940 resultados para Information-Analytical System


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The predominantly occurring chemical forms (species) of mercury (Hg) that occur in the environment are elemental mercury (Hg0), divalent inorganic mercury (Hg2+) and dimethylmercury (CH3HgCH3) and monomethylmercury(CH+3Hg), the latter of which is strongly accumulated by marine organisms. Conversions between the different mercury species provide the basis of the complex distribution pattern of mercury on local, regional, and global scales. An analytical system using hyphenated instrumental techniques has been developed and validated in order to determine inorganic and organic mercury species in marine biota (fish and plankton). It is suggested than mercury species analysis can provide a useful tool to investigate the effects of climate changes on the bio-transformation activity of certain marine microorganisms.


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Background: Bronchiolitis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and its related complications are common in infants born prematurely, with severe congenital heart disease, or bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as well as in immunosuppressed infants. There is a rich literature on the different aspects of RSV infection with a focus, for the most part, on specific risk populations. However, there is a need for a systematic global analysis of the impact of RSV infection in terms of use of resources and health impact on both children and adults. With this aim, we performed a systematic search of scientific evidence on the social, economic, and health impact of RSV infection. Methods: A systematic search of the following databases was performed: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Spanish Medical Index, MEDES-MEDicina in Spanish, Cochrane Plus Library, and Google without time limits. We selected 421 abstracts based on the 6,598 articles identified. From these abstracts, 4 RSV experts selected the most relevant articles. They selected 65 articles. After reading the full articles, 23 of their references were also selected. Finally, one more article found through a literature information alert system was included. Results: The information collected was summarized and organized into the following topics: 1. Impact on health (infections and respiratory complications, mid-to long-term lung function decline, recurrent wheezing, asthma, other complications such as otitis and rhino-conjunctivitis, and mortality; 2. Impact on resources (visits to primary care and specialists offices, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, diagnostic tests, and treatments); 3. Impact on costs (direct and indirect costs); 4. Impact on quality of life; and 5. Strategies to reduce the impact (interventions on social and hygienic factors and prophylactic treatments). Conclusions: We concluded that 1. The health impact of RSV infection is relevant and goes beyond the acute episode phase; 2. The health impact of RSV infection on children is much better documented than the impact on adults; 3. Further research is needed on mid-and long-term impact of RSV infection on the adult population, especially those at high-risk; 4. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing the impact of RSV infection by targeting health education, information, and prophylaxis in high-risk populations.


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O desenvolvimento dos meios de comunicação e seu fortalecimento dentro de nossa sociedade, infelizmente, vem nos revelando fatos que estão se tornando rotineiros, como por exemplo a negligência e o descaso cometidos por administradores públicos no desempenho de suas funções. A má utilização do erário público por gestores descompromissados impactam negativamente na imagem do Estado, obrigando-o à ações como a ampliação de sua arrecadação e o investimento em sistemas que promovam maior eficiência, economicidade e transparência na execução da despesa pública. Uma das soluções apresentadas pelo Governo para minimizar esta problemática é o Sistema de Informação de Custos do Governo Federal (SIC), uma ferramenta que tem por objetivo subsidiar decisões governamentais e organizacionais, conduzindo o Estado à alocação mais eficiente do gasto público. Dentro deste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em avaliar o uso do Sistema de Informação de Custos do Governo Federal na produção de informações gerenciais dentro da atual política de gestão de custos da Marinha do Brasil. Para tal, esta pesquisa classificada como aplicada, descritiva e qualitativa, depreendeu um estudo bibliográfico e documental, debruçando-se sobre a literatura existente, relatórios emitidos pelo sistema SIC e documentos da sistemática OMPS. Destarte o fato de que apenas as OMPS-I/C/H da Marinha do Brasil (MB), o que representa 26 Unidades Gestoras (UG) no universo de 151 do Órgão Comando da Marinha, possuem acompanhamento contínuo de suas gestões com base em custos, o resultado desta pesquisa se limita à estas Organizações, não se estendendo às demais Unidades da Força Naval. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o Sistema de Informação de Custos do Governo Federal deixou de evidenciar custos considerados relevantes no atual processo de avaliação econômico-financeira das OMPS-I/C/H, indicando que o mesmo não atende as necessidades da Diretoria de Finanças da Marinha na produção de informações gerenciais destinadas à Alta Administração Naval. Entretanto, o sistema SIC traz uma grande contribuição para a Marinha do Brasil ao expandir o emprego da gestão de custo como ferramenta de controle gerencial às demais 127 UG da MB, não inseridas na sistemática OMPS.


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Dada uma situação sistemática e estrutural de sub-representação feminina nos órgãos da alta administração das companhias, o presente estudo pretende investigar as políticas que vêm sendo implantadas para tratar da questão, afim de escrutinar algumas possibilidades de modelos regulatórios e de políticas passíveis de serem adotadas no Brasil, vez que o País ainda não conta com nenhuma política direcionada às desigualdades de gênero reproduzidas nas grandes organizações empresárias. Assim, no intuito de conduzir uma avaliação crítica das iniciativas para a questão, selecionaram-se algumas das políticas consideradas mais representativas de cada um dos modelos regulatórios identificados - todavia, sem a pretensão de esgotar todas as políticas já em vigor, a respeito do tema. Para balizar a discussão proposta, adota-se como referencial teórico a teoria do contrato organização tal como relida por Calixto Salomão Filho, dado que permite rediscutir, criticamente, as estruturas societárias mais adequadas para organizar a representação de interesses que não exclusivamente os dos acionistas, na consecução da atividade empresária. Realiza-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa. Para tanto, faz-se útil o método de análise de conteúdo, que permite o estudo de textos teóricos e legais, para se construir, a partir dos objetivos traçados, um sistema analítico de conceitos a ser aplicado na análise crítica das políticas e dos modelos regulatórios que incentivem o incremento da diversidade de gênero nos conselhos de administração das companhias brasileiras. Além de modelos de políticas públicas vinculantes, co a imposição de quotas, vislumbram os modelos autorregulatório puro e corregulatório, como possíveis de serem adotados para o tema, dado os mecanismos indutores de melhores práticas de governança corporativa já em vigor no País para temas econômico-financeiros.


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植物志是植物分类学研究中最重要的成果之一,它包含了大量的信息,如形态描述、命名及考证、地理分布等,其中形态学信息最为丰富,而且在分类学研究中始终占据着重要地位。植物分类学数据量的庞大和繁琐显然不适合手工处理,因此有必要利用计算机收集整理批量化数据的优势,以实现植物形态数据的自动处理。 本项研究结合作者的计算机实践和对分类学的认识,首次采用转换生成语法技术对植物志文本进行词法分析、语法分析以提炼植物志所包含的形态学信息,初步实现了植物志自然文本的中英文转换、中文检索表到数据库的自动转换、普通植物志描述文本到数据库的自动转换。 1.本系统处理过程对植物志文本不加任何限制,即无须前编辑处理,于是就增加了植物形态术语的切分难度,但由此提出了结合植物形态信息处理特点的词语切分方法。数值信息在植物志中占据着重要的地位,本系统则采用正规文法处理整数和无符号小数。 2.本系统将植物志文本的句式分为基本句和复合句,以基本句为基础总结归纳了一套适用于植物志文本的上下文无关文法,系统扩充了DELTA系统的描述结构,允许无性状主体句式的存在。而在语法制导翻译阶段利用继承属性补足无主句的性状主体。 3.本系统虽以绞股蓝属为基础来开展研究工作的,总结出文法并进行植物志文本的中英文转换,但经扩大术语库的词汇量后,也能适用于其他的科属。本系统附带有术语库的修订功能,可以自行编辑、修改和添加术语库中的词汇。 4.本系统设计了从检索表到数据库的自动转换程序,利用数据库的特点方便检索的查询。 5.系统实现了从一般植物志描述文本到数据库的自动生成,以利于对植物志住处的收集整理和查询。


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): An analytical system was designed and constructed for the rapid and accurate shipboard measurement of anthropogenic chlorofluoromethanes in seawater and in air, using electron capture gas chrometography. The distribution of these compounds in the marine atmosphere and the water column in the Greenland and Norwegian seas were studied during February and March, 1982. The compounds, dissolved in the ocean from the atmosphere, can be used as tracers of subsurface ocean circulation and mixing processes.


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The photocurrent curves of reflection-mode GaAs photocathodes as a function of time, when were illuminated by white light with an intensity of 0, 33 and 100 Ix, respectively, were measured using a multi-information measurement system. The calculated lifetimes of cathodes are 320, 160 and 75 min, respectively, showing that the stability of cathodes degraded with the increase of light intensity. The lifetime of cathode, illuminated by white light with an intensity of 100 Ix, while no photocurrent was being drawn during the illumination, was 100 min. Through comparison, we found that the influence of illumination on cathodes stability is greater than that of photocurrent. The quantum-yield curves of cathodes as a functions of time, when illuminated by white light with an intensity of 33 Ix, were measured also. The measured results show that the shape of the yield curves changes with increasing illumination time due to the faster quantum-yield degradation rate of low energy photons. Based on the revised quantum-efficiency equations for the reflection-mode cathodes, the variation of yield curves are analyzed to be due to the intervalley diffusion of photoelectrons and the evolution of the surface potential barrier profile of the photocathodes during degradation process.


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政府信息检索系统作为政府信息公开平台的重要组成部分,对于用户从大量信息中准确查找所需信息起到关键作用,然而现有政府信息检索系统存在两个主要问题:一是系统采用的基于关键词匹配的检索技术忽视了对于用户检索条件的语义的理解,缺乏对于文档实质内涵的准确描述;二是由于对政府信息领域知识的缺乏,用户不能很好地提出符合自己检索需求的检索条件。这两个问题导致检索结果远远不能满足用户的要求。 本体是“概念模型的明确的规范说明”,它提供明确定义的词汇表,描述概念和概念之间的关系,被当作某个领域内不同主体之间进行交流的一种语义基础。它被广泛的应用于信息检索,特别是基于知识的检索中,能显著提高检索系统的查全率和查准率。 本文提出了构建政府信息领域本体并将其应用于政府信息检索系统的方案。首先,研究了现有的领域本体构建方法;在分析了政府信息领域的特点,考察了该领域可用资源的基础上,提出了基于政务主题词表的政府信息领域本体的构建方法。该方法充分利用了《综合电子政务主题词表》中已有的主题词和关系,保证了本体概念添加的完备性和科学性,减少了对领域专家的依赖,提高了构建效率。 设计和实现了基于领域本体的政府信息检索系统。该系统以领域本体为核心,对检索条件进行了扩展,既解决了检索词同政府信息中的公文用词存在差异的问题,又进一步明确了用户的检索需求;对政府信息文档进行了语义标注,提高了检索匹配时的准确度。同时,系统将与检索条件相关的领域概念反馈给用户,便于用户了解领域知识,进一步优化检索条件,获得更全更准的检索结果。


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首先分析国内电信企业对于商业智能的需求及一些现有电信企业商业智能系统的不足,如投资大、建设周期长等,然后提出解决措施,通过采用数据集市和配置文件的方式控制建设成本、降低实施难度,并描述面向电信企业的商业智能应用分析系统TEIAS(Telecom Enterprise Information Analysis System)的系统结构和实现,最后提出改进方向。


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本文主要阐述了CSR数字高频分析系统的同步采样器的研究、设计和实现,该分析系统是基于软件无线电技术构建的。 本文的创新点主要在于提出了一种很好的正交同步欠采样方法,这种基于软件无线电原理的I、Q两路正交同步的采样方法,主要利用了平方律部件、一阶环路滤波器和NCO来对I、Q两路采样触发脉冲上升沿的时间差进行闭环控制,从而实现对高频信号的数据采集和处理。这种方法降低了对AD芯片采样速率要求,同时也为后续的基带信号处理提供了方便。 在整个同步采样系统的实现过程中我采用了功能强大的Matlab7.0作为通信算法的仿真平台,选用了AD6645、StratixIIEP2S60和DSP6416作为主要的硬件平台,并在SynaptiCAD和ModelSim中做出了FPGA的HDL程序设计及波形实现


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Through years of practice, reservoir management has already become the basic mode of foreign oil companies to realize the high-efficient development of the oil field. From the view of reservoir development and technological economy, reservoir management regards the study of the reservoir engineering, designs of reservoir projects and the dynamic analysis of the reservoir's performance as a system. In the fields of reservoir description, the establishment of the geological models and development models, the dynamic simulations of reservoir exploitation and the design of the oil engineering, reservoir management emphasizes the cooperation of the geology and the engineering, the combination of the engineering technology and the economic evaluation. In order to provide the means and basis for the reservoir geology study, reservoir evaluation, reserves calculation, numerical simulation, development plan and risk analysis, it adopts the reservoir management activities(team work) to make and implement the optimized oil field development management strategies so that secientific and democratic decision making can be achieved. Under the planned economic system for a long time, the purpose of Chinese reservoir development has been to fulfill the" mandatory" production task. With the deepening of the reform, the management organization of Chinese petroleum enterprises has been gradually going through the transition and reforms to the operational entity and the establishment of the mode of oil companies under the socialist market economy system. This research aims at introducing the advanced reservoir management technique from foreign countries to further improve the reservoir development results and wholly raise the economic benefits of Chinese mature land facieses sandstone reservoirs in the later stage of the water flooding. We are going to set up a set of modern reservoir management modes according to the reservoir features, current situation and existing problems of GangXi oil field of DaGang oil company. Through the study and implementation of the reservoir description and numerical simulation technology effectively, we plan to work out integrated adjustment projects, to study the related technology of oil recovery; to set up the effective confirmable data procedure and data management system of the reservoir management, to establish the coordinated model and workbench related to geology, engineering and economy in order to realize the real time supervision and evaluation on the process of reservoir development. We hope to stipulate modernization management tools for GangXi oil fields to rationally utilize various kinds of existing technological methods and to realize the economic exploitation and achieve the maximum benefits from the reservoir. The project of the modem reservoir management will be carried out on the GangXi oil field of DaGang oil company for this oil field is typical and has integrated foundamental materials and perfect networks. Besides, it is located in the good geographical position enjoying very convenient traffic. Implementing modern reservoir management will raise the recovery ratio, reduce the production cost and improve the working efficiency. Moreover, the popularization of modern reservoir management will improve the comprehensive benefits of DaGang oil company and even the whole Petro China. Through the reserch of this project, the following technical indicators can be reached: Establishing the concept of modern reservoir management. Establishing a set of integrated data information management system adapt to the features of GangXi reservoir. 3. Forming technical research modes of modern reservoir management suitable for mature reservoirs in the later developing stage. 4. Advancing projects of GangXi reservoir which are maxium optimized in engineering technique and economic benefits of oil exploitation. Besides, this set of technology, research principle and method can guide the mature reservoir of DaGang oil field and even the whole PetroChina to develop the further research of reservoir adjustment and improve the reservoir recovery factor and developing level constantly.