964 resultados para Impulses Existence of solutions


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We give a short proof of existence of disjoint hypercyclic tuples of operators of any given length on any separable infinite dimensional Fr\'echet space. Similar argument provides disjoint dual hypercyclic tuples of operators of any length on any infinite dimensional Banach space with separable dual.


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My goal in this paper is to address what I call the ‘Incoherence’ objection to the growing universe theory of time. At the root of the objection is the thought that one cannot wed objective temporal becoming with the existence of a tenseless past—which is apparently what the growing universe theorist tries to do. To do so, however, is to attribute both dynamic and static aspects to time, and, given the mutual exclusivity of these two aspects—so the thought goes—incoherence results. My solution to the problem is to offer an alternative account of past existence that is compatible with a dynamic conception of time. I take as my starting point Adams’ suggestion that the past exists in virtue of the existence of thisnesses of past individuals. I first seek to defend this suggestion, before developing it further, in order to provide a satisfactory response to the Incoherence objection. The result is a new growing universe theory which avoids the Incoherence objection but which has some surprising features of its own. Chief among these is the rejection of present events. I argue, however, that such a rejection is a necessary consequence of endorsing the growing universe theory, and that it is not as counter-intuitive as it initially sounds.


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Esta dissertação estuda em detalhe três problemas elípticos: (I) uma classe de equações que envolve o operador Laplaciano, um termo singular e nãolinearidade com o exponente crítico de Sobolev, (II) uma classe de equações com singularidade dupla, o expoente crítico de Hardy-Sobolev e um termo côncavo e (III) uma classe de equações em forma divergente, que envolve um termo singular, um operador do tipo Leray-Lions, e uma função definida nos espaços de Lorentz. As não-linearidades consideradas nos problemas (I) e (II), apresentam dificuldades adicionais, tais como uma singularidade forte no ponto zero (de modo que um "blow-up" pode ocorrer) e a falta de compacidade, devido à presença do exponente crítico de Sobolev (problema (I)) e Hardy-Sobolev (problema (II)). Pela singularidade existente no problema (III), a definição padrão de solução fraca pode não fazer sentido, por isso, é introduzida uma noção especial de solução fraca em subconjuntos abertos do domínio. Métodos variacionais e técnicas da Teoria de Pontos Críticos são usados para provar a existência de soluções nos dois primeiros problemas. No problema (I), são usadas uma combinação adequada de técnicas de Nehari, o princípio variacional de Ekeland, métodos de minimax, um argumento de translação e estimativas integrais do nível de energia. Neste caso, demonstramos a existência de (pelo menos) quatro soluções não triviais onde pelo menos uma delas muda de sinal. No problema (II), usando o método de concentração de compacidade e o teorema de passagem de montanha, demostramos a existência de pelo menos duas soluções positivas e pelo menos um par de soluções com mudança de sinal. A abordagem do problema (III) combina um resultado de surjectividade para operadores monótonos, coercivos e radialmente contínuos com propriedades especiais do operador de tipo Leray- Lions. Demonstramos assim a existência de pelo menos, uma solução no espaço de Lorentz e obtemos uma estimativa para esta solução.


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The purpose of this study is to contribute to the changing innovation management literature by providing an overview of different innovation types and organizational complexity factors. Aiming at a better understanding of effective innovation management, innovation and complexity are related to the formulation of an innovation strategy and interaction between different innovation types is further explored. The chosen approach in this study is to review the existing literature on different innovation types and organizational complexity factors in order to design a survey which allows for statistical measurement of their interactions and relationships to innovation strategy formulation. The findings demonstrate interaction between individual innovation types. Additionally, organizational complexity factors and different innovation types are significantly related to innovation strategy formulation. In particular, more closed innovation and incremental innovation positively influence the likelihood of innovation strategy formulation. Organizational complexity factors have an overall negative influence on innovation strategy formulation. In order to define best practices for innovation management and to guide managerial decision making, organizations need to be aware of the co-existence of different innovation types and formulate an innovation strategy to more closely align their innovation objectives.


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Nous présentons dans cette thèse des théorèmes d’existence pour des systèmes d’équations différentielles non-linéaires d’ordre trois, pour des systèmes d’équa- tions et d’inclusions aux échelles de temps non-linéaires d’ordre un et pour des systèmes d’équations aux échelles de temps non-linéaires d’ordre deux sous cer- taines conditions aux limites. Dans le chapitre trois, nous introduirons une notion de tube-solution pour obtenir des théorèmes d’existence pour des systèmes d’équations différentielles du troisième ordre. Cette nouvelle notion généralise aux systèmes les notions de sous- et sur-solutions pour le problème aux limites de l’équation différentielle du troisième ordre étudiée dans [34]. Dans la dernière section de ce chapitre, nous traitons les systèmes d’ordre trois lorsque f est soumise à une condition de crois- sance de type Wintner-Nagumo. Pour admettre l’existence de solutions d’un tel système, nous aurons recours à la théorie des inclusions différentielles. Ce résultat d’existence généralise de diverses façons un théorème de Grossinho et Minhós [34]. Le chapitre suivant porte sur l’existence de solutions pour deux types de sys- tèmes d’équations aux échelles de temps du premier ordre. Les résultats d’exis- tence pour ces deux problèmes ont été obtenus grâce à des notions de tube-solution adaptées à ces systèmes. Le premier théorème généralise entre autre aux systèmes et à une échelle de temps quelconque, un résultat obtenu pour des équations aux différences finies par Mawhin et Bereanu [9]. Ce résultat permet également d’obte- nir l’existence de solutions pour de nouveaux systèmes dont on ne pouvait obtenir l’existence en utilisant le résultat de Dai et Tisdell [17]. Le deuxième théorème de ce chapitre généralise quant à lui, sous certaines conditions, des résultats de [60]. Le chapitre cinq aborde un nouveau théorème d’existence pour un système d’in- clusions aux échelles de temps du premier ordre. Selon nos recherches, aucun résultat avant celui-ci ne traitait de l’existence de solutions pour des systèmes d’inclusions de ce type. Ainsi, ce chapitre ouvre de nouvelles possibilités dans le domaine des inclusions aux échelles de temps. Notre résultat a été obtenu encore une fois à l’aide d’une hypothèse de tube-solution adaptée au problème. Au chapitre six, nous traitons l’existence de solutions pour des systèmes d’équations aux échelles de temps d’ordre deux. Le premier théorème d’existence que nous obtenons généralise les résultats de [36] étant donné que l’hypothèse que ces auteurs utilisent pour faire la majoration a priori est un cas particulier de notre hypothèse de tube-solution pour ce type de systèmes. Notons également que notre définition de tube-solution généralise aux systèmes les notions de sous- et sur-solutions introduites pour les équations d’ordre deux par [4] et [55]. Ainsi, nous généralisons également des résultats obtenus pour des équations aux échelles de temps d’ordre deux. Finalement, nous proposons un nouveau résultat d’exis- tence pour un système dont le membre droit des équations dépend de la ∆-dérivée de la fonction.


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We present the analytical investigations on a logistic map with a discontinuity at the centre. An explanation for the bifurcation phenomenon in discontinuous systems is presented. We establish that whenever the elements of an n-cycle (n > 1) approach the discontinuities of the nth iterate of the map, a bifurcation other than the usual period-doubling one takes place. The periods of the cycles decrease in an arithmetic progression, as the control parameter is varied. The system also shows the presence of multiple attractors. Our results are verified by numerical experiments as well.


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We analyse numerically the bifurcation structure of a two-dimensional noninvertible map and show that different periodic cycles are arranged in it exactly in the same order as in the case of the logistic map. We also show that this map satisfies the general criteria for the existence of Sarkovskii ordering, which supports our numerical result. Incidently, this is the first report of the existence of Sarkovskii ordering in a two-dimensional map.


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In any investigation, information about the molecules under consideration is very essential for tailoring their properties. Evaluation of dispersion parameters, namely optical dielectric constant, static dielectric constant, relaxation time and spreading factor, assumes significance in this context. Dielectric spectroscopy is a useful tool for estimating these parameters. Not only does it reveal details about these constants but it also gives insight into the mechanism of conduction. In this paper the evaluation of dispersion parameters of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer in the temperature range 300–393K is attempted using Cole–Cole plots. The temperature variation of the spreading factor indicates the existence of multiple equilibrium positions in the case of cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer. To the best of our knowledge, the evaluation of dispersion parameters for cobalt phthalocyanine tetramer is reported for the first time


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The male and female homosexual orientation has substantial prevalence in humans and can be explained by determinants of various levels: biological, genetic, psychological, social and cultural. However, the biological and genetic evidence have been the main hypotheses tested in scientific research in the world. This article aims to review research studies about the existence of genetic and biological evidence that determine homosexual orientation. Was conducted a review of the literature, using the database MedLine/PubMed and Google scholar. The papers and books were searched in Portuguese and English, using the following keywords: sexual orientation, sexual behavior, homosexuality, developmental Biology and genetics. Was selected papers of the last 22 years. Were found five main theories about the biological components: (1) fraternal birth order, (2) brain androgenization and 2D:4D ratio; (3) brain activation by pheromones; and (4) epigenetic inheritance; and four theories about the genetic components: (1) genetic polymorphism; (2) pattern of X-linked inheritance; (3) monozygotic twins; and (4) sexual antagonistic selection. Concluded that there were many scientific evidence found over time to explain some of biological and genetic components of homosexuality, especially in males. However, today, there is no definitive explanation about what are the determinants of homosexual orientation components.