The Appendicularia and Chaetognatha from the Great Meteor Bank, Northeast Atlantic

Autoria(s): Bückmann, A; Kapp, H

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 24.636364 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -28.651515 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 18.000000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -28.916667 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 30.166667 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -28.333333 * DATE/TIME START: 1967-04-21T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1967-07-21T00:00:00




At a longtime station near the "Grosse Meteor Bank" in the North Atlantic 41 subsequent hauls were made in April 1967 with the Helgoland larva net with changing bucket device. In addition 9 hauls were made during July 1967. The catches from the depth ranges of 900-700 m, 700-500 m, 500-300 m, 300-200 m, 200-100 m, and 100-0 m were collected in separate buckets during each catch series. Contamination, though possible on principle, does not seem to be of much consequence in appendicularia. After some comments on certain species caught it is shown that at this station in the open ocean the density of appendicularia not only varies with the season, but that clouds of plankton may pass by it within a few hours, in which the density may vary at a ratio of ten or more to one. In the composition of species as many as four species may in turn be the most abundant. For one species the composition as to size and stage of maturity may change in the same way. Regarding the depth distribution there are no species restricted to deeper layers. Below 100 m the number falls to about 1 % of the uppermost layer. Oikopkura longicauda, O. cophocerca, O.parva and Althoffia tumida as well as Fritillaria species are found between 900 and 100 m in comparatively higher numbers than Stegosoma magnum, Oikopleura albicans and O. intermedia. The Chaetognaths were collected in the depth of 900-0 m in vertical hauls with the Helgoland larva net with changing bucket device; buckets had been changed in the depth of 700, 500, 300, 200,1 00 m. In the course of the investigation it appeared that for Chaetognaths the sampling method with changing bucket device is insufficient. Many specimens remained in the net and entered the bucket at a higher level than that in which they had lived, mostly during flushing the net (sample 100-0 m); this means considerable contamination. In spite of this difficulty deep layers of higher abundance could be traced for Sagitta lyra and some other species. For some species large local variations in the number of specimens within a short time were found. Moreover notes have been made of foodorganisms, parasits and anatornic metamorphoses during maturing.


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Supplement to: Bückmann, A; Kapp, H (1973): Untersuchungen am Zooplankton von der Atlantischen Kuppenfahrt der "Meteor", März bis Juli 1967. Meteor Forschungsergebnisse, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Reihe D Biologie, Gebrüder Bornträger, Berlin, Stuttgart, D13, 11-36

Palavras-Chave #A. tumida; Althoffia tumida; Appendic; Appendicularia; Atlantische Kuppenfahrten 1967/4-7; B. stygius; Bathochordaeus stygius; Catch number; Depth, bottom/max; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth top; Depth water; E. bathypelagica; E. fowleri; E. hamata; Eukrohnia bathypelagica; Eukrohnia fowleri; Eukrohnia hamata; F. aberrans; F. aequatorialis; F. borealis; F. formica; F. gracilis; F. haplostoma; F. megachile; F. pellucida; F. tenella; F. venusta; Folia gracilis; Fritillaria aberrans; Fritillaria aequatorialis; Fritillaria borealis; Fritillaria formica; Fritillaria haplostoma; Fritillaria megachile; Fritillaria pellucida; Fritillaria tenella; Fritillaria venusta; Fritillarida; Indet; Indeterminata; K. pacifica; K. subtilis; K. tenuis; Kowalewskia tenuis; Krohnitta pacifica; Krohnitta subtilis; Larvae net; LN; M. abyssorum; M9; M9_A; M9_C; Megalocercus abyssorum; Meteor (1964); No; Northeast Atlantic; Number; O. albicans; O. cophocerca; O. cornutogastra; O. dioica; O. fusiformis; O. gracilis; O. intermedia; O. longicauda; O. parva; O. rufescens; Oikopleura albicans; Oikopleura cophocerca; Oikopleura cornutogastra; Oikopleura dioica; Oikopleura fusiformis; Oikopleura gracilis; Oikopleura intermedia; Oikopleura longicauda; Oikopleura parva; Oikopleura rufescens; Oikopleurida; P. draco; P. oppressa; Pelagopleura oppressa; Pterosagitta draco; S. bipunctata; S. decipiens; S. enflata; S. friderici; S. hexaptera; S. lyra; S. magnum; S. marcocephala; S. minima; S. planctonis; S. scrippsae; S. serratodentata; Sagitta bipunctata; Sagitta decipiens; Sagitta enflata; Sagitta friderici; Sagitta hexaptera; Sagitta lyra; Sagitta marcocephala; Sagitta minima; Sagitta planctonis; Sagitta scrippsae; Sagitta serratodentata; species questionable; Stegosoma magnum; Time of day
