405 resultados para Ipomoea carnea fistulosa


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Intervention strategies regarding the biofortification of orange-fleshed sweet potato, which is a rich source of carotenoids for combating vitamin A deficiency, are being developed in Brazil. This study was conducted to evaluate the concentrations of individual carotenoids, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity in the roots of four biofortified sweet potato cultivars that were raw or processed by four common heat treatments. HPLC, Folin-Ciocalteu, DPPH and ABTS assays were used. All cultivars showed high levels of carotenoids in raw roots, predominantly all-trans-beta-carotene (79.1-128.5 mg.100 g(-1) DW), suggesting a high estimated vitamin A activity. The CNPH 1194 cultivar reported carotenoids values highest than those of other cultivars (p < 0.05). The total phenolic compounds varied among cultivars and heat treatments (0.96-2.05 mg.g(-1) DW). In most cases, the heat treatments resulted in a significant decrease in the carotenoids and phenolic compounds contents as well as antioxidant capacity. Processing of flour presented the greatest losses of major carotenoids and phenolics. The phenolic compounds showed more stability than carotenoids after processing. There were significant correlations between the carotenoids and phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity.


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Bactericera cockerelli (Sulc) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) es una plaga importante de solanaceas en México; para su control, la utilización de plaguicidas es el principal método, por lo que el uso de enemigos naturales bajo un sistema de manejo integrado, ha sido poco utilizado. Tal es el caso de Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), agente de control biológico reportado para esta plaga; sin embargo, se carece de estudios para conocer su potencial. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en determinar el tipo y los parámetros de respuesta funcional de C. carnea sobre ninfas de B. cockerelli. El análisis de regresión logística reveló que la respuesta funcional de los tres instares larvales de C. carnea sobre ninfas de B. cockerelli fue de tipo II. Los tres instares consumieron ninfas de B. cockerelli, sin embargo el tercer instar tuvo mayor consumo, menor tiempo de manipuleo y mayor coeficiente de ataque. Estos resultados demostraron que C. carnea fue voraz y su capacidad depredadora está en función de su estado de desarrollo. El tercer instar reveló altas posibilidades para reducir las poblaciones de esta plaga, lo que sugiere que puede ser incluido en sistemas de manejo integrado de plagas basados en el control biológico aumentativo.


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Field studies were conducted in walk-in tunnels to determine the flying capacity in the presence and absence of crop, of the parasitoid Psyttalia concolor and the predator Chrysoperla carnea under a UV-absorbent net (Bionet®). Yellow sticky cards were used for insect recovery but neither P. concolor nor C. carnea were very attracted to them, thus captures were too low to permit any meaningful comparisons. Bionet® did not seem to affect the mobility of any natural enemy irrespective of the trap location and monitoring hour. Climatic conditions inside nets were very extreme (average temperatures very high and relative humidity very low) threatening insect survival. New experiments are being developed, trying to find new attractants that permit a significant capture of both natural enemies.


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La Directiva 2009/128/CE sobre Uso Sostenible de Plaguicidas establece que los Programas de Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) deben dar prioridad a los métodos de control físicos y biológicos, y que las materias activas insecticidas aplicadas deberán ser selectivas con la plaga y respetuosas con los organismos beneficiosos. El neuróptero generalista Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) es ampliamente utilizado en MIP porque controla eficazmente pulgones y otros pequeños artrópodos. Además, se trata de una de las especies de referencia consideradas por la OILB en la evaluación de los efectos secundarios de plaguicidas, cuando en la primera secuencia de evaluación resultan tóxicos los compuestos. En este trabajo se evaluó la compatibilidad de nuevos insecticidas con diferentes modos de acción sobre larvas L3 y adultos del depredador C. carnea. Las materias activas ensayadas están incluidas, o en proceso de inclusión en el Anexo I de la Directiva 91/414/EEC: flonicamida (inhibidor selectivo de la alimentación), flubendiamida (modulador del receptor de rianodina), metaflumizona (bloqueador del canal de sodio), spirotetramat (inhibidor de lípidos), sulfoxaflor (modo de acción desconocido) y deltametrina (modulador del canal de sodio). Los ensayos se realizaron exponiendo los insectos a residuo fresco de los diferentes compuestos sobre placa de vidrio tratada, en condiciones de laboratorio, aplicando la dosis máxima de campo recomendada de cada insecticida mediante Torre de Potter. Se evaluó mortalidad larvaria (24-48-72 h), pupación, emergencia y mortalidad de adultos, así como fecundidad y fertilidad (durante 7 días). En adultos se evaluó mortalidad (24-48-72 h), fecundidad y fertilidad (durante 7 días).


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To further develop Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies against crop pests, it is important to evaluate the effects of insecticides on biological control agents. Therefore, we tested the toxicity and sublethal effects (fecundity and fertility) of flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, spirotetramat, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin on the natural enemies Chrysoperla carnea and Adalia bipunctata. The side effects of the active ingredients of the insecticides were evaluated with residual contact tests for the larvae and adults of these predators in the laboratory. Flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone and spirotetramat were innocuous to last instar larvae and adults of C. carnea and A. bipunctata. Sulfoxaflor was slightly toxic to adults of C. carnea and was highly toxic to the L4 larvae of A. bipunctata. For A. bipunctata, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin were the most damaging compounds with a cumulative larval mortality of 100%. Deltamethrin was also the most toxic compound to larvae and adults of C. carnea. In accordance with the results obtained, the compounds flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone and spirotetramat might be incorporated into IPM programs in combination with these natural enemies for the control of particular greenhouse pests. Nevertheless, the use of sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin in IPM strategies should be taken into consideration when releasing either of these biological control agents, due to the toxic behavior observed under laboratory conditions. The need for developing sustainable approaches to combine the use of these insecticides and natural enemies within an IPM framework is discussed.


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Mobile element dynamics in seven alleles of the chalcone synthase D locus (CHS-D) of the common morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea) are analyzed in the context of synonymous nucleotide sequence distances for CHS-D exons. By using a nucleotide sequence of CHS-D from the sister species Ipomoea nil (Japanese morning glory [Johzuka-Hisatomi, Y., Hoshino, A., Mori, T., Habu, Y. & Iida, S. (1999) Genes Genet. Syst. 74, 141–147], it is also possible to determine the relative frequency of insertion and loss of elements within the CHS-D locus between these two species. At least four different types of transposable elements exist upstream of the coding region, or within the single intron of the CHS-D locus in I. purpurea. There are three distinct families of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITES), and some recent transpositions of Activator/Dissociation (Ac/Ds)-like elements (Tip100), of some short interspersed repetitive elements (SINEs), and of an insertion sequence (InsIpCHSD) found in the neighborhood of this locus. The data provide no compelling evidence of the transposition of the mites since the separation of I. nil and I. purpurea roughly 8 million years ago. Finally, it is shown that the number and frequency of mobile elements are highly heterogeneous among different duplicate CHS loci, suggesting that the dynamics observed at CHS-D are locus-specific.


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The evolution of the chalcone synthase [CHS; malonyl-CoA:4-coumaroyl-CoA malonyltransferase (cyclizing), EC] multigene family in the genus Ipomoea is explored. Thirteen CHS genes from seven Ipomoea species (family Convolvulaceae) were sequenced--three from genomic clones and the remainder from PCR amplification with primers designed from the 5' flanking region and the end of the 3' coding region of Ipomoea purpurea Roth. Analysis of the data indicates a duplication of CHS that predates the divergence of the Ipomoea species in this study. The Ipomoea CHS genes are among the most rapidly evolving of the CHS genes sequenced to date. The CHS genes in this study are most closely related to the Petunia CHS-B gene, which is also rapidly evolving and highly divergent from the rest of the Petunia CHS sequences.


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A batata-da-serra, Ipomoea serrana Sim.-Bianch. & L.V. Vasconcelos, é uma liana endêmica da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, cuja raiz tuberosa e consumida por populações humanas ha muitos anos. Apesar da espécie, classificada como vulnerável pela IUCN (União Internacional para a Conservação da Natureza), estar submetida à pressão antrópica devido à exploração de raízes tuberosas, para uso na alimentação, são raros os estudos com a espécie, razão pela qual e de grande importância conhecer a diversidade e estrutura genética da espécie. Estudos sobre diversidade e estrutura genética a partir de marcadores moleculares são importantes por fornecerem dados sobre impactos da exploração antrópica sobre as populações, podendo oferecer subsídio para planos de manejo e conservação de espécie. Cinco populações da Chapada Diamantina, constituindo um total de 142 indivíduos, foram investigados com quatro iniciadores Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR), resultando em 34 bandas, das quais 25 foram polimórficas. A analise dos parâmetros genéticos mostrou que as populações apresentam variabilidade moderada, com 73,8% de bandas polimórficas, 0,264 de índice de diversidade de Nei e 0,389 de índice de Shannon (valores médios). A maior parte da variação ocorreu dentro das populações (77%), estimado pela analise de variância molecular (AMOVA), enquanto que a variação entre populações foi de 23%, o que corroborou os resultados de estruturação obtidos pelo programa Structure, analise de coordenadas principais (PCoA) e agrupamento estimado pelo método Neighbor-Joining, a partir do coeficiente de dissimilaridade de Jaccard. A analise Bayesiana separou os indivíduos em quatro grupos, sendo que as populações Andaraí e Capão foram alocadas em grupos distintos, enquanto as outras três populações compartilharam indivíduos distribuídos em outros dois grupos. Este estudo, por seu caráter pioneiro com relação aos marcadores moleculares, constituiu o primeiro passo para o conhecimento da diversidade genética da espécie. Estudos futuros poderão ampliar o conhecimento sobre a espécie podendo oferecer subsidio para a elaboração de um plano de manejo para esta espécie que tem sido explorada na região.


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Dermatea carnea Cooke & Ellis


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A plant's reproductive biology exerts a significant influence on both population persistence within changing environments and successful establishment of new populations. However, the interaction between extrinsic (i.e. ecological) and intrinsic (i.e. genetic) factors also is an important driver of demographic performance for plant populations. It is light of this that I performed a multidisciplinary investigation of the breeding system, seed and seedling establishment dynamics, and population genetic structure of the endangered Caribbean vine Ipomoea microdactyla Griseb. (Convolvulaceae). The results from the breeding system study show individuals from Florida, USA and Andros Island, Bahamas to be self-incompatible. Plants from the two regions are cross-compatible but there is evidence for outbreeding depression in their progeny. Significant regional differences were found in floral traits and progeny traits that suggests incipient speciation for the Florida populations. The results from the seed and seedling establishment dynamics experiment demonstrate that the restoration of small populations in Florida via seed and seedling augmentation is a successful strategy. The demographic performance of the outplanted individuals was driven significantly by ecological factors (e.g. herbivory) rather than by genetic factors which emphasizes that the ecological context is very important for successful restoration attempts. The results from the population genetic study using an analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) reveal significant differences in genetic variation among individuals from Florida, Andros, and Cuba. A Bayesian analysis of population genetic structuring coincided with the previous AMOVA results among the three regions. The Mantel test indicated significant 'isolation by distance' for these regional populations implying restricted gene flow over relatively short distances. Overall, the Florida populations had the lowest measures of genetic diversity which is most likely due to the effects of both colonization founder events and habitat fragmentation. The results of my study highlight the value of performing multidisciplinary studies in relation to species conservation as knowledge of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors can best guide decisions for species preservation.


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Envenomation caused by venomous animals, mainly scorpions and snakes, are a serious matter of public health. Tityus serrulatus is considered the most venomous scorpion in South America because of the high level of toxicity of its venom. It is responsible for causing serious accidents, mainly with kids. The species Bothrops jararaca is a serpent that has in its venom a complex mixture of enzyme, peptides and other molecules. The toxins of the venom of B. jararaca induce local and systemic inflammatory responses. The treatment chosen to serious cases of envenomation is the intravenous administration of the specific antivenom. However, the treatment is not always accessible to those residents in rural areas, so that they use medicinal plant extracts as the treatment. In this context, aqueous extracts, fractions and isolated compounds of Aspidosperma pyrifolium (pereiro) and Ipomoea asarifolia (salsa, salsa-brava), used in popular medicine, were studied in this research to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity in the peritonitis models induced by carrageenan and peritonitis induced by the venom of the T. serrulatus (VTs), and in the local oedema model and inflammatory infiltrate induced by the venom of the B. jararaca, administrated intravenously. The results of the assays of cytotoxicity, using the MTT, showed that the aqueous extracts from the plant species presented low toxicity to the cells that came from the fibroblast of the mouse embryo (3T3).The chemical analysis of the extracts by High Performance Liquid Chromatography revealed the presence of the rutin flavonoid, in A. pyrifoliu, and rutin, clorogenic acid and caffeic acid, in I. asarifolia. Concerning the pharmacological evaluation, the results showed that the pre-treatment using aqueous extracts and fractions reduced the total leukocyte migration to the abdominal cavity in the peritonitis model caused by the carrageenan and in the peritonitis model induced by the T. serulatus venom. Yet, these groups presented anti-oedematous activity, in the local oedema model caused by the venom of the B. jararaca, and reduced the inflammatory infiltrate to the muscle. The serum (anti-arachnid and anti-bothropic) specific to each venom acted inhibiting the inflammatory action of the venoms and were used as control. The compounds identified in the extracts were also tested and, similar to the plant extracts, showed meaningful anti-inflammatory effects, in the tested doses. Thus, these results are indicating the potential anti-inflammatory activity of the plants studied. This is the first research that evaluated the possible biological effects of the A. pyrifolium and I. asarifolia, showing the biological potential that these species have.


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Tesis (Zootecnista). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Zootecnia, 2013


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Laboratory colonies of the leaf-cutting ants Atta sexdens feed daily with leaves of Ipomoea batatas showed ant mortality and a significant decrease in the size of the fungal garden after the second week, with complete depletion of nests after 5 weeks of treatment. The mean oxygen consumption rate of these ants was higher than the control (ants collected from nests feed with leaves of Eucalyptus alba), suggesting a physiological action of the leaves of I. batatas on the ants in addition to the effect of inhibiting the growth of the fungal garden.