901 resultados para Lung Diseases, Interstitial -- diagnosis


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Spirometric and haemogasimetric tests were performed in 52 patients with unifocal and multifocal progressive Paracoccidioidomycosis pulmonary diseases, in 5 patients with juvenile and 1 female internal genital forms. The age ranged from 20 to 74 years old and the duration of disease from 3 to 25 years. Dyspnea, cough, tegumentary and lymphatic manifestations were the most predominant signs observed. Fourteen of them was developed Cor pulmonale. Impaired renal function was recorded in 19 patients, cardiac symptoms were described in 7 and hyporeactor adrenal activity was showed in 13 patients. Radiological studies demonstrated mild in 16, moderate in 24 and severe pulmonary lesions types in 18 patients. The pulmonary function revealed: normal spyrographic findings in 17, pure obstructive type in 32 and mixed form in 9 of them. Hyperventilation was described in 54 individuals and all of them showed an increasing of the alveolo-arterial difference. PaO2 less than 80 mm/Hg observed in 36 of them. Statistical analysis demonstrated significative association between clinical evolution and radiological interpretation. Similar data were obtained in radiology evaluations, clinical evolutive studies and pulmonary functions described in these patients. The granulomatous reaction due to Paracoccidioidomycosis, in heavy smokers patients, gave origin to the alterations in small airways predisposing the interalveolar dissemination an impaired alveolo-arterial diffusion.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis was induced in immunized (IM) and non-immunized (NI) mice. The histopathology, the number of fungi in the lungs, the cellular (footpad test - FPT and macrophage inhibition factor assay - MIF) and humoral (immunodiffusion test) immune response were investigated serially postinfection. In the IM mice, at days 1 and 3, there was intense and predominant macrophagic-lymphocytic alveolitis with loose granulomatous reaction; at day 30, inflammation was mild. In the NI group, up to day 3, the lesions were focal; later there was formation of extensive epithelioid granuloma. The number of fungi in IM mice were always smaller than those of NI group. Immunization alone induced positive FPT and MIF indices with low titer of antibody. After infection, there was a significant decrease of the FPT indices in the IM group, which we interpreted as desensitization due to trapping of sensitized lymphocytes in the lungs. In conclusion, (1) The lesional pattern of pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis in IM mice was similar to that of a hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This reaction was probably effective in reducing the extension of the infection and decrease the number of fungi. (2) In this model, pulmonary resistance against P. brasiliensis seems to be related to local and systemic delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In order to determine wheter blood gases abnormalities, specially hypoxemia, are associated with more marked changes in fat-free mass in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CPOD), nutritional assessment was performed on 16 normoxemic (PaO 2 > 55 mm Hg) and 16 hypoxemic (PaO 2 < 55 mm Hg) COPD patients in stable clinical condition. Body weight was expressed as percentage of the ideal body weight. Fat-free mass was estimated by anthropometry (FFM-Anthr) and by bioelectrical impedance (FFM- BI). Handgrip-strength was assessed as a measure of peripheral skeletal muscle strength. Patients were age-matched and presented similar degree of airway obstruction. Malnutrition, defined as body weight less than 90% of the ideal, was observed in 19% of the normoxemic patients and in 25% of the hypoxemic patients (p>0,05). FFM values in hypoxemic patients, estimated by both methods, were not different from those observed in normoxemic patients. No significant difference was observed on handgrip values between the two groups. No correlation was found between nutritional indices and pulmonary function and gases exchange parameters. FFM correlated positively with values of peripheral muscle function in normoxemic and hypoxemic patients. These data add further evidence to the hypothesis that hypoxemia is not a primary cause of the nutritional deficiency observed in COPD patients.


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Objective: To review the literature on inhaled nitric oxide and to describe its main clinical applications in pediatrics. Sources of data: A 10 year literature review with selection of the most important publications on inhaled nitric oxide, using the Medline and Cochrane Systematic Review databases. Summary of the findings: This review was organized as follows: introduction; metabolism and biological effects; clinical applications; dosage, gas administration and weaning; precautions and side-effects. Inhaled nitric oxide use was described in persistent pulmonary hypertension and hypoxia of the newborn, acute respiratory distress syndrome, primary pulmonary hypertension, heart surgery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, sickle cell anemia, and bronchospastic disease. Conclusions: Inhaled nitric oxide is a therapeutic approach with wide clinical applications in pediatrics. Its use is safe when administered in pediatric intensive care units under strict monitoring. As a pulmonary vasodilator, nitric oxide has beneficial effects on gas exchange and ventilation. Controlled trials, focusing on early gas administration should be performed under many clinical conditions, especially acute respiratory distress syndrome.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is considered the forth cause of death in the world. The present review summarizes the epidemiologic and risk factors to the disease. Emphasizing the diagnostic, pulmonary function, radiological alterations and blood gases. According to the current guideline recommendations, the authors reviewed the classification and treatment. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.


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Seventy-seven males of Hypsiboas prasinus from 2 Atlantic forest fragments in the municipalities of Botucatu and Jundiaí, São Paulo State, Brazil, were examined for endoparasites. The frogs were captured in summer (January until March) and winter (July/August) of 2008 and 2009. Thirty-three males (75) from Botucatu were infected with Rhabdias cf. fuelleborni, cosmocerciid nematodes, and Cylindrotaenia americana. Twenty-five tree frogs (78.5) from Jundiaí were infected by Rhabdias cf. fuelleborni, Physaloptera sp., and cosmocerciid nematodes. Only cosmocerciid nematodes presented a statistically significance difference in prevalence (z 4.345; P < 0.001) and mean abundance (t 562.0; P < 0.001) between Botucatu and Jundiaí during the winter. Also, the cosmocerciids exhibited higher mean abundance (t 196.0; P 0.034) in winter when compared with summer at the Jundiaí site. Moreover, to our knowledge, this is the first report of C. americana in the Brazilian Hylidae. This study presents 4 new records of nematodes in H. prasinus. © 2012 American Society of Parasitologists.


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The feline infectious respiratory disease is the most common diagnosed infection in the veterinary clinic routine, being the Feline Herpesvirus1 the most important causal agent. Once infected, the cat will become a lifetime latent carrier, experiencing episodes of viral reactivation and spontaneous spread especially when there is a stress factor involved. This virus acts in the upper respiratory system and is also associated with eye diseases. The diagnosis is made by viral isolation and treatment protocol is based on a topic antiviral therapy, even though many of them are epiteliotoxic and may progress with intense discomfort in felines.The purpose of this paper is to describe the main ocular manifestations and syndromes seen in cats suffering from feline herpesvirus. Conjunctivitis, epithelial and stromal keratitis, corneal ulceration and indolent ulcers are the main ocular manifestations associated with viral infection, whereas symblepharon, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, proliferative keratitis and corneal sequestration are the main eye syndromes that can be observed in infected animals.


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Background: Smoking impairs mucociliary clearance and increases respiratory infection frequency and severity in subjects with and without smoking-related chronic lung diseases. Objective: This study evaluated the effects of smoking intensity on mucociliary clearance in active smokers. Methods: Seventy-five active smokers were grouped into light (1-10 cigarettes/day; n = 14), moderate (11-20 cigarettes/day; n = 34) and heavy smokers (≥21 cigarettes/day; n = 27) before starting a smoking cessation programme. Smoking behaviour, nicotine dependence, pulmonary function, carbon monoxide in exhaled air (exCO), carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) and mucociliary clearance measured by the saccharin transit time (STT) test were all evaluated. An age-matched non-smoker group (n = 24) was assessed using the same tests. Results: Moderate (49 ± 7 years) and heavy smokers (46 ± 8 years) had higher STT (p = 0.0001), exCO (p < 0.0001) and COHb (p < 0.0001) levels compared with light smokers (51 ± 15 years) and non-smokers (50 ± 11 years). A positive correlation was observed between STT and exCO (r = 0.4; p < 0.0001), STT and cigarettes/day (r = 0.3, p = 0.02) and exCO and cigarettes/day (r = 0.3, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Smoking impairs mucociliary clearance and is associated with cigarette smoking intensity. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introdução: A pneumonia é uma das infecções mais comuns em crianças, sendo o derrame pleural uma complicação potencial, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, onde existem sérias limitações de recursos diagnóstico-terapêuticos. Objetivos: Conhecer o perfil das crianças portadoras de derrame pleural parapneumônico, analisando sua evolução a partir da terapêutica clínica e cirúrgica que são submetidas. Método: Estudo descritivo, transversal, de coleta prospectiva, no qual foram estudadas todas as crianças internadas em um hospital de referência de doenças infecciosas na Região Norte-Brasil com diagnóstico de derrame pleural parapneumônico, submetidas a procedimento cirúrgico para abordagem do mesmo, no período de outubro de 2010 a outubro de 2011. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 46 crianças, com distribuição igual entre os sexos, predominância de menores de 3 anos (74%) e procedentes do interior do estado (54,3%). Parcela considerável (28%) possuía algum grau de inadequação do estado nutricional. A média de tempo de doença até à admissão na referida instituição foi de 16,9 dias, e todos os indivíduos eram provenientes de outro hospital. A duração média da internação hospitalar foi de 26,0 dias, e a do estado febril, de 9,8 dias. Foram utilizados 2,2 esquemas antimicrobianos, em média, por paciente e o Ceftriaxone foi o antibiótico mais comum. Diagnóstico etiológico só foi alcançado em um único caso. Em 22 crianças, (47,8%), havia empiema pleural, e elas apresentaram maior tempo de drenagem. Foi encontrada associação entre crianças com nanismo e cirurgias múltiplas (Teste G = 8,40; p= 0,040). A grande maioria das criança foi operada uma única vez (80,4%), e a drenagem torácica fechada foi a cirurgia mais realizada. A drenagem torácica aberta foi instalada em 24,0% dos pacientes. A toracotomia com descorticação foi realizada em 2 pacientes (4,0%). Todas as crianças da amostra obtiveram recuperação clínica e radiológica em até quatro meses após a alta hospitalar, e não houve óbito na amostra. Conclusão: A população estudada possui doença em estágio avançado e distúrbios nutricionais prevalentes, que podem influenciar na evolução. É necessária padronização da antibioticoterapia, e reconsiderar a drenagem torácica aberta no empiema pleural, a partir de novos estudos sobre o tema, principalmente na indisponibilidade da videotoracoscopia.