968 resultados para Knight, Jane D., 1804 or 1805-


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Rationale Nutritional support is effective in managing malnutrition in COPD (Collins et al., 2012) leading to functional improvements (Collins et al., 2013). However, comparative trials of first line interventions are lacking. This randomised trial compared the effectiveness of individualised dietary advice by a dietitian (DA) versus oral nutritional supplements (ONS). Methods A target sample of 200 stable COPD outpatients at risk of malnutrition (‘MUST’; medium + high risk) were randomised to either a 12-week intervention of ONS (ONS: ~400 kcal/d, ~40 g/d protein) or DA with supportive written advice. The primary outcome was quality of life (QoL) measured using St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire with secondary outcomes including handgrip strength, body weight and nutritional intake. Both the change from baseline and the differences between groups was analysed using SPSS version 20. Results 84 outpatients were recruited (ONS: 41 vs. DA: 43), 72 completed the intervention (ONS: 33 vs. DA: 39). Mean BMI was 18.2 SD 1.6 kg/m2, age 72.6 SD 10 years, FEV1% predicted 36 SD 15% (severe COPD). In comparison to the DA group, the ONS group experienced significantly greater improvements in protein intakes above baseline values at both week 6 (+21.0 SEM 4.3 g/d vs. +0.52 SEM 4.3 g/d; p < 0.001) and week 12 (+19.0 SEM 5.0 g/d vs. +1.0 SEM 3.6 g/d; p = 0.033;ANOVA). QoL and secondary outcomes remained stable at 12 weeks in both groups with slight improvements in the ONS group but no differences between groups. Conclusion In outpatients at risk of malnutrition with severe COPD, nutritional support involving either ONS or DA appears to maintain in tritional status, functional capacity and QoL. However, larger trials, and earlier, multi-modal nutritional interventions for an extended duration should be explored.


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We discuss the effect of fluctuations of the random potential in directions transverse to the current flow in a modified Migdal-Kadanoff approach to probabilistic scaling of conductance with size L, in d-dimensional metallic systems. The conductance cumulants are finite and vary as Ld−1−n for n greater-or-equal, slanted 2 i.e. conductance fluctuations are constant for d = 3. The mean conductance has a non-classical correction with Image Full-size image (<1K) for d greater-or-equal, slanted 2. The form of the higher cumulants is strongly influenced by the transverse potential fluctuations and may be compared with the results of perturbative diagrammatic approaches.


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The auxin-induced formation of roots in the hypocotyls of Phaseolus vulgaris can be prevented by treatment with actinomycin D, colchicine or cytochalasin B if applied within 40 hr of initiation. Shortly after auxin pretreatment, there is an increase in translatable messenger RNA activity. Analysis of the labelled cell-free products indicate, among other changes, a striking increase in a protein co-migrating with tubulin, in the case of RNA isolated from indolebutyric acid (IBA) pretreated hypocotyls. An increase in tubulin content in vivo can also be demonstrated on the basis of SDS-polyacrylamide gel analysis of membrane proteins and functional assays for tubulin polymerization. An increase in the synthesis of tubulin in vivo can also be demonstrated after IBA pretreatment. In addition, the auxin is also able to promote tubulin polymerization when added in vitro. It is suggested that tubulin synthesis and microtubule assembly are early events in auxin-mediated root differentiation.


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Tillering in sorghum can be associated with either the carbon supply–demand (S/D) balance of the plant or an intrinsic propensity to tiller (PTT). Knowledge of the genetic control of tillering could assist breeders in selecting germplasm with tillering characteristics appropriate for their target environments. The aims of this study were to identify QTL for tillering and component traits associated with the S/D balance or PTT, to develop a framework model for the genetic control of tillering in sorghum. Four mapping populations were grown in a number of experiments in south east Queensland, Australia. The QTL analysis suggested that the contribution of traits associated with either the S/D balance or PTT to the genotypic differences in tillering differed among populations. Thirty-four tillering QTL were identified across the populations, of which 15 were novel to this study. Additionally, half of the tillering QTL co-located with QTL for component traits. A comparison of tillering QTL and candidate gene locations identified numerous coincident QTL and gene locations across populations, including the identification of common non-synonymous SNPs in the parental genotypes of two mapping populations in a sorghum homologue of MAX1, a gene involved in the control of tiller bud outgrowth through the production of strigolactones. Combined with a framework for crop physiological processes that underpin genotypic differences in tillering, the co-location of QTL for tillering and component traits and candidate genes allowed the development of a framework QTL model for the genetic control of tillering in sorghum.


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2-Dansylamino-2-deoxy-D-galactose (GalNDns) has been shown to bind to peanut (Arachis hypogaea) agglutinin (PNA) in a saccharide-specific manner. This binding was accompanied by a five-fold increase in the fluorescence of GalNDns. The interaction was characterized by an association constant of 0.15 mM at 15° and ΔH and ΔS values of -57.04 kJ·mol-1 and -118.1 J·mol-1.K-1, respectively. Binding of a variety of other mono-, di- and oligo-saccharides to PNA, studied by monitoring their ability to dissociate the PNA-GalNDns complex, revealed that PNA interacts with several T-antigen-related structures, such as β-d-Galp-(1→3)-D-GalNAc, β-D-Galp-(1→3)-α-D-GalpNAcOMe, and β-D-Galp-(1→3)-α-D-GalpNAc(1→3)-Ser, as well as the asialo-G(M1) tetrasaccharide, with comparable affinity, thus showing that this lectin does not discriminate between saccharides in which the penultimate sugar of the β-D-Galp-(1→3)-D-GalNAc unit is the α or β anomer, in contrast to jacalin (Artocarpus integrifolia agglutinin), another anti T-lectin which preferentially binds to β-D-Galp-(1→3)-α-D-GalNAc and does not recognize β-D-Galp-(1→3)-β-D-GalNAc or the related asialo-G(M1) oligosaccharide. These studies also indicated that, in the extended combining region of PNA which accommodates a disaccharide, the primary subsite (subsite A) is highly specific for D-galactose, whereas the secondary subsite (subsite B) is less specific and can accommodate various structures, such as D-galactose, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-galactose, D-glucose, and 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-D-glucose.


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Purpose: We investigated if oral ingestion of ibuprofen influenced leucocyte recruitment and infiltration following an acute bout of traditional resistance exercise Methods: Sixteen male subjects were divided into two groups that received the maximum over-the-counter dose of ibuprofen (1200mg d−1) or a similarly administered placebo following lower body resistance exercise. Muscle biopsies were taken from m.vastus lateralis and blood serum samples were obtained before and immediately after exercise, and at 3 and 24 h after exercise. Muscle cross-sections were stained with antibodies against neutrophils (CD66b and MPO) and macrophages (CD68). Muscle damage was assessed via creatine kinase and myoglobin in blood serum samples, and muscle soreness was rated on a ten-point pain scale. Results: The resistance exercise protocol stimulated a significant increase in the number of CD66b+ and MPO+ cells when measured 3 h post exercise. Serum creatine kinase, myoglobin and subjective muscle soreness all increased post-exercise. Muscle leucocyte infiltration, creatine kinase, myoglobin and subjective muscle soreness were unaffected by ibuprofen treatment when compared to placebo. There was also no association between increases in inflammatory leucocytes and any other marker of cellular muscle damage. Conclusion: Ibuprofen administration had no effect on the accumulation of neutrophils, markers of muscle damage or muscle soreness during the first 24 h of post-exercise muscle recovery.


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Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is usually acquired in early childhood and is rarely resolved spontaneously. Eradication therapy is currently recommended virtually to all patients. While the first and second therapies are prescribed without knowing the antibiotic resistance of the bacteria, it is important to know the primary resistance in the population. Aim: This study evaluates the primary resistance of H. pylori among patients in primary health care throughout Finland, the efficacy of three eradication regimens, the symptomatic response to successful therapy, and the effect of smoking on gastric histology and humoral response in H. pylori-positive patients. Patients and methods: A total of 23 endoscopy referral centres located throughout Finland recruited 342 adult patients with positive rapid urease test results, who were referred to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy from primary health care. Gastric histology, H. pylori resistance and H. pylori serology were evaluated. The patients were randomized to receive a seven-day regimen, comprising 1) lansoprazole 30 mg b.d., amoxicillin 1 g b.d. and metronidazole 400 mg t.d. (LAM), 2) lansoprazole 30 mg b.d., amoxicillin 1 g b.d. and clarithromycin 500 mg b.d. (LAC) or 3) ranitidine bismuth citrate 400 mg b.d., metronidazole 400 mg t.d. and tetracycline 500 mg q.d. (RMT). The eradication results were assessed, using the 13C-urea breath test 4 weeks after therapy. The patients completed a symptom questionnaire before and a year after the therapy. Results: Primary resistance of H. pylori to metronidazole was 48% among women and 25% among men. In women, metronidazole resistance correlated with previous use of antibiotics for gynaecologic infections and alcohol consumption. Resistance rate to clarithromycin was only 2%. Intention-to-treat cure rates of LAM, LAC, and RMT were 78%, 91% and 81%. While in metronidazole-sensitive cases the cure rates with LAM, LAC and RMT were similar, in metronidazole resistance LAM and RMT were inferior to LAC (53%, 67% and 84%). Previous antibiotic therapies reduced the efficacy of LAC, to the level of RMT. Dyspeptic symptoms in the Gastrointestinal Symptoms Rating Scale (GSRS) were decreased by 30.5%. In logistic regression analysis, duodenal ulcer, gastric antral neutrophilic inflammation and age from 50 to 59 years independently predicted greater decrease in dyspeptic symptoms. In the gastric body, smokers had milder inflammation and less atrophy and in the antrum denser H. pylori load. Smokers also had lower IgG antibody titres against H. pylori and a smaller proportional decrease in antibodies after successful eradication. Smoking tripled the risk of duodenal ulcers. Conclusions: in Finland H. pylori resistance to clarithromycin is low, but metronidazole resistance among women is high making metronidazole-based therapies unfavourable. Thus, LAC is the best choice for first-line eradication therapy. The effect of eradication on dyspeptic symptoms was only modest. Smoking slows the progression of atrophy in the gastric body.


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We show that a model of target location involving n noninteracting particles moving subdiffusively along a line segment (a generalization of a model introduced by Sokolov et al. [Biophys. J. 2005, 89, 895.]) provides a basis for understanding recent experiments by Pelta et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, 98, 228302.] on the kinetics of diffusion-limited gel degradation. These experiments find that the time t(c) taken by the enzyme thermolysin to completely hydrolyze a gel varies inversely as roughly the 3/2 power of the initial enzyme concentration [E]. In general, however, this time would be expected to vary either as [E](-1) or as [E](-2), depending on whether the Brownian diffusion of the enzyme to the site of cleavage took place along the network chains (1-d diffusion) or through the pore spaces (3-d diffusion). In our model, the unusual dependence of t(c) on [E] is explained in terms of a reaction-diffusion equation that is formulated in terms of fractional rather than ordinary time derivatives.


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The carbohydrate binding specificity of the basic lectin from winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) was investigated by quantitative precipitin analysis using blood group A, B, H, Le and I substances and by precipitation inhibition with various mono- and oligosaccharides. The lectin precipitated best with A1 substances and moderately with B and A2 substances, but not with H or Le substances. Inhibition assays of lectin-blood group A1 precipitation demonstration that A substance-derived oligosaccharides having the common structure: d-Ga1NAcα(1 → 3)d-Gal-(β1 → Image ) to a d-Glc, were the best inhibitors and about 8 and 4 times more active than d-Ga1NAc and d-Ga1NAcα(1 → 3)d-Ga1, respectively. A difucosyl A-specific oligosaccharide (A-penta), a monofucosyl (A-tetra) and a non-fucosyl containing (A5 II) oligosaccharide, d-Ga1NAcα(1 → 3)d-Ga1β(1 → 3)d-G1cNAc, had almost the same reactivity, suggesting that the fucose linked to the sub-terminal d-Ga1 or to the third sugar, d-GlcNAc, from the non-reducing end made no contribution to the carbohydrate binding. Although a terminal non-reducing d-Ga1NAc or d-Ga1 residue was indispensible for binding, the lectin bound not only to these terminal non-reducing galactopyranosyl residues, but also showed increased binding to oligosaccharides in which it was bonded to a sub-terminal d-Ga1 joined to a d-GlcNAc residue, as in blood group A or B substances. This defines the site, thus far, as complementary to a disaccharide plus the β linkage to the third sugar (d-Glc or d-GlcNAc) from the non-reducing end. The role of the β(1 → 3) or β(1 → 4) linkage of the sub-terminal non-reducing d-Gal to the d-GlcNAc requires further study.


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Using the d=infinity or local-approximation approach to the half-filled Hubbard model on a compressible lattice, we present a detailed study of the transport and structural properties near the paramagnetic metal-insulator transition. The results describe qualitatively most of the observed data in V2O3, including the metal-insulator-metal crossover [Kuwamoto et al., Phys. Rev. B 22, 2626 (1980)]. In addition, we discuss an interesting and intrinsic reentrance feature in the resistivity of the half-filled Hubbard model at high temperatures.


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It has been experimentally established that nickel and cobalt can be extracted from their ferrites with sodium sulphate melt containing femc ions. The kinetics of extraction from synthetic ferrites using a melt of sodium and ferric sulphates of eutectic composition has been studied as a function of the particle size of the ferrite and temperature in the range 900 to 1073 K. The divalent ions in the ferrite exchange with the ferric ion in the melt, leaving a residue of hematite.The rate of reaction conforms to the Crank-Ginstling-Brounshtein diffusion model. The reaction rate is governed by the counter-diffusion of ~ e an~d ~+i ' +(or co2+) ions in the hematite lattice. Analytical expressions for the rate constants have been derived from the experimental data as a function of particle size and temperature. The activation energy for the extraction of nickel from nickel ferrite is 154(+10) kJ mol-' and the corresponding value for cobalt is 142(+10)kJ mol;'. In sulphation roasting of minerals containing nickel, the yield of nickel is generally limited to 75% due to the formation of insoluble ferrites. The use of melts based on sodium sulphate provides a possible route for enhancing the recovery of nickel to approximately 98%.


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Before installation, a voltage source converter is usually subjected to heat-run test to verify its thermal design and performance under load. For heat-run test, the converter needs to be operated at rated voltage and rated current for a substantial length of time. Hence, such tests consume huge amount of energy in case of high-power converters. Also, the capacities of the source and loads available in the research and development (R&D) centre or the production facility could be inadequate to conduct such tests. This paper proposes a method to conduct heat-run tests on high-power, pulse width modulated (PWM) converters with low energy consumption. The experimental set-up consists of the converter under test and another converter (of similar or higher rating), both connected in parallel on the ac side and open on the dc side. Vector-control or synchronous reference frame control is employed to control the converters such that one draws certain amount of reactive power and the other supplies the same; only the system losses are drawn from the mains. The performance of the controller is validated through simulation and experiments. Experimental results, pertaining to heat-run tests on a high-power PWM converter, are presented at power levels of 25 kVA to 150 kVA.


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Strain energy density expressions are obtained from a field model that can qualitatively exhibit how the electrical and mechanical disturbances would affect the crack growth behavior in ferroelectric ceramics. Simplification is achieved by considering only three material constants to account for elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric effects. Cross interaction of electric field (or displacement) with mechanical stress (or strain) is identified with the piezoelectric effect; it occurs only when the pole is aligned normal to the crack. Switching of the pole axis by 90degrees and 180degrees is examined for possible connection with domain switching. Opposing crack growth behavior can be obtained when the specification of mechanical stress sigma(infinity) and electric field E-infinity or (sigma(infinity), E-infinity) is replaced by strain e and electric displacement D-infinity or (epsilon(infinity), D-infinity). Mixed conditions (sigma(infinity),D-infinity) and (epsilon(infinity),E-infinity) are also considered. In general, crack growth is found to be larger when compared to that without the application of electric disturbances. This includes both the electric field and displacement. For the eight possible boundary conditions, crack growth retardation is identified only with (E-y(infinity),sigma(y)(infinity)) for negative E-y(infinity) and (D-y(infinity), epsilon(y)(infinity)) for positive D-y(infinity) while the mechanical conditions sigma(y)(infinity) or epsilon(y)infinity are not changed. Suitable combinations of the elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric material constants could also be made to suppress crack growth. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A esporotricose é uma micose subcutânea, crônica, causada por espécies termo-dimórficas do complexo Sporothrix schenckii. Esta micose apresenta diferentes manifestações clínicas sendo mais comum a forma linfocutânea. Casos graves causados por Sporothrix brasiliensis têm sido descritos recentemente, exigindo um tratamento prolongado com antifúngicos de alta toxicidade como a anfotericina B-desoxicolato ou suas versões menos tóxicas, mas de alto custo. Neste trabalho visamos testar in vitro e in vivo a eficácia de uma nova formulação intravenosa de anfotericina B poliagregada (P-AmB) e testar in vivo sua versão semi-sólida (AmB tópica), comparando-a com o itraconazol (ITC) e a anfotericina B-desoxicolato (D-AmB). Ensaios de susceptibilidade in vitro com S. brasiliensis mostraram que esta espécie é suscetível aos antifúngicos testados. Para os testes de eficácia in vivo foram estabelecidos um modelo de esporotricose disseminada e outro de esporotricose subcutânea, causados por S. brasiliensis. No modelo de esporotricose disseminada camundongos BALB/c foram inoculados intravenosamente com leveduras de S. brasiliensis e, 72 h pós-infecção, tratados sob diferentes regimes terapêuticos: i) uma monoterapia de ITC, D-AmB ou P-AmB; ii) uma combinação terapêutica entre D-AmB e ITC ou P-AmB e ITC; iii) um regime de pulso com D-AmB ou P-AmB. A sobrevivência (n= nove) e a carga fúngica em órgãos internos (n= três, no mínimo) foram avaliadas, sendo observado que o regime de pulso com D-AmB ou P-AmB foi o mais efetivo em prolongar a sobrevivência dos animais e reduzir a carga fúngica nos órgãos, seguido pela combinação terapêutica, porém o tratamento com D-AmB e ITC foi a combinação mais efetiva. A monoterapia com ITC e P-AmB e D-AmB foram menos eficazes, sendo corroborados pelas análises histopatológicas. Ensaios de toxicidade in vivo com as diferentes drogas revelaram que ITC e D-AmB induziram a uma toxicidade hepática e renal nos animais, respectivamente, mas P-AmB não induziu a nenhuma toxicidade. Nos ensaios de citoxicidade in vitro foi observado que ITC foi a menos citotóxica e hemolítica e a mais seletiva das drogas testadas, seguida por P-AmB, que foi menos citotóxica e mais seletiva que D-AmB. No modelo de esporotricose subcutânea camundongos da mesma linhagem foram inoculados por via subcutânea com conídios de S. schenckii e de S. brasiliensis (n=9/ grupo). Os animais infectados com S. brasiliensis apresentaram regressão das lesões primárias e disseminação. Usando o modelo de esporotricose subcutânea murina causada por S. brasiliensis testamos peliminarmente a formulação tópica de AmB poliagregada, que reduziu a extensão das lesões de animais infectados. Este é o primeiro trabalho a avaliar diferentes regimes de tratamento da esporotricose disseminada murina causada por S. brasiliensis utilizando ITC, D-AmB e uma nova formulação menos tóxica de anfotericina B poliagregada. O estudo revelou que o regime de pulso foi o mais eficaz para as formulações intravenosas de AmB. Nosso estudo também estabeleceu pioneiramente um modelo de esporotricose subcutânea induzido por S. brasiliensis, que se revelou uma ferramenta útil para comparar a virulência das espécies do complexo S. schenckii e para testar a eficácia de antifúngicos contra essas novas espécies.


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A study was carried out with three replicates to determine the effects of feeding Moina micrura enriched with astaxanthin alone (M1) or astaxanthin in combination with either vitamin E (M2), vitamin D (M3) or Cod Liver oil (M4) on the growth, survival and fatty acid composition of giant fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) larvae. Growth rate was expressed as the time taken to the settlement of 95% post larvae. Maximum growth, the lowest time taken to the 95% PL settlement (38.5±0.50 days), was observed in larvae fed with M3 Moina. The highest survival rate (66.0±1.00%) was observed in those fed with M4 Moina and the second highest survival (61.0±1.00%) and growth rates (40.0±0.00 days) were shown with M2 Moina. The minimum values for both growth (42.5±0.50 days) and survival (33.0±1.50%) were observed in the group fed un-enriched Moina. Results also showed that the survival of prawn larvae increased as the quantities of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) increased in the dietary Moina. The highest levels of EPA (5.57±0.21%), DHA (3.50±0.21%) and highest total Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFA) (13.87±0.68%) were seen in the Moina fed on astaxanthin and Cod Liver Oil (CLO). The results of the study showed that the nutritive quality of Moina, with respect to important fatty acids, can be increased by enrichment and will influence the growth, survival and the fatty acid composition of fresh water prawn larvae fed on them.