909 resultados para Human T-lymphotropic virus 1


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Data obtained during routine diagnosis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and 2 (HTLV-2) in ""at-risk"" individuals from Sao Paulo, Brazil using signal-to-cutoff (S/C) values obtained by first, second, and third generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kits, were compared. The highest S/C values were obtained with third generation EIA kits, but no correlation was detected between these values and specific antibody reactivity to HTLV-1, HTLV-2, or untyped HTLV (p = 0.302). In addition, use of these third generation kits resulted in HTLV-1/2 false-positive samples. In contrast, first and second generation EIA kits showed high specificity, and the second generation EIA kits showed the highest efficiency, despite lower S/C values. Using first and second generation EIA kits, significant differences in specific antibody detection of HTLV-1, relative to HTLV-2 (p = 0.019 for first generation and p < 0.001 for second generation EIA kits) and relative to untyped HTLV (p = 0.025 for first generation EIA kits), were observed. These results were explained by the composition and format of the assays. In addition, using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis, a slight adjustment in cutoff values for third generation EIA kits improved their specificities and should be used when HTLV ""at-risk"" populations from this geographic area are to be evaluated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este trabalho objetivou a caracterização molecular do vírus linfotrópico de células T humanas infectando doadores de sangue atendidos na Fundação Centro de Hemoterapia e Hematologia do Pará. Amostras de DNA de 79 indivíduos soropositivos para o vírus linfotrópico de células T humanas foram analisadas por meio da reação em cadeia da polimerase para as regiões genômicas pX, env e 5'LTR, de polimorfismos de comprimento de fragmentos de restrição e do seqüenciamento da região 5LTR, com posterior análise filogenética, definindo o tipo e o subtipo do HTLV circulante na população estudada. Observou-se uma maior prevalência de HTLV-1 (71%) em relação ao HTLV-2 (29%). As amostras de HTLV-1 sequenciadas foram classificadas como pertencentes ao subtipo Cosmopolita, subgrupo Transcontinental, sendo as de HTLV-2 identificadas como HTLV-2c. A análise de polimorfismos de comprimento de fragmentos de restrição da região env e do sequenciamento da região 5'LTR, identificou, pela primeira vez na Amazônia Brasileira, uma amostra de HTLV-2b, enfatizando a necessidade de estudos moleculares contínuos na região para melhor entendimento da epidemiologia de transmissão do HTLV na população e permitir a vigilância epidemiológica da emergência de novos tipos e subtipos.


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Os vírus linfotrópicos de células T humanas, quando integrados ao genoma da célula hospedeira, provírus, têm como marcador de replicação seu DNA proviral. A carga proviral parece ser um importante fator no desenvolvimento de patologias associadas a estes retrovírus. Neste estudo foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para quantificação absoluta da carga proviral dos HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 através da PCR em tempo real. Cinqüenta e três amostras de doadores de sangue com teste de ELISA reagente foram submetidas à metodologia, que utilizou o sistema TaqMan® para três seqüências alvo: HTLV-1, HTLV-2 e albumina. A quantificação proviral absoluta foi determinada através da proporção relativa entre o genoma do HTLV e o genoma da célula hospedeira, levando em consideração o número de leucócitos. O método apresentado é sensível (215 cópias/mL), prático e simples para quantificação proviral, além de eficiente e adequado para confirmação e discriminação da infecção pelos tipos virais.


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O Strongyloides stercoralis é um nematódeo intestinal de seres humanos causador da estrongiloidíase, doença com distribuição mundial especificamente comum em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Estudos epidemiológicos têm demonstrado a existência da associação desta parasitose com o Vírus Linfotrópico de Células T Humanas do tipo 1 (HTLV-1). Em regiões onde ambos agentes são endêmicos, a coinfecção pode resultar no desenvolvimento da estrongiloidíase grave, pois o HTLV-1 provoca uma redução na produção dos componentes imunológicos participantes dos mecanismos de defesa contra S. stercoralis. Baseado nessa questão, esse estudo prentedeu contribuir para esclarecer o papel da imunossupressão induzida pelo HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 na persistência e disseminação do Strongyloides stercoralis. Testes sorológicos e moleculares foram utilizados para verificar a frequência da infecção pelo HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 nos portadores de S. stercoralis atendidos no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto em Belém-Pará, no período de Julho de 2009 a Junho de 2011. Nesse estudo observamos a frequência (5,50%) de anticorpos anti-HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 em portadores de Strongyloides stercoralis. A prevalência de HTLV-1 (3,67%) foi superior à de HTLV-2 (0,92%). A análise da amostra estudada mostrou que não houve diferenças estatísticas significativas na frequência do HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 entre homens e mulheres. Quanto à distribuição dos portadores de HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 por faixa etária, observou-se maior frequência do vírus entre os pacientes com idade mais avançada. Baseados nos resultados deste estudo, concluímos que há necessidade de medidas profiláticas que previnam a disseminação do HTLV-1 e HTLV-2 entre portadores de S. stercoralis e como consequência evitar o desenvolvimento de complicações resultantes da associação desses agentes.


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Com o objetivo de definir o perfil epidemiológico da infecção pelos Vírus linfotrópico de células T humanas (HTLV-1 e HTLV-2), na população de doadores de sangue inaptos, da Fundação HEMOPA, na cidade de Belém do Pará, analisaram-se 113 fichas, em relação a fatores de risco associados à transmissão destes retrovírus, entre portadores e não portadores dos HTLV. Observou-se infecção em 76% (n=50) dos doadores inaptos pelo HTLV-1 e em 24% (n=16) pelo HTLV-2; 62% (n=70) dos portadores eram do sexo masculino e 38% (n=43) do sexo feminino, havendo uma maior tendência da infecção por indivíduos deste sexo (p=0,007). Os fatores de risco que exibiram resultados significativos foram: ter recebido transfusão sangüínea (p=0,0003), mais especificamente para HTLV-2 (p=0,02); ter sido amamentado por ama de leite (p=0,006), mais especificamente para HTLV-1 (p=0,04); ter sido submetido à cirurgia (p=0,01), discriminadamente para HTLV-1 (p=0,03) e HTLV-2 (p=0,04); compartilhar lâmina/barbeador (p=0,02), mais especificamente para HTLV-1 (p=0,02); não usar preservativo nas relações sexuais (p=0,0003), discriminadamente para HTLV-1 (p=0,001) e HTLV-2 (p=0,002). Apesar das diversas etapas existentes no processo de triagem de doadores de sangue, cujo objetivo é eliminar potenciais candidatos portadores de doenças transmissíveis pelo sangue, em especial as de curso crônico e assintomático, existem vieses que impossibilitam um processo isento de falhas. Palavras-chaves: HTLV; fatores de risco; doadores de sangue.


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Introduction: This study confirmed the absence of natural infection with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) or XMRV-related disease in human populations of the Brazilian Amazon basin. We demonstrated that 803 individuals of both sexes, who were residents of Belem in the Brazilian State of Pará, were not infected with XMRV. Methods: Individuals were divided into 4 subgroups: healthy individuals, individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), individuals infected with human T-lymphotrophic virus, types 1 or 2 (HTLV-1/2), and individuals with prostate cancer. XMRV infection was investigated by nested PCR to detect the viral gag gene and by quantitative PCR to detect pol. Results: There was no amplification of either gag or pol segments from XRMV in any of the samples examined. Conclusions: This study supports the conclusions of the studies that eventually led to the retraction of the original study reporting the association between XMRV and human diseases.


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Introduction: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection is intractable and endemic in many countries. Although a few individuals have severe symptoms, most patients remain asymptomatic throughout their lives and their infections may be unknown to many health professionals. HTLV-1 can be considered a neglected public health problem and there are not many studies specifically on patients' needs and emotional experiences. Objective: To better understand how women and men living with HTLV-1 experience the disease and what issues exist in their healthcare processes. Methods: A qualitative study using participant observation and life story interview methods was conducted with 13 symptomatic and asymptomatic patients, at the outpatient clinic of the Emilio Ribas Infectious Diseases Institute, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Results and Discussion: The interviewees stated that HTLV-1 is a largely unknown infection to society and health professionals. Counseling is rare, but when it occurs, focuses on the low probability of developing HTLV-1 related diseases without adequately addressing the risk of infection transmission or reproductive decisions. The diagnosis of HTLV-1 can remain a stigmatized secret as patients deny their situations. As a consequence, the disease remains invisible and there are potentially negative implications for patient self-care and the identification of infected relatives. This perception seems to be shared by some health professionals who do not appear to understand the importance of preventing new infections. Conclusions: Patients and medical staff referred that the main focus was the illness risk, but not the identification of infected relatives to prevent new infections. This biomedical model of care makes prevention difficult, contributes to the lack of care in public health for HTLV-1, and further perpetuates the infection among populations. Thus, HTLV-1 patients experience an "invisibility" of their complex demands and feel that their rights as citizens are ignored.


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HTLV-1 is endemic in Brazil and HIV/ HTLV-1 coinfection has been detected, mostly in the northeast region. Cosmopolitan HTLV-1a is the main subtype that circulates in Brazil. This study characterized 17 HTLV-1 isolates from HIV coinfected patients of southern (n = 7) and southeastern (n = 10) Brazil. HTLV-1 provirus DNA was amplified by nested PCR (env and LTR) and sequenced. Env sequences (705 bp) from 15 isolates and LTR sequences (731 bp) from 17 isolates showed 99.5% and 98.8% similarity among sequences, respectively. Comparing these sequences with ATK (HTLV-1a) and Mel5 (HTLV-1c) prototypes, similarities of 99% and 97.4%, respectively, for env and LTR with ATK, and 91.6% and 90.3% with Mel5, were detected. Phylogenetic analysis showed that all sequences belonged to the transcontinental subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype, clustering in two Latin American clusters.


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Background Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infection can increase the risk of developing skin disorders. This study evaluated the correlation between HTLV-1 proviral load and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells count among HTLV-1 infected individuals, with or without skin disorders (SD) associated with HTLV-1 infection [SD-HTLV-1: xerosis/ichthyosis, seborrheic dermatitis or infective dermatitis associated to HTLV-1 (IDH)]. Methods A total of 193 HTLV-1-infected subjects underwent an interview, dermatological examination, initial HTLV-1 proviral load assay, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells count, and lymphproliferation assay (LPA). Results A total of 147 patients had an abnormal skin condition; 116 (79%) of them also had SD-HTLV-1 and 21% had other dermatological diagnoses. The most prevalent SD-HTLV-1 was xerosis/acquired ichthyosis (48%), followed by seborrheic dermatitis (28%). Patients with SD-HTLV-1 were older (51 vs. 47 years), had a higher prevalence of myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP) (75%), and had an increased first HTLV-1 proviral load and basal LPA compared with patients without SD-HTLV-1. When excluding HAM/TSP patients, the first HTLV-1 proviral load of SD-HTLV-1 individuals remains higher than no SD-HTLV-1 patients. Conclusions There was a high prevalence of skin disorders (76%) among HTLV-1-infected individuals, regardless of clinical status, and 60% of these diseases are considered skin disease associated with HTLV-1 infection.


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DNA vaccines express antigens intracellularly and effectively induce cellular immune responses. Because only chimpanzees can be used to model human hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, we developed a small-animal model using HLA-A2.1-transgenic mice to test induction of HLA-A2.1-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) and protection against recombinant vaccinia expressing HCV-core. A plasmid encoding the HCV-core antigen induced CD8+ CTLs specific for three conserved endogenously expressed core peptides presented by human HLA-A2.1. When challenged, DNA-immunized mice showed a substantial (5–12 log10) reduction in vaccinia virus titer compared with mock-immunized controls. This protection, lasting at least 14 mo, was shown to be mediated by CD8+ cells. Thus, a DNA vaccine expressing HCV-core is a potential candidate for a prophylactic vaccine for HLA-A2.1+ humans.


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In an effort to understand the unusual cytogenetic damage earlier encountered in the Yanomama Indians, plasma samples from 425 Amerindians representing 14 tribes have been tested for hemagglutination inhibition antibodies to the human JC polyoma virus and from 369 Amerinds from 13 tribes for hemagglutination inhibition antibodies to the human BK polyoma virus. There is for both viruses highly significant heterogeneity between tribes for the prevalence of serum antibody titers ≥1/40, the pattern of infection suggesting that these two viruses only relatively recently have been introduced into some of these tribes. Some of these samples, from populations with no known exposure to the simian polyoma virus SV40, also were tested for antibodies to this virus by using an immunospot assay. In contrast to the findings of Brown et al. (Brown, P., Tsai, T. & Gajdusek, D. C. (1975) Am. J. Epidemiol. 102, 331–340), none of the samples was found to possess antibodies to SV40. In addition, no significant titers to SV40 were found in a sample of 97 Japanese adults, many of whom had been found to exhibit elevated titers to the JC and BK viruses. This study thus suggests that these human sera contain significant antibody titers to the human polyoma viruses JC and BK but do not appear to contain either cross-reactive antibodies to SV40 or primary antibodies resulting from SV40 infection.


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Recombinant human papillomavirus (HPV) virus-like particles (VLPs) made from the major capsid protein L1 are promising vaccine candidates for use as vaccines against genital and other HPV infections, and particularly against HPV-16. However, HPV-16 genotype variants have different binding affinities for neutralising mouse Mabs raised against HPV-16 L1 VLPs. This paper analyses, using a panel of well-characterised Mabs, the effects on the antigenicity of various C- and N-terminal deletants of HPV-16 L1 made in insect cells via recombinant baculovirus, of an A → T mutation at residue 266 (A266T), and of a C → G mutation at conserved position 428 (C428G). The effects of these changes on assembly of the variant L1s were studied by electron microscopy. Binding of Mab H16:E70 to A266T was reduced by almost half in comparison to wild type L1. Retention of the C-terminal region 428-483 was critical for the binding of conformation-specific Mabs (H16:V5, H16:E70, H16:U4 and H16:9A) whereas deletion of the nuclear localisation signal (NLS) or the C428G mutation or an N-terminal deletion (residues 2-9) did not affect the antigenicity. The N-terminal deletion resulted in a mixed population of 30 and 55 nm VLPs, which differs from the same construct expressed in Escherichia coli, whereas pentamer aggregates resulted from deletion of the 428-465 region or the C428G mutation. The results have implications both for considering use of single-genotype HPV vaccines, and for design of novel second-generation vaccines. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The rat theta class glutathione S-transferase (GST) 5-5 has been shown to affect the mutagenicity of halogenated alkanes and epoxides. In Salmonella typhimurium TA1535 expressing the rat GST5-5 the number of revertants was increased compared to the control strain by CH2Br2, ethylene dibromide (EDB) and 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (BDE); in contrast, mutagenicity of 1,2-epoxy-3-(4'-nitrophenoxy)propane (EPNP) was reduced. S.typhimurium TA1535 cells were transformed with an expression plasmid carrying the cDNA of the human theta ortholog GST1-1 either in sense or antisense orientation, the latter being the control. These transformed bacteria were utilized for mutagenicity assays. Mutagenicity of EDB, BDE, CH2Br2, epibromohydrin and 1,3-dichloroacetone was higher in the S.typhimurium TA1535 expressing GSTT1-1 than in the control strain. The expression of active enzyme did not affect the mutagenicity of 1,2-epoxy-3-butene or propylene oxide, GSTT1-1 expression reduced the mutagenicity of EPNP. Glutathione S-transferase 5-5 and GSTT1-1 modulate genotoxicity of several industrially important chemicals in the same way. Polymorphism of the GSTT1 locus in humans may therefore cause differences in cancer susceptibility between the two phenotypes.


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The transformation of ethylene oxide (EO), propylene oxide (PO) and 1- butylene oxide (1-BuO) by human glutathione transferase theta (hGSTT1-1) was studied comparatively using 'conjugator' (GSTT1 + individuals) erythrocyte lysates. The relative sequence of velocity of enzymic transformation was PO > EO >> 1-BuO. The faster transformation of PO compared to EO was corroborated in studies with human and rat GSTT1-1 (hGSTT1-1 and rGSTT1-1, respectively) expressed by Salmonella typhimurium TA1535. This sequence of reactivities of homologous epoxides towards GSTT1-1 contrasts to the sequence observed in homologous alkyl halides (methyl bromide, MBr; ethyl bromide, EtBr; n-propyl bromide, PrBr) where the relative sequence MeBr >> EtBr > PrBr is observed. The higher reactivity towards GSTT1-1 of propylene oxide compared to ethylene oxide is consistent with a higher chemical reactivity. This is corroborated by experimental data of acid-catalysed hydrolysis of a number of aliphatic epoxides, including ethylene oxide and propylene oxide and consistent with semi-empirical molecular orbital modelings.


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Pharmacological MRI (phMRI) techniques can be used to monitor the neurophysiological effects of central nervous system (CNS) active drugs. In this study, we investigated whether dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion imaging employing the use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (Resovist) could be used to measure hemodynamic response to d-amphetamine challenge in human subjects at both 1.5 and 4 T. Significant changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF) were found in focal regions associated with the nigrostriatal circuit and mesolimbic and mesocortical dopaminergic pathways. More significant CBF responses were found at higher field strength, mainly within striatal structures. The results from this study indicate that DSC perfusion imaging using Resovist can be used to assess the efficacy of CNS-active drugs and may play a role in the development of novel psychiatric therapies at the preclinical level. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.