962 resultados para Knox, Philander C. (Philander Chase), 1853-1921.


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植物近缘物种系统发育和物种形成过程一直以来都是植物进化生物学研究中最基本的问题之一,是人们理解自然界物种多样性产生和变化的前提。近缘物种间通常形态相似,遗传和分子水平的分化很小且常受诸如渐渗杂交、谱系分选、种内重组等微观进化事件的影响,导致植物近缘物种间系统发育和物种形成过程研究极为困难。在过去十多年中,生物技术的革新和理论方法的发展极大地推动了进化生物学研究,促进了人们对一些重要模式生物与其近缘种间的系统发育关系和物种分化过程的认识,如人、果蝇、线虫、拟南芥和玉米等。然而,迄今在植物中,许多重要类群及其近缘种的系统发育和物种形成过程研究仍不多见,包括在具有特殊重要性的栽培作物中,如稻属(Oryza L.)。由于属内包含有重要粮食作物水稻,稻属向来都是禾本科内备受关注的一个类群。本研究中,我们通过多基因序列的方法,探讨了稻属C色体组三个近缘二倍体物种的系统发育和物种形成过程,主要研究结果如下。 为选择适宜的实验策略和保证序列数据的真实性,我们利用不同聚合酶扩增自交的栽培稻Oryza sativa ssp. japonica和异交的O. longistaminata不同类型的基因片段,采用克隆测序的方法,评估聚合酶链式扩增反应(PCR)中产生的非真实变异的状况。我们使用exTaq、exTaq和Pfu混和酶和PfuUltraTM酶三种不同聚合酶扩增了Adh1、GPA1和Waxy三个基因片段。在检测到的非真实变异中,PCR 错误的类型主要为单碱基变异和不同等位基因间重组,其中以单碱基变异为主,且突变类型以转换占绝大多数。比较不同酶扩增错误的结果表明,高保真PfuUltraTM酶对PCR反应错误有显著的改善,在扩增产物的单克隆中几乎检测不到PCR噪音,错误率仅为0.0001%,而exTaq和混和酶的错误率分别为0.096%和0.073%。从不同物种比较结果来看,exTaq酶和Pfu酶混用时在自交的O. sativa ssp. japonica内对PCR错误也表现明显的改善,但在异交的O. longistaminata中改善效应不太明显。在三个不同基因位点上,PCR扩增错误出现频率随扩增区域增长而变大。在PfuUltraTM酶的扩增产物中发现重组最少,exTaq和混和酶重组较多,且混和酶对重组改善效果不明显。基于不同聚合酶扩增错误对比研究结果,我们认为,由于能保证序列变异的真实性且不遗漏等位基因,核基因的克隆测序较宜于分离杂合个体中不同的等位基因。 基于随机挑取4个叶绿体和10个核基因位点,利用12份Oryza officinalis、8份O. eichingeri和4份O. rhizomatis材料,对稻属C色体组三个近缘二倍体物种的系统发育关系作了深入分析。利用不同的系统发育分析方法对单基因位点序列和合并序列数据作了分析,结果表明,稻属C色体组三个近缘种间呈多歧分支。因此,三个二倍体C色体组物种可能经快速辐射分化形成。在不同核基因和叶绿体基因的系统发育树中各分支枝长均很短,也表明C色体组的三个物种可能在较短时期内分化出。不同基因间拓扑结构不一致主要受谱系随机分选的影响。此外,C色体组不同物种间的种间渐渗和不同等位基因重组对系统发育树的冲突也有影响。值得注意的是,C色体组三个物种的辐射分化不排除由于相邻两次物种形成事件间隔时间太近、目前数据量不够而无法分辨的可能。在本研究中,我们发现,对于系统发育重建困难的类群,利用等位基因构建物种谱系树有助于挖掘不同基因间结果不一致的因素。 基于10个随机选取的核基因序列数据,利用物种水平的取样方式和群体遗传学分析方法,我们研究了稻属C色体组三个近缘物种O. officinalis、O. eichingeri和O. rhizomatis的核苷酸多态性,并根据多态性水平和式样,推测了三个近缘种分化的历史。结果表明,在C色体组的三个近缘种中,仅分布于斯里兰卡的O. rhizomatis的核苷酸多态性水平相对最低(θsil = 0.0038),而间断分布于非洲和斯里兰卡的O. eichingeri最高(θsil = 0.0057)。与被子植物其他类群相比,稻属C色体组三个物种的核苷酸多态性水平显得较低,O. eichingeri的核苷酸多态性仅约为玉米及其近缘野生种的23-46%和拟南芥的35%。C色体组内三个野生种相对较低的核苷酸多态性水平可能起因于其较小的祖先有效群体。物种形成模型分析表明,O. officinalis和其近缘种从最近共同祖先分化开后可能经历了居群缩减的历史,且自最近共同祖先分开后,三个物种彼此间并无显著的基因交流。基于分子钟粗略估算了C色体三个物种分化时间,结果表明,三个物种彼此在很短的时期内分开,约0.63-0.68 Myr。同时,O. eichingeri在非洲和斯里兰卡两个地理宗的分异时间约为0.37 Myr,且推测斯里兰卡的O. eichingeri主要由西非经长距离扩散传播到斯里兰卡。


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The origin and pathway of the thermostad water in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, often referred to as the equatorial 13 degrees C Water, are investigated using a simulated passive tracer and its adjoint, based on circulation estimates of a global general circulation model. Results demonstrate that the source region of the 13 degrees C Water lies well outside the tropics. In the South Pacific, some 13 degrees C Water is formed northeast of New Zealand, confirming an earlier hypothesis on the water's origin. The South Pacific origin of the 13 degrees C Water is also related to the formation of the Eastern Subtropical Mode Water (ESTMW) and the Sub-Antarctic Mode Water (SAMW). The portion of the ESTMW and SAMW that eventually enters the density range of the 13 degrees C Water (25.8 < sigma(theta) < 26.6 kg m(-3)) does so largely by mixing. Water formed in the subtropics enters the equatorial region predominantly through the western boundary, while its interior transport is relatively small. The fresher North Pacific ESTMW and Central Mode Water (CMW) are also important sources of the 13 degrees C Water. The ratio of the southern versus the northern origins of the water mass is about 2 to 1 and tends to increase with time elapsed from its origin. Of the total volume of initially tracer-tagged water in the eastern equatorial Pacific, approximately 47.5% originates from depths above sigma(theta) = 25.8 kg m(-3) and 34.6% from depths below sigma(theta) = 26.6 kg m(-3), indicative of a dramatic impact of mixing on the route of subtropical water to becoming the 13 degrees C Water. Still only a small portion of the water formed in the subtropics reaches the equatorial region, because most of the water is trapped and recirculates in the subtropical gyre.


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Endothelin-1 (ET-1) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of renal inflammation. This study investigated the mechanisms underlying the synergistic upregulation of preproET-1 gene expression in human mesangial cells after co-stimulation with thrombin and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha). Whereas thrombin induced a moderate upregulation of preproET-1 mRNA, co-stimulation with TNFalpha resulted in a strong and protracted upregulation of this mRNA species. Thrombin+TNFalpha-induced upregulation of preproET-1 expression was found to require p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase and protein kinases C, whereas activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, c-Jun-N-terminal kinase, or intracellular Ca(2+) release were not required. Actinomycin D chase experiments suggested that enhanced stability of preproET-1 mRNA did not account for the increase in transcript levels. PreproET-1 promoter analysis demonstrated that the 5'-flanking region of preproET-1 encompassed positive regulatory elements engaged by thrombin. Negative modulation of thrombin-induced activation exerted by the distal 5' portion of preproET-1 promoter (-4.4 kbp to 204 bp) was overcome by co-stimulation with TNFalpha, providing a possible mechanism underlying the synergistic upregulation of preproET-1 expression by these two agonists. In conclusion, human mesangial cell expression of preproET-1 may be increased potently in the presence of two common proinflammatory mediators, thereby providing a potential mechanism for ET-1 production in inflammatory renal disease.


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In the popular mind, the concept of 'emigration' usually refers to people voluntarily leaving one country to go to another in search of a new and better life. It presupposes some degree of choice, although it is accepted that for many emigrants, such as those who left Ireland during the nineteenth century, there were few incentives to stay at home. Current scholarship on voluntary and forced movements of people demonstrates that the distinction between the categories of 'voluntary emigrant' and 'forced exile' is often blurred. Orm Overland's study of refugee communities in the United States highlights the fact that, although the differences between the 'emigrant' and the 'exile' may be clear in extreme cases, this is not always true, as there may be 'pressing political or economic reasons behind a decision to emigrate'. Migration scholars Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen also question the adequacy of conceptual models of migration based on what Lindsay Proudfoot and Dianne Hall refer to as the 'straightforward binarism between free and unfree emigration'. The questions raised by these scholars are very relevant to the study of Irish people who left their country during the second half of the nineteenth century immediately after they had been discharged from prison or from Dundrum. Their stories are discussed here against a background of substantial scholarship on emigration from Ireland and on the criminal justice system within Ireland. According to David Fitzpatrick, at least eight million men, women and children emigrated from Ireland between 1801 and 1921. This large-scale movement of people was generally characterised by the voluntary emigration of individuals who funded their own passages. However, it also included schemes of assisted emigration, funded variously by governments, landlords, the poor law authorities, earlier emigrants, and philanthropists. In addition, it included people who were transported from Ireland by means of the criminal justice system a practice that had originated in the seventeenth century. What is less well known is that after the end of transportation from Ireland to eastern Australia in 1853, to Bermuda in 1863 and to Western Australia in 1868, Irish convicts continued to be channelled towards emigration by being offered early release if they agreed to leave Ireland. These people, and especially the women among them, are the subject of this article.


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Thie examines the continuing role that the landed class enjoyed in Northern Ireland in contrast to the experience of their fellow landlords in the rest of Ireland following Partition. It argues that the senses of tradition and continuity which the unionist population in particular attributed to the old landed elite gave them an important role in bolstering the newly created state of Northern Ireland. In turn this allowed them to continue acting as a social elite long after the economic and political foundations of their ascendancy had been removed.


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Throughout its history, Cairo evolved as a regional metropolis that sprawls along the banks of the Nile accumulating narratives of evolving social landscape. Overlooking the Nile reflected a privileged social position and place for the urban elite. In spatial terms, the urban bourgeoisie tend to develop living havens in enclaves that are distant from the populace’s everyday life. Ironically, exclusive settlements only attract urban growth further in their direction. This chapter offers an analytical reading of the socio-spatial structure of Cairo following the emergence and decline of a series bourgeoisie quarters along the shores of the Nile. It reports urban narratives based on archival records, documents and investigation of historical texts and travelers’ accounts. This essay argues that cities are essentially social constructs in which hierarchy and connectivity are fundamental aspects of its economic and spatial logic. Through social ambition and desire for upgrade, middle class infiltrate into bourgeoisie havens and sometimes encircle it, seeking better living condition inscribed by social mobility and connectivity to centres of wealth and power. Being both natural barrier and cohesive spine, the Nile helped Cairo to develop successive nucleuses of highly crafted urban experiences that have left their imprints on the contemporary urban scene.


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Over 1 million km2 of seafloor experience permanent low-oxygen conditions within oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). OMZs are predicted to grow as a consequence of climate change, potentially affecting oceanic biogeochemical cycles. The Arabian Sea OMZ impinges upon the western Indian continental margin at bathyal depths (150 - 1500 m) producing a strong depth dependent oxygen gradient at the sea floor. The influence of the OMZ upon the short term processing of organic matter by sediment ecosystems was investigated using in situ stable isotope pulse chase experiments. These deployed doses of 13C:15N labeled organic matter onto the sediment surface at four stations from across the OMZ (water depth 540 - 1100 m; [O2] = 0.35 - 15 μM). In order to prevent experimentally anoxia, the mesocosms were not sealed. 13C and 15N labels were traced into sediment, bacteria, fauna and 13C into sediment porewater DIC and DOC. However, the DIC and DOC flux to the water column could not be measured, limiting our capacity to obtain mass-balance for C in each experimental mesocosm. Linear Inverse Modeling (LIM) provides a method to obtain a mass-balanced model of carbon flow that integrates stable-isotope tracer data with community biomass and biogeochemical flux data from a range of sources. Here we present an adaptation of the LIM methodology used to investigate how ecosystem structure influenced carbon flow across the Indian margin OMZ. We demonstrate how oxygen conditions affect food-web complexity, affecting the linkages between the bacteria, foraminifera and metazoan fauna, and their contributions to benthic respiration. The food-web models demonstrate how changes in ecosystem complexity are associated with oxygen availability across the OMZ and allow us to obtain a complete carbon budget for the stationa where stable-isotope labelling experiments were conducted.