992 resultados para Mehmed II, Sultan of the Turks, 1432-1481.


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We report two complementary measurements of the WW+WZ cross section in the final state consisting of an electron or muon, missing transverse energy, and jets, performed using p\bar{p} collision data at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV collected by the CDF II detector. The first method uses the dijet invariant mass distribution while the second more sensitive method uses matrix-element calculations. The result from the second method has a signal significance of 5.4 sigma and is the first observation of WW+WZ production using this signature. Combining the results gives sigma_{WW+WZ} = 16.0 +/- 3.3 pb, in agreement with the standard model prediction.


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Class I and class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex present peptides to T cells. Class I molecules bind peptides that have been generated in the cytosol by proteasomes and delivered into the endoplasmic reticulum by the transporter associated with antigen presentation. In contrast, class II molecules are very efficient in the presentation of antigens that have been internalized and processed in endosomal/lysosomal compartments. In addition, class II molecules can present some cytosolic antigens by a TAP-independent pathway. To test whether this endogenous class II presentation pathway was linked to proteasome-mediated degradation of antigen in the cytosol, the N-end rule was utilized to produce two forms of the influenza virus matrix protein with different in vivo half-lives (10 min vs. 5 h) when expressed in human B cells. Whereas class I molecules presented both the short- and the long-lived matrix proteins, class II molecules presented exclusively the long-lived form of antigen. Thus, rapid degradation of matrix protein in the cytosol precluded its presentation by class II molecules. These data suggest that the turnover of long-lived cytosolic proteins, some of which is mediated by delivery into endosomal/lysosomal compartments, provides a mechanism for immune surveillance by CD4+ T cells.


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Even though light is the driving force in photosynthesis, it also can be harmful to plants. The water-splitting photosystem II is the main target for this light stress, leading to inactivation of photosynthetic electron transport and photooxidative damage to its reaction center. The plant survives through an intricate repair mechanism involving proteolytic degradation and replacement of the photodamaged reaction center D1 protein. Based on experiments with isolated chloroplast thylakoid membranes and photosystem II core complexes, we report several aspects concerning the rapid turnover of the D1 protein. (i) The primary cleavage step is a GTP-dependent process, leading to accumulation of a 23-kDa N-terminal fragment. (ii) Proteolysis of the D1 protein is inhibited below basal levels by nonhydrolyzable GTP analogues and apyrase treatment, indicating the existence of endogenous GTP tightly bound to the thylakoid membrane. This possibility was corroborated by binding studies. (iii) The proteolysis of the 23-kDa primary degradation fragment (but not of the D1 protein) is an ATP- and zinc-dependent process. (iv) D1 protein degradation is a multienzyme event involving a strategic (primary) protease and a cleaning-up (secondary) protease. (v) The chloroplast FtsH protease is likely to be involved in the secondary degradation steps. Apart from its significance for understanding the repair of photoinhibition, the discovery of tightly bound GTP should have general implications for other regulatory reactions and signal transduction pathways associated with the photosynthetic membrane.


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Here we describe the cloning and initial characterization of a previously unidentified CRF-related neuropeptide, urocortin II (Ucn II). Searches of the public human genome database identified a region with significant sequence homology to the CRF neuropeptide family. By using homologous primers deduced from the human sequence, a mouse cDNA was isolated from whole brain poly(A)+ RNA that encodes a predicted 38-aa peptide, structurally related to the other known mammalian family members, CRF and Ucn. Ucn II binds selectively to the type 2 CRF receptor (CRF-R2), with no appreciable activity on CRF-R1. Transcripts encoding Ucn II are expressed in discrete regions of the rodent central nervous system, including stress-related cell groups in the hypothalamus (paraventricular and arcuate nuclei) and brainstem (locus coeruleus). Central administration of 1–10 μg of peptide elicits activational responses (Fos induction) preferentially within a core circuitry subserving autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation, but whose overall pattern does not broadly mimic the CRF-R2 distribution. Behaviorally, central Ucn II attenuates nighttime feeding, with a time course distinct from that seen in response to CRF. In contrast to CRF, however, central Ucn II failed to increase gross motor activity. These findings identify Ucn II as a new member of the CRF family of neuropeptides, which is expressed centrally and binds selectively to CRF-R2. Initial functional studies are consistent with Ucn II involvement in central autonomic and appetitive control, but not in generalized behavioral activation.


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It is not possible to trace the early demographic development of the Turks and Caicos Islands due to lack of data, but what is evident from the limited historical data is that population developments beginning in 1921 and up to 1970 followed the same path as other Caribbean Islands. The Turks and Caicos Islands have experienced unprecedented population growth over the last twenty years due largely to the immigration of people from neighbouring countries seeking employment created by the development of tourism. Such rapid population changes for the small island group present many social, economic, environmental and political challenges. Population projections are essential so that policymakers and decision makers can make informed judgements about future strategies, policies and programmes.


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The structures of two 1:1 proton-transfer red-black dye compounds formed by reaction of aniline yellow [4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline] with 5-sulfosalicylic acid and benzenesulfonic acid, and a 1:2 nontransfer adduct compound with 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid have been determined at either 130 or 200 K. The compounds are 2-(4-aminophenyl)-1-phenylhydrazin-1-ium 3-carboxy-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonate methanol solvate, C12H12N3+.C7H5O6S-.CH3OH (I), 2-(4-aminophenyl)-1-hydrazin-1-ium 4-(phenydiazinyl)anilinium bis(benzenesulfonate), 2C12H12N3+.2C6H5O3S-, (II) and 4-(phenyldiazenyl)aniline-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid (1/2) C12H11N3.2C~7~H~4~N~2~O~6~, (III). In compound (I) the diaxenyl rather than the aniline group of aniline yellow is protonated and this group subsequently akes part in a primary hydrogen-bonding interaction with a sulfonate O-atom acceptor, producing overall a three-dimensional framework structure. A feature of the hydrogen bonding in (I) is a peripheral edge-on cation-anion association involving aromatic C--H...O hydrogen bonds, giving a conjoint R1/2(6)R1/2(7)R2/1(4)motif. In the dichroic crystals of (II), one of the two aniline yellow species in the asymmetric unit is diazenyl-group protonated while in the other the aniline group is protonated. Both of these groups form hydrogen bonds with sulfonate O-atom acceptors and thee, together with other associations give a one-dimensional chain structure. In compound (III), rather than proton-transfer, there is a preferential formation of a classic R2/2(8) cyclic head-to-head hydrogen-bonded carboxylic acid homodimer between the two 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid molecules, which in association with the aniline yellow molecule that is disordered across a crystallographic inversion centre, result in an overall two-dimensional ribbon structure. This work has shown the correlation between structure and observed colour in crystalline aniline yellow compounds, illustrated graphically in the dichroic benzenesulfonate compound.


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Much of what we currently understand about the structure and energetics of multiply charged anions in the gas phase is derived from the measurement of photoelectron spectra of simple dicarboxylate dianions. Here we have employed a modified linear ion-trap mass spectrometer to undertake complementary investigations of the ionic products resulting from laser-initiated electron photodetachment of two model dianions. Electron photodetachment (ePD) of the \[M-2H](2-) dianions formed from glutaric and adipic acid were found to result in a significant loss of ion signal overall, which is consistent with photoelectron studies that report the emission of slow secondary electrons (Xing et al., 2010 \[201). The ePD mass spectra reveal no signals corresponding to the intact \[M-2H](center dot-) radical anions, but rather \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) ions are identified as the only abundant ionic products indicating that spontaneous decarboxylation follows ejection of the first electron. Interestingly however, investigations of the structure and energetics of the \[M-2H-CO2](center dot-) photoproducts by ion-molecule reaction and electronic structure calculation indicate that (i) these ions are stable with respect to secondary electron detachment and (ii) most of the ion population retains a distonic radical anion structure where the radical remains localised at the position of the departed carboxylate moiety. These observations lead to the conclusion that the mechanism for loss of ion signal involves unimolecular rearrangement reactions of the nascent \[M-2H](center dot-) carbonyloxyl radical anions that compete favourably with direct decarboxylation. Several possible rearrangement pathways that facilitate electron detachment from the radical anion are identified and are computed to be energetically accessible. Such pathways provide an explanation for prior observations of slow secondary electron features in the photoelectron spectra of the same dicaboxylate dianions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The anhydrous salts of 1H-indole-3-ethanamine (tryptamine) with isomeric (2,4-dichlorophenoxy)acetic acid (2,4-D) and (3,5-dichlorophenoxy)acetic (3,5-D), C10H13N2+ (C8H5Cl2O3)-, [(I) and (II), respectively] have been determined and their one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded polymeric structures are described. In the crystal of (I),the aminium H-atoms are involved in three separate inter-species N-H...O hydrogen-bonding interactions, two with carboxyl O-atom acceptors and the third in an asymmetric three-centre bidentate carboxyl O,O' chelate [graph set R2/1(4)]. The indole H-atom forms an N-H...O~carboxyl~ hydrogen bond, extending the chain structure along the b axial direction. In (II), two of the three aminium H-atoms are also involved in N-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds similar to (I) but with the third, a three-centre asymmetric interaction with carboxyl and phenoxy O-atoms is found [graph set R2/1(5)]. The chain polymeric extension is also along b. There are no pi--pi ring interactions in either of the structures. The aminium side chain conformations differ significantly between the two structures, reflecting the conformational ambivalence of the tryptaminium cation, as found also in the benzoate salts.


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Methods for the preparation of palladium(II) complexes of the type Pd(R-IAI)(IAI'), where IAI' is the anion of isonitrosoacetylacetoneimine and R-IAI, its N-alkyl or N-aryl derivative, are given.


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Infrared spectroscopy provides a valuable tool to investigate the spin-state transition in Fe(II) complexes of the type Fe(Phen)2(NCS)2. With progressive substitution of Fe by Mn, the first-order transition changes over to a second-order transition, with a high residual population of the high-spin state even at very low temperatures


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The development of a new bioprocess requires several steps from initial concept to a practical and feasible application. Industrial applications of fungal pigments will depend on: (i) safety of consumption, (ii) stability of the pigments to the food processing conditions required by the products where they will be incorporated and (iii) high production yields so that production costs are reasonable. Of these requirements the first involves the highest research costs and the practical application of this type of processes may face several hurdles until final regulatory approval as a new food ingredient. Therefore, before going through expensive research to have them accepted as new products, the process potential should be assessed early on, and this brings forward pigment stability studies and process optimisation goals. Only ingredients that are usable in economically feasible conditions should progress to regulatory approval. This thesis covers these two aspects, stability and process optimisation, for a potential new ingredient; natural red colour, produced by microbial fermentation. The main goal was to design, optimise and scale-up the production process of red pigments by Penicillium purpurogenum GH2. The approach followed to reach this objective was first to establish that pigments produced by Penicillium purpurogenum GH2 are sufficiently stable under different processing conditions (thermal and non-thermal) that can be found in food and textile industries. Once defined that pigments were stable enough, the work progressed towards process optimisation, aiming for the highest productivity using submerged fermentation as production culture. Optimum production conditions defined at flask scale were used to scale up the pigment production process to a pilot reactor scale. Finally, the potential applications of the pigments were assessed. Based on this sequence of specific targets, the thesis was structured in six parts, containing a total of nine chapters. Engineering design of a bioprocess for the production of natural red colourants by submerged fermentation of the thermophilic fungus Penicillium purpurogenum GH2.


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We present a model-atmosphere analysis for the bright (V similar to 13) star ZNG-1, in the globular cluster M10. From high-resolution (R similar to 40 000) optical spectra we confirm ZNG-1 to be a post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) star. The derived atmospheric parameters are T-eff = 26 500 +/- 1000 K and log g = 3.6 +/- 0.2 dex. A differential abundance analysis reveals a chemical composition typical of hot post-AGB objects, with ZNG-1 being generally metal poor, although helium is approximately solar. The most interesting feature is the large carbon underabundance of more than 1.3 dex. This carbon deficiency, along with an observed nitrogen enhancement relative to other elements, may suggest that ZNG-1 evolved off the AGB before the third dredge-up occurred. Also, iron depletions observed in other similar stars suggest that gas- dust fractionation in the AGB progenitor could be responsible for the observed composition of these objects. However, we need not invoke either scenario since the chemical composition of ZNG-1 is in good agreement with abundances found for a Population II star of the same metallicity.


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PURPOSE: A phase I study to define toxicity and recommend a phase II dose of the HSP90 inhibitor alvespimycin (17-DMAG; 17-dimethylaminoethylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin). Secondary endpoints included evaluation of pharmacokinetic profile, tumor response, and definition of a biologically effective dose (BED). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with advanced solid cancers were treated with weekly, intravenous (i.v.) 17-DMAG. An accelerated titration dose escalation design was used. The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) was the highest dose at which = 1/6 patients experienced dose limiting toxicity (DLT). Dose de-escalation from the MTD was planned with mandatory, sequential tumor biopsies to determine a BED. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic assays were validated prior to patient accrual. RESULTS: Twenty-five patients received 17-DMAG (range 2.5-106 mg/m(2)). At 106 mg/m(2) of 17-DMAG 2/4 patients experienced DLT, including one treatment-related death. No DLT occurred at 80 mg/m(2). Common adverse events were gastrointestinal, liver function changes, and ocular. Area under the curve and mean peak concentration increased proportionally with 17-DMAG doses 80 mg/m(2) or less. In peripheral blood mononuclear cells significant (P