964 resultados para Leukemia, Plasma Cell
Vaccines have been described as weapons of mass protection. The eradication of many diseases is testament to their utility and effectiveness. Nevertheless, many vaccine preventable diseases remain prevalent because of political and economic barriers. Additionally, the effects of immaturity and old age, therapies that incapacitate the adaptive immune system and the multitude of strategies evolved by pathogens to evade immediate or sustained recognition by the mammalian immune system are barriers to the effectiveness of existing vaccines or development of new vaccines. In the front line of defence against the pervasiness of infection are the elements of the innate immune system. Innate immunity is under studied and poorly appreciated. However, in the first days after entry of a pathogen into the body, our entire protective response is dependant upon the various elements of our innate immune repertoire. In spite of, its place as our initial defence against infection, attention is only now turning to strategies which enhance or supplement innate immunity. This review examines the need for and potential of innate immune therapies.
The effect of low energy nitrogen molecular ion beam bombardment on metals and compound semiconductors has been studied, with the aim to investigate at the effects of ion and target properties. For this purpose, nitrogen ion implantation in aluminium, iron, copper, gold, GaAs and AIGaAs is studied using XPS and Angle Resolve XPS. A series of experimental studies on N+2 bombardment induced compositional changes, especially the amount of nitrogen retained in the target, were accomplished. Both monoenergetic implantation and non-monoenergetic ion implantation were investigated, using the VG Scientific ESCALAB 200D system and a d. c. plasma cell, respectively. When the samples, with the exception of gold, are exposed to air, native oxide layers are formed on the surfaces. In the case of monoenergetic implantation, the surfaces were cleaned using Ar+ beam bombardment prior to implantation. The materials were then bombarded with N2+ beam and eight sets of successful experiments were performed on each sample, using a rastered N2+ ion beam of energy of 2, 3, 4 and 5 keV with current densities of 1 μA/cm2 and 5 μA/cm22 for each energy. The bombarded samples were examined by ARXPS. After each complete implantation, XPS depth profiles were created using Ar+ beam at energy 2 ke V and current density 2 μA/cm2 . As the current density was chosen as one of the parameters, accurate determination of current density was very important. In the case of glow discharge, two sets of successful experiments were performed in each case, by exposing the samples to nitrogen plasma for the two conditions: at low pressure and high voltage and high pressure and low voltage. These samples were then examined by ARXPS. On the theoretical side, the major problem was prediction of the number of ions of an element that can be implanted in a given matrix. Although the programme is essentially on experimental study, but an attempt is being made to understand the current theoretical models, such as SATVAL, SUSPRE and TRIM. The experimental results were compared with theoretical predictions, in order to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible. From the experimental results, considering possible experimental uncertainties, there is no evidence of significant variation in nitrogen saturation concentration with ion energy or ion current density in the range of 2-5 ke V, however, the retention characteristics of implantant seem to strongly depend on the chemical reactivity between ion species and target material. The experimental data suggests the presence of at least one thermal process. The discrepancy between the theoretical and experimental results could be the inability of the codes to account for molecular ion impact and thermal processes.
The following thesis describes the computer modelling of radio frequency capacitively coupled methane/hydrogen plasmas and the consequences for the reactive ion etching of (100) GaAs surfaces. In addition a range of etching experiments was undertaken over a matrix of pressure, power and methane concentration. The resulting surfaces were investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the results were discussed in terms of physical and chemical models of particle/surface interactions in addition to the predictions for energies, angles and relative fluxes to the substrate of the various plasma species. The model consisted of a Monte Carlo code which followed electrons and ions through the plasma and sheath potentials whilst taking account of collisions with background neutral gas molecules. The ionisation profile output from the electron module was used as input for the ionic module. Momentum scattering interactions of ions with gas molecules were investigated via different models and compared against results given by quantum mechanical code. The interactions were treated as central potential scattering events and the resulting neutral cascades were followed. The resulting predictions for ion energies at the cathode compared well to experimental ion energy distributions and this verified the particular form of the electrical potentials used and their applicability in the particular geometry plasma cell used in the etching experiments. The final code was used to investigate the effect of external plasma parameters on the mass distribution, energy and angles of all species impingent on the electrodes. Comparisons of electron energies in the plasma also agreed favourably with measurements made using a Langmuir electric probe. The surface analysis showed the surfaces all to be depleted in arsenic due to its preferential removal and the resultant Ga:As ratio in the surface was found to be directly linked to the etch rate. The etch rate was determined by the methane flux which was predicted by the code.
This thesis is dedicated to the production and analysis of thin hydrogenated amorphous carbon films. A cascaded arc plasma source was used to produce a high density plasma of hydrocarbon radicals that deposited on a substrate at ultra low energies. The work was intended to create a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the film formation, by an extensive analysis on the properties of the films in correlation with the conditions used in the plasma cell. Two different precursors were used: methane and acetylene. They revealed a very different picture for the mechanism of film formation and properties. Methane was less successful, and the films formed were soft, with poor adhesion to the substrate and decomposing with time. Acetylene was the better option, and the films formed in this case were harder, with better adhesion to the substrate and stable over time. The plasma parameters could be varied to change the character of films, from polymer-like to diamond-like carbon. Films deposited from methane were grown at low deposition rates, which increased with the increase in process pressure and source power and decreased with the increase in substrate temperature and in hydrogen fraction in the carrier gas. The films had similar hydrogen content, sp3 fractions, average roughness (Ra) and low hardness. Above a deposition temperature of 350°C graphitization occurred - an increase in the sp2 fraction. A deposition mechanism was proposed, based upon the reaction product of the dissociative recombination of CH4+. There were small differences between the chemistries in the plasma at low and high precursor flow rates and low and high substrate temperatures; all experimental conditions led to formation of films that were either polymer-like, soft amorphous hydrogenated carbon or graphitic-like in structure. Films deposited from acetylene were grown at much higher deposition rates on different substrates (silicon, glass and plastics). The film quality increased noticeably with the increase of relative acetylene to argon flow rate, up to a certain value, where saturation occurred. With the increase in substrate temperature and the lowering of the acetylene injection ring position further improvements in film quality were achieved. The deposition process was scaled up to large area (5 x 5 cm) substrates in the later stages of the project. A deposition mechanism was proposed, based upon the reaction products of the dissociative recombination of C2H2 +. There were large differences between the chemistry in the plasma at low and medium/high precursor flow rates. This corresponded to large differences in film properties from low to medium flow rates, when films changed their character from polymer-like to diamond-like, whereas the differences between films deposited at medium and high precursor flow rates were small. Modelling of the film growth on silicon substrates was initiated and it explained the formation of sp2 and sp3 bonds at these very low energies. However, further improvements to the model are needed.
Immunoglobulin production by myeloma plasma cells depends on the unfolded protein response for protein production and folding. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of IRE1alpha and X box binding protein 1 (XBP1), key members of this pathway, in normal B-plasma cell development. We have determined the gene expression levels of IRE1alpha, XBP1, XBP1UNSPLICED (XBP1u), and XBP1SPLICED (XBP1s) in a series of patients with myeloma and correlated findings with clinical outcome. We show that IRE1alpha and XBP1 are highly expressed and that patients with low XBP1s/u ratios have a significantly better overall survival. XBP1s is an independent prognostic marker and can be used with beta2 microglobulin and t(4;14) to identify a group of patients with a poor outcome. Furthermore, we show the beneficial therapeutic effects of thalidomide in patients with low XBP1s/u ratios. This study highlights the importance of XBP1 in myeloma and its significance as an independent prognostic marker and as a predictor of thalidomide response.
Chez l’humain, les lymphocytes B mémoires IgG+ et IgA+ sont des cellules clés de l’immunité humorale. Ces cellules mémoires sont maintenues à long-terme dans notre organisme. Elles représentent une défense rapide et efficace contre toutes les infections que nous avons déjà vaincues pendant notre vie. Ces cellules mémoires qui rencontrent à nouveau leur antigène se différencient rapidement en plasmocytes à courte vie, et permettent la sécrétion massive d’immunoglobuline (Ig). La contrepartie mémoire de ces cellules sont les plasmocytes à longue vie qui sont présents dans les niches de la moelle osseuse et y sécrètent en permanence des anticorps protecteurs qui circulent dans le sang. Ces cellules sécrétrices peuvent avoir une durée de vie allant de dizaines d’années à la vie entière de l’individu. Les patients qui reçoivent des traitements de chimiothérapie ou de radiothérapie sont privés de ces cellules mémoires détruites par ces traitements au même titre que les cellules cancéreuses. Ces patients deviennent vulnérables aux infections et leur survie dépend de la régénération rapide de leur système hématopoïétique. Notre équipe a déjà mis au point une méthode pour préparer de grandes quantités des cellules mémoires capables de sécréter des IgG et des IgA. Les présents travaux visent à générer des plasmocytes fonctionnels et capables de survivre à long terme in vitro. La stratégie expérimentale visait à établir des conditions permettant de se rapprocher de l’environnement de la moelle osseuse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié les paramètres permettant la différenciation des lymphocytes B mémoires en plasmocytes. Étant donné l’importance du potentiel redox dans l’environnement de la moelle osseuse, nous avons d’abord tenté d’en contrôler l’impact avec un antioxydant, le N-acétyle cystéine (NAC). Nos résultats ont démontré que le NAC avait un effet significatif et diminuait la phosphorylation de la protéine STAT3 en raison d’une inhibition des kinases JAK2 et JAK3. Étonnamment, cet antioxydant retardait la différenciation de nos lymphocytes B qui étaient stimulés avec une forte interaction CD40-CD154. Par la suite, la comparaison des interactions CD40-CD154 et CD27-CD70 a permis de conclure qu’il était essentiel de réduire à son minimum l’interaction CD40-CD154 et qu’il fallait ajouter les cytokines IL-6 et IL-10. Les cellules CD31+CD38+CD138+ générées présentaient un phénotype similaire à celui des plasmocytes de la moelle osseuse. Malheureusement la fréquence de ces cellules était faible et leur viabilité insuffisante. Afin d’augmenter la survie de ces cellules le dernier volet de nos travaux visait à se rapprocher des niches de la moelle osseuse. Notre but a été atteint en ajoutant des cellules mésenchymateuses issues de la moelle osseuse en présence de 8% de dioxygène (O2). Les cellules CD31+CD38+CD138+ générées ont une excellente viabilité et représentent plus de 50% des cellules totales en culture. De plus, le modèle de culture est maintenant établi dans un milieu exempt de sérum et de protéines animales. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats permettent de proposer la production ex vivo de plasmocytes autologues avec une perspective thérapeutique pour réduire les risques d’infections des patients devenues immunodéficients, suite à un traitement de radiothérapie ou de chimiothérapie.
International audience
Il Mieloma Multiplo (MM) è una patologia neoplastica delle cellule B caratterizzata dalla proliferazione di più cloni di plasmacellule portatrici di diverse anomalie genomiche. Il MM presenta tipicamente un’eterogeneità genomica spaziale e intraclonale, che rende l’aspirato midollare "a singolo sito", attualmente utilizzato per la valutazione della malattia residua (MRD) dopo trattamento, non realmente informativo sulla taglia di malattia e sul panorama genomico della malattia. In considerazione della crescente importanza che sta assumendo la valutazione della MRD, i test per monitorarla dovrebbero essere non invasivi, affidabili e in grado di rappresentare le eterogeneità che caratterizzano il MM. Il presente studio ha permesso di dimostrare la possibilità di utilizzare la biopsia liquida, una metodica innovativa e non invasiva, per caratterizzare i pazienti con MM attivo o con MM smoldering ad alto rischio di evoluzione (HR-SMM) e per determinale l’MRD nei pazienti sottoposti a terapia di prima linea, integrando le metodiche attualmente validate. Nei pazienti arruolati nel presente studio è stato possibile identificare la frazione tumorale di DNA libero circolante (cfDNA-TF) nel sangue periferico, ed è stato possibile caratterizzare la malattia da un punto di vista qualitativo, dimostrando un’elevata concordanza del profilo genomico tra DNA libero circolante e DNA midollare (100% nei pazienti con HR-SMM e 86% nei pazienti con MM attivo). L’esecuzione seriata di biopsie liquide in corso di terapia, con un follow-up mediano di 24 mesi, ha mostrato una rapida e netta riduzione della cfDNA-TF xdalle prime fasi di terapia, con una tendenza a mantenersi mediamente sotto la soglia di sensibilità della metodica anche nelle fasi successive, indipendentemente dall’eventuale persistenza di MRD individuabile a livello midollare o mediante PET-CT. Con un follow-up più lungo probabilmente sarà possibile valutare meglio la capacità di questa metodica di affiancare o eventualmente sostituire l’aspirato midollare.
CONTEXTE: Les sélectines sont une famille de trois protéines qui règlent la capture et le roulement des leucocytes et qui initient la cascade d'adhésion. Elles contrôlent également la migration des leucocytes en réponse à un stimulus physiologique ou inflammatoire pour atteindre un organe cible. Le rôle des sélectines et des leurs ligands est bien connu dans l'adhésion des leucocytes normaux à l'endothélium; en revanche, la nature des ligands des sélectines exprimés par les cellules leucémiques et le myélome multiple est peu connue. La récente découverte que la E- et la P-sélectine sont exprimées par les cellules endothéliales et du stroma de la moelle osseuse, nous a incité à examiner leur rôle dans les interactions des cellules malignes avec leur environnement médullaire. RÉSULTATS: Les analyses ont été conduites sur les cellules du sang ou de la moelle osseuse prélevées à des patients atteints de leucémie aiguë ou de myélome multiple et sur des lignées cellulaires. Les ligands des sélectines qui ont été identifiés sur les blastes leucémiques ou les plasmocytes, sont « P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 » (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 et l'endoglycan (EGC), ainsi que les saccharides fucosylés sLex et CLA. Nous avons vérifié dans des expériences d'adhésion cellulaire effectuées dans des conditions de flux que ces ligands sont fonctionnels, étant porteurs des sucres mentionnés, et qu'ils sont capables de supporter le roulement cellulaire dépendant des sélectines. De plus, nous avons montré que la liaison de ces ligands génère des signaux intracellulaires favorisant la prolifération et la survie des cellules de myélome. CONCLUSION. Les données présentées ici montrent que la E- et la P- sélectine du microenvironnement médullaire interagissent avec les cellules leucémiques et de myélome multiple, et que ces interactions activent des voies de signalisation contrôlant la prolifération et la survie cellulaire. Ces effets protecteurs sont impliqués dans la persistance de clones cellulaires malins résistant aux traitements et peuvent conduire à la récidive de la maladie. L'inhibition de ces interactions pourrait fournir de nouvelles options thérapeutiques pour le traitement de ces maladies de mauvais pronostic. - BACKGROUND: Selectins are a family of glycoproteins involved in the first steps of the adhesion cascade, tethering and rolling, during which leukocytes sense tissue specific signals and commit the cells to enter in a particular organ or inflammation site. While the role of selectins and their ligands is well established in supporting normal leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium, our knowledge of selectin ligands in two hematological malignancies, acute leukemia and multiple myeloma, is incomplete. The recent discovery that E- and P- selectin are also expressed on bone marrow (BM) endothelial and stromal cells, prompted us to investigate a potential role in selectin-mediated interaction of malignant cells with its protective BM microenvironment. RESULTS. Using cells obtained from blood or BM of patients affected by acute myeloid or lymphoblastic leukemia, or multiple myeloma, as well as cell lines, we characterized the expression of selectin ligands on blasts and plasma cells and identified P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), CD44, CD43 and endoglycan (EGC), as well as sLex/CLA determinants. Rolling assays under flow conditions allowed us to verify that these ligands are functional, i.e. correctly glycosylated and able to support selectin-mediated rolling. Moreover, we demonstrated that these ligands trigger proliferation and pro-survival signals upon engagement on myeloma cells. CONCLUSIONS. Data presented here demonstrate that E- and P-selectin in the BM microenvironment interact with leukemia and myeloma cells, and suggest that they have an impact on proliferation and survival of malignant plasma cells. These protective effects may induce drug resistance in malignant clones, leading to disease relapse. Interfering with these interactions could provide new therapeutic options. - Le corps humain dépend du système immunitaire pour sa protection face aux agressions, notamment des bactéries ou des virus, ou face à une dysfonction de l'organisme. Ce système est composé de plusieurs types cellulaires, regroupés sous le nom de leucocytes, qui participent à son fonctionnement. Ces cellules se développent à partir d'une cellule souche hématopo'iétique commune qui réside dans la moelle osseuse. Comme c'est le cas dans les autres tissus, les cellules du système immunitaire peuvent aussi développer des cancers, appelés tumeurs hématopoïétiques ou tumeurs du sang. Bien que ces maladies puissent être traitées avec succès grâce à de fortes doses de chimiothérapies ou à d'autres moyens comme les greffes, les patients connaissent un fort taux de rechute. La raison de ces récidives est la survie d'une partie des cellules malignes dans la moelle osseuse, où elles reçoivent une protection au traitement par le biais de l'interaction avec d'autres cellules. Les sélectines (E-, P- et L-sélectine) régulent l'interaction des leucocytes avec l'endothélium (la paroi des vaisseaux sanguins), d'autres leucocytes et les plaquettes ; ces interactions surviennent quand les leucocytes atteignent un site d'inflammation ou un organe cible. Dans la moelle osseuse, la E- et la P-sélectine se trouvent sur les cellules de l'endothélium et sur les macrophages, qui sont d'autres leucocytes faisant partie du stroma de la moelle. Elles pourraient être impliquées dans la protection des cellules cancéreuses évoquée plus haut. Les molécules d'adhésion avec lesquelles les sélectines s'associent, autrement dit les ligands des sélectines, sont des glycoprotéines. Ces protéines ont besoin de sucres spécifiques pour acquérir une telle capacité d'adhésion. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié deux types de cellules extraites du sang et de la moelle osseuse des patients atteints d'une leucémie aiguë (les blastes) ou de myélome multiple (les plasmocytes), et leur capacité à se lier aux sélectines. Nous avons démontré une interaction entre ces cellules malignes et la E- et/ou la P-sélectine, à condition que les ligands soient correctement décorés. De plus, lors que les plasmocytes se lient aux sélectines, une cascade de signaux à l'intérieur des cellules stimule leur prolifération et leur survie. L'ensemble de ces résultats permet l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles de ces hémopathies de mauvais pronostic.
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is-an RNA virus responsible for diseases such as HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) and adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL). Cell-to-cell contact and Tax-induced clonal expansion of infected cells are the main modes of virus replication, making virus detection during the viremic stage difficult. Consequently, the proviral load is the current virologic marker for disease monitoring, but the mechanisms of progression have not been established yet. Thus, this study investigated the presence of virus in plasma from asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and from HAM/TSP patients. Real-time PCR was performed on DNA from 150 plasma samples; 12(8%) had detectable DNA amplification, including 6(4%) asymptomatic HTLV-1 carriers and 14(26%) HAM/TSP patients (p < 0.005). Of the 33 samples submitted for nested PCR, six (18%, p = 0.02) were positive for HTLV-1 RNA in the plasma. Additionally, 26 plasma samples were treated with DNAse enzyme to eliminate any DNA contamination before RNA extraction. Two of them (8%) showed amplification for HTLV-1 (p = 0.5). Therefore, this study described for the first time the detection of free HTLV-1 RNA in plasma from HTLV-1-infected subjects, regardless of their clinical status. Thus, HTLV-1 viral replication does occur in plasma, and other transmission pathways for HTLV-1 should be investigated further. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) pathogenesis leads to recurrent vaso-occlusive and hemolytic processes, causing numerous clinical complications including renal damage. As vasoconstrictive mechanisms may be enhanced in SCD, due to endothelial dysfunction and vasoactive protein production, we aimed to determine whether the expression of proteins of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) may be altered in an animal model of SCD. Plasma angiotensin II (Ang II) was measured in C57BL/6 (WT) mice and mice with SCD by ELISA, while quantitative PCR was used to compare the expressions of the genes encoding the angiotensin-II-receptors 1 and 2 (AT1R and AT2R) and the angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE1 and ACE2) in the kidneys, hearts, livers and brains of mice. The effects of hydroxyurea (HU; 50-75mg/kg/day, 4weeks) treatment on these parameters were also determined. Plasma Ang II was significantly diminished in SCD mice, compared with WT mice, in association with decreased AT1R and ACE1 expressions in SCD mice kidneys. Treatment of SCD mice with HU reduced leukocyte and platelet counts and increased plasma Ang II to levels similar to those of WT mice. HU also increased AT1R and ACE2 gene expression in the kidney and heart. Results indicate an imbalanced RAS in an SCD mouse model; HU therapy may be able to restore some RAS parameters in these mice. Further investigations regarding Ang II production and the RAS in human SCD may be warranted, as such changes may reflect or contribute to renal damage and alterations in blood pressure.
ANKHD1 is highly expressed in human acute leukemia cells and potentially regulates multiple cellular functions through its ankyrin-repeat domains. In order to identify interaction partners of the ANKHD1 protein and its role in leukemia cells, we performed a yeast two-hybrid system screen and identified SIVA, a cellular protein known to be involved in proapoptotic signaling pathways. The interaction between ANKHD1 and SIVA was confirmed by co-imunoprecipitation assays. Using human leukemia cell models and lentivirus-mediated shRNA approaches, we showed that ANKHD1 and SIVA proteins have opposing effects. While it is known that SIVA silencing promotes Stathmin 1 activation, increased cell migration and xenograft tumor growth, we showed that ANKHD1 silencing leads to Stathmin 1 inactivation, reduced cell migration and xenograft tumor growth, likely through the inhibition of SIVA/Stathmin 1 association. In addition, we observed that ANKHD1 knockdown decreases cell proliferation, without modulating apoptosis of leukemia cells, while SIVA has a proapoptotic function in U937 cells, but does not modulate proliferation in vitro. Results indicate that ANKHD1 binds to SIVA and has an important role in inducing leukemia cell proliferation and migration via the Stathmin 1 pathway. ANKHD1 may be an oncogene and participate in the leukemia cell phenotype.
We present a novel protein crystallization strategy, applied to the crystallization of human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) transmembrane protein gp21 lacking the fusion peptide and the transmembrane domain, as a chimera with the Escherichia coli maltose binding protein (MBP). Crystals could not be obtained with a MBP/gp21 fusion protein in which fusion partners were separated by a flexible linker, but were obtained after connecting the MBP C-terminal alpha-helix to the predicted N-terminal alpha-helical sequence of gp21 via three alanine residues. The gp21 sequences conferred a trimeric structure to the soluble fusion proteins as assessed by sedimentation equilibrium and X-ray diffraction, consistent with the trimeric structures of other retroviral transmembrane proteins. The envelope protein precursor, gp62, is likewise trimeric when expressed in mammalian cells. Our results suggest that MBP may have a general application for the crystallization of proteins containing N-terminal alpha-helical sequences.
Retroviral entry into cells depends on envelope glycoproteins, whereby receptor binding to the surface-exposed subunit triggers membrane fusion by the transmembrane protein (TM) subunit. We determined the crystal structure at 2.5-Angstrom resolution of the ectodomain of gp21, the TM from human T cell leukemia virus type 1. The gp21 fragment was crystallized as a maltose-binding protein chimera, and the maltose-binding protein domain was used to solve the initial phases by the method of molecular replacement. The structure of gp21 comprises an N-terminal trimeric coiled coil, an adjacent disulfide-bonded loop that stabilizes a chain reversal, and a C-terminal sequence structurally distinct from HIV type 1/simian immunodeficiency virus gp41 that packs against the coil in an extended antiparallel fashion. Comparison of the gp21 structure with the structures of other retroviral TMs contrasts the conserved nature of the coiled coil-forming region and adjacent disulfide-bonded loop with the variable nature of the C-terminal ectodomain segment. The structure points to these features having evolved to enable the dual roles of retroviral TMs: conserved fusion function and an ability to anchor diverse surface-exposed subunit structures to the virion envelope and infected cell surface. The structure of gp21 implies that the N-terminal fusion peptide is in close proximity to the C-terminal transmembrane domain and likely represents a postfusion conformation.
In a previous study, we found that the cytokine (human) leukemia inhibitory factor (hLIF) significantly reduced plasma cholesterol levels and the accumulation of lipid in aortic tissues of cholesterol-fed rabbits after 4 weeks of treatment. The mechanisms by which this occurs were investigated in the present study. This involved examining the effect of hLIF on (1) the level of plasma cholesterol at different times throughout the 4-week treatment and diet period; (2) smooth muscle cell (SMC) and macrophage-derived foam cell formation in vitro; and (3) LDL receptor expression and uptake in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2. At time zero, an osmotic minipump (2-mL capacity; infusion rate, 2.5 mu L/h; 28 days) containing either hLIF (30 mu g.kg(-1).d(-1)) or saline was inserted into the peritoneal cavity of New Zealand White rabbits (N=24). Rabbits were divided into four groups of six animals each. Group 1 received a normal diet/saline; group 2, a normal diet/hLIF; group 3, a 1% cholesterol diet/saline; and group 4, a 1% cholesterol diet/hLIF. hLIF had no effect on the plasma lipids or artery wall of group 2 rabbits (normal diet). However, in group 4 rabbits, plasma cholesterol levels and the percent surface area of thoracic aorta covered by fatty streaks was decreased by approximate to 30% and 80%, respectively, throughout all stages of the 4-week treatment period. In vitro, hLIF failed to prevent lipoprotein uptake by either SMCs or macrophages (foam cell formation) when the cells were exposed to P-VLDL for 24 hours. In contrast, hLIF (100 ng/mL) added to cultured human hepatoma HepG2 cells induced a twofold or threefold increase in intracellular lipid accumulation in the medium containing 10% lipoprotein-deficient serum or 10% fetal calf serum, respectively. This was accompanied by a significant non-dose-dependent increase in LDL receptor expression in hLIF-treated HepG2 cells incubated with LDL (20 mu g/mL) when compared with controls (P