978 resultados para Increased Frequency
Catchments draining peat soils provide the majority of drinking water in the UK. Over the past decades, concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have increased in surface waters. Residual DOC can cause harmful carcinogenic disinfection by-products to form during water treatment processes. Increased frequency and severity of droughts combined with and increased temperatures expected as the climate changes, have potentials to change water quality. We used a novel approach to investigate links between climate change, DOC release and subsequent effects on drinking water treatment. We designed a climate manipulation experiment to simulate projected climate changes and monitored releases from peat soil and litter, then simulated coagulation used in water treatment. We showed that the ‘drought’ simulation was the dominant factor altering DOC release and affected the ability to remove DOC. Our results imply that future short-term drought events could have a greater impact than increased temperature on DOC treatability.
We introduce an algorithm (called REDFITmc2) for spectrum estimation in the presence of timescale errors. It is based on the Lomb-Scargle periodogram for unevenly spaced time series, in combination with the Welch's Overlapped Segment Averaging procedure, bootstrap bias correction and persistence estimation. The timescale errors are modelled parametrically and included in the simulations for determining (1) the upper levels of the spectrum of the red-noise AR(1) alternative and (2) the uncertainty of the frequency of a spectral peak. Application of REDFITmc2 to ice core and stalagmite records of palaeoclimate allowed a more realistic evaluation of spectral peaks than when ignoring this source of uncertainty. The results support qualitatively the intuition that stronger effects on the spectrum estimate (decreased detectability and increased frequency uncertainty) occur for higher frequencies. The surplus information brought by algorithm REDFITmc2 is that those effects are quantified. Regarding timescale construction, not only the fixpoints, dating errors and the functional form of the age-depth model play a role. Also the joint distribution of all time points (serial correlation, stratigraphic order) determines spectrum estimation.
Climate change is expected to bring warmer temperatures, changes to rainfall patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather. Projections of climate impacts on feed crops show that there will likely be opportunities for increased productivity as well as considerable threats to crop productivity in different parts of the world over the next 20 to 50 years. On balance, we anticipate substantial risks to the volume, volatility, and quality of animal feed supply chains from climate change. Adaptation strategies and investment informed by high quality research at the interface of crop and animal science will be needed, both to respond to climate change and to meet the increasing demand for animal products expected over the coming decades.
A range of possible changes in the frequency and characteristics of European wind storms under future climate conditions was investigated on the basis of a multi-model ensemble of 9 coupled global climate model (GCM) simulations for the 20th and 21st centuries following the IPCC SRES A1B scenario. A multi-model approach allowed an estimation of the (un)certainties of the climate change signals. General changes in large-scale atmospheric flow were analysed, the occurrence of wind storms was quantified, and atmospheric features associated with wind storm events were considered. Identified storm days were investigated according to atmospheric circulation, associated pressure patterns, cyclone tracks and wind speed patterns. Validation against reanalysis data revealed that the GCMs are in general capable of realistically reproducing characteristics of European circulation weather types (CWTs) and wind storms. Results are given with respect to frequency of occurrence, storm-associated flow conditions, cyclone tracks and specific wind speed patterns. Under anthropogenic climate change conditions (SRES A1B scenario), increased frequency of westerly flow during winter is detected over the central European investigation area. In the ensemble mean, the number of detected wind storm days increases between 19 and 33% for 2 different measures of storminess, only 1 GCM revealed less storm days. The increased number of storm days detected in most models is disproportionately high compared to the related CWT changes. The mean intensity of cyclones associated with storm days in the ensemble mean increases by about 10 (±10)% in the Eastern Atlantic, near the British Isles and in the North Sea. Accordingly, wind speeds associated with storm events increase significantly by about 5 (±5)% over large parts of central Europe, mainly on days with westerly flow. The basic conclusions of this work remain valid if different ensemble contructions are considered, leaving out an outlier model or including multiple runs of one particular model.
Boreal winter wind storm situations over Central Europe are investigated by means of an objective cluster analysis. Surface data from the NCEP-Reanalysis and ECHAM4/OPYC3-climate change GHG simulation (IS92a) are considered. To achieve an optimum separation of clusters of extreme storm conditions, 55 clusters of weather patterns are differentiated. To reduce the computational effort, a PCA is initially performed, leading to a data reduction of about 98 %. The clustering itself was computed on 3-day periods constructed with the first six PCs using "k-means" clustering algorithm. The applied method enables an evaluation of the time evolution of the synoptic developments. The climate change signal is constructed by a projection of the GCM simulation on the EOFs attained from the NCEP-Reanalysis. Consequently, the same clusters are obtained and frequency distributions can be compared. For Central Europe, four primary storm clusters are identified. These clusters feature almost 72 % of the historical extreme storms events and add only to 5 % of the total relative frequency. Moreover, they show a statistically significant signature in the associated wind fields over Europe. An increased frequency of Central European storm clusters is detected with enhanced GHG conditions, associated with an enhancement of the pressure gradient over Central Europe. Consequently, more intense wind events over Central Europe are expected. The presented algorithm will be highly valuable for the analysis of huge data amounts as is required for e.g. multi-model ensemble analysis, particularly because of the enormous data reduction.
Background Recent studies indicate an increased frequency of mutations in the gene encoding glucocerebrosidase (GBA), a deficiency of which causes Gaucher`s disease, among patients with Parkinson`s disease. We aimed to ascertain the frequency of GBA mutations in an ethnically diverse group of patients with Parkinson`s disease. Methods Sixteen centers participated in our international, collaborative study: five from the Americas, six from Europe, two from Israel, and three from Asia. Each center genotyped a standard DNA panel to permit comparison of the genotyping results across centers. Genotypes and phenotypic data from a total of 5691 patients with Parkinson`s disease (780 Ashkenazi Jews) and 4898 controls (387 Ashkenazi Jews) were analyzed, with multivariate logistic-regression models and the Mantel-Haenszel procedure used to estimate odds ratios across centers. Results All 16 centers could detect two GBA mutations, L444P and N370S. Among Ashkenazi Jewish subjects, either mutation was found in 15% of patients and 3% of controls, and among non-Ashkenazi Jewish subjects, either mutation was found in 3% of patients and less than 1% of controls. GBA was fully sequenced for 1883 non-Ashkenazi Jewish patients, and mutations were identified in 7%, showing that limited mutation screening can miss half the mutant alleles. The odds ratio for any GBA mutation in patients versus controls was 5.43 across centers. As compared with patients who did not carry a GBA mutation, those with a GBA mutation presented earlier with the disease, were more likely to have affected relatives, and were more likely to have atypical clinical manifestations. Conclusions Data collected from 16 centers demonstrate that there is a strong association between GBA mutations and Parkinson`s disease.
Today around 28 000 women originally from countries where FGM is practised, are living in Sweden. Many of them are at childbearing age which means that knowledge about FGM and its consequences is of outmost importance during delivery. The aim of this study is to describe current research on how to manage the delivery, regarding deinfibulation and the following stitching as well as the risk of complications when the labouring woman is mutilated. This review of literature is based on 12 scientific articles published between years 1989 – 2005. Five different databases have been searched with use of a large number of keywords.The review found that no scientific research has been carried out that describes how deinfibulation and following stitching should be managed when the woman is mutilated. All available articles within this area are referring to best practice only. The review also found that the conclusions of the studies are contradictory. The majority, however, show an increased frequency for prolonged labour that could be related to FGM. The three largest studies also show an increased rate of caesarean section among mutilated women. In the few studies that examine haemorrhage, the majorities show an increased tendency to bleed, that could be related to FGM. Several articles emphasize the importance of good routines for deinfibulation to reduce the risk for complications.In summary it can be established that due to methodological problems in many studies, no reliable conclusion can be made that the researched complications exists to a greater extent when the woman is mutilated
To investigate whether the alterations of the diverted colon segment mucosa, evidenced in fecal colitis, would be able to alter Bacterial Translocation (BT). Methods: Sixty-two Wistar male rats ranging from 220 to 320 grams of weight, were divided in two groups: A (Colostomy) and B (Control), with 31 animals each one. In group A, all animals underwent end colostomy, one stoma, in ascending colon; and in the 70th POD was injected in five rats, by rectal route – diverted segment - 2ml of a 0.9% saline solution in animals (A1 subgroup); in eight it was inoculated, by rectal route, 2ml of a solution containing Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 (American Type Culture Collection), in a concentration of 108 Colony Forming Unit for milliliters (CFU/ml) - A2 Subgroup; in ten animals the same solution of E. coli was inoculated, in a concentration of 1011 CFU/ml (A3 Subgroup); and in eight it was collected part of the mucus found in the diverted distal colonic segment for neutral sugars and total proteins dosage (A4 subgroup). The animals from the group B underwent the same procedures of group A, but with differences in the colostomy confection. In rats from subgroups A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and B3 2ml of blood were aspirated from the heart, and fragments from mesenteric lymphatic nodule, liver, spleen, lung and kidney taken for microbiological analysis, after their death. This analysis consisted of evidencing the presence of E. coli ATCC 25922 CFU. Mann-Whitney and ANOVA Tests were applied as analytic techniques for association of variables. Results: The occurrence of BT was evidenced only in those animals in which inoculated concentration of E. coli ATCC 25922, reached levels of 1011CFU/ml, i.e. in Subgroups A3 and B3, although, being significantly greater (80%) in those animals without colostomy (subgroup B3) when compared to the ones with colostomy (20%) from the subgroup A3 (P <0.05). Lung, liver and mesenteric lymphatic nodules were the tissues with larger percentile of bacterial recovery, so much in subgroup A3, as in B3. Blood culture was considered positive in 60% of the animals from subgroup B3 and in 10% of those from subgroup A3 (p <0.05). There was greater concentration of neutral sugars, in subgroup A4 - mean 27.3mg/ml -, than in subgroup B4 - mean 8.4mg/ml - (P <0.05). Conclusion: The modifications in the architecture of intestinal mucosa in colitis following fecal diversion can cause alterations in the intestinal barrier, but it does not necessarily lead to an increased frequency of BT
Despite advances in vaccine development and therapy, bacterial meningitis (BM) remains a major cause of death and long-term neurological disabilities. As part of the host inflammatory response to the invading pathogen, factors such as reactive oxygen species are generated, which may damage DNA and trigger the overactivation of DNA repair mechanisms. It is conceivable that the individual susceptibility and outcome of BM may be in part determined by non synonymous polymorphisms that may alter the function of crucial BER DNA repair enzymes as PARP-1, OGG-1 and APE-1. These enzymes, in addition to their important DNA repair function, also perform role of inflammatory regulators. In this work was investigated the non synonymous SNPs APE-1 Asn148Glu, OGG-1 Ser326Cys,PARP-1 Val762Ala, PARP-1 Pro882Leu and PARP-1 Cys908Tyr in patients with bacterial meningitis (BM), chronic meningitis (CM), aseptic meningitis (AM) and not infected (controls). As results we found increased frequency of variant alleles of PARP-1 Val762Ala (P = 0.005) and APE-1 Asn148Glu (P=0.018) in BM patients, APE-1 Asn148Glu in AM patients (P = 0.012) and decrease in the frequency of the variant allele OGG-1 Ser326Cys in patients with CM (P = 0.013), regarding the allelic frequencies in the controls. A major incidence of individuals heterozygous and/ or polymorphic homozygous in BM for PARP-1 Val762Ala (P= 0.0399, OD 4.2, 95% IC 1.213 -14.545) and PARP-1 Val762Ala/ APE-1 Asn148Glu (P = 0.0238, OD 11.111, 95% IC 1.274 - 96.914) was observed related to what was expected in a not infected population. It was also observed a major incidence of combined SNPs in the BM patients compared with the control group (P=0.0281), giving evidences that SNPs can cause some susceptibility to the disease. This combined effect of SNPs seems to regulate the principal cytokines and other factors related to BM inflammatory response and point the importance of DNA repair not only to repair activity when DNA is damaged, but to others essential functions to human organism balance.
Timeplace learning is the capacity of organisms to associate both space and time with a biological relevant stimulus such as food. Experiments are usually done with food restricted animals due to the belief that food system activation is necessary for timeplace learning. Another line of thought suggest that, in addition to food system activation, response cost should be increased to effectively allow timeplace discrimination. The purpose of this experiment was to test whether a complex environment, which presumably implied in a heightened response cost, would facilitate timeplace association in satiated rats using a highly palatable food as reward. Nine rats were trained in a timeplace task for 30 nonconsecutive days. A large experimental box (1x1m) divided in four compartments was used. To access each compartment the animal had to overcome a series of obstacles such as ramps, staircases and mazes. Two feeders localized in opposite compartments were rewarded with sunflower seeds in two daily sessions. One feeder offered the reward during the morning sessions while the second feeder in afternoon sessions. After the 15th day of training, the animals began to show a preference for the correct feeder during the correct time of day expressed by increased frequency of visits as well as lower latency to access the feeders. These results suggest that satiated animals are also capable of learning a timespace task as far as the experimental context is complex enough to result in a higher response cost
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
INTRODUÇÃO: O ximelagatrano foi recentemente estudada para profilaxia do tromboembolismo venoso (TEV). OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o ximelagatrano comparado com a varfarina melhora a profilaxia do TEV em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortopédica do joelho. FONTE DE DADOS: Estudos randomizados identificados por pesquisa eletrônica na literatura médica, até 2006, cujos dados foram compilados no programa Review Manager, versão 4.2.5. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos três estudos randomizados bem conduzidos envolvendo 4.914 participantes. Foram definidos dois sub-grupos com dosagens diferentes de ximelagatrano (24 mg and 36 mg, duas vezes ao dia). O tratamento com ximelagatrano mostrou freqüência significantemente menor de TEV que o tratamento com varfarina, mas somente na dosagem de 36-mg [risco relativo, RR 0.72 ([intervalo de confiança, IC, 95% 0.64, 0.81), p < 0.00001]. A freqüência de TEV no sub-grupo de 24-mg foi similar a da varfarina [RR 0.86 (IC 95% 0.73, 1.01), p = 0.06]. Para TEV maior, embolia pulmonar, sangramento e sangramento maior não houve diferença entre varfarina e a ximelagatrano. Ao final do tratamento, a elevação da alanino-aminotransferase (ALT) foi menos freqüente no sub-grupo de 24 mg de ximelagatrano que no grupo da varfarina [RR 0.33 (IC 95% 0.12, 0.91) p = 0.03], mas no período de acompanhamento essa elevação foi maior com 36 mg de ximelagatrano [RR 6.97 (IC 95% 1.26, 38.50) p = 0.03]. CONCLUSÃO: O ximelagatrano foi mais efetivo que a varfarina quando usado em dosagens maiores (36 mg, 2 vezes ao dia), mas às expensas de aumento de enzimas hepáticas no período de acompanhamento.
The use of pesticides is being used intensively with severe consequences for exposed farmers. This study aimed to describe the socioeconomic and health profiles of 60 farmers in the city of Touros / RN through the questionnaire recommended by: (International Commission for Protection against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens (ICPEMC). The analysis of these data allowed to prove the importance of knowledge about the socioeconomic and health profile of rural farmers as a way to understand the reality of this population, that is vulnerable to exposure due to the lack of knowledge and conditions. Aiming to analyze the frequency of micronucleus (MN) and other nuclear abnormalities in oral mucosa cells of 54 farmers that work in the city of Touros / RN it was applied the micronucleus test (MN) in oral mucosa. Our results showed an increased frequency of MN and other nuclear abnormalities related to the exposure and effects of pesticides on health. Based on the results, it is clear that farmers are using pesticide in the wrong way and compromising their health. A Cordel has been developed as a method to taking the results to the people affected by the pesticides. Therefore this study alerts to the need for profound changes in the social, cultural and health context to reduce health risks for both people and for the environment
Background: There is no evidence about the integrated issue on glycemia, lipid profile, oxidative stress, and anomaly frequency of pregnant diabetic rats neonatally exposed to streptozotocin.Objective: Evaluating the impact of hyperglycemia in diabetic rats neonatally exposed to streptozotocin on maternal reproductive and fetal outcomes and the relationship with lipid profile and maternal oxidative stress.Material and Methods: Ten 90-day-old female Wistar rats were mated to obtain offspring. Some of these newborns received streptozotocin (70 mg/kg, i.p. - n5-STZ group) and the remainder given only citrate buffer (control group) on their day 5 of life. At adult life, these rats (n =13 animals/group) were mated and, at day 21 of pregnancy, they were killed to obtain a maternal blood samples for biochemical determinations. The gravid uterus was weighed with its contents and fetuses were analyzed.Results: At day 0 of pregnancy, glycemic means of n5-STZ rats were significantly greater compared to those of control rats, but presented fetuses classified as small for pregnancy age. The n5-STZ rats showed increased total cholesterol, triglycerides, MDA concentrations, lower SOD activity and increased frequency fetal visceral anomalies as compared to the control group.Conclusion: This study showed that the experimental model used led to mild hyperglycemia during pregnancy, although it did not lead to increased macrosomic fetus rates. The hyperglycemic maternal environment caused metabolic alterations, including increased triglyceride and total cholesterol concentrations, and elevated oxidative stress, contributing to increase fetal visceral anomalies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)