372 resultados para Lable, Eliot


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estudos Portugueses


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Cinquenta anos após o trágico desaparecimento de Roy Campbell, em acidente rodoviário ocorrido próximo de Setúbal, vale a pena revisitar a figura deste poeta e hispanista de ascendência escocesa, nascido em Durban, cuja actividade lusófila o torna merecedor de um estudo fatalmente mais vasto do que este artigo visa empreender. Não obstante a importância das vivências sul-africanas e espanholas (por exemplo, o testemunho presencial da eclosão, em 1936, da Guerra Civil), a orientação comparativista desta publicação justifica que privilegiemos as vertentes inglesa e anglo-portuguesa de Roy Campbell, começando por apontar, no que toca à primeira e além do parentesco (familiar, que não político-ideológico...) com George Orwell (1903-1950), a contemporaneidade e os contactos mantidos com poetas, romancistas, ensaístas e críticos como Wyndham Lewis (1884-1957), os irmãos Sitwell (Edith, 1887-1964, Osbert, 1892-1969 e Sacheverell, 1897-1988), T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), 5 Vita Sackville- West (1892-1962), L. P. Hartley (1895-1972), Robert Graves (1895-1985), Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), o também sul-africano Laurens Van der Post (1906-1996) e Dylan Thomas (1914-1953).


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Dissertação de mestrado em Comunicação, Arte e Cultura


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The interfaces between the intrapsychic, interactional, and intergenerational domains are a new frontier. As a pilot, we exposed ourselves to a complex but controllable situation as viewed by people whose main interest is in one of the three interfaces; we also fully integrated the subjects in the team, to learn about their subjective perspectives and to provide them with an enriching experience. We started with a brief "triadification" sequence (i.e., moving from a "two plus one" to a "three together" family organization). Considering this sequence as representing at a micro level many larger family transitions, we proceeded with a microanalytic interview, a psychodynamic investigation, and a family interview. As expected, larger patterns of correspondences are emerging. Central questions under debate are: What are the most appropriate units at each level of description and what are their articulations between these levels? What is the status of "triadification"? Les interfaces entre les domaines intrapsychiques, interactionnels et intergénérationnels représentent une nouvelle frontiére. A titre exploratoire, nous nous sommes exposés à une situation complexe mais contrǒlable ainsi que le voient ceux dont I'intérět principal se porte sur l'une de ces trois interfaces. Nous avons aussi entièrement intégré les sujets dans l'équipe, de facon à comprendre leur perspective subjective et à leur offrir une expérience enrichissante. Nous avons commencé avec une brève séquence de "triadification," c'est-à-dire passer d'une organisation familiale "deux plus un" à Ltne organisation familiale "trois (add sentenc)ensemble." Considérant cette séquence comme representative à un niveau microscopique de transitions familiales bien plus larges, nous avons procedé à l'entretien microanalytique, à une enquěte psychodynamique et à un entretien familial. Comme prévu, de grands patterns de correspondances émergent. Les questions essentielles sur lesquelles portent le débat sont: quelles les unités les plus appropiées à chaque niveau de description et quelles sont les articulations entre ces niveaux? Quel est le statut de la "triadification"?


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El objeto de estudio parte de un proceso de investigación acción (McKernan, 1999 y Eliot, 1993), el cual estamos llevando a cabo desde hace dos cursos, en el marco del plan piloto para la adaptación de los estudios de la UdG al Espacio Europeo deEducación Superior (EEES). La justificación se enmarca en la demanda del Espacio Europea de Educación Superior, mediante el desarrollo de una educación basada en competencias con el objetivo de partir de una información que responda a unas necesidades reales basadas del Proyecto Tunning. Esta aportación se refleja en una asignatura de libre elección de nuevaincorporación. Esta propuesta, da un énfasis especial en la interacción entre los dos estudios: educación y enfermería. La cooperación interdisciplinar nos ha permitido compartir, interactuar y dialogar de forma crítica para poder seguir avanzando en nuestra propuesta. Estamos plenamente convencidos que la Educación Física bien dosificada, la alimentación cualitativamente equilibrada y unas condiciones higiénicas correctas en un entorno favorable, son pilares de una buena educación para la salud


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Con este poema publicado en 1922 la poesía contemporánea europea descubrirá nuevas vías de creación: desde la introducción de los espacios de la vida urbana hasta el rechazo del sentimentalismo idealista, sin olvidar la búsqueda de las intricadas concepciones de la mente.


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We first establish that policymakers on the Bank of England's Monetary PolicyCommittee choose lower interest rates with experience. We then reject increasingconfidence in private information or learning about the structure of the macroeconomy as explanations for this shift. Instead, a model in which voters signal theirhawkishness to observers better fits the data. The motivation for signalling is consistent with wanting to control inflation expectations, but not career concerns orpleasing colleagues. There is also no evidence of capture by industry. The papersuggests that policy-motivated reputation building may be important for explainingdynamics in experts' policy choices.


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We test whether outside experts have information not available to insiders by usingthe voting record of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee. Memberswith more private information should vote more often against conventional wisdom,which we measure as the average belief of market economists about future interest rates. We find evidence that external members indeed have information notavailable to internals, but also use a quasi-natural experiment to show they mayexaggerate their expertise to obtain reappointment. This implies that an optimalcommittee, even outside monetary policy, should potentially include outsiders, butneeds to manage career concerns.


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In many areas of economics there is a growing interest in how expertise andpreferences drive individual and group decision making under uncertainty. Increasingly, we wish to estimate such models to quantify which of these drive decisionmaking. In this paper we propose a new channel through which we can empirically identify expertise and preference parameters by using variation in decisionsover heterogeneous priors. Relative to existing estimation approaches, our \Prior-Based Identification" extends the possible environments which can be estimated,and also substantially improves the accuracy and precision of estimates in thoseenvironments which can be estimated using existing methods.


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In most firms, managers periodically assess workers' performance. Evidence suggeststhat managers withhold information during these reviews, and some observersargue that this necessarily reduces surplus. This paper assesses the validity of thisargument when workers have career concerns. Disclosure has two effects: it exposesthe worker to uncertainty about future effort levels, but allows him to use current effortto influence his employer's beliefs about future effort. The surplus-maximizingdisclosure policy reveals output realizations in the center of the distribution, butnot in the tails. Thus, it is efficient for firms to reveal some but not all performanceinformation.


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Alors que les politiques publiques de protection de l'environnement se sont développées de manière exponentielle ces dernières décennies, les problèmes posés par les pollutions, la surexploitation des ressources naturelles ou les impacts du changement climatique demeu-rent et se renouvellent sans cesse. C'est que l'adoption d'une règle ne constitue jamais une fin en soi. Encore faut-il, pour qu'elle produise ses effets, que les acteurs se l'approprient, la traduisent comme une prescription qui s'impose au niveau concret de l'action. Or, au même titre que l'adoption d'une politique publique, sa mise en oeuvre représente un processus hautement conflictuel et politique. Loin d'être mécanique ou linéaire, cette phase est assimi-lable à un véritable processus d'appropriation des règles, émaillé de rapports de force et d'arrangements entre acteurs, de stratégies complémentaires ou concurrentes déployées par un large éventail de protagonistes. Tous ne poursuivent dans ce cadre pas des objectifs de concrétisation, certains cherchant à contourner ou à instrumentaliser les règles, à atté-nuer leurs effets ou à favoriser la mise en place de solutions sur mesure. Il y a, clairement, une distance de la règle à l'action. La présente thèse se propose de mettre en lumière la dimension politique de ces processus d'appropriation en reconstituant les jeux d'acteurs qui les composent. L'idée qui sous-tend la réflexion consiste à démontrer, sur la base d'une littérature variée (analyse des politiques publiques, droit, sociologie) et d'études de cas construits autour des bisses valaisans, le ca-ractère central des stratégies d'activation du droit. Ces dernières sont, dans un premier temps, mises en perspective au sein d'une approche qui appréhende le rapport entre règles et acteurs sur un mode moins managérial que ne le fait habituellement l'analyse des poli-tiques publiques. Relevant autant de démarches de concrétisation que de logiques alterna-tives (passivité, détournement, contournement, innovation), ces stratégies sont placées au coeur du cadre conceptuel élaboré, où elles entrent en interaction avec d'autres variables telles que les relations de pouvoir ou le caractère structurant du contexte institutionnel. Le potentiel analytique de l'approche développée est, dans un second temps, illustré à travers sa confrontation à trois études de cas gravitant autour des bisses : protection d'un écosys-tème aquatique ; gestion des risques de débordement et d'inondation ; développement ter-ritorial d'un village de montagne. Au final, le propos vient souligner tout l'intérêt d'une approche plus politique de la mise en oeuvre. La notion de stratégies d'activation et le cadre conceptuel développé contribuent à mettre en évidence un répertoire très fin de jeux d'acteurs, permettant d'organiser et de systématiser une analyse actorielle souvent réduite au minimum en raison de la difficulté à en rendre compte. La thèse apporte en ce sens une véritable plus-value à l'analyse des poli-tiques publiques, démontrant la manière dont les acteurs cherchent constamment à refor-muler les modalités de l'action collective (politics never end).


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Scholarship on the American Slave South generally agrees that John Eliot Cairnes's The Slave Power provided a highly biased interpretation of the functioning and long-term viability of the southern slave economy. Published shortly after the outbreak of the Civil War, its partisanship is partly attributed to its clearly stated goal to shift British support from the secession states to the states of the Union. Thus, it is generally agreed, Cairnes sifted his sources to obtain the desired outcome. A more balanced use of the sources at his possession would have provided a very different outcome. This paper will challenge this general assessment of Cairnes's book by examining in some detail two of Cairnes's most important sources: Frederic Law Olmsted's travelogues on the American Slave South and James D. B. De Bow's compilation of statistical data and essays in his Industrial Resources, etc., of the Southern and Western States (1852-53). By contrasting De Bow's use of statistical evidence with Olmsted's travelogues, my final purpose is to question the weight of evidence on the American Slave South. Cairnes aimed, I will argue, much more to balance the evidence than is generally acknowledged, but it is misleading to think that balancing a wide range of evidence washes out bias if this evidence itself is politically skewed, as is the rule rather than the exception.


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The Average White Band's debut album, Show your hand, was released in 1973. The "classic funk and R & B" band included members Alan Gorrie, Owen "Onnie" McIntyre, Malcolm "Mollie" Duncan, Roger Ball, Robbie McIntosh, and Mike Rosen. Rosen was quickly replaced by Hamish Stuart. The band, comprised of Scotsmen, released a second album in 1974 that featured the US number 1/UK Top 10 single "Pick up the Pieces". That same year, Robbie McIntosh died of a heroin overdose and was replaced by Steve Ferrone. The song "Cut the Cake" from their third album made the US top 10, and subsequent releases in the late 1970s and early 1980s proved successful. The members largely pursued individual projects in the years that followed, but re-formed in 1989 (with original members Gorrie, Ball and McIntyre, and new members Alex Ligertwood and Eliot Lewis) and released the album Aftershock. Over the years, the band's members have changed, and the band is currently comprised of Onnie McIntyre, Rocky Bryant, Alan Gorrie, Fred "Freddy V" Vigdor and Klyde Jones. Their most recent album, Times Squared, was released in 2009.