961 resultados para Iron Transport-system


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Excessive iron absorption is one of the main features of β-thalassemia and can lead to severe morbidity and mortality. Serial analyses of β-thalassemic mice indicate that while hemoglobin levels decrease over time, the concentration of iron in the liver, spleen, and kidneys markedly increases. Iron overload is associated with low levels of hepcidin, a peptide that regulates iron metabolism by triggering degradation of ferroportin, an iron-transport protein localized on absorptive enterocytes as well as hepatocytes and macrophages. Patients with β-thalassemia also have low hepcidin levels. These observations led us to hypothesize that more iron is absorbed in β-thalassemia than is required for erythropoiesis and that increasing the concentration of hepcidin in the body of such patients might be therapeutic, limiting iron overload. Here we demonstrate that a moderate increase in expression of hepcidin in β-thalassemic mice limits iron overload, decreases formation of insoluble membrane-bound globins and reactive oxygen species, and improves anemia. Mice with increased hepcidin expression also demonstrated an increase in the lifespan of their red cells, reversal of ineffective erythropoiesis and splenomegaly, and an increase in total hemoglobin levels. These data led us to suggest that therapeutics that could increase hepcidin levels or act as hepcidin agonists might help treat the abnormal iron absorption in individuals with β-thalassemia and related disorders.


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In this paper, an introduction is provided to some of the components of China's transport system. The authors include the urban rail transit systems, the highway transport systems and its competition for China's railways and the reform of China's railway industry. This is the second of two papers on the situation of rail transport in China.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact root hair cells of Arabidopsis thaliana using electrophysiological recordings to characterise the response of the plasma membrane to NO3-challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3--associated membrane current was determined using a three-electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in the roots of seedlings grown in the absence of a nitrogen source, but only 4-6 days postgermination. In 6-day-old seedlings, additions of 5-100 μm NO3-to the bathing medium resulted in membrane depolarizations of 8-43 mV, and membrane voltage (Vm) recovered on washing NO3-from the bath. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3-additions showed that the NO3--evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared across the entire range of accessible voltages (-300 to +50 mV). Both membrane depolarizations and NO3--evoked currents recorded at the free-running voltage displayed quasi-Michaelian kinetics, with apparent values for Km of 23 ± 6 and 44 ± 11 μm, respectively and, for the current, a maximum of 5.1 ± 0.9 μA cm-2. The NO3-current showed a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -250 and -100 mV, as could be demonstrated under voltage clamp, and increasing the bathing pH from 6.1 to 7.4-8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 3- to 8-fold. Analyses showed a well-defined interaction between the kinetic variables of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3-]o. At a constant pHo of 6.1, depolarization from -250 to -150 mV resulted in an approximate 3-fold reduction in the maximum current but a 10% rise in the apparent affinity for NO3-. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approximate 20% fall in the Km for transport as a function in [H+]o. These, and additional characteristics of the transport current implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3-binding is kinetically isolated from the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit, and they indicate a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H+) per NO3-anion transported across the membrane. The results concur with previous studies showing a high-affinity NO3-transport system in Arabidopsis that is inducible following a period of nitrogen-limiting growth, but they underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3-transport at the plant plasma membrane. © 1995 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.


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Background Metronidazole is the most commonly used antimicrobial for Bacteroides fragilis infections and is recommended for prophylaxis of colorectal surgery. Metronidazole resistance is increasing and the mechanisms of resistance are not clear.

Methods A transposon mutant library was generated in B. fragilis 638R (BF638R) to identify the genetic loci associated with resistance to metronidazole.

Results Thirty-two independently isolated metronidazole-resistant mutants had a transposon insertion in BF638R_1421 that encodes the ferrous transport fusion protein (feoAB). Deletion of feoAB resulted in a 10-fold increased MIC of metronidazole for the strain. The metronidazole MIC for the feoAB mutant was similar to that for the parent strain when grown on media supplemented with excess iron, suggesting that the increase seen in the MIC of metronidazole was due to reduced cellular iron transport in the feoAB mutant. The furA gene repressed feoAB transcription in an iron-dependent manner and disruption of furA resulted in constitutive transcription of feoAB, regardless of whether or not iron was present. However, disruption of feoAB also diminished the capacity of BF638R to grow in a mouse intraperitoneal abscess model, suggesting that inorganic ferrous iron assimilation is essential for B. fragilis survival in vivo.

Conclusions Selection for feoAB mutations as a result of metronidazole treatment will disable the pathogenic potential of B. fragilis and could contribute to the clinical efficacy of metronidazole. While mutations in feoAB are probably not a direct cause of clinical resistance, this study provides a key insight into intracellular metronidazole activity and the link with intracellular iron homeostasis.


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As the emphasis on initiatives that can improve environmental efficiency while simultaneously maintaining economic viability has escalated in recent years, attention has turned to more radical concepts of operation. In particular, the cruiser–feeder concept has shown potential for a new generation, environmentally friendly, air-transport system to alleviate the growing pressure on the passenger air-transportation network. However, a full evaluation of realizable benefits is needed to determine how the design and operation of potential feeder-aircraft configurations impact on the feasibility of the overall concept. This paper presents an analysis of a cruiser–feeder concept, in which fuel is transferred between the feeder and the cruiser in an aerial-refueling configuration to extend range while reducing cruiser weight, compared against the effects of escalating existing technology levels while retaining the existing passenger levels. Up to 14% fuel-burn and 12% operating-cost savings can be achieved when compared to a similar technology-level aircraft concept without aerial refueling, representing up to 26% in fuel burn and 25% in total operating cost over the existing operational model at today’s standard fleet technology and performance. However, these potential savings are not uniformly distributed across the network, and the system is highly sensitive to the routes serviced, with reductions in revenue-generation potential observed across the network for aerial-refueling operations due to reductions in passenger revenue.


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In Holcus lanatus L. phosphate and arsenate are taken up by the same transport system. Short-term uptake kinetics of the high affinity arsenate transport system were determined in excised roots of arsenate-tolerant and non-tolerant genotypes. In tolerant plants the Vmax of ion uptake in plants grown in phosphate-free media was decreased compared to non-tolerant plants, and the affinity of the uptake system was lower than in the non-tolerant plants. Both the reduction in Vmax and the increase in Km led to reduced arsenate influx into tolerant roots. When the two genotypes were grown in nutrient solution containing high levels of phosphate, there was little change in the uptake kinetics in tolerant plants. In non-tolerant plants, however, there was a marked decrease in the Vmax to the level of the tolerant plants but with little change in the Km. This suggests that the low rate of arsenate uptake over a wide range of differing root phosphate status is due to loss of induction of the synthesis of the arsenate (phosphate) carrier. © 1992 Oxford University Press.


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La thèse propose d’introduire une perspective globale dans le traitement juridique du transport intermodal international qui prendrait racine dans la stratégie logistique des entreprises. La conception juridique se heurte, en effet, aux évolutions opérationnelles et organisationnelles des transports et aboutit à une incertitude juridique. Les transporteurs ont dû s’adapter aux exigences d’optimisation des flux des chargeurs dont les modes de production et de distribution reposent sur le supply chain management (SCM). Ce concept est le fruit de la mondialisation et des technologies de l’information. La concurrence induite par la mondialisation et le pilotage optimal des flux ont impulsé de nouvelles stratégies de la part des entreprises qui tentent d’avoir un avantage concurrentiel sur le marché. Ces stratégies reposent sur l’intégration interfonctionnelle et interoganisationnelle. Dans cette chaîne logistique globale (ou SCM) l’intermodal est crucial. Il lie et coordonne les réseaux de production et de distribution spatialement désagrégés des entreprises et, répond aux exigences de maîtrise de l’espace et du temps, à moindre coût. Ainsi, le transporteur doit d’une part, intégrer les opérations de transport en optimisant les déplacements et, d’autre part, s’intégrer à la chaîne logistique du client en proposant des services de valeur ajoutée pour renforcer la compétitivité de la chaîne de valeur. Il en découle une unité technique et économique de la chaîne intermodale qui est pourtant, juridiquement fragmentée. Les Conventions internationales en vigueur ont été élaborées pour chaque mode de transport en faisant fi de l’interaction entre les modes et entre les opérateurs. L’intermodal est considéré comme une juxtaposition des modes et des régimes juridiques. Ce dépeçage juridique contraste avec la gestion de la chaîne intermodale dont les composantes individuelles s’effacent au profit de l’objectif global à atteindre. L’on expose d’abord l’ampleur de l’incertitude juridique due aux difficultés de circonscrire le champ d’opérations couvert par les Conventions en vigueur. Une attention est portée aux divergences d’interprétations qui débouchent sur la « désunification » du droit du transport. On s’intéresse ensuite aux interactions entre le transport et la chaîne logistique des chargeurs. Pour cela, on retrace l’évolution des modes de production et de distribution de ces derniers. C’est effectivement de la stratégie logistique que découle la conception de la chaîne intermodale. Partant de ce système, on identifie les caractéristiques fondamentales de l’intermodal. La thèse aboutit à dissiper les confusions liées à la qualification de l’intermodal et qui sont à la base des divergences d’interprétations et de l’incertitude juridique. De plus, elle met en exergue l’unité économique du contrat de transport intermodal qui devrait guider la fixation d’un régime de responsabilité dédié à ce système intégré de transport. Enfin, elle initie une approche ignorée des débats juridiques.


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Organisms generally respond to iron deficiency by increasing their capacity to take up iron and by consuming intracellular iron stores. Escherichia coli, in which iron metabolism is particularly well understood, contains at least 7 iron-acquisition systems encoded by 35 iron-repressed genes. This Fe-dependent repression is mediated by a transcriptional repressor, Fur ( ferric uptake regulation), which also controls genes involved in other processes such as iron storage, the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, pathogenicity, and redox-stress resistance. Our macroarray-based global analysis of iron- and Fur-dependent gene expression in E. coli has revealed several novel Fur-repressed genes likely to specify at least three additional iron- transport pathways. Interestingly, a large group of energy metabolism genes was found to be iron and Fur induced. Many of these genes encode iron- rich respiratory complexes. This iron- and Fur-dependent regulation appears to represent a novel iron-homeostatic mechanism whereby the synthesis of many iron- containing proteins is repressed under iron- restricted conditions. This mechanism thus accounts for the low iron contents of fur mutants and explains how E. coli can modulate its iron requirements. Analysis of Fe-55-labeled E. coli proteins revealed a marked decrease in iron- protein composition for the fur mutant, and visible and EPR spectroscopy showed major reductions in cytochrome b and d levels, and in iron- sulfur cluster contents for the chelator-treated wild-type and/or fur mutant, correlating well with the array and quantitative RT-PCR data. In combination, the results provide compelling evidence for the regulation of intracellular iron consumption by the Fe2+-Fur complex.


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The EfeM protein is a component of the putative EfeUOBM iron-transporter of Pseudomonas syringae pathovar syringae and is thought to act as a periplasmic, ferrous-iron binding protein. It contains a signal peptide of 34 amino acid residues and a C-terminal 'Peptidase_M75' domain of 251 residues. The C-terminal domain contains a highly conserved 'HXXE' motif thought to act as part of a divalent cation-binding site. In this work, the gene (efeM or 'Psyr_3370') encoding EfeM was cloned and over-expressed in Escherichia coli, and the mature protein was purified from the periplasm. Mass spectrometry confirmed the identity of the protein (M(W) 27,772Da). Circular dichroism spectroscopy of EfeM indicated a mainly alpha-helical structure, consistent with bioinformatic predictions. Purified EfeM was crystallised by hanging-drop vapor diffusion to give needle-shaped crystals that diffracted to a resolution of 1.6A. This is the first molecular study of a peptidase M75 domain with a presumed iron transport role.


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In addition to its role as a protein component in Leishmania, serine is also a precursor for the synthesis of both phosphatidylserine, which is a membrane molecule involved in parasite invasion and inactivation of macrophages, and sphingolipids, which are necessary for Leishmania to differentiate into its infective forms. We have characterized serine uptake in both promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. In promastigotes, kinetic data show a single, saturable transport system, with a Km of 0.253 +/- 0.01 mM and a maximum velocity of 0.246 +/- 0.04 nmol/min per 107 cells. Serine transport increased linearly with temperature in the range from 20 degrees C to 45 degrees C, allowing the calculation of an activation energy of 7.09 kJ/mol. Alanine, cysteine, glycine, threonine, valine and ethanolamine competed with the substrate at a ten-fold excess concentration. Serine uptake was dependent on pH, with an optimum activity at pH 7.5. The characterization of the serine transport process in amastigotes revealed a transport system with a similar Km, energy of activation and pH response to that found in promastigotes, suggesting that the same transport system is active in both insect vector and mammalian host Leishmania stages. This could constitute an evolutionary mechanism that guarantees the provision of such an essential molecule during host change events, such as differentiation into amastigotes and macrophage invasion, as well as to ensure that the parasite maintains the infection in the mammalian host. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A spectroscopic study was performed showing that the [Fe(III)(L(2-))(2)](1-) (L(2-) = dopacatecholate) complex reacts with Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) in an aqueous solution containing S(2)O(3)(2-) resulting in the soluble [M(L(1-))(3)](1-) (L(1-) = dopasemiquinone; M = Ni(II), Co(II) or Zn(II) complex species. The Raman and IR spectra of the [CTA][M(L(1-))(3)] complexes, CTA hexadecyltrimethylammonium cation, in the solid state were obtained. The kinetic constants for the metal substitution reactions were determined at four different temperatures, providing values for Delta W(not equal) Delta S(not equal) and Delta G(not equal). The reactions were slow (k = 10(-1)1 M s(-1)) and endothermic. The system investigated can be considered as a simplified model to explain some aspects of siderophore chemistry. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Friction plays a key role in causing slipperiness as a low coefficient of friction on the road may result in slippery and hazardous conditions. Analyzing the strong relation between friction and accident risk on winter roads is a difficult task. Many weather forecasting organizations use a variety of standard and bespoke methods to predict the coefficient of friction on roads. This article proposes an approach to predict the extent of slipperiness by building and testing an expert system. It estimates the coefficient of friction on winter roads in the province of Dalarna, Sweden using the prevailing weather conditions as a basis. Weather data from the road weather information system, Sweden (RWIS) was used. The focus of the project was to use the expert system as a part of a major project in VITSA, within the domain of intelligent transport systems


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)