118 resultados para IMPLANTOLOGY


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Radiation dose delivered from the SCANORA radiography unit during the cross-sectional mode for dentotangential projections was determined. With regard to oral implantology, patient situations of an edentulous maxilla and mandible as well as a single tooth gap in regions 16 and 46 were simulated. Radiation doses were measured between 0.2 and 22.5 mGy to organs and tissues in the head and neck region when the complete maxilla or mandible was examined. When examining a single tooth gap, only 8% to 40% of that radiation dose was generally observed. Based on these results, the mortality risk was estimated according to a calculation model recommended by the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations. The mortality risk ranged from 31.4 x 10(-6) for 20-year-old men to 4.8 x 10(-6) for 65-year-old women when cross-sectional imaging of the complete maxilla was performed. The values decreased by 70% when a single tooth gap in the molar region of the maxilla was radiographed. The figures for the mortality risk for examinations of the complete mandible were similar to those for the complete maxilla, but the mortality risk decreased by 80% if only a single tooth gap in the molar region of the mandible was examined. Calculations according to the International Commission on Radiological Protection carried out for comparison did not reveal the decrease of the mortality risk with age and resulted in a higher risk value in comparison to the group of 35-year old individuals in calculations according to the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations.


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In August 23-25, 2007, the Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry in collaboration with the Danish Society of Oral Implantology arranged a consensus conference on the topic 'Implants and/or teeth'. It was preceded by a workshop in which eight focused questions were raised and answered in eight review articles using a systematic approach. Twenty-eight academicians and clinicians discussed the eight review papers with the purpose to reach consensus on questions relevant for the topic. At the conference the consensus statements were presented as well as lectures based on the review articles. In this article the methods used at the consensus workshop are briefly described followed by the statements with comments.


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In orthopaedic and dental implantology, novel tools and techniques are being sought to improve the regeneration of bone tissue. Numerous attempts have been made to enhance the osteoconductivity of titanium prostheses, including modifications in their surface properties and coating with layers of calcium phosphate. The technique whereby such layers are produced has recently undergone a revolutionary change, which has had profound consequences for their potential to serve as drug-carrier systems. Hitherto, calcium phosphate layers were deposited upon the surfaces of metal implants under highly unphysiological physical conditions, which precluded the incorporation of proteinaceous osteoinductive drugs. These agents could only be adsorbed, superficially, upon preformed layers. Such superficially adsorbed molecules are released too rapidly within a biological milieu to be effective in their osteoinductive capacity. Now, it is possible to deposit calcium phosphate layers under physiological conditions of temperature and pH by the so-called biomimetic process, during which bioactive agents can be coprecipitated. Since these molecules are integrated into the inorganic latticework, they are released gradually in vivo as the layer undergoes degradation. This feature enhances the capacity of these coatings to act as a carrier system for osteogenic agents.


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BACKGROUND AND AIM So far there is little evidence from randomised clinical trials (RCT) or systematic reviews on the preferred or best number of implants to be used for the support of a fixed prosthesis in the edentulous maxilla or mandible, and no consensus has been reached. Therefore, we reviewed articles published in the past 30 years that reported on treatment outcomes for implant-supported fixed prostheses, including survival of implants and survival of prostheses after a minimum observation period of 1 year. MATERIAL AND METHODS MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched to identify eligible studies. Short and long-term clinical studies were included with prospective and retrospective study designs to see if relevant information could be obtained on the number of implants related to the prosthetic technique. Articles reporting on implant placement combined with advanced surgical techniques such as sinus floor elevation (SFE) or extensive grafting were excluded. Two reviewers extracted the data independently. RESULTS A primary search was broken down to 222 articles. Out of these, 29 studies comprising 26 datasets fulfilled the inclusion criteria. From all studies, the number of planned and placed implants was available. With two exceptions, no RCTs were found, and these two studies did not compare different numbers of implants per prosthesis. Eight studies were retrospective; all the others were prospective. Fourteen studies calculated cumulative survival rates for 5 and more years. From these data, the average survival rate was between 90% and 100%. The analysis of the selected articles revealed a clear tendency to plan 4 to 6 implants per prosthesis. For supporting a cross-arch fixed prosthesis in the maxilla, the variation is slightly greater. CONCLUSIONS In spite of a dispersion of results, similar outcomes are reported with regard to survival and number of implants per jaw. Since the 1990s, it was proven that there is no need to install as many implants as possible in the available jawbone. The overwhelming majority of articles dealing with standard surgical procedures to rehabilitate edentulous jaws uses 4 to 6 implants.


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OBJECTIVES To assess the hypothesis that there is excessive reporting of statistically significant studies published in prosthodontic and implantology journals, which could indicate selective publication. METHODS The last 30 issues of 9 journals in prosthodontics and implant dentistry were hand-searched for articles with statistical analyses. The percentages of significant and non-significant results were tabulated by parameter of interest. Univariable/multivariable logistic regression analyses were applied to identify possible predictors of reporting statistically significance findings. The results of this study were compared with similar studies in dentistry with random-effects meta-analyses. RESULTS From the 2323 included studies 71% of them reported statistically significant results, with the significant results ranging from 47% to 86%. Multivariable modeling identified that geographical area and involvement of statistician were predictors of statistically significant results. Compared to interventional studies, the odds that in vitro and observational studies would report statistically significant results was increased by 1.20 times (OR: 2.20, 95% CI: 1.66-2.92) and 0.35 times (OR: 1.35, 95% CI: 1.05-1.73), respectively. The probability of statistically significant results from randomized controlled trials was significantly lower compared to various study designs (difference: 30%, 95% CI: 11-49%). Likewise the probability of statistically significant results in prosthodontics and implant dentistry was lower compared to other dental specialties, but this result did not reach statistical significant (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS The majority of studies identified in the fields of prosthodontics and implant dentistry presented statistically significant results. The same trend existed in publications of other specialties in dentistry.


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A qualidade óssea, bem como a estabilidade inicial dos implantes, está diretamente relacionada com o sucesso das reabilitações na implantodontia. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a correlação entre índices radiomorfométricos de densidade óssea por meio de radiografias panorâmicas, perfil de qualidade óssea com o auxílio de Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC) com o uso do software de imagens OsiriX, Análise da Frequência de Ressonância (RFA) e Torque de Inserção do implante. Foram avaliados 160 implantes de 72 indivíduos, com média etária de 55,5 (±10,5) anos. Nas radiografias panorâmicas foram obtidos os índices IM, IPM e ICM, e nas tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico, os valores de pixels e a espessura da cortical da crista óssea alveolar, além da estabilidade primária por meio do torque de inserção e análise da frequência de ressonância. Os resultados foram analisados pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, para p<= 0,01 foi obtido entre o torque de inserção e valores de pixels (0.330), o torque de inserção e a espessura da cortical da crista alveolar (0.339), o torque de inserção e o ISQ vestibulo-lingual (0.193), os valores de pixels e espessura da cortical da crista alveolar (0.377), as duas direções vestíbulo-lingual e mesio-distal do ISQ (0.674), o ISQ vestíbulo-lingual e a espessura da cortical da crista alveolar (0.270); os índices radiomorfométricos foram correlacionados entre eles e para p<= 0,05 foi obtido entre torque de inserção e ISQ mesio-distal (0.131), entre o ISQ vestibulo-lingual e os valores de pixels (0.156) e ISQ mesio-distal e IPMI esquerdo (0.149) e ISQ mesio-distal e IPMS esquerdo (0.145). Existe correlação entre a TCFC, o torque de inserção e a RFA na avaliação da qualidade óssea. É possível utilizar, pré-cirurgicamente, os exames de TCFC para avaliar a qualidade e quantidade óssea, tendo em vista as correlações obtidas neste estudo.


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The past few decades have brought many changes to the dental practice and the technology has become ready available. The result of a satisfactory rehabilitation treatment basically depends on the balance between biological and mechanical factors. The marginal adaptation of crowns and prosthetic structures is vital factor for long-term success. The development of CAD / CAM technology in the manufacture of dental prostheses revolutionized dentistry, this technology is capable of generating a virtual model from the direct digital scanning from the mouth, casts or impressions. It allows the planning and design of the structure in a computered software. The virtual projects are obtained with high precision and a significant reduction in clinical and laboratory time. Thus, the present study (Chapters 1, 2 and 3) computed microtomography was used to evaluate, different materials, different CAD/CAM systems, different ways of obtaining virtual model (with direct or indirect scanning), and in addition, also aims to evaluate the influence of cementing agent in the final adaptation of crowns and copings obtained by CAD / CAM. Furthermore, this study (Chapter 4, 5 and 6) also aims to evaluate significant differences in vertical and horizontal misfits in abutment-free frameworks on external hexagon implants (HE) using full castable UCLAs, castable UCLAs with cobalt-chromium pre-machined bases and obtained by CAD / CAM with CoCr or Zirconia by different scanning and milling systems. For this, the scanning electron microscopy and interferometry were used. It was concluded that the CAD / CAM technology is capable to produce restorations, copings and screw-retained implant-supported frameworks in different materials and systems offering satisfactory results of marginal accuracy, with significative reduction in clinical and laboratory time.


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Desde 1965 em que se colocaram as primeiras próteses osteointegradas sob os princípios de Brånemark, a implantologia sofreu uma constante e notória evolução e consiste, hoje, na primeira linha de tratamento em reabilitação oral. Os mecanismos que induzem a adesão óssea ou a união entre o implante e o osso, ainda não são perfeitamente conhecidos. As conclusões que se obtiveram das pesquisas, demostraram que a taxa de osteointegração dos impantes e o índice de sucesso relacionam-se com a composição química e com a rugosidade da superfície. Os implantes com rugosidades superficiais possuem maior estabilidade primária e modificam os mecanismos de interação das células com a superfície, quando comparados com os de superfície lisa. Quanto à composição química das superfícies dos implantes, as enriquecidas com cálcio e hidroxiapatite, favorecem e promovem o processo de cicatrização e de deposição óssea. Os estudos comparativos entre as superfícies modificadas por métodos de tratamento físicos e/ou químicos, quando comparados com as superfícies maquinadas, demonstram a superioridade das superfícies rugosas em muitos aspectos biomecânicos, sendo hoje um consenso entre a comunidade científica, a superioridade das superfícies modificadas. Independentemente das evidências científicas apontarem para maiores taxas de sucesso associadas ás superfícies tratadas, ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer para colmatar todas as falhas existentes na atualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a realização de uma revisão bibliográfica, através da pesquisa de artigos da Pubmed, B-On, Science Direct, Scielo de forma a aprofundar conhecimentos das vantagens e desvantagens da rugosidade presente na superfície implantar, assim como alertar os médicos dentistas para a importância a ter com a rugosidade em excesso e tentar perceber qual a rugosidade dita ideal. Não se limitou o tempo de pesquisa mas deu-se relevância a referências científicas dos últimos 20 anos, publicados em língua portuguesa e inglesa.


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Introduction - After tooth extraction, the alveolar bone undergoes a remodeling process, wich leads to horizontal and vertical bone loss. These resorption processes complicate dental rehabilitation, particularly in connection with implants. Various methods of guided bone regeneration have been described to retain the original dimension of the bone after extraction. Most procedures use filler materials and membranes to support the buccal plate and soft tissue, to stabilize the coagulum and to prevent epithelial ingrowth. It has also been suggested that resorption of the buccal bundle bone can be avoided by leaving a buccal root segment (socket-shield technique) in place, because the biological integrity of the buccal periodontum remains untouched. This method has also been decribed in connection with immediate implant placement. Objective - This literature review aim enumerate and describe the different treatments and tissue reactions after tooth extraction, immediate and delayed implantation. The socketshield technique, the evolution in tooth extraction and immediate implantation with high esthetic results due to the preservation of hard and soft tissues by leaving a buccal root segment in place. Materials and methods - For this purpose a research has been done and data was obtained from on-line resources: Medline, Pubmed, Scielo, Bireme, Bon, books and specialized magazines which was conducted between January 2016 and May 2016. A number of articles have been obtained in English and French ,published between 1997 and 2015 . The key words used were implantology, dental implant, hard/soft tissue, tooth extraction, immediate implantation, delayed implantation, socket-shield. Conclusion - In socket-shield technique, there were neither functional nor aesthetic changes in soft and hard tissues. It’s already a routine practice in the arsenal of highaesthetic immediate implantology and should be used when indicated. Although this technique is quiet promising, we should be aware of the incoming publications about a larger follow up and the predictability of leaving a fragment inside the socket after an extraction.


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International audience


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Introdução: A Periodontologia é um ramo da Medicina Dentária que tem como objetivo manter o periodonto saudável. A recessão gengival tem vindo a ser estudada, tanto em populações com pobre controlo de placa bacteriana, quanto naquelas com boa Higiene Oral. Os médicos dentistas desconhecem ainda muitos dos aspetos da etiologia da recessão gengival e como tal, este assunto foi objeto de muitas conjeturas, nomeadamente a causa da mesma, sendo ainda mais importante, o controle deste problema. Sendo assim, persiste a confusão levantada por várias opiniões e pontos de vista contraditórios, sendo alvo desta dissertação. Objetivos: Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar, e verificar a Etiologia da Recessão Gengival, mais precisamente, a sua origem e os fatores que predispõem a mesma. Tendo sido assim, realizada uma revisão bibliográfica, de modo a verificar: quais as causas desta patologia e as suas limitações. Materiais e Métodos: Para a obtenção da informação necessária na realização da presente dissertação, foi efetuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados da Pubmed, Scielo, o livro Tratado de Peridontia Clinica e Implantologia Oral, o Jornal da Associação Dentária Americana, o livro Peridontia Clinica, o livro de Histologia Básica e o livro Anatomia, Embriologia e Histologia Oral. Para tal, foi realizada a investigação através das seguintes palavras-chaves: “Etiology”, Gingival Recession”, “Periodontitis”, “Dental plaque”, e “Prevalence”. Conclusão: No trabalho realizado, é possível concluir que a Etiologia da recessão é multifatorial e raramente leva à perda do elemento dentário, embora, cause muitos danos por provocar a sensibilidade dentária, devido a perda e retração da gengiva. Esta etiologia leva a uma maior incidência de cáries radiculares, sacrificando o aspecto estético do paciente, e consequentemente, leva a um desconforto psicológico. Subsequentemente a recessão gengival e as suas múltiplas causas, existem atualmente métodos e técnicas, que nos permitem a resolução de alguns dos danos provocados por esta, com o objetivo de criar uma maior probabilidade de eliminação dos fatores causais da mesma.