430 resultados para MULTICULTURALISM


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Multiculturalism in design advocates that people's belief and cultures should be placed at the centre of design processes and designers should be capable of addressing cultural diversity in multiple ways of thinking. However, contemporary design discourses seem not to be philosophically inclusive and practically applicable in mulriculmral contexts. This paper theoretically reviews three predominant metaphysical conceptual thinking frameworks: Dualism, Monism and Holism in many multicultural societies and argue a possibility of the culturally inclusive design.


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Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs, known the world over for their successful business practices (Kee, 1994), tend to start businesses within their ethnic enclave. But in a move away from multiculturalism, host countries increasingly fear that immigration and asylum pose a threat to social integration resulting in a lack of social cohesion and a plethora of government programs (Cheong, Edwards, Goulbourne & Solomos, 2007). For many immigrant entrepreneurs, the EE is an integral part of their social and cultural context and the location where ethnic resources reside (Logan, Alba & Stults, 2003). Immigrant entrepreneurs can harness the networks for labor and customers through various ties in their EE (Portes and Zhou, 1996). Yang, Ho and Chang (2010) illustrate in their paper that the Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs (IE) were able to utilize ethnic network resources as their social capital in order to reduce transaction costs and thus enhance business performance. Tilly (1990) explains that immigrants’ reliance on such networks for business or other information minimizes the socioeconomic hardships they would experience in host countries (Raijman & Tienda, 2000). Acquiring jobs in ethnic businesses and establishing businesses within an EE may facilitate migrants’ social integration into the host country (Tian & Shan, 1999). Although an EE has distinct economic advantages for immigrant entrepreneurs, Sequeira and Rasheed (2006: 367) argue that ‘Exclusive reliance on strong ties within the immigrant enclave has a negative effect on growth outside the enclave community.’ Similarly, Drori, Honig and Ginsberg (2010: 20) also propose that ‘The greater the reliance of transnational entrepreneurs on ethnic (versus societal) embedded resources and network structure, the narrower their possibilities of expanding the scope of their business.’ This research asks, ‘What is the role of the ethnic enclave in facilitating immigrant business growth and social integration? This project has the following important aims: A1 To better understand the role of IE, in particular Chinese IE in the Australian economy A2 To investigate the role of the EE in facilitating or inhibiting immigrant business performance A3 To understand how locating their firm inside or outside of the EE will affect the IE’s embeddedness in co-ethnic and nonco-ethnic networks and social integration A4 To understand how an IE’s social network affects business performance and social integration


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This work makes the case that cross cultural issues are central to the purposes of legal education, and no longer can such issues be seen as an add-on to the traditional curriculum. The authors argue instead for a critical multiculturalism that is attuned to questions of gender, class, sexuality and social justice, and that must inform the whole law school curriculum.


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In disability arts, as in so many things, Australia has both its own cultural specificities, as well as the cultural followings that come with being a colonised country. In Australia, our colonial legacy, multiculturalism, and Asia-Pacific location have always made our relation to our own arts and culture fraught, the subject of ongoing aesthetic, cultural and political contestation. We have historically suffered from what Phillips (2006) calls a ‘cultural cringe’, in which we worry about the individuality, value and volume of our arts and culture compared to others, and this comes up again and again in commentary to this day...


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A critical discussion of deficit models in cross-cultural education and educational research on language and literacy development and acquisition.


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Multicultural social policies were formulated in Australia during the 1970s in response to challenges that had arisen the wake of a large-scale immigration program. Given recent intensification and diversification of immigrant intakes, however, understandings of multiculturalism have been contested repeatedly while new social demands have been made of the policy. In this context, questions have been raised about the adequacy of multicultural ethical education in Australian schools. These concern not only the type of ethics taught, but also the emphasis placed on ethics per se. This study emerges out of this context to look at the utility of using purpose-written philosophical materials– specifically, immigration-themed materials written by advocates of philosophy for children – for development of ethical understanding in multicultural Australia.


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The articles in this edition address two critical concerns that can be broadly characterised as Indigeneity as a spectacle and the elision of Indigenous sovereignty by multiculturalism and diversity. The first article, by Maryrose Casey, examines nineteenth and early twentieth century Indigenous performances that drew on cultural practices for entertainment. She highlights how these commercially driven performances were, in fact, demonstrations of sovereignty that white colonisers paid to observe. A measure of the success of these demonstrations can be found in the reactions of audiences, which often involved disrupting the spectacle by physically occupying the performance space.


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For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, undertaking the PhD journey brings with it specific challenges in how best to use the knowledge gained to make changes that will actively benefit Indigenous peoples and communities. Even within the health sector implementing research outcomes can sometimes be problematic. The Maori and Indigenous D octoral (MAI) Conference hosted by Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi (Indigenous U niversity), Whakatane, New Zealand, addressed this by considering the contribution of Indigenous doctoral research to advancements of Maori. As Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people engaging in Doctoral studies, this conference was equally relevant to us.


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Among Girls Youth Work, Multiculturalism and Gender Equality Finland s increasingly multicultural society concerns younger generations in a very particular manner. Starting already in pre-school kindergartens, children from different cultural backgrounds share their everyday existence. The focus of this study is Finland s increasingly multicultural society that has challenged youth work professionals in particular and made them rethink questions related to content, basic values and goals of youth work. These reconsiderations include the following essential questions: which of these pedagogic principles are defined as Finnish, and under what kinds of circumstances would the youth workers be ready to negotiate about them. These questions, which are related to multiculturalism, are then linked to the girls position, status and gender equality. The research examines how gender equality is articulated in relation to multiculturalism and vice versa, in what contexts youth work-related questions are negoatiated in, and how these negotiations then relate to gender issues. The present study combines theoretical concepts and debates from both post-colonial and youth research, and has benefited greatly from previous research which has examined the everyday lives of young people with multicultural backgrounds and conceptualised the different meanings of age, ethnicity, culture and gender. Neither multiculturalism nor gender equality is, however, taken as a given concept in this study; rather the research focuses on how youth workers understand and define these concepts and how they are used. The emphasis has been on monitoring the varying consequences of different understandings and definitions in terms of everyday work and practices. The goal of this study has been to find typical ways of conceptualising multiculturalism, gender equality and the role of girls in the context of youth work. The focus of the research is not just the youth workers different views but also the notions of the girls themselves. These are then further analysed by examining the ways the girls negotiate their agency. Examples of how the girls agency is defined and the different forms of agency that are offered to the girls within the context of leisure time activities and youth work have been sought. The kind of agency the girls then assume is also examined. The data in this research is comprised of interviews with young people with multicultural backgrounds (n=39), youth workers (n=42) and of ethnographic fieldwork (2003 2005). The fieldwork concentrated on following different types of youth work activities that were targeted at girls with migrant backgrounds. These were organized both by selected municipalities and NGOs. The research shows that various questions related to multicultural issues have enhanced the visibility of gender equality in the field of youth work. The identification of gender-based inequality is especially closely linked to the position of girls from migrant backgrounds. These girls are a source of particular worry and the aim of the many activity groups for migrant girls is to educate them so that they can become equal Finnish citizens . The youth work itself is seen as gender-neutral and equality based. Equality in this context is defined as a purely quantitative concept, and the solution to any possible inequalities is thus the exact same treatment for everyone . The girls themselves seem mainly confused by the role that is offered to them. They would need a voice and the possibility to have an impact on the planning of youth work activities. They want to have their views heard. The role of the victim assigned to them is very confining and makes it difficult to act. At the same time the research shows how gender-sensitive youth work is seen to mean youth work with girls. Gender-sensitive work with boys is not really done or is done very little, even if many of the interviewees are of the opinion that the true materialization of gender equality would require boys to be taken into account too. The principle of gender equality should be shared by the entire youth work profession. Keywords Youth work, equality, multiculturalism, gender sensitivity, agency, girls, young people, sexuality


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RESUMEN: Con este Trabajo de Fin de Grado hemos diseñado y construido un juego que trabaja la diversidad cultural y lingüística, y que facilita, por consiguiente, una mejor integración del alumnado inmigrante. Para ello, en primer lugar, hemos analizado la situación del alumnado inmigrante en el País Vasco. Posteriormente, hemos recogido algunas concepciones del juego de ciertos autores y hemos investigado qué juegos había en el mercado que trabajaran aspectos culturales ylingüísticos. Así, al no cumplirse nuestras expectativas, hemos creado un juego para fomentar la diversidad lingüística y la educación intercultural y antirracista.


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A tese tem por objetivo primordial observar a construção identitária de mestiças fidalgas nos romances Wide Sargasso Sea (1966), de Jean Rhys, True Women (1993), de Janice Windle, e Rosaura: a enjeitada (1883), de Bernardo Guimarães, considerando três fatores distintos: o multiculturalismo e a interracialização no século XIX; a tentativa de as protagonistas se passarem como caucasianas perante elites locais; a reprimida identificação das mestiças escravocratas com classes menos abastadas. Observam-se os pontos de convergência e divergência entre as obras estudadas, uma vez que o autor brasileiro discute a identidade como fator hereditário e nacional, enquanto as demais autoras a interpretam como construto cultural subjetivo. De modo geral, a pesquisa demonstra como estes autores resistem ao cientificismo que vislumbra o mestiço como ser degenerado, metabólica e ontologicamente desequilibrado, procurando advogar-lhe a imagem de modo distinto. Visto que Wide Sargasso Sea e True Women são releituras de obras oitocentistas, o trabalho também contempla relações intertextuais em dois vetores: o primeiro, voltado para relação entre hipertexto e hipotexto, e o segundo, voltado para a eventual relação entre Guimarães e as obras relidas por Rhys e Windle


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os conceitos de liberdade e identidade através da proposta de um "liberalismo cultural", apresentada pelo filósofo canadense Will Kymlicka, tal como defendida em suas obras Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights (1995), Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship (2001) e Multicultural Odysseys. Navigatingthe New International Politics of Diversity (2007). Através dessas leituras, buscou-se compreender em particular de que modo a língua e o território se configuram como elementos definidores das culturas de povos nacionais e étnicos que empenham suas lutas para garantir a permanência desses atributos, tanto em nível doméstico como no plano internacional, a fim de assegurar a singularidade de seus modos de vida e de suas visões de mundo, enquanto grupos diferenciados. Para tanto, tornou-se fundamental a realização de uma análise crítica do processo de construção nacional dos Estados modernos, como um projeto levado a cabo por parte de inúmeros países na modernidade com o intuito de promover a unidade nacional de seus Estados, através da invisibilização das expressões culturais e da participação política de grupos culturalmente minoritários. Ao final, desenvolve-se uma pequena reflexão sobre como esse debate pode contribuir para uma melhor compreensão acerca das reivindicações de populações indígenas e remanescentes de quilombos no Brasil pela regularização de seus territórios e reconhecimento de suas práticas culturais.


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Tendo em vista o pluralismo religioso e a importância política que as tradições religiosas e as comunidades de fé assumiram nos últimos anos, essa dissertação se dedica ao estudo do conceito moderno de tolerância a partir da interpretação pós-secular de Jürgen Habermas, a qual toma como base a concepção enunciada por Rainer Forst. Tal conceito tem papel de destaque na formação deliberativa da vontade de cidadãos que desejam reconhecer-se como iguais em sociedades marcadas por uma profunda diversidade cultural. O desafio foi, diante do multiculturalismo das sociedades modernas pluralizadas e secularizadas, identificar um procedimento capaz de atender à exigência que se impõe com o fato do pluralismo - um conceito de justiça eticamente neutro - sem, contudo, que isto se desse à custa do desrespeito às minorias religiosas e culturais. A reflexão acerca da tolerância e das dificuldades de sua realização nas sociedades contemporâneas tomou, em grande parte do estudo, o ponto de vista da diversidade religiosa e do crescente papel que a religião desempenha na esfera pública.


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O Programa de Reflexões e Debates para a Consciência Negra é um projeto político-pedagógico que desenvolveu uma metodologia de implementação da Lei n. 10.639 de 2003 em todas as disciplinas que compõem o currículo escolar do ensino médio. Esse projeto é realizado em uma unidade escolar de formação de ensino médio, situada no bairro de Quintino Bocaiúva, zona norte, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, entre os anos de 2004 e 2008, especificamente no turno da noite. A promulgação dessa lei criou a obrigatoriedade de inserção dos conteúdos de História Africana e Cultura Afro-brasileira, nos currículos escolares em âmbito nacional. A partir da metodologia desenvolvida pelo Programa de Reflexões e Debates para a Consciência Negra, investigam-se, no presente trabalho, os sujeitos educativos, as práticas pedagógicas, a cultura escolar e as tensões e negociações cotidianas que ocorreram no processo de realização dessa nova proposta curricular. Para a realização desta análise foram utilizadas como aporte teórico-metodológicos teorias de Análise de Discurso (AD), estudos culturais sobre currículo e estudos etnográficos dos espaços educativos, para se compreender o contexto escolar e suas (re)configurações. As análises revelaram que a implementação da lei provocou a construção e reconstrução interna de estratégias e metodologias de trabalho. E que estas ações institucionalizaram internamente esta prposta curricular como missão institucional escolar, e ao mesmo tempo, a projetou para fora dos muros escolares criando diálogos e parcerias com demais setores da sociedade.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar em que medida os Núcleos de Estudos Afrobrasileiros(Neabs) contribuem com o processo de formação continuada de professores da Escola Básica e, como objetivos específicos: analisar a história, os dilemas e as práticas político-pedagógicas que marcam a criação e trajetória de quatro Neabs no estado do Rio de Janeiro, à luz das definições de multiculturalismo; e identificar os elementos que se aproximam e os que se distanciam, nas concepções e intervenções desses Neabs, a partir da avaliação dos seus/as coordenadores/as. Como suporte teórico se ancorou nas contribuições de McLaren (1997), a respeito das distintas vertentes de multiculturalismo e, DAdesky (2001), sobre pensar o múltiplo a raciocinar a partir de categorias que são indeterminadas ou pouco determinadas, como raça, etnia e nação. A pesquisa buscou responder quais têm sido os desdobramentos no campo da educação étnico-racial, conduzidos pelos Neabs, para a formação continuada de professores da Escola Básica, no estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa se pautou numa abordagem qualitativa dentro do paradigma crítico e, se apoiou em análise documental e em técnicas de entrevista semi-estruturada. Foram entrevistados quatro coordenadores de Neabs do estado do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo possibilitou compreender que são inúmeras as dificuldades encontradas pelos Neabs para a realização de suas propostas, tais como as de caráter governamental e institucional. Dentre vários aspectos, mostrou a defesa dos participantes por uma proposta política, de caráter emergencial, com objetivos de publicar pesquisas produzidas pelos próprios Neabs. As análises puderam mostrar, também, que existe uma má gestão dos recursos do Programa UNIAFRO pelas universidades. Contudo, é possível afirmar que os Neabs têm como perspectiva o multiculturalismo critico, na medida em que compreendemos que as representações são o resultado de lutas sociais sobre significantes e seus significados. É possível conceber que o viés do multiculturalimo crítico, apropriado pelos Neabs, traz contribuições significativas conquistadas pelos movimentos sociais, que dão visibilidade às formas pelas quais os diferentes grupos sociais constroem a sua história