683 resultados para Meso-cenozóico


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Membrane proteins, which reside in the membranes of cells, play a critical role in many important biological processes including cellular signaling, immune response, and material and energy transduction. Because of their key role in maintaining the environment within cells and facilitating intercellular interactions, understanding the function of these proteins is of tremendous medical and biochemical significance. Indeed, the malfunction of membrane proteins has been linked to numerous diseases including diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, cystic fibrosis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, hypertension, epilepsy, cataracts, tubulopathy, leukodystrophy, Leigh syndrome, anemia, sensorineural deafness, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.1-3 However, the structure of many of these proteins and the changes in their structure that lead to disease-related malfunctions are not well understood. Additionally, at least 60% of the pharmaceuticals currently available are thought to target membrane proteins, despite the fact that their exact mode of operation is not known.4-6 Developing a detailed understanding of the function of a protein is achieved by coupling biochemical experiments with knowledge of the structure of the protein. Currently the most common method for obtaining three-dimensional structure information is X-ray crystallography. However, no a priori methods are currently available to predict crystallization conditions for a given protein.7-14 This limitation is currently overcome by screening a large number of possible combinations of precipitants, buffer, salt, and pH conditions to identify conditions that are conducive to crystal nucleation and growth.7,9,11,15-24 Unfortunately, these screening efforts are often limited by difficulties associated with quantity and purity of available protein samples. While the two most significant bottlenecks for protein structure determination in general are the (i) obtaining sufficient quantities of high quality protein samples and (ii) growing high quality protein crystals that are suitable for X-ray structure determination,7,20,21,23,25-47 membrane proteins present additional challenges. For crystallization it is necessary to extract the membrane proteins from the cellular membrane. However, this process often leads to denaturation. In fact, membrane proteins have proven to be so difficult to crystallize that of the more than 66,000 structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank,48 less than 1% are for membrane proteins, with even fewer present at high resolution (< 2Å)4,6,49 and only a handful are human membrane proteins.49 A variety of strategies including detergent solubilization50-53 and the use of artificial membrane-like environments have been developed to circumvent this challenge.43,53-55 In recent years, the use of a lipidic mesophase as a medium for crystallizing membrane proteins has been demonstrated to increase success for a wide range of membrane proteins, including human receptor proteins.54,56-62 This in meso method for membrane protein crystallization, however, is still by no means routine due to challenges related to sample preparation at sub-microliter volumes and to crystal harvesting and X-ray data collection. This dissertation presents various aspects of the development of a microfluidic platform to enable high throughput in meso membrane protein crystallization at a level beyond the capabilities of current technologies. Microfluidic platforms for protein crystallization and other lab-on-a-chip applications have been well demonstrated.9,63-66 These integrated chips provide fine control over transport phenomena and the ability to perform high throughput analyses via highly integrated fluid networks. However, the development of microfluidic platforms for in meso protein crystallization required the development of strategies to cope with extremely viscous and non-Newtonian fluids. A theoretical treatment of highly viscous fluids in microfluidic devices is presented in Chapter 3, followed by the application of these strategies for the development of a microfluidic mixer capable of preparing a mesophase sample for in meso crystallization at a scale of less than 20 nL in Chapter 4. This approach was validated with the successful on chip in meso crystallization of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin. In summary, this is the first report of a microfluidic platform capable of performing in meso crystallization on-chip, representing a 1000x reduction in the scale at which mesophase trials can be prepared. Once protein crystals have formed, they are typically harvested from the droplet they were grown in and mounted for crystallographic analysis. Despite the high throughput automation present in nearly all other aspects of protein structure determination, the harvesting and mounting of crystals is still largely a manual process. Furthermore, during mounting the fragile protein crystals can potentially be damaged, both from physical and environmental shock. To circumvent these challenges an X-ray transparent microfluidic device architecture was developed to couple the benefits of scale, integration, and precise fluid control with the ability to perform in situ X-ray analysis (Chapter 5). This approach was validated successfully by crystallization and subsequent on-chip analysis of the soluble proteins lysozyme, thaumatin, and ribonuclease A and will be extended to microfluidic platforms for in meso membrane protein crystallization. The ability to perform in situ X-ray analysis was shown to provide extremely high quality diffraction data, in part as a result of not being affected by damage due to physical handling of the crystals. As part of the work described in this thesis, a variety of data collection strategies for in situ data analysis were also tested, including merging of small slices of data from a large number of crystals grown on a single chip, to allow for diffraction analysis at biologically relevant temperatures. While such strategies have been applied previously,57,59,61,67 they are potentially challenging when applied via traditional methods due to the need to grow and then mount a large number of crystals with minimal crystal-to-crystal variability. The integrated nature of microfluidic platforms easily enables the generation of a large number of reproducible crystallization trials. This, coupled with in situ analysis capabilities has the potential of being able to acquire high resolution structural data of proteins at biologically relevant conditions for which only small crystals, or crystals which are adversely affected by standard cryocooling techniques, could be obtained (Chapters 5 and 6). While the main focus of protein crystallography is to obtain three-dimensional protein structures, the results of typical experiments provide only a static picture of the protein. The use of polychromatic or Laue X-ray diffraction methods enables the collection of time resolved structural information. These experiments are very sensitive to crystal quality, however, and often suffer from severe radiation damage due to the intense polychromatic X-ray beams. Here, as before, the ability to perform in situ X-ray analysis on many small protein crystals within a microfluidic crystallization platform has the potential to overcome these challenges. An automated method for collecting a "single-shot" of data from a large number of crystals was developed in collaboration with the BioCARS team at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory (Chapter 6). The work described in this thesis shows that, even more so than for traditional structure determination efforts, the ability to grow and analyze a large number of high quality crystals is critical to enable time resolved structural studies of novel proteins. In addition to enabling X-ray crystallography experiments, the development of X-ray transparent microfluidic platforms also has tremendous potential to answer other scientific questions, such as unraveling the mechanism of in meso crystallization. For instance, the lipidic mesophases utilized during in meso membrane protein crystallization can be characterized by small angle X-ray diffraction analysis. Coupling in situ analysis with microfluidic platforms capable of preparing these difficult mesophase samples at very small volumes has tremendous potential to enable the high throughput analysis of these systems on a scale that is not reasonably achievable using conventional sample preparation strategies (Chapter 7). In collaboration with the LS-CAT team at the Advanced Photon Source, an experimental station for small angle X-ray analysis coupled with the high quality visualization capabilities needed to target specific microfluidic samples on a highly integrated chip is under development. Characterizing the phase behavior of these mesophase systems and the effects of various additives present in crystallization trials is key for developing an understanding of how in meso crystallization occurs. A long term goal of these studies is to enable the rational design of in meso crystallization experiments so as to avoid or limit the need for high throughput screening efforts. In summary, this thesis describes the development of microfluidic platforms for protein crystallization with in situ analysis capabilities. Coupling the ability to perform in situ analysis with the small scale, fine control, and the high throughput nature of microfluidic platforms has tremendous potential to enable a new generation of crystallographic studies and facilitate the structure determination of important biological targets. The development of platforms for in meso membrane protein crystallization is particularly significant because they enable the preparation of highly viscous mixtures at a previously unachievable scale. Work in these areas is ongoing and has tremendous potential to improve not only current the methods of protein crystallization and crystallography, but also to enhance our knowledge of the structure and function of proteins which could have a significant scientific and medical impact on society as a whole. The microfluidic technology described in this thesis has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of the structure and function of membrane proteins, thereby aiding the elucidation of human biology, the development of pharmaceuticals with fewer side effects for a wide range of diseases. References (1) Quick, M.; Javitch, J. A. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2007, 104, 3603. (2) Trubetskoy, V. S.; Burke, T. J. Am Lab 2005, 37, 19. (3) Pecina, P.; Houstkova, H.; Hansikova, H.; Zeman, J.; Houstek, J. Physiol Res 2004, 53, S213. (4) Arinaminpathy, Y.; Khurana, E.; Engelman, D. M.; Gerstein, M. B. Drug Discovery Today 2009, 14, 1130. (5) Overington, J. P.; Al-Lazikani, B.; Hopkins, A. L. Nat Rev Drug Discov 2006, 5, 993. (6) Dauter, Z.; Lamzin, V. S.; Wilson, K. S. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 1997, 7, 681. (7) Hansen, C.; Quake, S. R. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 2003, 13, 538. (8) Govada, L.; Carpenter, L.; da Fonseca, P. C. A.; Helliwell, J. 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Analysis methods for electrochemical etching baths consisting of various concentrations of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and an additional organic surface wetting agent are presented. These electrolytes are used for the formation of meso- and macroporous silicon. Monitoring the etching bath composition requires at least one method each for the determination of the HF concentration and the organic content of the bath. However, it is a precondition that the analysis equipment withstands the aggressive HF. Titration and a fluoride ion-selective electrode are used for the determination of the HF and a cuvette test method for the analysis of the organic content, respectively. The most suitable analysis method is identified depending on the components in the electrolyte with the focus on capability of resistance against the aggressive HF.


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Meso-/microporous zeolites combine the charactersitics of well-defined micropores of zeolite with efficient mass transfer consequences of mesopores to increase the efficiency of the catalysts in reactions involving bulky molecules. Different methods such as demetallation and templating have been explored for the synthesis of meso-/microporous zeolites. However, they all have limitations in production of meso-/microporous zeolites with tunable textural and catalytic properties using few synthesis steps. To address this challenge, a simple one-step dual template synthesis approach has been developed in this work to engineer lamellar meso-/microporous zeolites structures with tunable textural and catalytic properties. First, one-step dual template synthesis of meso-/microporous mordenite framework inverted (MFI) zeolite structures was investigated. Tetrapropyl ammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) and diquaternary ammonium surfactant ([C22H45-N+(CH3)2-C6H12-N+(CH3)2-C6H13]Br2, C22-6-6) were used as templates to produce micropores and mesopores, respectively. The variation in concentration ratios of dual templates and hydrothermal synthesis conditions resulted in production of multi-lamellar MFI and the hybrid lamellar-bulk MFI (HLBM) zeolite structures. The relationship between the morphology, porosity, acidity, and catalytic properties of these catalysts was systematically studied. Then, the validity of the proposed synthesis approach for production of other types of zeolites composites was examined by creating a meso-/microporous bulk polymorph A (BEA)-lamellar MFI (BBLM) composite. The resulted composite samples showed higher catalytic stability compared to their single component zeolites. The studies demonstrated the high potential of the one-step dual template synthesis procedure for engineering the textural and catalytic properties of the synthesized zeolites.


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Tidal processes were important for deposition of the Barreiras Formation located in northern Brazil, while correlatable deposits in northeastern Brazil have been traditionally related to continental environments. Facies analysis in southern Alagoas revealed that the Barreiras Formation consists of cross-stratified conglomerates and sandstones (facies Sx and Cgx), compound cross-stratified sandstones (facies Cx), and heterolithic beddings (facies H). A significant portion of these deposits occurs within channel morphologies displaying fining and thinning upward successions. An abundance of sedimentary features is comparable to those from the northern Brazilian counterpart. These include: tidal bundles; herringbone cross-stratification; heterolithic beddings with sandstone and mudstone beds in sharp contacts; and ichnofossils mostly consisting of Ophiomorpha nodosa, Skolithos and Planolites. Altogether, these features point to a marginal marine depositional setting dominated by tidal processes, which are related to an estuarine system, an interpretation also provided for the Barreiras Formation in northern Brazil. The widespread occurrence of deposits with unambiguous evidence of tidal processes in the Barreiras Formation of northern Brazil, and now in the State of Alagoas, leads to argue that the early/middle Miocene worldwide marine transgression might have left a much more widespread sedimentary record along the Brazilian coast than currently regarded.


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A new tetraruthenated copper(II)-tetra(3,4-pyridyl)porphyrazine species, [CuTRPyPz]4+, has been synthesized and fully characterized by means of analytical, spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. This À-conjugated system contrasts with the related meso-tetrapyridylporphyrins by exhibiting strong electronic interaction between the coordinated peripheral complexes and the central ring. Based on favorable À-stacking and electrostatic interactions, layer-by-layer assembled films were successfully generated from the appropriate combination of [CuTRPyPz]4+ with copper(II)-tetrasulfonated phtalocyanine, [CuTSPc]4-. Their conducting and electrocatalytic properties were investigated by means of impedance spectroscopy and rotating disc voltammetry, exhibiting metallic behavior near the Ru(III/II) redox potential, as well as enhanced catalytic activity for the oxidation of nitrite and sulphite ions.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo identificar e caracterizar as feições oceanográficas de pequena e mesoescala que ocorrem na plataforma continental de Santa Catarina (SC). Foram empregadas imagens de temperatura e concentração de clorofila da superfície do mar (TSM e CSM), obtidas pelo sensor MODIS. Foi selecionada uma imagem diária para cada mês do ano de 2003, excetuando dezembro, onde procurou-se avaliar efeitos sazonais. As feições oceanográficas foram observadas através da aplicação de diferentes níveis de contraste e paletas de cores para realce. Foram identificadas feições como vórtices, meandros, cogumelos, plumas, filamentos, frentes e áreas de ressurgências. Os resultados indicam que no verão a distribuição superficial em mesoescala da temperatura é mais homogênea, levando a um número menor de feições observáveis. O fenômeno de ressurgência costeira em escala localizada ao sul da Ilha de SC e junto à costa foi observado nos meses de novembro, janeiro e fevereiro. Durante o outono e o inverno as imagens apresentaram maior grau de complexidade, principalmente devido à presença da frente costeira do Prata, com características de menor temperatura e maiores valores de clorofila.


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We describe and illustrate the venom apparatus and other morphological characters of the recently described Martialis heureka ant worker, a supposedly specialized subterranean predator which could be the sole surviving representative of a highly divergent lineage that arose near the dawn of ant diversification. M. heureka was described as the single species of a genus in the subfamily, Martialinae Rabeling and Verhaagh, known from a single worker. However because the authors had available a unique specimen, dissections and scanning electron microscopy from coated specimens were not possible. We base our study on two worker individuals collected in Manaus, AM, Brazil in 1998 and maintained in 70% alcohol since then; the ants were partially destroyed because of desiccation during transport to São Paulo and subsequent efforts to rescue them from the vial. We were able to recover two left mandibles, two pronota, one dismembered fore coxa, one meso-metapropodeal complex with the median and hind coxae and trochanters still attached, one postpetiole, two gastric tergites, the pygidium and the almost complete venom apparatus (lacking the gonostylus and anal plate). We illustrate and describe the pieces, and compare M. heureka worker morphology with other basal ant subfamilies, concluding it does merit subfamilial status.


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Considerando a importância do Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde (SIOPS) como ferramenta para o planejamento, gestão e controle social dos gastos públicos em saúde, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a regularidade na alimentação do SIOPS e o conhecimento e uso do Sistema pelos gestores municipais do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram selecionados dez municípios distribuídos nas cinco mesorregiões do estado, sendo cinco regulares e cinco irregulares na alimentação do Sistema, e aplicada uma entrevista semi-estruturada entre os secretários de saúde dos respectivos municípios. Com base na análise dos dados, foi identificado que o domínio de informática e o conhecimento do Sistema não interferem na regularidade da alimentação, em função do distanciamento entre os gestores das Secretarias de Saúde e o SIOPS, em geral alimentado por serviços terceirizados. Constata-se que as informações geradas não têm sido exploradas potencialmente pelos gestores enquanto instrumento de gestão.


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A meso-tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)-chlorin with the reduced pyrrole ring linked to an isoxazolidine ring (FC) has been conjugated to four beta-cyclodextrins (CDFC). The CDFC exhibits excellent water solubility and is a potent photosensitizer towards proliferating NCTC 2544 human keratinocytes. The study by conventional steady state absorption and fluorescence spectroscopies and by time-resolved femto- and nanosecond laser flash spectroscopies suggests that in ethanol and pH 7 buffer the beta-cyclodextrins embed the highly hydrophobic tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)-chlorin macrocycle and strongly interact with the chlorin rings in the singlet and triplet manifolds. In these solvents, femtosecond spectroscopy suggests that the conjugate undergoes a rapid relaxation in the upper excited singlet states induced by photochemical and/or conformation change(s) at a rate of about 5 ps(-1) to fluorescent states whose lifetime is similar to 8 ns. This interaction is destroyed upon addition of Triton X100 to buffer. Both FC and CDFC strongly fluoresce (Phi(F) similar to 0.5) in micelles. Similar behavior is observed at the triplet level. In ethanol and water, the initial transient triplet state absorbance decays within 1-3 mu s yielding a longer lived triplet with spectral properties indistinguishable from that of original difference absorbance spectra. The determination of the molar absorbance in the 440-460 nm region (similar to 35 000 M(-1) cm(-1)) leads to an estimate of similar to 0.2 for the triplet formation quantum yield of FC in toluene and of FC and CDFC in Triton X100 micelles. Quenching of the CDFC triplets by dioxygen in buffer produces (1)O(2) in a good yield consistent with the effective photocytotoxicity of the chlorin-cyclodextrins conjugate towards cultured NCTC 2544 human keratinocytes. By contrast, FC which aggregates in buffer produces little if any (1)O(2).


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A series of photosensitizers (PS), which are meso-substituted tetra-cationic porphyrins, was synthesized in order to study the role of amphiphilicity and zinc insertion in photodynamic therapy (PDT) efficacy. Several properties of the PS were evaluated and compared within the series including photophysical properties (absorption spectra, fluorescence quantum yield Phi(f), and singlet oxygen quantum yield Phi(Delta)), uptake by vesicles, mitochondria and HeLa cells, dark and phototoxicity in HeLa cells. The photophysical properties of all compounds are quite similar (Phi(f) <= 0.02; Phi(Delta) similar to 0.8). An increase in lipophilicity and the presence of zinc in the porphyrin ring result in higher vesicle and cell uptake. Binding in mitochondria is dependent on the PS lipophilicity and on the electrochemical membrane potential, i.e., in uncoupled mitochondria PS binding decreases by up to 53%. The porphyrin substituted with octyl groups (TC8PyP) is the compound that is most enriched in mitochondria, and its zinc derivative (ZnTC8PyP) has the highest global uptake. The stronger membrane interaction of the zinc-substituted porphyrins is attributed to a complexing effect with phosphate groups of the phospholipids. Zinc insertion was also shown to decrease the interaction with isolated mitochondria and with the mitochondria of HeLa cells, an effect that has been explained by the particular characteristics of the mitochondrial internal membrane. Phototoxicity was shown to increase proportionally with membrane binding efficiency, which is attributed to favorable membrane interactions which allow more efficient membrane photooxidation. For this series of compounds, photodynamic efficiency is directly proportional to the membrane binding and cell uptake, but it is not totally related to mitochondrial targeting.


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The free H(2)xspa ligands [xspa = pspa, Clpspa, tspa or fspa where p = 3-(phenyl), Clp = 3-(2-chlorophenyl), t = 3-(2-thienyl), f = 3-(2-furyl) and spa = 2-sulfanylpropenoato], their Zn(II) complexes of formula [HQ](2)[Zn(xspa)(2)] (HQ=diisopropylammonium) and the Cd(II) equivalents were prepared and characterized by elemental analysis and by IR, Raman and NMR ((1)H, (13)C) spectroscopy. X-Ray studies of the crystal structures of [HQ](2)[Zn(pspa)(2)], [HQ](2)[Zn(Clpspa)2], [HQ](2)[Zn(tspa)(2)] and [HQ](2)[Zn(fspa)(2)] show that the zinc atom is coordinated to two O atoms and two S atoms of the ligands in a distorted tetrahedral ZnO(2)S(2) environment. In the structures of [HQ](2)[Cd(pspa)(2)] and [HQ](2)[Cd(Clpspa)(2)] the cadmium atom is coordinated to three S atoms and two carboxylato O atoms of the ligands in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal environment. The interchange of ligands between Zn( II) and Cd( II) was studied by (113)Cd NMR spectroscopy. The in vitro protective effect of H(2)xspa and their Zn( II) complexes against Cd toxicity was investigated using the human hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cell line and the pig renal proximal tubule LLC-PK1 cell line. The incorporation of Zn( II) was found to be relevant in the case of H(2)pspa, with an increase observed in the cell viability of the LCC-PK1 cells with respect to the value for the free ligand.


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Specimens of a UNS S31803 steel were submitted to high temperature gas nitriding and then to vibratory pitting wear tests. Nitrided samples displayed fully austenitic microstructures and 0.9 wt. % nitrogen contents. Prior to pitting tests, sample texture was characterized by electron backscattering diffraction, EBSD. Later on, the samples were tested in a vibratory pit testing equipment using distilled water Pitting tests were periodically interrupted to evaluate mass loss and to characterize the surface wear by SEM observations. At earlier pit erosion, stages intense and highly heterogeneous plastic deformation inside individual grains was observed. Later on, after the incubation period, mass loss by debris detachment was observed. Initial debris micro fracturing was addressed to low cycle fatigue. Damage started at both sites, inside the grains and grain boundaries. The twin boundaries were the most prone to mass-loss incubation. Grains with (101) planes oriented near parallel to the sample surface displayed higher wear resistance than grains with other textures. This was attributed to lower resolved stresses for plastic deformation inside the grains with (101)


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Meso-tetra-(N-methylpiridinium-4-yl)-porphyrin (TMPyP) and meso-tetra-(4-sulfonatophenyl)-porphyrin (TPPS(4)) are photosensitizing drugs (PS) used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). Based on the fact that these compounds present similar chemical structures but opposite charges at pH levels near physiological conditions, this work aims to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo influence of these electrical charges on the iontophoretic delivery of TMPyP and TPPS4, attempting to achieve maximum accumulation of PS in skin tissue. The iontophoretic transport of these drugs from a hydrophilic gel was investigated in vitro using porcine ear skin and vertical, flow-through diffusion cells. In vivo experiments using rats were also carried out, and the penetration of the PSs was analyzed by fluorescence microscopy to visualize the manner of how these compounds were distributed in the skin after a short period of iontophoresis application. In vitro, both passive and iontophoretic delivery of the positively charged TMPyP were much greater (20-fold and 67-fold, respectively) than those of the negatively charged TPPS(4). TPPS(4) iontophoresis in vivo increased the fluorescence of the skin only in the very superficial layers. On the other hand, iontophoresis of the positively charged drug expressively increased the rat epidermis and dermis fluorescence, indicating high amounts of this drug throughout the skin layers. Moreover, TMPyP was homogeneously distributed around and into the nuclei of the skin cells, suggesting its potential use in topical PDT. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Meso-tetra-[4-sulfonatophenyl]-porphyrin (TPPS(4)) is a charged porphyrin derivate used in photodynamic therapy (PDT) by parenteral administration. This study means to investigate potential enhancement for its topical delivery by determining the TPPS(4) dependence on the environmental characteristics and applying iontophoresis. In order to accomplish this task, cathodal and anodal iontophoresis as well as passive delivery of the drug were studied in vitro and in vivo in function of its concentration, pH and ionic strength. A reduction in drug concentration as well as the NaCl elimination from donor formulation at pH 2.0 increased TPPS(4) passive permeation through the skin in vitro. Iontophoresis improved TPPS(4) delivery across the skin when applied in solutions containing NaCl at pH 2.0, regardless electrode polarity. However, at pH 7.4, the amount of TPPS(4) permeated by iontophoresis was not different from that one permeated after passive experiments from a solution containing NaCl. Despite the fact that iontophoresis did not improve TPPS(4) transdermal delivery at this specific condition, in vivo experiments showed that 10 min of iontophoresis quickly and homogeneously delivered TPPS(4) to deeper skin layers when compared to passive administration, which is an important condition for topical treatment of skin tumors with PDT. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.


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Discrete element method (DEM) modeling is used in parallel with a model for coalescence of deformable surface wet granules. This produces a method capable of predicting both collision rates and coalescence efficiencies for use in derivation of an overall coalescence kernel. These coalescence kernels can then be used in computationally efficient meso-scale models such as population balance equation (PBE) models. A soft-sphere DEM model using periodic boundary conditions and a unique boxing scheme was utilized to simulate particle flow inside a high-shear mixer. Analysis of the simulation results provided collision frequency, aggregation frequency, kinetic energy, coalescence efficiency and compaction rates for the granulation process. This information can be used to bridge the gap in multi-scale modeling of granulation processes between the micro-scale DEM/coalescence modeling approach and a meso-scale PBE modeling approach.