971 resultados para KIT mutation


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Ser atendido no DETRAN de Minas Gerais era uma verdadeira opera????o de guerra. A complexidade de tarefas, a descentraliza????o dos servi??os, o mau atendimento, o despreparo era um grande problema. A popula????o era mal atendida, gastavam-se horas nas filas. Com a entrada em vigor do novo C??digo de Tr??nsito Brasileiro, a demanda pelos servi??os e os problemas aumentariam, caso n??o se tomasse alguma medida para melhorar o atendimento ao p??blico usu??rio, dentro da filosofia de "comodidade ao cidad??o". A ECT/MG se posicionou como agente facilitador para o DETRAN, atrav??s da sua vasta rede de Ag??ncias , simplificando e agilizando o atendimento e as rela????es entre os cidad??os motoristas e o DETRAN , atrav??s do KIT DETRAN, que ?? oferecido em duas modalidades: KIT JARI, destinado ao cidad??o que desejar entrar com recurso de multa junto ?? Junta Administrativa de Recursos de Infra????es/DETRAN e KIT COMUNICA????ES, destinado ao cidad??o que desejar efetuar atualiza????o de dados do condutor (CNH), efetuar atualiza????o do cadastro de ve??culo (CRLV) resid??ncia do propriet??rio, comunicar o real infrator de multa e comunicar a transfer??ncia de ve??culo


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Background - The rate and fitness effects of mutations are key in understanding the evolution of every species. Traditionally, these parameters are estimated in mutation accumulation experiments where replicate lines are propagated in conditions that allow mutations to randomly accumulate without the purging effect of natural selection. These experiments have been performed with many model organisms but we still lack empirical estimates of the rate and effects of mutation in the protists. Results - We performed a mutation accumulation (MA) experiment in Tetrahymena thermophila, a species that can reproduce sexually and asexually in nature, and measured both the mean decline and variance increase in fitness of 20 lines. The results obtained with T. thermophila were compared with T. pyriformis that is an obligate asexual species. We show that MA lines of T. thermophila go to extinction at a rate of 1.25 clonal extinctions per bottleneck. In contrast, populations of T. pyriformis show a much higher resistance to extinction. Variation in gene copy number is likely to be a key factor in explaining these results, and indeed we show that T. pyriformis has a higher mean copy number per cell than T. thermophila. From fitness measurements during the MA experiment, we infer a rate of mutation to copy number variation of 0.0333 per haploid MAC genome of T. thermophila and a mean effect against copy number variation of 0.16. A strong effect of population size in the rate of fitness decline was also found, consistent with the increased power of natural selection. Conclusions - The rate of clonal extinction measured for T. thermophila is characteristic of a mutational degradation and suggests that this species must undergo sexual reproduction to avoid the deleterious effects detected in the laboratory experiments. We also suggest that an increase in chromosomal copy number associated with the phenotypic assortment of amitotic divisions can provide an alternative mechanism to escape the deleterious effect of random chromosomal copy number variation in species like T. pyriformis that lack the resetting mechanism of sexual reproduction. Our results are relevant to the understanding of cell line longevity and senescence in ciliates.


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A heteropaternal male twin case with two men being alleged fathers was investigated as requested by the Court. Up to 37 PCR-based polymorphic DNA systems were studied in this case which was complicated by a paternal ACTBP2 mutation detected in one twin. This is the first report on a STR mutation in a double paternity case where both biological fathers were indisputably identified. The STR systems enable the resolution of these complex genetic relationships even in a case where a mutation in one STR locus was encountered.


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This paper presents a differential evolution heuristic to compute a solution of a system of nonlinear equations through the global optimization of an appropriate merit function. Three different mutation strategies are combined to generate mutant points. Preliminary numerical results show the effectiveness of the presented heuristic.


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Poster apresentado na segunda Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Acesso Aberto, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 24-25 de Novembro 2011


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The term “mastocytosis” denotes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by abnormal growth and accumulation of mast cells (MC) in one or more organ systems. Symptoms result from MC chemical mediator’s release, pathologic infiltration of neoplastic MC in tissues or both. Multiple molecular, genetic and chromosomal defects seem to contribute to an autonomous growth, but somatic c-kit D816V mutation is more frequently encountered, especially in systemic disease. We present a literature review of mastocytosis and a rare case report of an 18 month-old-girl with a bullous dermatosis, respiratory distress and anaphylaxis, as clinical manifestations of mastocytosis. The developments of accepted classification systems and novel useful markers allowed a re-evaluation and updating of the classification of mastocytosis. In paediatric age cutaneous forms of disease prevail and may regress spontaneously. SM is more frequently diagnosed in adults and is a persistent(clonal) disease of bone marrow. The clinical course in these patients is variable.Today diagnostic criteria for each disease variant are reasonably well defined. There are, however, peculiarities, namely in paediatric age, that makes the diagnostic approach difficult. Systemic disease may pose differential diagnostic problems resulting from multiple organ systems involvement. Coversly, the “unexplained” appearance of those symptoms with no skin lesions should raise the suspicion of MC disease. This case is reported in order to stress the clinical severity and difficult diagnostic approach that paediatric mastocytosis may assume.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Evolutionary Biology


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Craniometaphyseal dysplasia (CMD) is a rare sclerosing skeletal disorder with progressive hyperostosis of craniofacial bones. CMD can be inherited in an autosomal dominant (AD) trait or occur after de novo mutations in the pyrophosphate transporter ANKH. Although the autosomal recessive (AR)form of CMD had been mapped to 6q21-22 the mutation has been elusive. In this study, we performed whole-exome sequencing for one subject with AR CMD and identified a novel missense mutation (c.716G>A, p.Arg239Gln) in the C-terminus of the gap junction protein alpha-1 (GJA1) coding for connexin 43 (Cx43). We confirmed this mutation in 6 individuals from 3 additional families. The homozygous mutation cosegregated only with affected family members. Connexin 43 is a major component of gap junctions in osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts and chondrocytes. Gap junctions are responsible for the diffusion of low molecular weight molecules between cells. Mutations in Cx43 cause several dominant and recessive disorders involving developmental abnormalities of bone such as dominant and recessive oculodentodigital dysplasia (ODDD; MIM #164200, 257850) and isolated syndactyly type III (MIM #186100), the characteristic digital anomaly in ODDD. However, characteristic ocular and dental features of ODDD as well as syndactyly are absent in patients with the recessive Arg239Gln Cx43 mutation. Bone remodeling mechanisms disrupted by this novel Cx43 mutation remain to be elucidated.


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Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome (HIDS; MIM#260920) is a rare recessively-inherited autoinflammatory condition caused bymutations in the MVK gene, which encodes for mevalonate kinase, an essential enzyme in the isoprenoid pathway. HIDS is clinically characterized by recurrent episodes of fever and inflammation. Herewe report on the case of a 2 year-old Portuguese boy with recurrent episodes of fever, malaise, massive cervical lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly since the age of 12 months. Rash, arthralgia, abdominal pain and diarrhea were also seen occasionally. During attacks a vigorous acute-phase response was detected, including elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and leukocytosis. Clinical and laboratory improvement was seen between attacks. Despite normal serum IgD level, HIDS was clinically suspected. Mutational MVK analysis revealed the homozygous genotype with the novel p.Arg277Gly (p.R277G) mutation, while the healthy non consanguineous parents were heterozygous. Short nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroid courses were given during attacks with poor benefits, where as anakinra showed positive responses only at high doses. The p.R277Gmutation here described is a novel missense MVK mutation, and it has been detected in this casewith a severe HIDS phenotype. Further studies are needed to evaluate a co-relation genotype, enzyme activity and phenotype, and to define the best therapeutic strategies.


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A novel RFX6 homozygous missense mutation was identified in an infant with Mitchell-Riley syndrome. The most common features of Mitchell-Riley syndrome were present, including severe neonatal diabetes associated with annular pancreas, intestinal malrotation, gallbladder agenesis, cholestatic disease, chronic diarrhea, and severe intrauterine growth restriction. Perijejunal tissue similar to pancreatic tissue was found in the submucosa, a finding that has not been previously reported in this syndrome. This case associating RFX6 mutation with structural and functional pancreatic abnormalities reinforces the RFX6 gene role in pancreas development and β-cell function, adding information to the existent mutation databases.


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Forty voluntary blood donors from two different blood banks in Havana, Cuba, who were repeatedly reactive on the routine screening of antibodies to hepatitis C virus, by Umelisa HCV test, were analyzed for the presence of HCV RNA using a nested PCR assay of the HCV 5' untranslated region, Umelosa HCV qualitative. Sera from 45 patients of a specialized gastroenterology consultation, positive to Umelisa HCV, were also assayed with the Umelosa HCV qualitative, to establish their condition related to the presence of HCV RNA previously to the indication of a treatment or after three, six or twelve months of antiviral therapy. Serum HCV-RNA was detected in 21/40 (52.5%) donors who had repeatedly positive ELISA results, confirming the HCV infection for them. In specialized consultation HCV-RNA was detected by PCR analysis in 30/45 (66%) analyzed sera.


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Mutations at codons 12, 13, or 61 of the H-ras, K-ras, and N-ras have been detected in human neoplasias by a variety of techniques. Some of these techniques are very sensitive and can detect K-ras mutation in 90% of the cases of pancreatic adenocarcinomas. We analyzed 11 samples of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, three samples of pancreatic mucinous cystadenoma, and two samples without tumors in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections. K-ras mutations at codon 12 were detected by a two-step PCR-enriched technique in all the samples of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, but not in cystadenoma or control samples. This technique may be useful for early detection of pancreatic cancer.


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Large chromosomal rearrangements are common in natural populations and thought to be involved in speciation events. In this project, we used experimental evolution to determine how the speed of evolution and the type of accumulated mutations depend on the ancestral chromosomal structure and genotype. We utilized two Wild Type strains and a set of genetically engineered Schizosaccharomyces pombe strains, different solely in the presence of a certain type of chromosomal variant (inversions or translocations), along with respective controls. Previous research has shown that these chromosomal variants have different fitness levels in several environments, probably due to changes in the gene expression along the genome. These strains were propagated in the laboratory at very low population sizes, in which we expect natural selection to be less efficient at purging deleterious mutations. We then measured these strains’ changes in fitness throughout this accumulation of deleterious mutations, comparing the evolutionary trajectories in the different rearrangements to understand if the chromosomal structure affected the speed of evolution. We also tested these mutations for possible epistatic effects and estimated their parameters: the number of arising deleterious mutations per generation (Ud) and each one’s mean effect (sd).