964 resultados para MCF-7 cells


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Here, we show for the first time that the familial breast/ovarian cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA1, along with interacting ΔNp63 proteins, transcriptionally upregulate the putative tumour suppressor protein, S100A2. Both BRCA1 and ΔNp63 proteins are required for S100A2 expression. BRCA1 requires ΔNp63 proteins for recruitment to the S100A2 proximal promoter region, while exogenous expression of individual ΔNp63 proteins cannot activate S100A2 transcription in the absence of a functional BRCA1. Consequently, mutation of the ΔNp63/p53 response element within the S100A2 promoter completely abrogates the ability of BRCA1 to upregulate S100A2. S100A2 shows growth control features in a range of cell models. Transient or stable exogenous S100A2 expression inhibits the growth of BRCA1 mutant and basal-like breast cancer cell lines, while short interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown of S100A2 in non-tumorigenic cells results in enhanced proliferation. S100A2 modulates binding of mutant p53 to HSP90, which is required for efficient folding of mutant p53 proteins, by competing for binding to HSP70/HSP90 organising protein (HOP). HOP is a cochaperone that is required for the efficient transfer of proteins from HSP70 to HSP90. Loss of S100A2 leads to an HSP90-dependent stabilisation of mutant p53 with a concomitant loss of p63. Accordingly, S100A2-deficient cells are more sensitive to the HSP-90 inhibitor, 17-N-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin, potentially representing a novel therapeutic strategy for S100A2- and BRCA1-deficient cancers. Taken together, these data demonstrate the importance of S100A2 downstream of the BRCA1/ΔNp63 signalling axis in modulating transcriptional responses and enforcing growth control mechanisms through destabilisation of mutant p53.


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We have demonstrated previously that certain members of a series of novel pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepine (PBOX) compounds potently induce apoptosis in a variety of human chemotherapy-resistant cancer cell lines and in primary ex vivo material derived from cancer patients. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the apoptotic effects of these PBOX compounds is essential to their development as antineoplastic therapeutic agents. This study sought to test the hypothesis that proapoptotic PBOX compounds target the microtubules. We show that a representative proapoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-6, induces apoptosis in both the MCF-7 and K562 cell lines. An accumulation of cells in G2/M precedes apoptosis in response to PBOX-6. PBOX-6 induces prometaphase arrest and causes an accumulation of cyclin B1 levels and activation of cyclin B1/CDK1 kinase in a manner similar to that of two representative antimicrotubule agents, nocodazole and paclitaxel. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrates that both PBOX-6 and another pro-apoptotic PBOX compound, PBOX-15, cause microtubule depolymerization in MCF-7 cells. They also inhibit the assembly of purified tubulin in vitro, whereas a nonapoptotic PBOX compound (PBOX-21) has no effect on either the cellular microtubule network or on the assembly of purified tubulin. This suggests that the molecular target of the pro-apoptotic PBOX compounds is tubulin. PBOX-6 does not bind to either the vinblastine or the colchicine binding site on tubulin, suggesting that it binds to an as-yet-uncharacterised novel site on tubulin. The ability of PBOX-6 to bind tubulin and cause microtubule depolymerization confirms it as a novel candidate for antineoplastic therapy.


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Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Inorgânica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a certainty, even to long banned pesticides like o,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o,p′-DDT), and its metabolites p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE), and p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p,p′-DDD). POPs are known to be particularly toxic and have been associated with endocrine-disrupting effects in several mammals, including humans even at very low doses. As environmental estrogens, they could play a critical role in carcinogenesis, such as in breast cancer. With the purpose of evaluating their effect on breast cancer biology, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, and p,p′-DDD (50–1000 nM) were tested on two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines: MCF-7 expressing estrogen receptor (ER) α and MDA-MB-231 negative for ERα, regarding cell proliferation and viability in addition to their invasive potential. Cell proliferation and viability were not equally affected by these compounds. In MCF-7 cells, the compounds were able to decrease cell proliferation and viability. On the other hand, no evident response was observed in treated MDA-MB-231 cells. Concerning the invasive potential, the less invasive cell line, MCF-7, had its invasion potential significantly induced, while the more invasive cell line MDA-MB-231, had its invasion potential dramatically reduced in the presence of the tested compounds. Altogether, the results showed that these compounds were able to modulate several cancer-related processes, namely in breast cancer cell lines, and underline the relevance of POP exposure to the risk of cancer development and progression, unraveling distinct pathways of action of these compounds on tumor cell biology.


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HYAL-1 (hyaluronidase-1) appartient à la famille des hyaluronidases connues pour leur rôle dans la dégradation de l’acide hyaluronique. L’expression de HYAL-1 est élevée dans de nombreux type de cancers, notamment dans le cancer de la prostate, de la vessie, des reins et du sein où il est impliqué dans la croissance tumorale et les métastases. Récemment notre laboratoire a aussi démontré une expression élevée de HYAL-1 dans le cancer épithélial de l’ovaire (CEO) de type mucineux et à cellules claires, expression qui est inversement corrélée à celle du récepteur de l’oestrogène alpha (REα). Cependant, malgré le fait que le rôle de HYAL-1 dans le cancer soit bien établit, le mécanisme de sa régulation reste encore inconnu. Le REα est un facteur de transcription qui suite à sa liaison avec son ligand va réguler l’expression de plusieurs gènes. Le REα ainsi stimulé par l’hormone va activer la transcription de ces gènes cibles mais il est connu maintenant qu’une grande partie des gènes régulés par le REα sont en réalité réprimés par ce récepteur. Dans ce travail nous proposons d’étudier le mécanisme de la régulation du gène HYAL-1 par le REα dans le CEO à cellules claires et dans le cancer du sein. L’expression ectopique du REα dans la lignée TOV21G (RE-) de même que le traitement de la lignée MCF-7 (RE+) avec de l’oestrogène a induit une diminution du niveau d’expression de l’ARN m de HYAL-1. Ces résultats nous ont permis de confirmer que HYAL-1 est un gène cible du REα. Il est aussi connu que le REα peut exercer son action par différents mécanismes d’action, entre autres en interagissant avec une séquence d’ADN appelée élément de réponse à l’oestrogène (ERE), retrouvé sur le promoteur des gènes cibles ou bien indirectement par des interactions protéine-protéine en se liant à d’autres facteur de transcription tels que Sp1. Après avoir identifiés de telles séquences sur le promoteur proximal de HYAL-1, (1 ERE proximal à -900 pb, 3 distaux à -32350 pb, 48430, -50130 pb du site d’initiation de la transcription) en plus des 2 Sp1 connus (-60 et – 1020pb), nous avons démontrés par immunoprécipitation de la chromatine que le REα est recruté sur le promoteur de HYAL-1 au niveau de l’ERE proximal -900 pb et du distal -32350 pb de même que sur le site Sp1 -1020 pb. De plus, l’activité biologique de l’ERE -900 pb et du ii Sp1-1020pb à été confirmée par des essais de gènes rapporteurs à la luciférase. Avec son rôle connu dans la tumorigenèse, l’identification de HYAL-1 comme gène cible du REα pourrait être une avenue intéressante pour le traitement des cancers hormono-indépendants.


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La régulation de la transcription des gènes par les récepteurs des estrogènes ERα et ERβ joue un rôle important dans la croissance cellulaire et dans le développement du cancer du sein. Une augmentation de l’expression de CXCR4 et de son ligand SDF-1/CXCL12 corrèle avec un phénotype plus agressif du cancer du sein. Ici, nous démontrons un mécanisme de boucle de régulation positive entre la signalisation de CXCR4/SDF-1 et l’activité transcriptionnelle des ERs dans des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. L’activité transcriptionnelle de ER et l’expression de gènes cibles de ER, dont SDF-1 lui-même, sont augmentées dans la lignée cancéreuse mammaire MCF-7 en réponse à SDF-1. Ces effets sont bloqués par l’anti-estrogène fulvestrant et par la délétion de CXCR4. Par ailleurs, l’expression des gènes et la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses mammaires MCF-7 en réponse à l’estrogène sont altérées par l’inhibition de CXCR4. La signalisation par les facteurs de croissance joue un rôle important dans le cancer du sein. La surexpression et la dérégulation de la signalisation par le récepteur à activité tyrosine kinase ErbB2 corrèlent avec un phénotype tumoral mammaire plus agressif et un moins bon pronostic. Cependant, comment la signalisation de ErbB2 et de CXCR4 sont fonctionnellement reliées dans la régulation de la réponse de ER dans les cellules cancéreuses mammaires n’est pas connue. Nous démontrons ici que CXCR4 régule négativement l’expression protéique de ErbB2 et de son partenaire d’interaction ErbB3 ainsi que la phosphorylation de ErbB2. CXCR4 altère l’activation de la voie PI3-K/Akt par le dimère ErbB2/ErbB3 en réponse à héréguline alors qu’en présence de SDF-1, les niveaux d’activation sont récupérés. Nous avons trouvé que héréguline-β promouvoit la phosphorylation de la sérine 339 de CXCR4, un site important pour l’internalisation et la signalisation du récepteur. De plus, le recrutement de ErbB2 à CXCR4 est favorisé par ErbB3 et héréguline-β. L’activité transcriptionnelle ainsi que l’expression des gènes cibles de ER en réponse à l’héréguline sont relevées avec l’expression de CXCR4 et partiellement récupérées avec l’addition de SDF-1. Ces résultats démontrent que le recrutement de CXCR4 à ErbB2 altère la signalisation médiée par ErbB2/ErbB3 ainsi que l’activité hormonale de ER dans des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. Nous travaux ont permis d’identifier et de caractériser l’impact de la signalisation médiée par des récepteurs membranaires sur la réponse transcriptionnelle de ER dans des cellules cancéreuses mammaires. La signalisation membranaire est un facteur pouvant contribuer à la résistance aux thérapies endocriniennes et donc cibler les récepteurs impliqués s’avèrerait utile pour améliorer les traitements existants et mettre au point de nouvelles approches.


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In previous work we have found that Cp2TiCl2 and its corresponding deriv. of tamoxifen, Titanocene tamoxifen, show an unexpected proliferative effect on hormone dependent breast cancer cells MCF-7. In order to check if this behavior is a general trend for titanocene derivs. we have tested two other titanocene derivs., Titanocene Y and Titanocene K, on this cell line. Interestingly, these two titanocene complexes behave in a totally different manner. Titanocene K is highly proliferative on MCF-7 cells even at low concns. (0.5 .mu.M), thus behave almost similarly to Cp2TiCl2. This proliferative effect is also obsd. in the presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA). In contrast, Titanocene Y alone has almost no effect on MCF-7 at a concn. of 10 .mu.M, but exhibits a significant dose dependent cytotoxic effect of up to 50% when incubated with BSA (20-50 .mu.g/mL). This confirms the crucial role played by the binding to serum proteins in the expression of the in vivo, cytotoxicity of the titanocene complexes. From the hydridolithiation reaction of 6-p-anisylfulvene with LiBEt3H followed by transmetallation with iron dichloride [bis-[(p-methoxy-benzyl)cyclopentadienyl]iron(II)] (Ferrocene Y) was synthesized. This complex, which was characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction, contains the robust ferrocenyl unit instead of Ti assocd. with easily leaving groups such as chlorine and shows only a modest cytotoxicity against MCF-7 or MDA-MB-231 cells.


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Background: MCF-7, T-47-D, ZR-75-1 human breast cancer cell lines are dependent on oestrogen for growth but can adapt to grow during long-term oestrogen deprivation. This serves as a model for identification of therapeutic targets in endocrine-resistant breast cancer. Methods: An overlooked complication of this model is that it involves more than non-addition of oestrogen, and inadequate attention has been given to separating molecular events associated with each of the culture manipulations. Results: Insulin and oestradiol were shown to protect MCF-7 cells against upregulation of basal growth, demonstrating a crosstalk in the growth adaptation process. Increased phosphorylation of p44/42MAPK and c-Raf reflected removal of insulin from the medium and proliferation of all three cell lines was inhibited to a lesser extent by PD98059 and U0126 following long-term oestrogen/insulin withdrawal, demonstrating a reduced dependence on the MAPK pathway. By contrast, long-term oestrogen/insulin deprivation did not alter levels of phosphorylated Akt and did not alter the dose-response of growth inhibition with LY294002 in any of the three cell lines. The IGF1R inhibitor picropodophyllin inhibited growth of all MCF-7 cells but only in the long-term oestrogen/insulin-deprived cells was this paralleled by reduction in phosphorylated p70S6K, a downstream target of mTOR. Long-term oestrogen/insulin-deprived MCF-7 cells had higher levels of phosphorylated p70S6K and developed increased sensitivity to growth inhibition by rapamycin. Conclusions: The greater sensitivity to growth inhibition by rapamycin in all three cell lines following long-term oestrogen/insulin deprivation suggests rapamycin-based therapies might be more effective in breast cancers with acquired oestrogen resistance. Keywords Akt, breast cancer cells, endocrine resistance, insulin, MAPK, MCF-7 cells, mTOR, oestrogen, oestrogen-deprived, PI3K, picropodophyllin, rapamycin, T-47-D cells, ZR-75-1 cells


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Polymers which can respond to externally applied stimuli have found much application in the biomedical field due to their (reversible) coil–globule transitions. Polymers displaying a lower critical solution temperature are the most commonly used, but for blood-borne (i.e., soluble) biomedical applications the application of heat is not always possible, nor practical. Here we report the design and synthesis of poly(oligoethylene glycol methacrylate)-based polymers whose cloud points are easily varied by alkaline phosphatase-mediated dephosphorylation. By fine-tuning the density of phosphate groups on the backbone, it was possible to induce an isothermal transition: A change in solubility triggered by removal of a small number of phosphate esters from the side chains activating the LCST-type response. As there was no temperature change involved, this serves as a model of a cell-instructed polymer response. Finally, it was found that both polymers were non cytotoxic against MCF-7 cells (at 1 mg·mL–1), which confirms promise for biomedical applications.


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Estrogen is an important steroid hormone that mediates most of its effects on regulation of gene expression by binding to intracellular receptors. The consensus estrogen response element (ERE) is a 13 bp palindromic inverted repeat with a three nucleotide spacer. However, several reports suggest that many estrogen target genes are regulated by diverse elements, such as imperfect EREs and ERE half sites (ERE 1/2),which are either the proximal or the distal half of the palindrome. To gain more insight into ERE half site-mediated gene regulation, we used a region from the estrogen-regulated chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) gene promoter that contains ERE half sites. Using moxestrol, an analogue of estrogen and transient transfection of deletion and mutation containing RCP promoter/reporter constructs in chicken hepatoma (LMH2A) cells, we identified an estrogen response unit (ERU) composed of two consensus ERE 1/2 sites and one non-consensus ERE 1/2 site. Mutation of any of these sites within this ERU abolishes moxestrol response. Further, the ERU is able to confer moxestrol responsiveness to a heterologous promoter. Interestingly, RCP promoter is regulated by moxestrol in estrogen responsive human MCF-7 cells, but not in other cell lines such as NIH3T3 and HepG2 despite estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-�) co transfection. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with promoter regions encompassing the half sites and nuclear extracts from LMH2A cells show the presence of a moxestrol-induced complex that is abolished by a polyclonal anti-ER� antibody. Surprisingly, estrogen receptor cannot bind to these promoter elements in isolation. Thus, there appears to be a definite requirement for some other factor(s) in addition to estrogen receptor, for the generation of a suitable response of this promoter to estrogen. Our studies therefore suggest a novel mechanism of gene regulation by estrogen, involving ERE half sites without direct binding of ER to the cognate elements.


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Estrogen is an important steroid hormone that mediates most of its effects on regulation of gene expression by binding to intracellular receptors. The consensus estrogen response element (ERE) is a 13 bp palindromic inverted repeat with a three nucleotide spacer. However, several reports suggest that many estrogen target genes are regulated by diverse elements, such as imperfect EREs and ERE half sites (ERE 1/2), which are either the proximal or the distal half of the palindrome. To gain more insight into ERE half site-mediated gene regulation, we used a region from the estrogen-regulated chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) gene promoter that contains ERE half sites. Using moxestrol, an analogue of estrogen and transient transfection of deletion and mutation containing RCP promoter/reporter constructs in chicken hepatoma (LMH2A) cells, we identified an estrogen response unit (ERU) composed of two consensus ERE 1/2 sites and one non-consensus ERE 1/2 site. Mutation of any of these sites within this ERU abolishes moxestrol response. Further, the ERU is able to confer moxestrol responsiveness to a heterologous promoter. Interestingly, RCP promoter is regulated by moxestrol in estrogen responsive human MCF-7 cells, but not in other cell lines such as NIH3T3 and HepG2 despite estrogen receptor-alpha (ER-�) co transfection. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) with promoter regions encompassing the half sites and nuclear extracts from LMH2A cells show the presence of a moxestrol-induced complex that is abolished by a polyclonal anti-ER� antibody. Surprisingly, estrogen receptor cannot bind to these promoter elements in isolation. Thus, there appears to be a definite requirement for some other factor(s) in addition to estrogen receptor, for the generation of a suitable response of this promoter to estrogen. Our studies therefore suggest a novel mechanism of gene regulation by estrogen, involving ERE half sites without direct binding of ER to the cognate elements.


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Several noncoding microRNAs (miR or miRNA) have been shown to regulate the expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters. Xenobiotic drug-induced changes in enzyme and transporter expression may be associated with the alteration of miRNA expression. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of 19 xenobiotic drugs (e. g. dexamethasone, vinblastine, bilobalide and cocaine) on the expression of ten miRNAs (miR-18a, -27a, -27b, -124a, -148a, -324-3p, -328, -451, -519c and -1291) in MCF-7, Caco-2, SH-SY5Y and BE(2)-M17 cell systems. The data revealed that miRNAs were differentially expressed in human cell lines and the change in miRNA expression was dependent on the drug, as well as the type of cells investigated. Notably, treatment with bilobalide led to a 10-fold increase of miR-27a and a 2-fold decrease of miR-148a in Caco-2 cells, but no change of miR-27a and a 2-fold increase of miR-148a in MCF-7 cells. Neuronal miR-124a was generally down-regulated by psychoactive drugs (e. g. cocaine, methadone and fluoxetine) in BE(2)-M17 and SH-SY5Y cells. Dexamethasone and vinblastine, inducers of drug-metabolizing enzymes and transporters, suppressed the expression of miR-27b, -148a and -451 that down-regulate the enzymes and transporters. These findings should provide increased understanding of the altered gene expression underlying drug disposition, multidrug resistance, drug-drug interactions and neuroplasticity. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Smoothened (Smo) is a G protein-coupled receptor protein encoded by the Smo gene of the hedgehog signalling pathway, which is thought to play an important role in maintaining organ patterning, cell differentiation and self-renewal. The possible role of Smo in the process of tumorigenesis and metastasis of breast cancer still remains unclear. The present experiments were to investigate the effect of Smo on activating breast cancer stem-like CD44(+)CD24(-) cells and the tumorigenesis and metastasis of breast cancer. By injected CD44(+)CD24(-) cells (1×10(4)) into the cleared fat pad of NOD/SCID mice, it was observed that CD44(+)CD24(-) cells possess higher tumor-initiating capacity and metastasis properties than equal numbers of non-CD44(+)CD24(-) cells. The mRNA and protein expressions of Smo in CD44(+)CD24(-) cells were higher than those in non-CD44(+)CD24(-) cells, indicating that Smo may play a role in maintaining breast cancer stem cell features. qRT-PCR results revealed that expressions of STAT3, Bcl-2 and cyclinD1 mRNA in MCF-7 cells were decreased after transfected by Smo siRNA. In addition, the expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were downregulated in MCF-7 cells after Smo expression was inhibited. Smo inhibition may be a possible therapeutic target that potentially suppresses breast tumor formation and development.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)