924 resultados para Literatura infantojuvenil brasileira


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Through brief comments on famous texts of Randolph Caldecott, Rudyard Kipling and Christina Rossetti, we intend to show to the reader aspects of children’s literature written in the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901), in which authors inherited the Romantic idea that child and childhood are pure, close to nature in a way that the adult man is not. Moralizing texts, they taught children how to be an adult.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivos: efetuar a analise de três textos da literatura infantil com o intuito de evidenciar qual conceito de justiça permeia as ações das personagens e, a partir da analise, discutir sobre como o educador pode utilizar este recurso pedagógico visando a organização didática do trabalho com a evolução da sanção expiatória para a sanção por, no enredo do texto, reciprocidade. Deste modo, as reflexões foram feitas a partir do referencial teórico piagetiano sobre o desenvolvimento moral da criança e apresenta sugestões sobre como o educador pode preparar um ambiente adequado para tal intervenção pedagógica, partindo do dialogo sobre as intenções e julgamentos das ações das personagens


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Este estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar os vários leitores presentes no clássico Pinóquio do escritor italiano Collodi. Do leitor que apenas consegue aprender o código da escrita e a sintaxe que comanda esse código, ou no dizer de Manguel (2009,p.41) - o processo mecânico de aprender o código da escrita na qual está codificada a memória de uma sociedade - ao leitor que consegue entender sua identidade e a sociedade que o cerca, ou também no dizer de Manguel (2009,p.41) - o aprendizado de como as inscrições nesse código servem para conhecer de maneira profunda, imaginativa e prática nossa identidade e a do mundo que nos cerca, onde encaixar o tipo de leitor que Collodi cria para seu personagem?. É válido, ainda, indagar quais são os outros leitores na obra Pinóquio e o que representariam? Tecer a leitura e a releitura de uma obra permite essas reflexões sobre a educação e o processo humanizador da literatura (Cândido,1989,p.112), proporcionando assim uma viagem de introspecção (auto-conhecimento),e a exploração e leitura do mundo, fatores estes fundamentais na formação da subjetividade e da autonomia de pensamento do sujeito


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O estudo objetivou identificar e caracterizar o lugar que os professores da Educação Básica, enquanto formadores nos cursos de magistério oferecidos em nível médio, ocupavam nos discursos que circulavam no campo da formação docente no período anterior ao movimento de universitarização dessa formação. Especificamente, a pesquisa centrou-se em caracterizar o espaço que os professores da educação básica ocupavam nos cursos de formação para o magistério (Habilitação Especifica para o Magistério - HEM e Centro Especifico de Formação e Aprimoramento para o Magistério - CEFAM), isto por meio da identificação dos discursos que circulavam no campo da formação docente (1971-2001) sobre esses professores, docentes desses cursos. Essa investigação é de carácter exploratório, sendo desenvolvida sob uma perspectiva qualitativa, por meio de estudos bibliográficos. Primeiramente houve uma seleção e reunião de materiais diversos a partir da revisão da literatura acadêmica brasileira. Depois da organização desses dados, utilizou-se como referência os procedimentos de análise de conteúdo e os dados reunidos foram então analisados a partir das seguintes categorias: práticas de ensino, condições de trabalho, formação, relação professor/aluno e representações dos alunos sobre os professores do curso magistério. Os estudos considerados na pesquisa ressaltavam alguns pontos considerados positivos no trabalho daqueles formadores de professores, como a dimensão crítica da formação proposta por muitos deles. Mas evidenciavam, sobretudo, os limites de seu trabalho, especialmente no que se refere a aspectos epistemológicos (relação com as teorias) e profissionais (precárias condições de trabalho)


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The origins of the fairy tales are lost in the past but these tales are, even today, great teaching instruments because they relate to language development, creativity, social relations, and especially with the internalization of values and behavior patterns. According to Bettelheim (1980), fairy tales assure the children that the difficulties can be overcome, no matter how insignificant they feel. In this sense, these tales are power tools. We understand that fairy tales - and their characters - have the power to influence their readers/listeners. Therefore, this study considered four fairy tales in which the protagonists are children and remain as children all though the narratives: Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel Snow White and Rose Red and Thumbling, from Grimm Tales, translated into Portuguese by David Jardim Junior and published in 2008 by Itatiaia. We sought investigate how the children characters of these stories act, leveraging a reflection grounded on the image of children that emerge from the selected tales - images that have been registered in the first decades of the nineteenth century by the Brothers Grimm in their Children's and Household Tales - enabling the identification of the kinds of behavior that they perform and the values they embody, thus contributing to a better understanding of the models that these characters offer to the twenty-first century's children. Our research has a qualitative approach of bibliographic nature, mainly grounded in the ideas of Bettelheim (1980) and Ariès (1981). We found that there is a shortage of studies on the tales collected/maintained by the Brothers Grimm, although these stories have become classics of universal children's literature and continue, cradling the imagination of Western children in the twenty-first century. We also verified that there are very few studies exploring the representation of children in fairy tales and children's literature...


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The work Translational aspects in Ma vie ne sait pas nager by Élaine Turgeon approaches the entire translation process of this francophone children's work. The theme choice was due to the interest in deepening the translational knowledge, in addition to performing an analysis of the own translation work done. Thus, the theoretical aspects related to the translation are reported throughout the work, a succinct exhibition of the history of translation, a brief view of the children's editorial market (in the world and more specifically in Brazil), the book theme and author style, and finally, the drawbacks overcome during the realization of the work - based upon the theoretical body of work consulted - and the solution encountered for this. At the end of this same work, some considerations are drawn, as well as some reflections upon the translation realized (with the studied texts attached in the body of work); accompanied by some findings observed concerning the theory


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This work consists, mainly, in the analysis of an Angolan children contemporary work of literature trough a traditional methodology for the study of fairy tales, in other words, Vladimir Propp's. His goal is to prove this methodology, besides having been specifically developed to analyze European folktales, has an application of big range, including contemporary work and of non-european origin. He demonstrates which were the results and difficulties of such applicability. Besides, it was also found relevant affirmations about the history of Angola and about the biography of the author of the studied biography, Ondjaki


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The work Translational aspects in Ma vie ne sait pas nager by Élaine Turgeon approaches the entire translation process of this francophone children's work. The theme choice was due to the interest in deepening the translational knowledge, in addition to performing an analysis of the own translation work done. Thus, the theoretical aspects related to the translation are reported throughout the work, a succinct exhibition of the history of translation, a brief view of the children's editorial market (in the world and more specifically in Brazil), the book theme and author style, and finally, the drawbacks overcome during the realization of the work - based upon the theoretical body of work consulted - and the solution encountered for this. At the end of this same work, some considerations are drawn, as well as some reflections upon the translation realized (with the studied texts attached in the body of work); accompanied by some findings observed concerning the theory


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This work consists, mainly, in the analysis of an Angolan children contemporary work of literature trough a traditional methodology for the study of fairy tales, in other words, Vladimir Propp's. His goal is to prove this methodology, besides having been specifically developed to analyze European folktales, has an application of big range, including contemporary work and of non-european origin. He demonstrates which were the results and difficulties of such applicability. Besides, it was also found relevant affirmations about the history of Angola and about the biography of the author of the studied biography, Ondjaki