947 resultados para Materiali compositi, CFRP, Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method
With the use of supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) in concrete mixtures, salt scaling tests such as ASTM C672 have been found to be overly aggressive and do correlate well with field scaling performance. The reasons for this are thought to be because at high replacement levels, SCM mixtures can take longer to set and to develop their properties: neither of these factors is taken into account in the standard laboratory finishing and curing procedures. As a result, these variables were studied as well as a modified scaling test, based on the Quebec BNQ scaling test that had shown promise in other research. The experimental research focused on the evaluation of three scaling resistance tests, including the ASTM C672 test with normal curing as well as an accelerated curing regime used by VDOT for ASTM C1202 rapid chloride permeability tests and now included as an option in ASTM C1202. As well, several variations on the proposed draft ASTM WK9367 deicer scaling resistance test, based on the Quebec Ministry of Transportation BNQ test method, were evaluated for concretes containing varying amounts of slag cement. A total of 16 concrete mixtures were studied using both high alkali cement and low alkali cement, Grade 100 slag and Grade 120 slag with 0, 20, 35 and 50 percent slag replacement by mass of total cementing materials. Vinsol resin was used as the primary air entrainer and Micro Air® was used in two replicate mixes for comparison. Based on the results of this study, a draft alternative test method to ASTM C762 is proposed.
Research is described that was aimed at developing a test method which can be reasonably and rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict, with a high degree of certainty, the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing. The conductometric evaluation of concrete durability was explored with 3 different test methods: conductometric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to rapid freezing and thawing; conductomtric evaluation of the resistance of concrete to natural freezing and thawing, and conductometric evaluation of the pore size distribution of concrete and its correlation to concrete durability. The study showed that conductance could be used as a viable method for determining the durability of portland cement concrete. This would also allow the continuous monitoring of concrete durability without the removal twice per week from the freeze/thaw chamber. Recommendations for the continued development of these test methods are also included.
The Road Rater is a dynamic deflection measuring appa-ratus for flexible base pavements. The basic operating principle of the Road Rater is to impart a dynamic loading and measure the resultant movement of the pavement with velocity sensors. This data, when properly adjusted for temperature by use of a nomograph included in this report, can be used to determine pavement life expectancy and estimate overlay thickness required. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring, when pave-ments are in their weakest condition, until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater does not have sufficient ram weight to effectively evaluate load carrying capacity of rigid pavements. All rigid pavements react similarly to Road Rater testing and generally deflect from 0.65 to 1.30 mils. Research will be continued to evaluate rigid pavements with the Road Rater, however. The Road Rater has proven to be a reliable, trouble free pavement evaluation machine. The deflection apparatus was originally front-mounted, but was rear-mounted during the winter of 1977-78. Since that time, van handling has greatly improved, and front suspension parts are no longer overstressed due to improper weight distribution. The Road Rater provides a fast, economical, nondestructive test method to evaluate flexible pavements. Road Rater test data can be used to predict pavement life, set priorities for asphaltic concrete resurfacing, and design asphaltic concrete overlays. Temperature and seasonal variations significantly affect Road Rater deflection readings and must be considered. A nomograph included in this report adjusts for temperature, but does not correct for seasonal effect. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater has not successfully evaluated rigid pavements, but research will continue in this area. 1. Recommendations for continuing Road Rater research, evaluation and application are as follows:A computer program should be established to reduce Road Rater raw data (Range and Sensor reading) to HR-178 Road Rater Dynamic Deflections For Determining Structural Rating Of Flexible Pavements mean deflection (mils) and/or structural rating. This computer printout would be similar to present friction testing printouts, and would greatly reduce Road Rater data reduction manpower needs and costs. 2. Seasonal variation study should continue to develop seasonal correction factors. Seasonal test roads will be studied concurrently with routine testing during 1979 to develop this relationship. All Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until the seasonal relationship is established. 3. An asphaltic concrete overlay design method should be established based on Road Rater de-flection readings. The AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures 1972 will be used as a base document for this study. 4. AASHTO Structural numbers should be compared to Road Rater Structural Ratings during 1979 on asphaltic concrete overlay projects. This analysis will enable us to refine Road Rater evaluation of flexible pavements. Roads will be tested before resurfacing and several months
In searching for simple and reliable test methods to evaluate the quality of Iowa portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements, the Duggan test was conducted for concretes made of twenty-six types of cements in this laboratory research. The influence of some factors, such as chemical composition and type of cements, use of air-entraining agent and water reducer, and water to cement ratio, on the result of the Duggan test was examined. It was found that the expansion increases with increasing values of potassium alkali (K2O) and sulfur trioxide (SO3) in cements. It was also found that the Type I cements generally produce higher expansion than the Type II, IP and IS cements. Since it is difficult to identify the major mechanism leading to the expansion observed in the Duggan test, more studies are certainly needed before it can be used as a reliable test method for evaluating the service life of concrete pavement.
Due to the low workability of slipform concrete mixtures, the science of rheology is not strictly applicable for such concrete. However, the concept of rheological behavior may still be considered useful. A novel workability test method (Vibrating Kelly Ball or VKelly test) that would quantitatively assess the responsiveness of a dry concrete mixture to vibration, as is desired of a mixture suitable for slipform paving, was developed and evaluated. The objectives of this test method are for it to be cost-effective, portable, and repeatable while reporting the suitability of a mixture for use in slipform paving. The work to evaluate and refine the test was conducted in three phases: 1. Assess whether the VKelly test can signal variations in laboratory mixtures with a range of materials and proportions 2. Run the VKelly test in the field at a number of construction sites 3. Validate the VKelly test results using the Box Test developed at Oklahoma State University for slipform paving concrete The data collected to date indicate that the VKelly test appears to be suitable for assessing a mixture’s response to vibration (workability) with a low multiple operator variability. A unique parameter, VKelly Index, is introduced and defined that seems to indicate that a mixture is suitable for slipform paving when it falls in the range of 0.8 to 1.2 in./√s.
The purpose of this report is to describe the major research activities during the period of February 1, 1985 - October 30, 1986 for the Iowa Highway Research Board under the research contract entitled "Development of a Conductometric Test for Frost Resistance of Concrete." The objective of this research, as stated in the project proposal, is to develop a test method which can be reasonably rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing with a high degree of certainty. In the work plan of the proposal it was stated that the early part of the first year would be devoted to construction of testing equipment and preparation of specimens and the remainder of the year would be devoted to the testing of specimens. It was also stated that the second and third years would be devoted to performance and refinements of tests, data analysis, preparation of suggested specifications, and performance of tests covering variables which need to be studied such as types of aggregates, fly ash replacements and other admixtures. The objective of this report is to describe the progress made during the first 20 months of this project and assess the significance of the results obtained thus far and the expected significance of the results obtainable during the third year of the project.
The objective of this study is to show that bone strains due to dynamic mechanical loading during physical activity can be analysed using the flexible multibody simulation approach. Strains within the bone tissue play a major role in bone (re)modeling. Based on previous studies, it has been shown that dynamic loading seems to be more important for bone (re)modeling than static loading. The finite element method has been used previously to assess bone strains. However, the finite element method may be limited to static analysis of bone strains due to the expensive computation required for dynamic analysis, especially for a biomechanical system consisting of several bodies. Further, in vivo implementation of strain gauges on the surfaces of bone has been used previously in order to quantify the mechanical loading environment of the skeleton. However, in vivo strain measurement requires invasive methodology, which is challenging and limited to certain regions of superficial bones only, such as the anterior surface of the tibia. In this study, an alternative numerical approach to analyzing in vivo strains, based on the flexible multibody simulation approach, is proposed. In order to investigate the reliability of the proposed approach, three 3-dimensional musculoskeletal models where the right tibia is assumed to be flexible, are used as demonstration examples. The models are employed in a forward dynamics simulation in order to predict the tibial strains during walking on a level exercise. The flexible tibial model is developed using the actual geometry of the subject’s tibia, which is obtained from 3 dimensional reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Images. Inverse dynamics simulation based on motion capture data obtained from walking at a constant velocity is used to calculate the desired contraction trajectory for each muscle. In the forward dynamics simulation, a proportional derivative servo controller is used to calculate each muscle force required to reproduce the motion, based on the desired muscle contraction trajectory obtained from the inverse dynamics simulation. Experimental measurements are used to verify the models and check the accuracy of the models in replicating the realistic mechanical loading environment measured from the walking test. The predicted strain results by the models show consistency with literature-based in vivo strain measurements. In conclusion, the non-invasive flexible multibody simulation approach may be used as a surrogate for experimental bone strain measurement, and thus be of use in detailed strain estimation of bones in different applications. Consequently, the information obtained from the present approach might be useful in clinical applications, including optimizing implant design and devising exercises to prevent bone fragility, accelerate fracture healing and reduce osteoporotic bone loss.
El tamizaje combinado prenatal de primer trimestre para la detección de aneuploidías, ajusta la edad materna, la medida de sonolucencia nucal fetal y concentraciones séricas maternas de PAPP-A y B-hCG para calcular este riesgo. Se han observado variaciones en los MoM s de los analítos séricos maternos de acuerdo a variables como raza, peso, numero de fetos y técnicas de reproducción asistida. Objetivo: calcular los valores de PAPP-A y B-hCG y sus MoM s en la población estudiada comparándolos con población caucásica, evaluando el desempeño de la prueba. Metodología: este es un estudio retrospectivo realizado en 926 mujeres embarazadas con 10 a 13,6 semanas. Se calculan concentraciones séricas y MoM s corregidos para peso, raza y técnicas de reproducción asistida de la PAPP-A y B-hCG, el riesgo de presentar síndrome Down al nacimiento, sensibilidad y tasa de falsos positivos para la prueba. Resultados: la edad materna media fue de 33,6 años (rango entre 20 y 45 años). Los MoM s de PAPP-A fueron 11,8% inferiores respecto a la población caucásica. El 9.4% de las pacientes obtuvieron un riesgo positivo y el 3,3% presento alteraciones citogenéticas en el cariotipo fetal. La sensibilidad del tamizaje fue del 100% con una tasa de falsos positivos del 5,7% en un punto de corte de 1 en 250. Conclusión: el tamizaje combinado de primer trimestre es un método efectivo para la detección de aneuploidías. Los MoM s de la PAPP-A son un 11,8% inferiores en la población estudiada y esto debe ajustarse para disminuir la tasa de resultados falsos positivos.
Test method for integrated solar- biomass systems - Long term prediction trough short term measurementsSP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and SERC, Dalarna University have in cooperation developed a test method for integrated solar and biomass systems. The test method is performed under six days including two summer days, two winter days and two spring/autumn days true to real weather conditions and loads for a single family house. The aim of the test method is to get information about a Combisystem’s annual performance and operation throughout a short term test. Seven different solar Combisystems have been tested within the project together with a pellet boiler without solar collectors. In addition to that a comparative testing has been performed at the two laboratories at SP and at SERC on the same Combisystem. The test method developed within the project has been proved to withstand the aim of the project, which is to be able to compare the performance between the systems. The test method is also suitable for identification of possible operation problems so they can be taken care of and consequently improves the system.The project and the system testing reveal that it is in general favorable to combine biomass pellets with solar heating. Pellet boilers has normally a low performance during the summer period but combined with a solar collector the boiler can be switch off during this period. There are however big differences in performance between the tested. The efficiency of the pellet boiler is highly dependent of the operating conditions and elements like heat losses from the system, system configuration and control strategy have great influence of the performance of the system and the emissions. On the other hand, the performance and the size of the solar collectors have a minor effect on the overall system performance. There is obviously a big potential for improvement of the system´s performance and the developed test method is an essential way to implement this perfection.
A compactação do solo tem sido assunto de intensivas pesquisas nos últimos anos; no entanto, os mecanismos que implicam o processo de compactação dos solos agrícolas, ainda permanecem pouco conhecidos. A contribuição do tamanho de agregados do solo, bem como o efeito do teor de água e da pressão normal aplicada na compactação e pressão de pré-compactação do solo, foi investigada em um Nitossolo Vermelho eutrófico. Amostras de solo deformado, constituídas por agregados menores que 2,5 mm e de 9,3 a 19,4 mm, foram submetidas a ensaio de compressão uniaxial drenado. O índice de vazios e a pressão de pré-compactação foram avaliados. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o tamanho de agregados teve efeito no processo de compactação do solo. A mudança da compactação do solo pode ser prevista em função do estado inicial do solo, da pressão aplicada e do teor de água.
Ligas de alumínio são extensamente usadas em partes aeronáuticas devido às boas propriedades mecânicas e baixa densidade. Estas partes devem ser unidas para formar conjuntos maiores. Uma junta estrutural é definida como um segmento de estrutura que provê um meio de transferir carga de um elemento estrutural para outro. A maioria das juntas aeronáuticas é mecanicamente fixada com múltiplos prendedores (parafusos ou rebites). Estas juntas apresentam uma alta concentração de tensões ao redor do prendedor, porque a transferência de carga entre elementos da junta acontece em uma fração da área disponível. Por outro lado, as cargas aplicadas em juntas adesivas são distribuídas sobre toda a área colada e reduz os pontos de concentração de tensão. Juntas são a fonte mais comum de falhas estruturais em aeronaves e quase todos os reparos envolvem juntas. Portanto, é importante entender todos os aspectos de projeto e análise de juntas. O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar estaticamente juntas estruturais de ligas de Al2024-T3 em três condições: juntas mecanicamente rebitadas, juntas coladas e uma configuração híbrida rebitada e colada. Foi usada a norma NASM 1312-4 para confecção dos corpos-de-prova. Além disso, foram conduzidos testes de fadiga, sob amplitude de carregamento constante e razão de tensão igual a 0,1 para avaliar a eficiência dos elementos estruturais durante sua vida em serviço. Os resultados mostraram que a configuração híbrida apresenta maior resistência estática e uma vida em fadiga superior à configuração colada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The concrete offshore platforms, which are subjected a several loading combinations and, thus, requires an analysis more generic possible, can be designed using the concepts adopted to shell elements, but the resistance must be verify in particular cross-sections to shear forces. This work about design of shell elements will be make using the three-layer shell theory. The elements are subject to combined loading of membrane and plate, totalizing eight components of internal forces, which are three membrane forces, three moments (two out-of-plane bending moments and one in-plane, or torsion, moment) and two shear forces. The design method adopted, utilizing the iterative process proposed by Lourenco & Figueiras (1993) obtained from equations of equilibrium developed by Gupta (1896) , will be compared to results of experimentally tested shell elements found in the literature using the program DIANA.
This study tested the bond strength of a resin cement to a glass-infiltrated zirconia-alumina ceramic after three conditioning methods and using two test methods (shear-SBS versus microtensile-MTBS). Ceramic blocks for MTBS and ceramic disks for SBS were fabricated. Three surface conditioning (SC) methods were evaluated: (1) 110-mu m Al(2)O(3)+Silanization; (2) Chairside silica coating+silanization: (3) Laboratory silica coating+silanization. Following surface conditioning, the resin cement (Panavia F) was bonded to the conditioned ceramics. Although no statistically significant differences (p=0.1076) were seen between the test methods, results yielded with the different surface conditioning methods showed statistically significant differences (p<0.0001) (SC2=SC3>SC1.). As for the interaction between the factors, two-way ANOVA showed that it was not statistically significant (p=0.1443). MTBS test resulted in predominantly mixed failure (85%), but SBS test resulted in exclusively adhesive failure. on the effects of different surface conditioning methods, chairside and laboratory tribochemical silica coating followed by silanization showed higher bond strength results compared to those of aluminum oxide abrasion and silanization, independent of the test method employed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)