989 resultados para Lyra Minima


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On mat: Reuben Kempf born 1859 - Ann Arbor; Died 1945 - Ann Arbor. Graduate Royal Conservatory of Music 1879, Stuttgart, Germany. On verso: Other identification in UAs Kempf, Reuben H.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The Gauss-Marquardt-Levenberg (GML) method of computer-based parameter estimation, in common with other gradient-based approaches, suffers from the drawback that it may become trapped in local objective function minima, and thus report optimized parameter values that are not, in fact, optimized at all. This can seriously degrade its utility in the calibration of watershed models where local optima abound. Nevertheless, the method also has advantages, chief among these being its model-run efficiency, and its ability to report useful information on parameter sensitivities and covariances as a by-product of its use. It is also easily adapted to maintain this efficiency in the face of potential numerical problems (that adversely affect all parameter estimation methodologies) caused by parameter insensitivity and/or parameter correlation. The present paper presents two algorithmic enhancements to the GML method that retain its strengths, but which overcome its weaknesses in the face of local optima. Using the first of these methods an intelligent search for better parameter sets is conducted in parameter subspaces of decreasing dimensionality when progress of the parameter estimation process is slowed either by numerical instability incurred through problem ill-posedness, or when a local objective function minimum is encountered. The second methodology minimizes the chance of successive GML parameter estimation runs finding the same objective function minimum by starting successive runs at points that are maximally removed from previous parameter trajectories. As well as enhancing the ability of a GML-based method to find the global objective function minimum, the latter technique can also be used to find the locations of many non-global optima (should they exist) in parameter space. This can provide a useful means of inquiring into the well-posedness of a parameter estimation problem, and for detecting the presence of bimodal parameter and predictive probability distributions. The new methodologies are demonstrated by calibrating a Hydrological Simulation Program-FORTRAN (HSPF) model against a time series of daily flows. Comparison with the SCE-UA method in this calibration context demonstrates a high level of comparative model run efficiency for the new method. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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At a longtime station near the "Grosse Meteor Bank" in the North Atlantic 41 subsequent hauls were made in April 1967 with the Helgoland larva net with changing bucket device. In addition 9 hauls were made during July 1967. The catches from the depth ranges of 900-700 m, 700-500 m, 500-300 m, 300-200 m, 200-100 m, and 100-0 m were collected in separate buckets during each catch series. Contamination, though possible on principle, does not seem to be of much consequence in appendicularia. After some comments on certain species caught it is shown that at this station in the open ocean the density of appendicularia not only varies with the season, but that clouds of plankton may pass by it within a few hours, in which the density may vary at a ratio of ten or more to one. In the composition of species as many as four species may in turn be the most abundant. For one species the composition as to size and stage of maturity may change in the same way. Regarding the depth distribution there are no species restricted to deeper layers. Below 100 m the number falls to about 1 % of the uppermost layer. Oikopkura longicauda, O. cophocerca, O.parva and Althoffia tumida as well as Fritillaria species are found between 900 and 100 m in comparatively higher numbers than Stegosoma magnum, Oikopleura albicans and O. intermedia. The Chaetognaths were collected in the depth of 900-0 m in vertical hauls with the Helgoland larva net with changing bucket device; buckets had been changed in the depth of 700, 500, 300, 200,1 00 m. In the course of the investigation it appeared that for Chaetognaths the sampling method with changing bucket device is insufficient. Many specimens remained in the net and entered the bucket at a higher level than that in which they had lived, mostly during flushing the net (sample 100-0 m); this means considerable contamination. In spite of this difficulty deep layers of higher abundance could be traced for Sagitta lyra and some other species. For some species large local variations in the number of specimens within a short time were found. Moreover notes have been made of foodorganisms, parasits and anatornic metamorphoses during maturing.


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L’intento dell’elaborato è quello di ricavare i limiti teorici ai quali è soggetta l’intensità del campo magnetico delle pulsar. Troveremo due relazioni: una che esprime il valore massimo dell’intensità del campo magnetico per una pulsar, e una che ne esprime il valore minimo. Combineremo infine i nostri due risultati in una disequazione, nella quale l'intensità del campo magnetico di una pulsar è minorata e maggiorata dai due termini trovati. Il valore massimo che può assumere l’intensità del campo magnetico di una pulsar verrà derivato dalla condizione di stabilità espressa dal teorema del viriale per un sistema sferico rotante in presenza di un campo magnetico. Enunceremo inizialmente il teorema del viriale nella sua forma generale, dopodiché ne presenteremo l'espressione in un caso statico in presenza di un campo magnetico. Abbandoneremo poi il caso statico per includere l'effetto della rotazione, non trascurabile nel caso delle pulsar. Dopo aver adattato la condizione di stabilità derivante dal teorema del viriale al nostro modello di pulsar, ricaveremo il valore massimo dell'intensità del campo magnetico. Il valore minimo che può assumere l’intensità del campo magnetico di una pulsar verrà ricavato uguagliando la potenza emessa dalla pulsar mentre ruota (approssimata ad un dipolo rotante) con la perdita di energia rotazionale che si osserva normalmente per questi oggetti. Otterremo alla fine due termini che delimitano i valori che può assumere l’intensità del campo magnetico per una pulsar. Sostituendo alla relazione trovata i valori di raggio e massa tipici per una pulsar, saremo in grado di riscrivere tale relazione unicamente in funzione del periodo di rotazione della pulsar e della sua derivata rispetto al tempo. Sostituiremo i valori di periodo e derivata temporale del periodo di una pulsar esistente per avere un’idea del range di valori sotteso dai due termini trovati.


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Ponencia presentada en el II Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe sobre pensadores humanistas (Costa Rica, Universidad Nacional y Consejo de Facultades Humanísticas de Centroamérica y el Caribe –Cofahca-, 3 y 4 de junio de 2009).


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La contribución intelectual y política de la pensadora Carmen Lyra, militante comunista, maestra y escritora costarricense, puede identificarse como una dádiva que aportó luz en la construcción de una sociedad costarricense más justa. Exilada política, murió en México, el país que la recibió, rogando volver para fallecer en su Patria, petición humanitaria que le fue negada por la jerarquía política de la Suiza Centroamericana. Hoy, su pensamiento y su praxis han sido despojados por el imaginario oficial del contenido político que movió su pluma y su vida. Palabras claves: Carmen Lyra, María Isabel Carvajal, comunismo costarricense, pensamiento político femenino costarricense Abstract The intellectual and political deeds of Costa Rican thinker Carmen Lyra, communist, writer and teacher, can be understood as an inheritance that shed light for the building of a more justice Costa Rican society. She was exiled to Mexico and died there begging Costa Rican authorities to allow her return to the Homeland for her final days. This humanitarian request was refused by the rulers of the so-called Central American Switzerland. Today, Carmen Lyra ́s thought and deeds are being swept away of its political content that moved her writing and her entire life by the official ideology. Key words: Carmen Lyra, María Isabel Carvajal, Costa Rican Communism, Costa Rican female political thought


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In this paper, the placement and sizing of Distributed Generators (DG) in distribution networks are determined optimally. The objective is to minimize the loss and to improve the reliability. The constraints are the bus voltage, feeder current and the reactive power flowing back to the source side. The placement and size of DGs are optimized using a combination of Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). This increases the diversity of the optimizing variables in DPSO not to be stuck in the local minima. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, the semi-urban 37-bus distribution system connected at bus 2 of the Roy Billinton Test System (RBTS), which is located at the secondary side of a 33/11 kV distribution substation, is used. The results finally illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method.


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This paper employs empirical evidence from a survey of Queensland secondary school students to examine their knowledge about their wages and working conditions. It does so within the theoretical lens of the Gagne (or Gagne-Briggs) theory of instruction, which centres on the content of learning and how learning is acquired (Gagne, Briggs & Wager, 1988). While Gagne articulates five categories of learning, our focus here is on two; verbal information or declarative knowledge (facts that people can declare), and procedural knowledge (the rules and procedures for achieving outcomes). We show that student workers know little about the instruments governing their employment, or their workplace entitlements. Of the total sample of year 9 and year 11 students surveyed (n=892), those students who worked, or who had worked in the past year (n=438), were asked to identify whether they were employed under an award, collective agreement or AWA. Eighty three per cent of students did not know which industrial instrument set their wages. We argue that if young workers do not have declarative knowledge of their entitlements, nor basic procedural knowledge about redress, then they are not in a position to deploy Gagne’s ‘cognitive strategies’ that would enable them to take action to ensure their working conditions meet legal minima. We advocate that young workers should be given summary information on their wages and other entitlements on appointment and that such summary information should be readily available on employers’ noticeboards and electronically on company websites, and that the information should include a brief summary of avenues for redressing issues of underpayment or sub-standard conditions.


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Over recent years, Unmanned Air Vehicles or UAVs have become a powerful tool for reconnaissance and surveillance tasks. These vehicles are now available in a broad size and capability range and are intended to fly in regions where the presence of onboard human pilots is either too risky or unnecessary. This paper describes the formulation and application of a design framework that supports the complex task of multidisciplinary design optimisation of UAVs systems via evolutionary computation. The framework includes a Graphical User Interface (GUI), a robust Evolutionary Algorithm optimiser named HAPEA, several design modules, mesh generators and post-processing capabilities in an integrated platform. These population –based algorithms such as EAs are good for cases problems where the search space can be multi-modal, non-convex or discontinuous, with multiple local minima and with noise, and also problems where we look for multiple solutions via Game Theory, namely a Nash equilibrium point or a Pareto set of non-dominated solutions. The application of the methodology is illustrated on conceptual and detailed multi-criteria and multidisciplinary shape design problems. Results indicate the practicality and robustness of the framework to find optimal shapes and trade—offs between the disciplinary analyses and to produce a set of non dominated solutions of an optimal Pareto front to the designer.