952 resultados para Immersive Interfaces
Infrared spectroscopy was used to characterize three series of a-Si:H/a-Si1-xCx:H multilayers in which their geometrical parameters were varied. The infrared active vibrational groups in their spectra and the interference fringes in their absorption-free zone were studied to analyze the interfaces and the changes that are produced in very thin layers. Our results show that hydrogen is bonded to silicon only in monohydride groups. No additional hydrogen could be detected at these interfaces. The deposition of very thin a-Si1-xCx:H layers seems to affect their porous structure, making them denser.
Body change illusions have been of great interest in recent years for the understanding of how the brain represents the body. Appropriate multisensory stimulation can induce an illusion of ownership over a rubber or virtual arm, simple types of out-of-the-body experiences, and even ownership with respect to an alternate whole body. Here we use immersive virtual reality to investigate whether the illusion of a dramatic increase in belly size can be induced in males through (a) first person perspective position (b) synchronous visual-motor correlation between real and virtual arm movements, and (c) self-induced synchronous visual-tactile stimulation in the stomach area.
This paper reports an experiment that investigated people"s body ownership of an avatar that was observed in a virtual mirror. Twenty subjects were recruited in a within-groups study where 10 first experienced a virtual character that synchronously reflected their upper-body movements as seen in a virtual mirror, and then an asynchronous condition where the mirror avatar displayed prerecorded actions, unrelated to those of the participant. The other 10 subjects experienced the conditions in the opposite order. In both conditions the participant could carry out actions that led to elevation above ground level, as seen from their first person perspective and correspondingly in the mirror. A rotating virtual fan eventually descended to 2m above the ground. The hypothesis was that synchronous mirror reflection would result in higher subjective sense of ownership. A questionnaire analysis showed that the body ownership illusion was significantly greater for thesynchronous than asynchronous condition. Additionally participants in the synchronous condition avoided collision with the descending fan significantly more often than those in the asynchronous condition. The results of this experiment are put into context within similar experiments on multisensory correlation and body ownership within cognitive neuroscience.
Under what conditions will a bystander intervene to try to stop a violent attack by one person on another? It is generally believed that the greater the size of the crowd of bystanders, the less the chance that any of them will intervene. A complementary model is that social identity is critical as an explanatory variable. For example, when the bystander shares common social identity with the victim the probability of intervention is enhanced, other things being equal. However, it is generally not possible to study such hypotheses experimentally for practical and ethical reasons. Here we show that an experiment that depicts a violent incident at life-size in immersive virtual reality lends support to the social identity explanation. 40 male supporters of Arsenal Football Club in England were recruited for a two-factor between-groups experiment: the victim was either an Arsenal supporter or not (in-group/out-group), and looked towards the participant for help or not during the confrontation. The response variables were the numbers of verbal and physical interventions by the participant during the violent argument. The number of physical interventions had a significantly greater mean in the ingroup condition compared to the out-group. The more that participants perceived that the Victim was looking to them for help the greater the number of interventions in the in-group but not in the out-group. These results are supported by standard statistical analysis of variance, with more detailed findings obtained by a symbolic regression procedure based on genetic programming. Verbal interventions made during their experience, and analysis of post-experiment interview data suggest that in-group members were more prone to confrontational intervention compared to the out-group who were more prone to make statements to try to diffuse the situation.
Se analizan las interfaces de consulta de 31 repositorios patrimoniales españoles con el objetivo de identificar sus puntos fuertes y sus puntos débiles. Los elementos analizados (ayudas, consulta multilingüe, modalidades de búsqueda, lenguajes de interrogación, etc.) han sido establecidos a partir de la bibliografía especializada, tanto la que hace referencia de manera específica a las interfaces de consulta de todo tipo de repositorios, como la que trata el tema desde una perspectiva distinta o más amplia (por ejemplo, interfaces de catálogos de bibliotecas, usabilidad). Se propone una serie de recomendaciones con el fin de mejorar los puntos débiles detectados.
Diplomityössä käsitellään Nokia Mobile Phonesin matkapuhelimien käyttöliittymäohjelmistojen suunnittelu-ja testausympäristön kehitystä. Ympäristöön lisättiin kaksi ohjelmistomodulia avustamaan simulointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalulla matkapuhelimen toiminta voidaan jäljittää suunnittelu- kaavioihin tilasiirtyminä, kun taas vertailusovelluksella kaavioiden väliset erot nähdään graafisesti. Kehitetyt sovellukset parantavat käyttöliittymien suunnitteluprosessia tehostaen virheiden etsintää, optimointia ja versionhallintaa. Visualisointityökalun edut ovat merkittävät, koska käyttöliittymäsovellusten toiminta on havaittavissa suunnittelu- kaavioista reaaliaikaisen simuloinnin yhteydessä. Näin virheet ovat välittömästi paikannettavissa. Lisäksi työkalua voidaan hyödyntää kaavioita optimoitaessa, jolloin sovellusten kokoja muistintarve pienenee. Graafinen vertailutyökalu tuo edun rinnakkaiseen ohjelmistosuunnitteluun. Eri versioisten suunnittelukaavioiden erot ovat nähtävissä suoraan kaaviosta manuaalisen vertailun sijaan. Molemmat työkalut otettiin onnistuneesti käyttöön NMP:llä vuoden 2001 alussa.
This paper reviews the concept of presence in immersive virtual environments, the sense of being there signalled by people acting and responding realistically to virtual situations and events. We argue that presence is a unique phenomenon that must be distinguished from the degree of engagement, involvement in the portrayed environment. We argue that there are three necessary conditions for presence: the (a) consistent low latency sensorimotor loop between sensory data and proprioception; (b) statistical plausibility: images must be statistically plausible in relation to the probability distribution of images over natural scenes. A constraint on this plausibility is the level of immersion;(c) behaviour-response correlations: Presence may be enhanced and maintained over time by appropriate correlations between the state and behaviour of participants and responses within the environment, correlations that show appropriate responses to the activity of the participants. We conclude with a discussion of methods for assessing whether presence occurs, and in particular recommend the approach of comparison with ground truth and give some examples of this.
Participants in an immersive virtual environment interact with the scene from an egocentric point of view that is, where there bodies appear to be located rather than from outside as if looking through a window. People interact through normal body movements, such as head-turning,reaching, and bending, and within the tracking limitations move through the environment or effect changes within it in natural ways.
Does realistic lighting in an immersive virtual reality application enhance presence, where participants feel that they are in the scene and behave correspondingly? Our previous study indicated that presence is more likely with real-time ray tracing compared with ray casting, but we could not separate the effects of overall quality of illumination from the dynamic effects of real-time shadows and reflections. Here we describe an experiment where 20 people experienced a scene rendered with global or local illumination. However, in both conditions there were dynamically changing shadows and reflections. We found that the quality of illumination did not impact presence, so that the earlier result must have been due to dynamic shadows and reflections. However, global illumination resulted in greater plausibility - participants were more likely to respond as if the virtual events were real. We conclude that global illumination does impact the responses of participants and is worth the effort.
Current-day web search engines (e.g., Google) do not crawl and index a significant portion of theWeb and, hence, web users relying on search engines only are unable to discover and access a large amount of information from the non-indexable part of the Web. Specifically, dynamic pages generated based on parameters provided by a user via web search forms (or search interfaces) are not indexed by search engines and cannot be found in searchers’ results. Such search interfaces provide web users with an online access to myriads of databases on the Web. In order to obtain some information from a web database of interest, a user issues his/her query by specifying query terms in a search form and receives the query results, a set of dynamic pages that embed required information from a database. At the same time, issuing a query via an arbitrary search interface is an extremely complex task for any kind of automatic agents including web crawlers, which, at least up to the present day, do not even attempt to pass through web forms on a large scale. In this thesis, our primary and key object of study is a huge portion of the Web (hereafter referred as the deep Web) hidden behind web search interfaces. We concentrate on three classes of problems around the deep Web: characterization of deep Web, finding and classifying deep web resources, and querying web databases. Characterizing deep Web: Though the term deep Web was coined in 2000, which is sufficiently long ago for any web-related concept/technology, we still do not know many important characteristics of the deep Web. Another matter of concern is that surveys of the deep Web existing so far are predominantly based on study of deep web sites in English. One can then expect that findings from these surveys may be biased, especially owing to a steady increase in non-English web content. In this way, surveying of national segments of the deep Web is of interest not only to national communities but to the whole web community as well. In this thesis, we propose two new methods for estimating the main parameters of deep Web. We use the suggested methods to estimate the scale of one specific national segment of the Web and report our findings. We also build and make publicly available a dataset describing more than 200 web databases from the national segment of the Web. Finding deep web resources: The deep Web has been growing at a very fast pace. It has been estimated that there are hundred thousands of deep web sites. Due to the huge volume of information in the deep Web, there has been a significant interest to approaches that allow users and computer applications to leverage this information. Most approaches assumed that search interfaces to web databases of interest are already discovered and known to query systems. However, such assumptions do not hold true mostly because of the large scale of the deep Web – indeed, for any given domain of interest there are too many web databases with relevant content. Thus, the ability to locate search interfaces to web databases becomes a key requirement for any application accessing the deep Web. In this thesis, we describe the architecture of the I-Crawler, a system for finding and classifying search interfaces. Specifically, the I-Crawler is intentionally designed to be used in deepWeb characterization studies and for constructing directories of deep web resources. Unlike almost all other approaches to the deep Web existing so far, the I-Crawler is able to recognize and analyze JavaScript-rich and non-HTML searchable forms. Querying web databases: Retrieving information by filling out web search forms is a typical task for a web user. This is all the more so as interfaces of conventional search engines are also web forms. At present, a user needs to manually provide input values to search interfaces and then extract required data from the pages with results. The manual filling out forms is not feasible and cumbersome in cases of complex queries but such kind of queries are essential for many web searches especially in the area of e-commerce. In this way, the automation of querying and retrieving data behind search interfaces is desirable and essential for such tasks as building domain-independent deep web crawlers and automated web agents, searching for domain-specific information (vertical search engines), and for extraction and integration of information from various deep web resources. We present a data model for representing search interfaces and discuss techniques for extracting field labels, client-side scripts and structured data from HTML pages. We also describe a representation of result pages and discuss how to extract and store results of form queries. Besides, we present a user-friendly and expressive form query language that allows one to retrieve information behind search interfaces and extract useful data from the result pages based on specified conditions. We implement a prototype system for querying web databases and describe its architecture and components design.
Cognitive neuroscientists have discovered various experimental setups that suggest that our body representation is surprisingly flexible, where the brain can easily be tricked into the illusion that a rubber hand is your hand or that a manikin body is your body. These multisensory illusions work well in immersive virtual reality (IVR). What is even more surprising is that such embodiment induces perceptual, attitudinal and behavioural changes that are concomitant with the displayed body type. Here we outline some recent findings in this field, and suggest that this offers a powerful tool for neuroscience, psychology and a new path for IVR.
The use of the quartz crystal microbalance process, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and surface plasmon resonance for characterizing thin films and monitoring interfaces is presented. The theorical aspects of QCM, EIS and SPR are introduced and the main application areas are outlined. Future prospects of the combined applications of QCM, EIS and SPR methods in the studies of interfacial processes at surfaces are also discussed.
Nanotechnology can be viewed as a powerful tool, capable of shaping the chemistry of atoms and molecules, converting them into exciting nanosized and nanostructured materials, devices and machines. However, in pursuing this task, an exceptional ability is required to deal with complex inter- and multidisciplinary approaches, as imposed by the nanoscale. A new research organization framework, capable of promoting cooperative interactions in many complementary areas, including the industries, is demanded. In this sense, an interesting example are the nanotechnology networks and millenium institutes recently created in Brazil. The highlights and weakness of such cooperative research networks are discussed, in addition to relevant nanotechnology themes focusing on the special needs and resources from the developing nations.
Brazilian chemical industries face several problems regarding Research, Development and Innovation (RDI). The present paper shows that simple cooperation between chemical industries and university laboratories can be a way to overcome some of the present difficulties. The work carried out at LABOCAT has several industrial interfaces. It involves, among other areas of RDI, the development of anti-HIV-protease (and other virus-related-protease) drugs, the establishment of new (industrial) chemical processes and the implementation of industrial (biodiesel and related) plants. A model based on the present so called RHAE programme is proposed in which, parallel to the fellowship awards of this programme, financing participation of Brazilian Agencies would cover process development.