482 resultados para McGann, Jerome J.


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Libro dirigido a profesores y cursos de métodos de alfabetización. Propone un modelo para la enseñanza de la alfabetización crítica con ejemplos y prácticas que pueden realizarse en el día a día de la escuela primaria o secundaria. Los materiales que presenta permiten a los estudiantes utilizar el lenguaje para cuestionar el mundo en su vida diaria, investigar la relación entre lenguaje y poder, analizar la cultura popular, entender cómo las relaciones fuertes están construidas socialmente, y considerar las acciones a realizar para conseguir una justicia social.


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En la sisena sessió d’investidura de la seva història, el 14 de desembre de 2010, la Universitat de Girona va incorporar al seu Claustre, com a doctors honoris causa, als senyors Ferran Mir i Joan Roca. Han passat a formar part, doncs, d’una llista de notables entre els quals cal destacar filòsofs com Jerome Bruner i Raimon Pannikar, que va cedir la seva biblioteca personal a la UdG i que malauradament va traspassar aquest mes d’agost; historiadors com el pare Miquel Batllori, Eric Hobsbawn i Robert Brian Tate, mort també recentment i el llegat del qual està dipositat a la nostra Universitat; representants del món de la ciència, com la geòloga Carmina Virgili, l’especialista en biomedicina Joan Rodés, el químic Joan Bertran i l’ictiòleg Fred M. Utter; de les ciències socials, com l’economista Jaume Gil Aluja i com l’advocat Miquel Roca, pare de la Constitució; o cantants il·lustres, com és el cas del tenor Jaume Aragall. Després de la cerimònia d’investidura, Engega ha cregut oportú oferir als lectors una aproximació personal a la figura de Ferran Mir i Joan Roca, a partir d’unes entrevistes que ens permeten accedir als continguts del seu pensament, en el camp de la comptabilitat i la gastronomia, respectivament, i a diferents aspectes de la seva activitat professional


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Parlaments de la cerimònia d’investidura llegits el dia 26 de juny de 1997 a l’Auditori del Centre Cultural La Mercè


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La metodología y la didáctica son la llave maestra para abrir un abanico de posibilidades en la producción de aprendizajes eficaces, direccionados por el modelo pedagógico constructivista de actual vigencia. De allí que el problema de esta investigación responde, primeramente, a un diagnóstico inicial para evidenciar las limitaciones metodológicas en las prácticas profesionales actuales de los docentes que laboran en el Colegio; para posteriormente presentar una propuesta de mejoramiento del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, a través de métodos, técnicas y estrategias activas y participativas. Para fundamentar el estudio, se acude a fuentes teóricas claras y básicas; como las teorías del aprendizaje de la educación, que se aproximan a los avances de la ciencia psicopedagógica, cuyo debate y aplicación aterriza en el modelo pedagógico constructivista. Así por ejemplo tenemos aportes de David Ausúbel que refieren al aprendizaje significativo; Tony Buzan que refiere al aprendizaje de esquemas mentales Jerome Brúner que ilustra el aprendizaje por descubrimiento; Rubén Fuertstein que habla sobre el aprendizaje mediado; Lev Vigotski que señala el aprendizaje sociocultural y añade el concepto zona de desarrollo próximo (ZDP); entre otros. El trabajo de investigación presenta además, un análisis de los métodos, técnicas y estrategias activas y participativas en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje que guardan relación con el modelo pedagógico constructivista. Finalmente se presenta una propuesta metodológica a través de círculos de estudio, para facilitar espacios de diálogo en el aula, entre estudiante y maestro y así prevenir los desajustes emocionales en los aprendices, en virtud de que la juventud se mueve en un mundo donde el acelerado progreso de la ciencia y la tecnología es compleja y cambiante, por tanto la tarea de enseñar se torna de mucha responsabilidad para los docentes.


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The amygdala was more responsive to fearful (larger) eye whites than to happy (smaller) eye whites presented in a masking paradigm that mitigated subjects' awareness of their presence and aberrant nature. These data demonstrate that the amygdala is responsive to elements of.


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McDaniel, Robinson-Riegler, and Einstein (1998) recently reported findings in support of the proposal that prospective remembering is largely conceptually driven. In each of the three experiments they reported, however, the task in which the prospective memory target was encountered at test had a predominantly conceptual focus, thereby potentially facilitating retrieval of conceptually encoded features of the studied target event. We report two experiments in which we manipulated the dimension (perceptual or conceptual) along which a target event varied between study and test while using a processing task, at both study and test, compatible with the relevant dimension of target change. When the target was encountered in a sentence validity task at study and test, and the semantic context in which a target was encountered was changed between these two occasions, prospective remembering declined (Experiment 1). A similar decline occurred, using a readability rating task, when the perceptual context (font in which the word was printed) was altered (Experiment 2). These results indicate that both perceptual and conceptual processes can support prospective remembering.


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Powdery mildews are phytopathogens whose growth and reproduction are entirely dependent on living plant cells. The molecular basis of this life-style, obligate biotrophy, remains unknown. We present the genome analysis of barley powdery mildew, Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei (Blumeria), as well as a comparison with the analysis of two powdery mildews pathogenic on dicotyledonous plants. These genomes display massive retrotransposon proliferation, genome-size expansion, and gene losses. The missing genes encode enzymes of primary and secondary metabolism, carbohydrate-active enzymes, and transporters, probably reflecting their redundancy in an exclusively biotrophic life-style. Among the 248 candidate effectors of pathogenesis identified in the Blumeria genome, very few (less than 10) define a core set conserved in all three mildews, suggesting thatmost effectors represent species-specific adaptations.


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In probabilistic decision tasks, an expected value (EV) of a choice is calculated, and after the choice has been made, this can be updated based on a temporal difference (TD) prediction error between the EV and the reward magnitude (RM) obtained. The EV is measured as the probability of obtaining a reward x RM. To understand the contribution of different brain areas to these decision-making processes, functional magnetic resonance imaging activations related to EV versus RM (or outcome) were measured in a probabilistic decision task. Activations in the medial orbitofrontal cortex were correlated with both RM and with EV and confirmed in a conjunction analysis to extend toward the pregenual cingulate cortex. From these representations, TD reward prediction errors could be produced. Activations in areas that receive from the orbitofrontal cortex including the ventral striatum, midbrain, and inferior frontal gyrus were correlated with the TD error. Activations in the anterior insula were correlated negatively with EV, occurring when low reward outcomes were expected, and also with the uncertainty of the reward, implicating this region in basic and crucial decision-making parameters, low expected outcomes, and uncertainty.


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Synoptic wind events in the equatorial Pacific strongly influence the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) evolution. This paper characterizes the spatio-temporal distribution of Easterly (EWEs) and Westerly Wind Events (WWEs) and quantifies their relationship with intraseasonal and interannual large-scale climate variability. We unambiguously demonstrate that the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) and Convectively-coupled Rossby Waves (CRW) modulate both WWEs and EWEs occurrence probability. 86 % of WWEs occur within convective MJO and/or CRW phases and 83 % of EWEs occur within the suppressed phase of MJO and/or CRW. 41 % of WWEs and 26 % of EWEs are in particular associated with the combined occurrence of a CRW/MJO, far more than what would be expected from a random distribution (3 %). Wind events embedded within MJO phases also have a stronger impact on the ocean, due to a tendency to have a larger amplitude, zonal extent and longer duration. These findings are robust irrespective of the wind events and MJO/CRW detection methods. While WWEs and EWEs behave rather symmetrically with respect to MJO/CRW activity, the impact of ENSO on wind events is asymmetrical. The WWEs occurrence probability indeed increases when the warm pool is displaced eastward during El Niño events, an increase that can partly be related to interannual modulation of the MJO/CRW activity in the western Pacific. On the other hand, the EWEs modulation by ENSO is less robust, and strongly depends on the wind event detection method. The consequences of these results for ENSO predictability are discussed.


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We investigate the processes responsible for the intraseasonal displacements of the eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool (WPEE), which appear to play a role in the onset and development of El Niño events. We use 25 years of output from an ocean general circulation model experiment that is able to accurately capture the observed displacements of the WPEE, sea level anomalies, and upper ocean zonal currents at intraseasonal time scales in the western and central Pacific Ocean. Our results confirm that WPEE displacements driven by westerly wind events (WWEs) are largely controlled by zonal advection. This paper has also two novel findings: first, the zonal current anomalies responsible for the WPEE advection are driven primarily by local wind stress anomalies and not by intraseasonal wind-forced Kelvin waves as has been shown in most previous studies. Second, we find that intraseasonal WPEE fluctuations that are not related to WWEs are generally caused by intraseasonal variations in net heat flux, in contrast to interannual WPEE displacements that are largely driven by zonal advection. This study hence raises an interesting question: can surface heat flux-induced zonal WPEE motions contribute to El Niño–Southern Oscillation evolution, as WWEs have been shown to be able to do?