344 resultados para McGurk illusion
The most important French literary movement of the 1950s and 1960s, the nouveau roman, radically questioned the idea of the novel as storytelling, claiming that narratives create a false illusion of the world’s intelligibility. However, in the 1970s storytelling finds its way back into the French novel – a shift that has been characterized as the “return of the narrative”. In my article, I argue that the “narrative turn” in the French novel of the 1970s can be seen as a turn towards a fundamentally hermeneutic view of the narrative mediatedness of our relation to the world. From a hermeneutic perspective, the nouveaux romanciers – insofar as they reject the narrative in order to disclose the discontinuous, fragmentary and chaotic nature of reality – hang onto the positivistic idea that “real” is only that which is independent of human meaning-giving processes. By contrast, the hermeneutists, such as Paul Ricoeur, consider also the human experience of the world to be real, and largely narrative in form. This view is shared by the principal novelists associated with the narrative turn, such as Michel Tournier to whom man is a “mythological animal”. However, after the nouveau roman , narratives have lost their innocence: they no longer appear as “natural” but are conscious of their own narrativity, historicity, and the way they represent only one possible – inevitably ethically and politically charged – perspective into reality. By making storytelling thematic and by telling “counter-stories” that question prevailing models of sense-making, Tournier and other “new storytellers” strive to promote critical reflection on the stories on the basis of which we orient to the world and narrate our lives – both as individuals and as communities.
Transposed to media like film, drama, opera, music, and the visual arts, “narrative” is no longer characterized by either temporality or an act of telling, both required by earlier narratological theories. Transposed to other disciplines, “narrative” is often a substitute for “assumption”, “hypothesis”, a disguised ideological stance, a cognitive scheme, and even life itself. The potential for broadening the concept lay dormant in narratology, both in the double use of “narrative” for the medium-free fabula and for the medium-bound sjuzet, and in changing interpretations of “event”. Some advantages of the broad use of “narrative” are an evocation of commonalities among media and disciplines, an invitation to re-think the term within the originating discipline, a constructivist challenge to positivistic and foundational views, an emphasis on a plurality of competing “truths”, and an empowerment of minority voices. Conversely, disadvantages of the broad use are an illusion of sameness whenever the term is used and the obliteration of specificity. In a Wittgensteinian spirit, the essay agrees that concepts of narrative are mutually related by “family resemblance”, but wishes to probe the resemblances further. It thus postulates two necessary features: double temporality and a transmitting (or mediating) agency, and an additional cluster of variable optional characteristics. When the necessary features are not dominant, the configuration may have “narrative elements” but is not “a narrative”.
Poetics of the Nameless Middle : Japan and the West in Philosophy and Music of the Twentieth Century
This study investigates the affinities between philosophy, aesthetics, and music of Japan and the West. The research is based on the structuralist notion (specifically, on that found in the narratology of Algirdas Julius Greimas), that the universal grammar functions as an abstract principle, underlying all kinds of discourse. The study thus aims to demonstrate how this grammar is manifested in philosophical, aesthetic, and musical texts and how the semiotic homogeneity of these texts can be explained on this basis. Totality and belongingness are the key philosophical concepts presented herein. As distinct from logocentrism manifested as substantializations of the world of ideas , god or mind, which was characteristic of previous Western paradigms, totality was defined as the coexistence of opposites. Thus Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Dōgen, and Nishida often illustrated it by identifying fundamental polarities, such as being and nothing, seer and seen, truth and illusion, etc. Accordingly, totality was schematically presented as an all-encompassing middle of the semiotic square. Similar values can be found in aesthetics and arts. Instead of dialectic syntagms, differentiated unity is considered as paradigmatic and the study demonstrates how this is manifested in traditional Japanese and Heideggerian aesthetics, as well as in the aspects of music of Claude Debussy and Tōru Takemitsu.
Engineering at the molecular level is one of the most exciting new developments for the generation of functional materials. However, the concept of designing polynuclear extended structures from bottom up is still not mature. Although progress has been made with secondary building units (SBUs) in metal organic frameworks (MOFs), the control seems to be just an illusion when it comes to bridging ligands such as the azide ion. When we say that the azido ligand is versatile in its bridging capabilities, what we mean is that it would be difficult to predict or control its bridging properties. However, this kind of serendipity is not always bad news. For example, scientists have shown that the azido ligand can mediate magnetic exchanges between paramagnetic metals in a predictable fashion (usually depending upon the bonding geometries). Therefore, it is a well-respected ligand in polynuclear assemblies. Serendipitous assemblies offer new magnetic structures that we may not otherwise even think about synthesizing. The azido ligand forms a variety of complexes with copper(II) using different blocking amines or pyridine based ligands. Its structural nature changes upon changing the substitution on amine, as well as the amount of blocking ligand. In principle, if we take any of these complexes and provide more coordination sites to the bridging azido ligands by removing a fraction of the blocking ligands, we can get new complexes with intricate structural networks and therefore different magnetic properties with the same components as used for the parent complex. In this Account, we mainly discuss the development of a number of new topological and magnetic exchange systems synthesized using this concept. Not all of these new complexes can be grouped according to their basic building structures or even by the ratio of the metal to blocking ligand. Therefore, we divided the discussion by the nuclearity of the basic building structures. Some of the complexes with the same nuclearities have very similar or even almost identical basic structures. However, the way these building units are joined together (by the azido bridges) to form the overall extended structures differ almost in every case. The complexes having the Cu-6 core are particularly interesting from a structural point of view. Although they have almost identical basic structures, some of them are extended in three dimensions, but two of them are extended in two dimensions by two different bridging networks. In the complexes having linear Cu-4 basic units, we find that using similar ligands does not always give the same bridging networks even within the basic building structures. These complexes have also enriched the field of molecular magnetism. One of the complexes with a Cu-3 building unit has provided us with the opportunity to study the competing behavior of two different kinds of magnetic exchange mechanism (ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic) acting simultaneously between two metal ions. Through density functional theory calculations, we showed how they work independently and their additive nature to produce the overall effect. The exciting methodology for the generation of copper(II) polyclusters presented in this Account will provide the opportunity to explore analogous serendipitous assembly of diverse structures with interesting magnetic behavior using other transition metal ions having more than one unpaired electrons.
Resumen: El clima emocional no es la simple suma de las emociones individuales sino un afecto colectivo generado por cómo los individuos interactúan unos con otros como respuestas colectivas a sus condiciones económicas, políticas y sociales (de Rivera, 2014). Por su parte, en el contexto argentino la inseguridad es el principal problema social percibido en los últimos años. Sobre este marco, se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de analizar el clima emocional, la percepción de inseguridad y el miedo al delito junto a otros factores psicosociales asociados, y de explorar los perfiles perceptivos diferenciales según el auto-posicionamiento ideológico. La muestra, intencional, estuvo compuesta por 516 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados dan cuenta de un clima emocional negativo (enfado y desesperanza), baja confianza institucional, frustración anómica y alta percepción de inseguridad. Se observan diferencias al comparar a los participantes en función de su autoposicionamiento ideológico. La percepción del clima emocional es más positivo cuánto más a la izquierda se ubican los participantes, manifestando mayor seguridad, menor desesperanza y enfado. Exhiben además menos miedo al delito, menor preocupación por la inseguridad y menor probabilidad de victimización. Sin embargo, quienes se posicionan ideológicamente hacia la derecha muestran mayores niveles de frustración anómica, y la confianza (o desconfianza) institucional varía por el posicionamiento ideológico en función de la institución. Finalmente, la heteropercepción de inseguridad es mayor que la autopercepción, surgiendo de este modo mecanismos defensivos como la ilusión de invulnerabilidad, que conllevan mayor riesgo.
We wished to replicate evidence that an experimental paradigm of speech illusions is associated with psychotic experiences. Fifty-four patients with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) and 150 healthy subjects were examined in an experimental paradigm assessing the presence of speech illusion in neutral white noise. Socio-demographic, cognitive function and family history data were collected. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) was administered in the patient group and the Structured Interview for Schizotypy-Revised (SIS-R), and the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) in the control group. Patients had a much higher rate of speech illusions (33.3% versus 8.7%, ORadjusted: 5.1, 95% CI: 2.3-11.5), which was only partly explained by differences in IQ (ORadjusted: 3.4, 95% CI: 1.4-8.3). Differences were particularly marked for signals in random noise that were perceived as affectively salient (ORadjusted: 9.7, 95% CI: 1.8-53.9). Speech illusion tended to be associated with positive symptoms in patients (ORadjusted: 3.3, 95% CI: 0.9-11.6), particularly affectively salient illusions (ORadjusted: 8.3, 95% CI: 0.7-100.3). In controls, speech illusions were not associated with positive schizotypy (ORadjusted: 1.1, 95% CI: 0.3-3.4) or self-reported psychotic experiences (ORadjusted: 1.4, 95% CI: 0.4-4.6). Experimental paradigms indexing the tendency to detect affectively salient signals in noise may be used to identify liability to psychosis.
Com um dos objetivos de conceituar e descrever as estratégias emocionais de persuasão publicitárias, levantei bibliografia da área e publicidades contidas no meio revista brasileiro. Depois, busquei analisar se os temas mais abordados e os meios de persuasão adotados são reflexos dos valores, crenças e comportamentos da cultura hipermoderna, segundo descrição dos autores escolhidos na fundamentação teórica. Fiz um levantamento dos anúncios que remetiam a um cuidado de si veiculados nas revistas Veja, Playboy e Marie Claire em 2005 e identifiquei dois tipos de estratégias emocionais. O que foi mais utilizado fomenta o hedonismo imaginativo e busca persuadir com diferentes apelos regressivos de gratificação do consumidor. A outra estratégia, também bem utilizada, com mensagens sutis, foi a repressiva. Neste caso, busca-se motivar a compra a partir da ilusão de inclusão social, com discursos que indicam como se deve ser, sentir e agir, em sua maior parte, também infantis. Outros objetivos desta pesquisa foram analisar os possíveis efeitos às subjetividades contemporâneas do conteúdo das mensagens dos anúncios divulgados nas revistas de maior circulação no Brasil. Por último, apresento algumas sugestões de criação publicitária em que se fomente o laço social, e o respeito à alteridade e ao ecossistema.
Compreender o caráter ambíguo da temática de Oswaldo Goeldi é o grande desafio proposto pelo artista a todos que, de forma geral, estão inseridos em uma compreensão mediana e superficial dentro do cotidiano. Numa atmosfera fantástica, Goeldi procura tornar as paisagens, seus seres e objetos mais ambíguos ainda. E devido à perplexidade que seus trabalhos causam aos espectadores torna-se impossível fechar um único conceito ou opinião sobre o caráter dos desenhos e gravuras deste artista situado entre os extremos da luz e das sombras. Comparando as obras de Goeldi com o gênero literário fantástico, que é caracterizado por um mundo individual regido pelas incertezas de cada um, segundo Tzvetan Todorov em sua obra Introdução à Literatura Fantástica, pode-se vislumbrar nas obras de Goeldi duas condições: ou o ser estranho é uma ilusão, um ser imaginário, ou então existe realmente, exatamente como os outros seres vivos, mas com a ressalva de que raramente o encontramos. Vida ou morte? Real ou irreal? Dessa forma, podemos dizer que Goeldi foi um expressionista que viveu uma realidade fronteiriça entre o interior e exterior, a qual não era menos fantástica do que real. Uma questão que permanece atemporal até os dias de hoje conforme veremos nas obras de Nuno Ramos, José Rufino e William Kentridge
A modernidade caracteriza-se por um período em que ocorreram profundas revoluções em curtos intervalos de tempo. Nela, o mundo analógico foi substituído, gradativamente, pelo digital e o mundo material passou a dividir espaço com a realidade virtual. Inicialmente representada pelo mito prometeico, a modernidade foi tomada pelo impulso fáustico que hoje se traduz no desejo de recriar a condição humana. Os tecnoprofetas da Inteligência Artificial anunciam para breve as maravilhas da pós-humanidade e se ocupam com criação de máquinas espirituais que, acreditam eles, libertarão o homem de sua condição orgânica. Ciente de que a sociedade se organiza em torno da ótica tecnocientífica e de que as inovações alteram significativamente o modo como a maioria dos seres humanos se relaciona com o tempo, com o espaço e com a vida, este estudo discute o modelo de desenvolvimento tecnológico, por entender que ele não mais constitui assunto de domínio exclusivamente técnico, mas, também, de interesse político. Ademais, com vistas a problematizar o que dá sentido à técnica, faz-se uma crítica ao modelo atual, no qual ela, a técnica, subordinada à razão intrumental, funciona como instrumento de alienação e discute as condições necessárias a sua democratização. O estudo começa examinando dois fenômenos considerados determinantes na configuração do cenário atual: o capitalismo cognitivo e a reificação-tecnológica, entendidos como construções monopolizadas pela ótica capital-tecnocientífica. A seguir, faz-se uma análise sobre as noções de técnica, tecnologia e razão técnica e discute-se o impacto do desenvolvimento tecnológico no ato médico. A medicina representa uma atividade de grande valor social para o bem estar humano, embora, nas últimas décadas, venha enfrentando uma quebra no vínculo de confiança entre médicos e pacientes, além de uma crise na identidade desse profissional que hoje enfrenta dificuldades para preservar sua autonomia, face ao mercado das novas tecnologias e estratégias de gestão. Nesse contexto, surgem novas questões a serem elaboradas e a serem respondidas por diferentes atores e áreas de conhecimento da sociedade que desejem contribuir com reflexões e propostas que façam frente aos problemas específicos de nosso tempo. O trabalho sugere, ainda, que noções como Vontade - no sentido arendtiano, ou como o Olhar atento - Josep Esquiról e como Habilidade artesanal - Richard Sennett, podem nos ajudar a compreender as incumbências de uma re-orientação ética, se quisermos construir um diálogo com a razão tecnocientífica em prol da liberdade humana.
Body length measurement is an important part of growth, condition, and mortality analyses of larval and juvenile fish. If the measurements are not accurate (i.e., do not reflect real fish length), results of subsequent analyses may be affected considerably (McGurk, 1985; Fey, 1999; Porter et al., 2001). The primary cause of error in fish length measurement is shrinkage related to collection and preservation (Theilacker, 1980; Hay, 1981; Butler, 1992; Fey, 1999). The magnitude of shrinkage depends on many factors, namely the duration and speed of the collection tow, abundance of other planktonic organisms in the sample (Theilacker, 1980; Hay, 1981; Jennings, 1991), the type and strength of the preservative (Hay, 1982), and the species of fish (Jennings, 1991; Fey, 1999). Further, fish size affects shrinkage (Fowler and Smith, 1983; Fey, 1999, 2001), indicating that live length should be modeled as a function of preserved length (Pepin et al., 1998; Fey, 1999).
A significant proportion of the processing delays within the visual system are luminance dependent. Thus placing an attenuating filter over one eye causes a temporal delay between the eyes and thus an illusion of motion in depth for objects moving in the fronto-parallel plane, known as the Pulfrich effect. We have used this effect to study adaptation to such an interocular delay in two normal subjects wearing 75% attenuating neutral density filters over one eye. In two separate experimental periods both subjects showed about 60% adaptation over 9 days. Reciprocal effects were seen on removal of the filters. To isolate the site of adaptation we also measured the subjects' flicker fusion frequencies (FFFs) and contrast sensitivity functions (CSFs). Both subjects showed significant adaptation in their FFFs. An attempt to model the Pulfrich and FFF adaptation curves with a change in a single parameter in Kelly's [(1971) Journal of the Optical Society of America, 71, 537-546] retinal model was only partially successful. Although we have demonstrated adaptation in normal subjects to induced time delays in the visual system we postulate that this may at least partly represent retinal adaptation to the change in mean luminance.
Human locomotion is known to be influenced by observation of another person's gait. For example, athletes often synchronize their step in long distance races. However, how interaction with a virtual runner affects the gait of a real runner has not been studied. We investigated this by creating an illusion of running behind a virtual model (VM) using a treadmill and large screen virtual environment showing a video of a VM. We looked at step synchronization between the real and virtual runner and at the role of the step frequency (SF) in the real runner's perception of VM speed. We found that subjects match VM SF when asked to match VM speed with their own (Figure 1). This indicates step synchronization may be a strategy of speed matching or speed perception. Subjects chose higher speeds when VMSF was higher (though VM was 12km/h in all videos). This effect was more pronounced when the speed estimate was rated verbally while standing still. (Figure 2). This may due to correlated physical activity affecting the perception of VM speed [Jacobs et al. 2005]; or step synchronization altering the subjects' perception of self speed [Durgin et al. 2007]. Our findings indicate that third person activity in a collaborative virtual locomotive environment can have a pronounced effect on an observer's gait activity and their perceptual judgments of the activity of others: the SF of others (virtual or real) can potentially influence one's perception of self speed and lead to changes in speed and SF. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms would support the design of more compelling virtual trainers and may be instructive for competitive athletics in the real world. © 2009 ACM.
In the period of college, an individual matures rapidly in all aspects. College engineering students are the important parts of undergraduates. The state of an individual’s mental health may affect and even decide his future life and work. The level of the student’s self-concept and the kind of coping styles the students adopt are directly related to their mental health. So, it is significant to study the psychological stress, coping and self-concept of college engineering students for the mental health education and research of college engineering students. Based on overviews of former research, with the China College Student Psychological Stress Scale, the Coping Styles Scale and the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, 559 college engineering students were investigated to explore the characteristics of and the relationship between the psychological stress, coping styles and self-concept of college engineering students. The results showed: 1. The stresses of learning, living and daily hassles were the main psychological stresses of college engineering students. There were significant differences in psychological stress between students from the countryside and those from urban areas, between needy students and non-needy students, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between male and female, between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 2. The coping styles of solving problem, seeking help and rationalization were the main coping styles of college engineering students. There were significant differences in the coping styles between needy students and non-needy students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between students from the countryside and from urban areas, between male and female, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 3. The self-concept of college engineering students was positive in general. There were significant differences in self-concept between students from the countryside and those from urban areas, between male and female, between needy students and non-needy students, between single-parent students and non-single-parent students, among students from different grades, with different academic achievements and of different postgraduate targets, between student party members and non-party members, between student cadres and non-cadres. However, there were no significant differences between those from single-child families and from multiple-child families. 4. The psychological stress had significantly negative correlation to the immature coping styles, and had partial correlation to the mature coping styles. Coping style has significant predictability on psychological stress. 5. The positive factors of the self-concept had significantly negative correlation to psychological stress, but self-criticism had positive correlation to psychological stress. There are significant differences between high self-concept students and low self-concept students for psychological stress. Self-concept has significant predictability on psychological stress. 6. The positive factors of the self-concept had significantly negative correlation to the coping styles of self-blame, illusion, avoidance, and rationalization, but had significantly positive correlation to the coping style of solving problem and seeking help. Self-criticism had significantly negative correlation to the coping styles of self-blame, illusion, avoidance, and rationalization. There are significant differences between high self-concept students and low self-concept students for coping styles. Self-concept has significant predictability on coping styles. 7. The self-concept of college engineering students had an effect on psychological stress by coping styles. However, the effect by the immature coping styles was higher than that to the mental health directly, and the effect by the mature and mixed coping styles was slighter than that to the mental health directly. According to the results, improving the college engineering students’ self-concept level and establishing right self-concept, developing the middle school student’ active coping styles and overcoming the negative coping styles are essential and important to the college engineering students’ mental health and provide useful clues for the psychological education of the college engineering students.
As a kind of mood, depression is one of the emotions which people experienced usually. Depressive disorder is one of the common mental diseases. There are about 100 million people in the world be disturbed by depression every year. So it is long history that depression is investigated widely in medicine, psychology, and sociology. There are many theorial problems remain to be solved. Viewed from latest vocuments, the development of depression theory is tending to become more complicated. Most of the prior depression theory focused on relation between one factor and depression. Because depressed individuls have various characteristics and factors that cause depression are different, and each factor can explain only part of depression variance, these prior depression theories are defected. As the knowledge about depression accumulated, the view that depression be caused by multifactor is clearer. There is tendency to integrate these cooperational factor into a model while developing a depression theory. In the present study, depression status of 1625 middle school students from junior 1 to senior 3 are measured using Depression Scale of Middle-school Student which is developed by ourselves. From approach of depressive mood, the present study explored depressive diathesis including attributional style, personality, coping style, and self. The relation among depressive diathesis, stress and depression is analysed. The relation between depression and school life adaptation, depression and cohesion, adaptation in family are also analysed from environmental view. At last, relation among environment, stress, depressive diathesis is examined by using covariance structure modelling. Synthesizing the results from the present study, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) There is grade-characteristics in development of depression in middle school students. Depression degree increased with grade. The main reason may be that the stress middle-school students experience increase and self-acceptance decrease with grade; (2) High depressive diathesis is different from low depressive diathesis. the features of high depressive diathesis are that attributing failure to ability or background, low capacity for status, low sociability, low independence, low self-blame, more illusion. The features of low depressive diathesis are that not attributing failure to ability or background, high capacity for status, high sociability, high independence, high self-acceptance, while facing difficulties, using problem-resolving coping strategy, less self-blame, less illusion. Individuals who have high depressive diathesis showed serious depression, and individuals who have low depressive diathesis showed light depression; (3) Depressive diathesis had accumulative effect on depression. More low depressive diathesis, more light is depression. More high depressive diathesis, more serious is depression; (4) Depressive diathesis can predict present depression and future depression. Predicting present depression is more effective than predicting future depression; (5) Individual who has different depressive diathesis experiences different level of stress. Higher the depressive diathesis individual has, higher stress he will experience. Lower the depressive diathesis individual has, lower stress will he experience; (6) There is correlation between life event pressure and depression. Life event pressure can predict a part of variance of depression. Life event pressure has accumulative effect on depression. More life event and higher life event pressure, more serious depression individual will experience; (7) There exits high correlation between depression and school life adaptation which can predict depression; (8) There is high correlative relation between depression and cohesion, adaptation in family which can predict depression; and (9) Environment have more effect on diathesis than on stress. Diathesis has more effect on depression than stress does. The past depression can predict future depression. This study had enlarged the domain of depressive diathesis such as attributional style, personality, coping style, and self, which are analysed wholly. This study had also enriched the connotation of diathesis=stress theory. Above two aspects are theoretical significance of the study. This study provide a framework of mental health educational curriculum in high school and provide the guideline for prevention and cure of depression. It is the practical significance of this study.
Bain, William, 'Are There Any Lessons of History?: The English School and the Activity of Being an Historian', International Politics (2007) 44(5) pp.513-530 RAE2008