879 resultados para Hydrogen-atoms
The reaction of Cu(NO3)(2).3H(2)O with 1,3-propanediamine (pn), in the presence of NaN3, afforded a 1:1 co-crystal formed by [Cu(NO3)(2)(pn)(2)] and [Cu(N-3)(NO3)(pn)(2)] (1 and 2), which were characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction. In both compounds, the copper(II) centers are in a distorted octahedral environment, formed by four N atoms of two bidentate pn ligands in the basal plane, whereas the axial bonds are formed by two O atoms from the nitrate ligands in 1 and one O atom from the nitrate ligand and one N atom from the azide ion in 2. The asymmetric unit of the crystal consists of two crystallographically independent 1 and 2 complexes, which are held together in a 3D network by a series of N - H center dot center dot center dot O and N - H center dot center dot center dot N hydrogen bonds, as well C - H center dot center dot center dot O interactions. New supramolecular synthons are identified by the occurrence of two geometrically distinct molecular recognition patterns involving the NO3- ion and amino groups from pn ligands.
We present a systematic investigation of the nature and strength of the hydrogen bonding in HX···HX and CH3X…HX (X = Br, Cl and F) dimers using ab initio MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations in the framework of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and electron localisation functions (ELFs) methods. The electron density of the complexes has been characterised, and the hydrogen bonding energy, as well as the QTAIM and ELF parameters, is consistent, providing deep insight into the origin of the hydrogen bonding in these complexes. It was found that in both linear and angular HX…HX and CH3X…HX dimers, F atoms form stronger HB than Br and Cl, but they need short (∼2 Å) X…HX contacts.
We have studied, via laser absorption spectroscopy, the velocity distribution of Li-7 atoms released from cryogenic matrices of solid neon or molecular hydrogen. The Li atoms are implanted into the Ne or H-2 matrices - grown onto a sapphire substrate - by laser ablation of a solid Li or LiH precursor. A heat pulse is then applied to the sapphire substrate sublimating the matrix together with the isolated atoms. With a NiCr film resistor deposited directly onto the sapphire substrate we are able to transfer high instantaneous power to the matrix, thus reaching a fast sublimation regime. In this regime the Li atoms can get entrained in the released matrix gas, and we were also able to achieve matrix sublimation times down to 10 mu s for both H-2 or Ne matrix, enabling us to proceed with the trapping of the species of our interest such as atomic hydrogen, lithium, and molecules. The sublimation of the H-2 matrix, with its large center-of-mass velocity, provides evidence for a new regime of one-dimensional thermalization. The laser ablated Li seems to penetrate the H-2 matrix deeper than it does in Ne. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4704125]
For many years a combined analysis of pionic hydrogen and deuterium atoms has been known as a good tool to extract information on the isovector and especially on the isoscalar s-wave pN scattering length. However, given the smallness of the isoscalar scattering length, the analysis becomes useful only if the pion–deuteron scattering length is controlled theoretically to a high accuracy comparable to the experimental precision. To achieve the required few-percent accuracy one needs theoretical control over all isospin-conserving three-body pNN !pNN operators up to one order before the contribution of the dominant unknown (N†N)2pp contact term. This term appears at next-to-next-to-leading order in Weinberg counting. In addition, one needs to include isospin-violating effects in both two-body (pN) and three-body (pNN) operators. In this talk we discuss the results of the recent analysis where these isospin-conserving and -violating effects have been carefully taken into account. Based on this analysis, we present the up-to-date values of the s-wave pN scattering lengths.
We re-analyze the signal of non-planetary energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) in the 0.4-5.0 keV range measured with the Neutral Particle Detector (NPD) of the ASPERA-3 and ASPERA-4 experiments on board the Mars and Venus Express satellites. Due to improved knowledge of sensor characteristics and exclusion of data sets affected by instrument effects, the typical intensity of the ENA signal obtained by ASPERA-3 is an order of magnitude lower than in earlier reports. The ENA intensities measured with ASPERA-3 and ASPERA-4 now agree with each other. In the present analysis, we also correct the ENA signal for Compton-Getting and for ionization loss processes under the assumption of a heliospheric origin. We find spectral shapes and intensities consistent with those measured by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). The principal advantage of ASPERA with respect to the IBEX sensors is the two times better spectral resolution. In this study, we discuss the physical significance of the spectral shapes and their potential variation across the sky. At present, these observations are the only independent test of the heliospheric ENA signal measured with IBEX in this energy range. The ASPERA measurements also allow us to check for a temporal variation of the heliospheric signal as they were obtained between 2003 and 2007, whereas IBEX has been operational since the end of 2008.
The solar wind continuously flows out from the Sun and directly interacts with the surfaces of dust and airless planetary bodies throughout the solar system. A significant fraction of solar wind ions reflect from an object's surface as energetic neutral atoms (ENAs). ENA emission from the Moon was first observed during commissioning of the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) mission on 3 December 2008. We present the analysis of 10 additional IBEX observations of the Moon while it was illuminated by the solar wind. For the viewing geometry and energy range (> 250 eV) of the IBEX-Hi ENA imager, we find that the spectral shape of the ENA emission from the Moon is well-represented by a linearly decreasing flux with increasing energy. The fraction of the incident solar wind ions reflected as ENAs, which is the ENA albedo and defined quantitatively as the ENA reflection coefficient RN, depends on the incident solar wind speed, ranging from ~0.2 for slow solar wind to ~0.08 for fast solar wind. The average energy per incident solar wind ion that is reflected to space is 30 eV for slow solar wind and 45 eV for fast solar wind. Once ionized, these ENAs can become pickup ions in the solar wind with a unique spectral signature that reaches 3vSW. These results apply beyond the solar system; the reflection process heats plasmas that have significant bulk flow relative to interstellar dust and cools plasmas having no net bulk flow relative to the dust.
Two polycrystalline diamond surfaces, manufactured by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique, are investigated regarding their applicability as charge state conversion surfaces (CS) for use in a low energy neutral atom imaging instrument in space research. The capability of the surfaces for converting neutral atoms into negative ions via surface ionisation processes was measured for hydrogen and oxygen with particle energies in the range from 100 eV to 1 keV and for angles of incidence between 6 deg and 15 deg. We observed surface charging during the surface ionisation processes for one of the CVD samples due to low electrical conductivity of the material. Measurements on the other CVD diamond sample resulted in ionisation efficiencies of ~2 % for H and up to 12 % for O. Analysis of the angular scattering revealed very narrow and almost circular scattering distributions. Comparison of the results with the data of the CS of the IBEX-Lo sensor shows that CVD diamond has great potential as CS material for future space missions.
We study the spatial and temporal distribution of hydrogen energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) from the heliosheath observed with the IBEX-Lo sensor of the Interstellar Boundary EXplorer (IBEX) from solar wind energies down to the lowest available energy (15 eV). All available IBEX-Lo data from 2009 January until 2013 June were included. The sky regions imaged when the spacecraft was outside of Earth's magnetosphere and when the Earth was moving toward the direction of observation offer a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio even at very low energies. We find that the ENA ribbon—a 20° wide region of high ENA intensities—is most prominent at solar wind energies whereas it fades at lower energies. The maximum emission in the ribbon is located near the poles for 2 keV and closer to the ecliptic plane for energies below 1 keV. This shift is an evidence that the ENA ribbon originates from the solar wind. Below 0.1 keV, the ribbon can no longer be identified against the globally distributed ENA signal. The ENA measurements in the downwind direction are affected by magnetospheric contamination below 0.5 keV, but a region of very low ENA intensities can be identified from 0.1 keV to 2 keV. The energy spectra of heliospheric ENAs follow a uniform power law down to 0.1 keV. Below this energy, they seem to become flatter, which is consistent with predictions. Due to the subtraction of local background, the ENA intensities measured with IBEX agree with the upper limit derived from Lyα observations.
We present the observations of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) produced at the lunar surface in the Earth's magnetotail. When the Moon was located in the terrestrial plasma sheet, Chandrayaan-1 Energetic Neutrals Analyzer (CENA) detected hydrogen ENAs from the Moon. Analysis of the data from CENA together with the Solar Wind Monitor (SWIM) onboard Chandrayaan-1 reveals the characteristic energy of the observed ENA energy spectrum (the e-folding energy of the distribution function) ∼100 eV and the ENA backscattering ratio (defined as the ratio of upward ENA flux to downward proton flux) <∼0.1. These characteristics are similar to those of the backscattered ENAs in the solar wind, suggesting that CENA detected plasma sheet particles backscattered as ENAs from the lunar surface. The observed ENA backscattering ratio in the plasma sheet exhibits no significant difference in the Southern Hemisphere, where a large and strong magnetized region exists, compared with that in the Northern Hemisphere. This is contrary to the CENA observations in the solar wind, when the backscattering ratio drops by ∼50% in the Southern Hemisphere. Our analysis and test particle simulations suggest that magnetic shielding of the lunar surface in the plasma sheet is less effective than in the solar wind due to the broad velocity distributions of the plasma sheet protons.
The electronic nature of low-barrier hydrogen bonds (LBHBs) in enzymatic reactions is discussed based on combined low temperature neutron and x-ray diffraction experiments and on high level ab initio calculations by using the model substrate benzoylacetone. This molecule has a LBHB, as the intramolecular hydrogen bond is described by a double-well potential with a small barrier for hydrogen transfer. From an “atoms in molecules” analysis of the electron density, it is found that the hydrogen atom is stabilized by covalent bonds to both oxygens. Large atomic partial charges on the hydrogen-bonded atoms are found experimentally and theoretically. Therefore, the hydrogen bond gains stabilization from both covalency and from the normal electrostatic interactions found for long, weak hydrogen bonds. Based on comparisons with other systems having short-strong hydrogen bonds or LBHBs, it is proposed that all short-strong and LBHB systems possess similar electronic features of the hydrogen-bonded region, namely polar covalent bonds between the hydrogen atom and both heteroatoms in question.
The last 2 decades have seen discoveries in highly excited states of atoms and molecules of phenomena that are qualitatively different from the “planetary” model of the atom, and the near-rigid model of molecules, characteristic of these systems in their low-energy states. A unified view is emerging in terms of approximate dynamical symmetry principles. Highly excited states of two-electron atoms display “molecular” behavior of a nonrigid linear structure undergoing collective rotation and vibration. Highly excited states of molecules described in the “standard molecular model” display normal mode couplings, which induce bifurcations on the route to molecular chaos. New approaches such as rigid–nonrigid correlation, vibrons, and quantum groups suggest a unified view of collective electronic motion in atoms and nuclear motion in molecules.
New insights on electrochemical hydrogen storage in nanoporous carbons by in situ Raman spectroscopy
In situ Raman spectroscopy was exploited to analyze the interaction between carbon and hydrogen during electrochemical hydrogen storage at cathodic conditions. Two different activated carbons were used and characterized by different electrochemical techniques in two electrolytes (6 M KOH and 0.5 M Na2SO4). The in situ Raman spectra collected showed that, in addition to the D and G bands associated to the graphitic carbons, two bands appear simultaneously at about 1110 and 1500 cm−1 under cathodic conditions, and then they disappear when the potential increases to more positive values. This indicates that carbon–hydrogen bonds are formed reversibly in both electrolytes during cathodic conditions. Comparing the two activated carbons, it was confirmed that, in both electrolytes, the hydrogenation of carbon atoms is produced more easily for the sample with lower amount of surface oxygen groups. In KOH medium, for the two samples, the formation of carbon–hydrogen bonds proceeds at more positive potential with respect to the thermodynamic potential value for hydrogen evolution. Furthermore, changes in the shape of the D band (due to an intensity increase of the D1 band) during the formation of carbon–hydrogen bonds suggest that hydrogenation of the carbon atoms increases the number of edge planes.
Two new hybrid molybdenum(IV) Mo3S7 cluster complexes derivatized with diimino ligands have been prepared by replacement of the two bromine atoms of [Mo3S7Br6]2− by a substituted bipyridine ligand to afford heteroleptic molybdenum(IV) Mo3S7Br4(diimino) complexes. Adsorption of the Mo3S7 cores from sample solutions on TiO2 was only achieved from the diimino functionalized clusters. The adsorbed Mo3S7 units were reduced on the TiO2 surface to generate an electrocatalyst that reduces the overpotential for the H2 evolution reaction by approximately 0.3 V (for 1 mA cm−2) with a turnover frequency as high as 1.4 s−1. The nature of the actual active molybdenum sulfide species has been investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In agreement with the electrochemical results, the modified TiO2 nanoparticles show a high photocatalytic activity for H2 production in the presence of Na2S/Na2SO3 as a sacrificial electron donor system.
The defect effect on hydrogen adsorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been studied by using extensive molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. It indicates that the defects created on the exterior wall of the SWNTs by bombarding the tube wall with carbon atoms and C-2 dimers at a collision energy of 20 eV can enhance the hydrogen adsorption potential of the SWNTs substantially. The average adsorption energy for a H-2 molecule adsorbed on the exterior wall of a defected (10,10) SWNT is similar to 150 meV, while that for a H-2 molecule adsorbed on the exterior wall of a perfect (10,10) SWNT is similar to 104 meV. The H-2 sticking coefficient is very sensitive to temperature, and has a maximum value around 70 to 90 K. The electron density contours, the local density of states, and the electron transfers obtained from the DFT calculations clearly indicate that the H-2 molecules are all physisorbed on the SWNTs. At temperatures above 200 K, most of the H-2 molecules adsorbed on the perfect SWNT are soon desorbed, but the H-2 molecules can still remain on the defected SWNTs at 300 K. The detailed processes of H-2 molecules adsorbing on and desorbing from the (10,10) SWNTs are demonstrated.
Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to explore possible catalytic effects on the dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on a Mg(0001) surface when carbon is incorporated into Mg materials. The computational results imply that a C atom located initially on a Mg(0001) surface can migrate into the subsurface and occupy an fcc interstitial site, with charge transfer to the C atom from neighboring Mg atoms. The effect of subsurface C on the dissociation of H-2 on the Mg(0001) surface is found to be relatively marginal: a perfect sublayer of interstitial C is calculated to lower the barrier by 0.16 eV compared with that on a pure Mg(0001) surface. Further calculations reveal, however, that sublayer C may have a significant effect in enhancing the diffusion of atomic hydrogen into the sublayers through fcc channels. This contributes new physical understanding toward rationalizing the experimentally observed improvement in absorption kinetics of H2 when graphite or single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) are introduced into the Mg powder during ball milling.