektronische Microarray-Plattform der Firma Nanogen Dazu wurden im Vorfeld drei verschiedene Assays etabliert, die sich im Funktionsprinzip auf dem Microarray unterscheiden. Davon wurde leistungsorientiert das Capture down-Assay zur Weiterentwicklung ausgewählt. Nach zahlreichen Optimierungsmaßnahmen hinsichtlich PCR-Produktbehandlung, gerätespezifischer Abläufe und analysespezifischer Oligonukleotiddesigns stand das Capture down-Assay zur simultanen Typisierung von drei Individuen mit je 32 SNPs auf einem Microarray bereit. Anschließend wurde dieses Verfahren anhand von 40 DNA-Proben mit bekannten Genotypen für die 32 SNPs validiert und durch parallele SNaPshot™-Typisierung die Genauigkeit bestimmt. Das Ergebnis beweist nicht nur die Eignung des validierten Analyseassays und der elektronischen Microarray-Technologie für bestimmte Fragestellungen, sondern zeigt auch deren Vorteile in Bezug auf Schnelligkeit, Flexibilität und Effizienz. Die Automatisierung, welche die räumliche Anordnung der zu untersuchenden Fragmente unmittelbar vor der Analyse ermöglicht, reduziert unnötige Arbeitsschritte und damit die Fehlerhäufigkeit und Kontaminationsgefahr bei verbesserter Zeiteffizienz. Mit einer maximal erreichten Genauigkeit von 94% kann die Zuverlässigkeit der in der forensischen Genetik aktuell eingesetzten STR-Systeme jedoch noch nicht erreicht werden. Die Rolle des neuen Verfahrens wird damit nicht in einer Ablösung der etablierten Methoden, sondern in einer Ergänzung zur Lösung spezieller Probleme wie z.B. der Untersuchung stark degradierter DNA-Spuren zu finden sein.


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Con il passare degli anni le tecnologie nel campo delle protesi mioelettriche di arto superiore stanno compiendo sempre più passi in avanti. In questo elaborato di tesi si darà un iniziale introduzione sulla protesica di arto superiore cercando di coprire tutte le possibili tipologie di protesi, prestando particolare attenzione agli arti artificiali mioelettrici. Gli scopi di questo studio sono in prima analisi una miglioria dell'unità di controllo di una protesi comandata da segnali elettromiografici di superficie, tramite l'utilizzo del nuovo IDE della Microchip (MPLAB X). In seconda analisi, invece, si attuerà un confronto prestazionale a livello di consumo in corrente di un prototipo di protesi mioelettrica nata dalla sinergia tra l'azienda "Selex ES" e il "Centro Protesi INAIL di Vigorso di Budrio". Per questo studio ci si è serviti di stereofotogrammetrica per la determinazione delle grandezze meccaniche, mentre tramite un sistema PAC si è riusciti ad ottenere specifiche grandezze elettriche. Lo studio ha portato, a livello di Firmware, l'inserimento del giusto comando di attuazione di un servofreno comandato in corrente e l'introduzione di una particolare modalità a basso consumo che consente un risparmio energetico di circa il 60% rispetto alla vecchia modalità. Discorso diverso per i risultati del confronto prestazionale che non ha portato ai risultati sperati in fase di progetto.


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Carbohydrate counting is a principal strategy in nutritional management of type 1 diabetes. The Nutri-Learn buffet (NLB) is a new computer-based tool for patient instruction in carbohydrate counting. It is based on food dummies made of plastic equipped with a microchip containing relevant food content data. The tool enables the dietician to assess the patient's food counting abilities and the patient to learn in a hands-on interactive manner to estimate food contents such as carbohydrate content.


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Cell-based therapies and tissue engineering initiatives are gathering clinical momentum for next-generation treatment of tissue deficiencies. By using gravity-enforced self-assembly of monodispersed primary cells, we have produced adult and neonatal rat cardiomyocyte-based myocardial microtissues that could optionally be vascularized following coating with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Within myocardial microtissues, individual cardiomyocytes showed native-like cell shape and structure, and established electrochemical coupling via intercalated disks. This resulted in the coordinated beating of microtissues, which was recorded by means of a multi-electrode complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor microchip. Myocardial microtissues (microm3 scale), coated with HUVECs and cast in a custom-shaped agarose mold, assembled to coherent macrotissues (mm3 scale), characterized by an extensive capillary network with typical vessel ultrastructures. Following implantation into chicken embryos, myocardial microtissues recruited the embryo's capillaries to functionally vascularize the rat-derived tissue implant. Similarly, transplantation of rat myocardial microtissues into the pericardium of adult rats resulted in time-dependent integration of myocardial microtissues and co-alignment of implanted and host cardiomyocytes within 7 days. Myocardial microtissues and custom-shaped macrotissues produced by cellular self-assembly exemplify the potential of artificial tissue implants for regenerative medicine.