999 resultados para Huot, J.-B.-A.


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An important question of biological relevance is the polymorphism of the double-helical DNA structure in its free form, and the changes that it undergoes upon protein-binding. We have analysed a database of free DNA crystal structures to assess the inherent variability of the free DNA structure and have compared it with a database of protein-bound DNA crystal structures to ascertain the protein-induced variations.


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C17H19N302, monoclinic, P21, a = 5.382 (1), b = 17.534(4), c = 8.198(1)/L ,8 = 100.46(1) °, Z= 2, d,, = 1.323, dc= 1.299 Mg m-3, F(000) = 316, /~(Cu .Ka) = 0.618 mm -1. R = 0.052 for 1284 significant reflections. The proline-containing cispeptide unit which forms part of a six-membered ring deviates from perfect planarity. The torsion angle about the peptide bond is 3.0 (5) ° and the peptide bond length is 1.313 (5)A. The conformation of the proline ring is Cs-Cf~-endo. The crystal structure is stabilized by C-H... O interactions.


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C17H2602, M, = 262, triclinic, PI, a = 8.513(2), b = 8.970(2), c = 11.741(3)A, a = 120.51 (5), fl = 93.30(4), y = 68.43(4) ° , V = 708.9,/k 3, Z = 2, D O = 1.213, D e = 1.227 Mg m -a, g(Mo Ka, 2 = 0.7107 ,&) = 0.084 mm -1, F(000) = 288. The structure, solved by direct methods, has been refined to an R value of 5.9% using 1361 intensity measurements. The ring junctions, in sequence from either end of the polycycle, are cis, trans and cis.


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To improve compatibility between chemical and biological controls, the use of selective insecticides such as insect growth regulators (IGRs) is crucial. In cucurbits, the use of pyriproxyfen (an IGR) has been shown by others to be an effective method of reducing the number of sap-sucking insects, especially silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) Biotype B (SLW). Therefore, we compared pyriproxyfen and buprofezin (an IGR) with that of no treatment (control) in a bitter melon crop for the control of populations of SLW and for their effects on fruit production. Pyriproxyfen controlled SLW and tended to have heavier fruits than the control treatment and reduced the abundance of nymphs and exuvia. Buprofezin showed no evidence in controlling SLW compared with the pyriproxyfen and control treatments. Neither pyriproxyfen nor buprofezin had any effect on the number of harvested fruit or overall fruit yield, but the average weight per fruit was higher than the control treatment. Pyriproxyfen was effective in controlling whitefly populations in bitter melons, and both pyriproxyfen and buprofezin may have the potential to increase yield. Their longer-term use may increase predation by natural enemies as they are species-specific and could favour build up of natural enemies of SLW. Thus, the judicious use of pyriproxyfen may provide an effective alternative to broad-spectrum insecticides in small-scale cucurbit production.


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New efforts at biological control of Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae) is a serious invader in the tropical Pacific, including the Hawaiian and Tahitian Islands, and currently poses a major threat to native biodiversity in the Wet Tropics of Australia. The species is fleshy-fruited, small-seeded and shade tolerant, and thus has the potential to be dispersed widely and recruit in relatively intact rainforest habitats, displacing native species. Understanding and predicting the rate of spread is critical for the design and implementation of effective management actions. We used an individual-based model incorporating a dispersal function derived from dispersal curves for similar berry-fruited native species, and life-history parameters of fecundity and mortality to predict the spatial structure of a Miconia population after a 30 year time period. We compared the modelled population spatial structure to that of an actual infestation in the rainforests of north Queensland. Our goal was to assess how well the model predicts actual dispersion and to identify potential barriers and conduits to seed movement and seedling establishment. The model overpredicts overall population size and the spatial extent of the actual infestation, predicting individuals to occur at a maximum 1,750 m from the source compared with the maximum distance of any detected individual in the actual infestation of 1,191 m. We identify several characteristic features of managed invasive populations that make comparisons between modelled outcomes and actual infestations difficult. Our results suggest that the model’s ability to predict both spatial structure and spread of the population will be improved by incorporating a spatially explicit element, with dispersal and recruitment probabilities that reflect the relative suitability of different parts of the landscape for these processes. Mikania micrantha H.B.K. (Asteraceae) in Papua New Guinea and Fiji.


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Bemisia tabaci, biotype B, commonly known as the silverleaf whitefly (SLW) is an alien species that invaded Australia in the mid-90s. This paper reports on the invasion ecology of SLW and the factors that are likely to have contributed to the first outbreak of this major pest in an Australian cotton cropping system, population dynamics of SLW within whitefly-susceptible crop (cotton and cucurbit) and non-crop vegetation (sowthistle, Sonchus spp.) components of the cropping system were investigated over four consecutive growing seasons (September-June) 2001/02-2004/05 in the Emerald Irrigation Area (EIA) of Queensland, Australia. Based on fixed geo-referenced sampling sites, variation in spatial and temporal abundance of SLW within each system component was quantified to provide baseline data for the development of ecologically sustainable pest management strategies. Parasitism of large (3rd and 4th instars) SLW nymphs by native aphelinid wasps was quantified to determine the potential for natural control of SLW populations. Following the initial outbreak in 2001/02, SLW abundance declined and stabilised over the next three seasons. The population dynamics of SLW is characterised by inter-seasonal population cycling between the non-crop (weed) and cotton components of the EIA cropping system. Cotton was the largest sink for and source of SLW during the study period. Over-wintering populations dispersed from weed host plant sources to cotton in spring followed by a reverse dispersal in late summer and autumn to broad-leaved crops and weeds. A basic spatial source-sink analysis showed that SLW adult and nymph densities were higher in cotton fields that were closer to over-wintering weed sources throughout spring than in fields that were further away. Cucurbit fields were not significant sources of SLW and did not appear to contribute significantly to the regional population dynamics of the pest. Substantial parasitism of nymphal stages throughout the study period indicates that native parasitoid species and other natural enemies are important sources of SLW mortality in Australian cotton production systems. Weather conditions and use of broad-spectrum insecticides for pest control are implicated in the initial outbreak and on-going pest status of SLW in the region.


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C13HI3N302, orthorhombic, P2~2121, a = 17.443 (5), b = 11.650 (4), c = 5.784 (1)/~, Z = 4, d m = 1.456, d c = 1.429 Mg m -3, F(000) = 512, g(Cu Ka) = 0.843 mm-L The R index is 0.040 for 1358 significant reflections. The structure is stabilized by C-H...O interactions. The N-methylated eis peptide group which forms part of a six-membered ring is non-planar. The torsion angle about the peptide bond is -6.1 (4) ° and the peptide bond length is 1.337 (3) A.


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Poly(dG-Me5dC) is known to exhibit a B→Z transition in the presence of very high concentrations of NaCl. For the first time, we report the presence of a Z-structure in sodium concentrations as low as 0.5 mM. A novel Z B Z transition is observed as the salt concentration is gradually increased. The role of water structure in B to Z transitions is discussed.


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pBR322 form V DNA is a highly torsionally strained molecule with a linking number of zero. We have used sequence- specific DNA methylases as probes for B-DNA in this molecule, exploiting the inability of methylases to methylate single-stranded DNA and Z-DNA, both of which are known to occur in form V DNA. Some sequences in form V DNA were shown to be totally in the B-form, others were totally in an altered, unmethylatable conformation, while still other sites appeared to exist partly in altered and partly in normal B-conformation. Some potential Z-forming sequences (alternating pyrimidine/purine) of less than seven base-pairs were not in the Z conformation in form V DNA, whereas others did adopt an altered structure, indicating a modulating influence of flanking sequences. Furthermore, regions of imperfect alternating pyrimidine/purine structure were sometimes capable of adopting an altered structure. In addition, some regions of altered structure had no apparent Z-forming sequences, nor were they in polypurine stretches, which have also been proposed to form left-handed DNA. These non-B-DNA conformations may represent novel left-handed helical structures or sequences that become single stranded under torsional strain. Long regions of either altered (unmethylatable) DNA or B-DNA were not always observed. In fact, one region showed three transitions between B-like DNA and altered structure within 26 base-pairs.


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A thorough investigation of salt concentration dependence of lithium DNA fibres is made using X-ray diffraction. While for low salt the C-form pattern is obtained, crystalline B-type diffraction patterns result on increasing the salt concentration. The salt content in the gel (from which fibres are drawn) is estimated by equilibrium dialysis using the Donnan equilibrium principle. The salt range giving the best crystalline B pattern is determined. It is found that in this range meridional reflections occur on the fourth and sixth layer lines. In addition, the tenth layer meridian is absent at a particular salt concentration. These results strongly suggest the presence of non-helical features in the DNA molecule. Preliminary analysis of the diffraction patterns indicates a structural variability within the B-form itself. Further, the possibility of the structural parameters of DNA being similar in solid state and in solution is discussed.


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Spectroscopic studies on pd(CG)3 and pd(GC)3 have been carried out to elucidate the sequence dependence and effect of free 5'-phosphate on the B to Z transition. Unlike d(CG)3, pd(CG)3 fails to undergo salt-induced B to Z transition at ambient temperature. Model building studies have been carried out to determine the inhibitory role of the 5'-phosphate group, but have been unsuccessful.


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