994 resultados para Hertwig, Oscar,
Oscar Wilde sufrió como hombre y como escritor la intolerancia de la sociedad de su época. El centenario de su muerte es una ocasión para hacer un repaso biográfico a la figura del autor, desde 1854 a 1900. Se ofrecen actividades dirigidas a la educación secundaria para conocer y profundizar en la vida y obra de este autor, a la vez que se educa en valores de tolerancia, en la aceptación y el aprecio de la diversidad.
No hay hielo, no hay nieve. Es un verano caluroso de la última glaciación que crea dificultades a los lanudos mamuts Oscar y Arabella. Siendo tan lanudos parece que nada pueden hacer para refrescarse hasta que Oscar toma rápidamente una drástica decisión para mantenerse frescos.
Análisis de la producción literaria de Oscar Wilde y de los aspectos más destacados de su vida.
Se analiza la vida y la obra de Oscar Wilde, centrándose principalmente en las comedias y personajes que escribe en el periodo que va de 1892 a 1895. En el tratamiento de la mujer en la sociedad victoriana encontró el tema ideal, tanto por sus ideas sobre la libertad del individuo y de su propia realización, como por sus sentimientos sociales revolucionarios. La ironía, el ingenio y la fantasía son las características básicas del teatro wildeano, así como la subversión social por medio de lo lúdico en lugar del análisis social.
Se realiza una revisión literaria del texto de Oscar Wilde 'De profundis', que el autor escribió cuando se encontraba en prisión. Primero se comentan los acontecimientos que le llevaron a prisión, a continuación se realiza el comentario crítico de la obra prestando atención a la visión que el autor tiene de la vida, finalmente se abarcan aspectos como el dolor o la figura de Jesucristo.
A new edition of Wilde's poem, with notes and afterword.
In looking at Wilde and the prison, scholarship has understandably focussed on the lengthy and complex De Profundis, and how the prison experience confirmed or re-shaped Wilde as a writer and thinker. Wilde himself claimed to have been saved by the ‘others’ that he encountered in prison, and these ‘others’ have received scant attention. Who were they? How does a greater knowledge of them supplement our sense of the nineteenth-century prison and of Wilde? This essay looks closely at the Reading Gaol archive, tracing out the lives of some of those with whom Wilde was incarcerated and providing analyses of the prison population in Reading while Wilde was there. Aside from yielding the only known photographs of any of the young working-class men in whom Wilde took an interest, the essay seeks to build a more nuanced reading of Wilde's experience. Above all, the aim is to open out the meanings of the Wilde myth, and, in particular, to offer a more socially inclusive version.
Oscar Wilde’s fairytales have been read to children for more than a century. Nevertheless, since the time of their publication in 1888 and 1891, the target audience of The Happy Prince and Other Tales and A House of Pomegranates have been the concern of critics. Delving into the context behind the rich and colourful imagery, one can find implications of homosexuality, the Paterian aesthetic and religious connotations. According to Carol Tattersall, The Happy Prince and Other Tales successfully mislead the public that it is innocent of any intention to undermine established standards of living or writing. Tattersall’s argument is based on comparing the first collection to Wilde’s second, A House of Pomegranates, which was perceived as “offensive and immoral” (136). On the other hand, William Butler Yeats states in his introduction to The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde that overall the reviewers of The Happy Prince and Other Tales were hostile because of Wilde’s aesthetic views (ixxvi). But Yeats overlooks the fact that Wilde was very pleased and proud, dashing notes to friends and reviewers and signing copies to many people (Tattersall 129). In general, the reception of Wilde’s first collection was more positive than that of the second because it was milder and more subtle in its controversial themes.
Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS