970 resultados para Hepatic fibrosis


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Objective The influence of choledochoduodenostomy and choledochojejunostomy on the repair of hepatic lesions secondary to biliary obstruction is not well known. The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of choledochoduodenostomy and choledochojejunostomy on the recovery of these lesions in rats with biliary obstruction. Methods Rats subjected to 4 weeks of biliary obstruction underwent choledochoduodenostomy (n=10) or choledochojejunostomy (n=10). The following variables were measured: total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aminotransferases, and albumin. Hepatic mitochondrial energy metabolism was evaluated by calculating the respiratory control ratio and the oxidative phosphorylation index. Hepatic morphometry was used to estimate the mass of the hepatocytes, bile ducts, and fibrosis, as well as the hepatic stellate cell count. Results After choledochoduodenostomy and choledochojejunostomy, there was a regression in cholestasis and a reduction in the oxidative phosphorylation index. However, the total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, and respiratory control ratio values improved only after choledochojejunostomy. The mass of the liver, spleen, and fibrosis was reduced after both choledochoduodenostomy and choledochojejunostomy, but the number of hepatic stellate cells increased. After choledochojejunostomy, the hepatic mass recovered completely, and the spleen mass was significantly reduced compared with that after choledochoduodenostomy. After both choledochoduodenostomy and choledochojejunostomy, enterobiliary reflux, biliary contamination, and an exacerbation in hepatic inflammation developed. Conclusion Choledochojejunostomy was more effective than choledochoduodenostomy, but both techniques induced enterobiliary reflux and biliary contamination, which may explain the maintenance of hepatic alterations, especially after choledochoduodenostomy. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 24: 1039-1050 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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OBJECTIVE: During the neonatal and infancy periods, some chronic liver diseases may lead to progressive hepatic fibrosis, which is a condition that can ultimately result in the loss of organ function and severe portal hypertension necessitating hepatic transplantation. In a previous report, pharmacological interventions were demonstrated to modulate hepatic fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation in young rats. The administration of pentoxifylline or prednisolone, or the combination of both, resulted in reduced fibrogenesis in portal spaces. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the expression of transforming growth factor beta and vascular endothelial growth factor after bile duct ligation in young rats and to assess the effect of those same drugs on cytokine expression. METHODS: In this experimental study, 80 young rats (21 or 22 days old) were submitted either to laparotomy and common bile duct ligation or to sham surgery. The animals were allocated into four groups according to surgical procedure, and the following treatments were administered: (1) common bile duct ligation + distilled water, (2) sham surgery + distilled water, (3) common bile duct ligation + pentoxifylline, or (4) common bile duct ligation + prednisolone. After 30 days, a hepatic fragment was collected from each animal for immunohistochemical analysis using monoclonal antibodies against transforming growth factor beta and vascular endothelial growth factor. Digital morphometric and statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: The administration of pentoxifylline reduced the transforming growth factor beta-marked area and the amount of transforming growth factor beta expressed in liver tissue. This effect was not observed after the administration of prednisolone. There was a significant reduction in vascular endothelial growth factor expression after the administration of either drug compared with the non-treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of pentoxifylline to cholestatic young rats resulted in the diminished expression of transforming growth factor beta and vascular endothelial growth factor in liver tissue. The administration of steroids resulted in the diminished expression of vascular endothelial growth factor only. These pathways may be involved in hepatic fibrogenesis in young rats submitted to bile duct ligation and exposed to pentoxifylline or prednisolone.


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OBJECTIVE: During the neonatal and infancy periods, some chronic liver diseases may lead to progressive hepatic fibrosis, which is a condition that can ultimately result in the loss of organ function and severe portal hypertension necessitating hepatic transplantation. In a previous report, pharmacological interventions were demonstrated to modulate hepatic fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation in young rats. The administration of pentoxifylline or prednisolone, or the combination of both, resulted in reduced fibrogenesis in portal spaces. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the expression of transforming growth factor β and vascular endothelial growth factor after bile duct ligation in young rats and to assess the effect of those same drugs on cytokine expression. METHODS: In this experimental study, 80 young rats (21 or 22 days old) were submitted either to laparotomy and common bile duct ligation or to sham surgery. The animals were allocated into four groups according to surgical procedure, and the following treatments were administered: (1) common bile duct ligation + distilled water, (2) sham surgery + distilled water, (3) common bile duct ligation + pentoxifylline, or (4) common bile duct ligation + prednisolone. After 30 days, a hepatic fragment was collected from each animal for immunohistochemical analysis using monoclonal antibodies against transforming growth factor β and vascular endothelial growth factor. Digital morphometric and statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: The administration of pentoxifylline reduced the transforming growth factor β-marked area and the amount of transforming growth factor β expressed in liver tissue. This effect was not observed after the administration of prednisolone. There was a significant reduction in vascular endothelial growth factor expression after the administration of either drug compared with the non-treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of pentoxifylline to cholestatic young rats resulted in the diminished expression of transforming growth factor β and vascular endothelial growth factor in liver tissue. The administration of steroids resulted in the diminished expression of vascular endothelial growth factor only. These pathways may be involved in hepatic fibrogenesis in young rats submitted to bile duct ligation and exposed to pentoxifylline or prednisolone.


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Myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1) ist ein anti-apoptotisches Mitglied der Bcl-2-Proteinfamilie. Als solches ist es in der Lage, die mitochondriale Aktivierung während der Apoptose zu hemmen. Dadurch schützt es Zellen bei zellulärem Stress (wie z.B. Differenzierung, Proliferation oder Virusinfektion) vor Apoptoseinduktion. Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaft ist es unabkömmlich während der Embryogenese und in verschiedenen hämatopoetischen Zellpopulationen. Des Weiteren ist Mcl-1 als Protoonkogen in verschiedenen humanen Tumorentitäten verstärkt exprimiert und kann so zu einer verminderten Apoptosesensitivität von Tumorzellen beitragen. Auch primäre humane Hepatozyten können nach Mcl-1-Induktion durch Wachstumsfaktorbehandlung gegenüber CD95-vermittelter Apoptose geschützt werden. Daher sollte untersucht werden, welche Bedeutung Mcl-1 im hepatozellulären Karzinom (HCC) und in der gesunden Leber einnimmt. Hierzu wurde zunächst humanes HCC-Gewebe hinsichtlich der Expression von Mcl-1 untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mcl-1 sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Protein-Ebene in HCC-Gewebe verstärkt exprimiert ist im Vergleich zu benachbartem Normalgewebe. Auch in verschiedenen HCC-Zelllinien konnte eine starke Mcl-1-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Diese war vor allem über den PI3K/Akt-Signalweg reguliert. Eine Hemmung dieses Signalwegs führte zu einer Reduktion der Mcl-1-Expression und so zu einer Sensitivierung der Zellen gegenüber verschiedenen Chemotherapeutika und zielgerichteten Therapien. Des Weiteren wurde die Mcl-1-Expression spezifisch durch RNA-Interferenz gehemmt. Auch hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass Zellen mit unterdrückter Mcl-1-Expression deutlich sensitiver gegenüber verschiedenen Apoptose-induzierenden Substanzen reagierten. Eine kombinierte Hemmung der Mcl-1-Expression und der PI3-Kinase führte schließlich zu einer nochmals verstärkten Sensitivierung. Im Gegensatz dazu führte eine Überexpression von Mcl-1 zu einer Hemmung der Apoptoseinduktion. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde eine Mauslinie etabliert, welche spezifisch in Hepatozyten kein Mcl-1 exprimiert, um so die Bedeutung von Mcl-1 für die Leber in vivo zu untersuchen. Es zeigte sich, dass Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäuse bereits im Alter von acht Wochen eine verminderte Lebergröße aufweisen. Dies wurde verursacht durch spontane Apoptoseinduktion in den Mcl-1 negativen Hepatozyten. Hierdurch kam es zu einer Leberschädigung, ersichtlich durch erhöhte Transaminasenwerte, erhöhte Caspase-3-Aktivierung, und Schädigung der Gewebsstruktur. Zudem war als kompensatorischer Effekt die Zellproliferation erhöht, ohne dass sich jedoch das Lebergewicht an das von Kontrolltieren anglich. Interessanterweise kam es in Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäusen als Folge der chronischen Leberschädigung zur Entwicklung einer Leberfibrose, ersichtlich durch eine verstärkte Collageneinlagerung. Weiterhin reagierten Mcl-1flox/flox-AlbCre-Mäuse wesentlich empfindlicher gegenüber Todesrezeptor-vermittelter Apoptose. Diese Daten zeigen zum einen, dass Mcl-1 zur Apoptoseresistenz von HCC-Zellen beitragen kann. Zielgerichtete Therapien, welche die Expression von Mcl-1 hemmen, könnten folglich für die Therapie des HCCs von Interesse sein. Des Weiteren konnte in dieser Arbeit zum ersten Mal gezeigt werden, dass Mcl-1 ein zentraler anti-apoptotischer Faktor für Hepatozyten in vivo ist.


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Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle der extrazellulären Matrix und insbesondere des Proteins Fibronektin bei der Leberfibrose und bei der Einnistung von Tumorzellen in die Stammzellnische im Knochenmark.rnrnHierfür wurde in einem Fibrosemodell das Peptid pUR4b verwendet, welches die Assemblierung einer Fibronektinmatrix verhindert. Bei der Verwendung dieses Peptids während und nach der Induktion einer Leberfibrose durch die Chemikalie Dimethylnitrosamin konnte eine Verminderung der Kollagenmenge (und damit des fibrotischen Narbengewebes) in der Leber im Vergleich zu fibrotischen Kontrolltieren beobachtet werden. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass dieser Effekt unabhängig von der Aktivierung der hepatischen Stellatezellen ist, jedoch zum Teil von einer verminderten Anzahl entzündlicher Zellen abhängig sein könnte. Eine verminderte Bildung von Gesamt- und aktivem TGF-β, welche zum Teil auf Effekte der verringerten Zahl der inflammatorischen Zellen zurückzuführen sein könnte, unterstützt den Effekt des verminderten Aufbaus von Narbengewebe. In vitro Untersuchungen zeigten, dass hepatische Stellatezellen bei einer Behandlung mit pUR4b weniger Fibronektin in die extrazelluläre Matrix einbauten als unbehandelte hepatische Stellatezellen. Insgesamt sprechen die Daten dafür, dass das Peptid pUR4b den Aufbau einer Fibronektinmatrix verhinderte bzw. verminderte, wodurch die Ablagerung anderer Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix wie z.B. Kollagen gestört war und es daher zu einem Rückgang des fibrotischen Narbengewebes kam.rnrnFür die Untersuchung des Einflusses der extrazellulären Matrix und des Fibronektins bei der Einnistung von Tumorzellen wurde zunächst das Fibronektin mit Hilfe konditioneller Knockout-Mäuse in verschiedenen Zellen bzw. Organen der Tiere ausgeschaltet. Weder die Ausschaltung des zirkulierenden, noch des durch Osteoblasten und Osteozyten gebildeten, noch des zirkulierenden und von Zellen des Knochenmarks gebildeten Fibronektins beeinträchtigte die Einnistung von Tumorzellen. Auch die Bildung eines Hämatoms im Knochen hatte weder einen Einfluss auf die Einnistung von Tumorzellen noch auf die spätere Tumorentwicklung. Die Ausschaltung des tumorzellendogenen Fibronektins führte hingegen zu einer signifikant verminderten Einnistung von Tumorzellen. Diese ist wahrscheinlich auf die verstärkte Affinität dieser Tumorzellen zu Zellen des Immunsystems zurückzuführen. Diese Beobachtung konnte zum Teil durch eine verstärkte eCadherin Expression erklärt werden, welche die Bindung an verschiedene Zellen des Immunsystems vermittelt. Eine Untersuchung der osteoblastischen Stammzellnische durch die kombinierte Gabe von Parathormon und Zoledronsäure führte zu keiner Veränderung der Fibronektinkonzentration innerhalb des Knochenmarks der behandelten Tiere. Dennoch nisteten sich in dem Knochenmark der mit Parathormon und Zoledronsäure behandelten Tiere signifikant mehr Tumorzellen ein als in dem von Kontrolltieren. Dieser Effekt konnte auf einen synergetischen Effekt von Parathormon und Zoledronsäure zurückgeführt werden, der zu einer gesteigerten Osteoblastenaktivität und Änderungen der Zytokinkonzentrationen im Knochenmark führte.rnZusammenfassend zeigte sich, dass eine Veränderung der extrazelluläre Matrix und insbesondere des Proteins Fibronektin bei Leberfibrose zu einem veränderten Krankheitsbild führt und die Einnistung von Tumorzellen in das Knochenmark beeinflusst.rn


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Fatty liver is commonly associated with alcohol ingestion and abuse. While the molecular pathogenesis of these fatty changes is well understood, the biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms by which ethanol stimulates these molecular changes remain unknown. During ethanol metabolism, adenosine is generated by the enzyme ecto-5'-nucleotidase, and adenosine production and adenosine receptor activation are known to play critical roles in the development of hepatic fibrosis. We therefore investigated whether adenosine and its receptors play a role in the development of alcohol-induced fatty liver. WT mice fed ethanol on the Lieber-DeCarli diet developed hepatic steatosis, including increased hepatic triglyceride content, while mice lacking ecto-5'-nucleotidase or adenosine A1 or A2B receptors were protected from developing fatty liver. Similar protection was also seen in WT mice treated with either an adenosine A1 or A2B receptor antagonist. Steatotic livers demonstrated increased expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, which was prevented by blockade of adenosine A1 receptors, and decreased expression of genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, which was prevented by blockade of adenosine A2B receptors. In vitro studies supported roles for adenosine A1 receptors in promoting fatty acid synthesis and for A2B receptors in decreasing fatty acid metabolism. These results indicate that adenosine generated by ethanol metabolism plays an important role in ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis via both A1 and A2B receptors and suggest that targeting adenosine receptors may be effective in the prevention of alcohol-induced fatty liver.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS We investigated the association between significant liver fibrosis, determined by AST-to-platelet ratio index (APRI), and all-cause mortality among HIV-infected patients prescribed antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Zambia METHODS: Among HIV-infected adults who initiated ART, we categorized baseline APRI scores according to established thresholds for significant hepatic fibrosis (APRI ≥1.5) and cirrhosis (APRI ≥2.0). Using multivariable logistic regression we identified risk factors for elevated APRI including demographic characteristics, body mass index (BMI), HIV clinical and immunologic status, and tuberculosis. In the subset tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), we investigated the association of hepatitis B virus co-infection with APRI score. Using Kaplan-Meier analysis and Cox proportional hazards regression we determined the association of elevated APRI with death during ART. RESULTS Among 20,308 adults in the analysis cohort, 1,027 (5.1%) had significant liver fibrosis at ART initiation including 616 (3.0%) with cirrhosis. Risk factors for significant fibrosis or cirrhosis included male sex, BMI <18, WHO clinical stage 3 or 4, CD4+ count <200 cells/mm(3) , and tuberculosis. Among the 237 (1.2%) who were tested, HBsAg-positive patients had four times the odds (adjusted odds ratio, 4.15; 95% CI, 1.71-10.04) of significant fibrosis compared HBsAg-negatives. Both significant fibrosis (adjusted hazard ratio 1.41, 95% CI, 1.21-1.64) and cirrhosis (adjusted hazard ratio 1.57, 95% CI, 1.31-1.89) were associated with increased all-cause mortality. CONCLUSION Liver fibrosis may be a risk factor for mortality during ART among HIV-infected individuals in Africa. APRI is an inexpensive and potentially useful test for liver fibrosis in resource-constrained settings. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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The term 'paunch calf syndrome' encompasses the multi-organic lethal developmental dysplasia reported in the Romagnola breed of cattle and is characterised by facial deformities, an enlarged and floating abdomen containing considerable abdominal effusion, and hepatic fibrosis. Paunch calf syndrome is caused by a missense mutation in the KDM2B gene (c.2503G>A) that is thought to lead to an amino acid exchange (p.D835N). In this study, the prevalence of carriers of the mutant KDM2B allele (and thus the frequency of the allele) was assessed in selected subpopulations of Romagnola cattle. The prevalence of carriers within top-ranked Romagnola sires over the years 2007-2012 was 29.3% (allele frequency 14.6%). In young bull calves, 30.9% were carriers with an allele frequency of 15.4%.


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The clinical outcome of patients who have undergone liver transplantation for hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) or who have received iron-loaded donor grafts is unclear. We reviewed 3,600 adult primary orthotopic liver transplants and assessed the outcomes in 22 patients with HH. We also evaluated graft function and iron mobilization in 12 recipients of iron-loaded donor grafts. All 22 subjects who received liver transplants for HH were male; 13 had other risk factors for liver disease. HH patients had comparatively poor outcomes following transplantation: survival at 1, 3, and 5 years posttransplantation were 72%, 62%, and 55%, respectively. Recurrent hepatocellular cancer was the most common cause of death. There was no convincing evidence of reaccumulation of iron in the grafted liver in HH; however, 1 subject demonstrated increased serum ferritin concentration and grade 2 hepatic siderosis. Liver iron stores were slow to mobilize in 7 of the 12 recipients of iron-loaded grafts. These recipients had appropriate early graft function, but 2 patients with heavy iron loading and increased hepatic iron developed hepatic fibrosis. In conclusion. (1) HH is an uncommon indication for liver transplantation, and the majority of patients requiring transplantation had other risk factors for chronic liver disease; (2) reaccumulation of liver iron in HH patients is very unusual, but increased iron stores may be slow to mobilize in normal recipients of iron-loaded grafts, potentially compromising late graft function; (3) post-liver transplant survival is reduced in HH, and affected patients require careful clinical evaluation of perioperative and postoperative risk factors. Our data suggest that iron excess in HH does not wholly depend on intestinal iron absorption but is also influenced by liver factors that moderate iron metabolism.


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The effects of a Chinese snake venom preparation from Agkistrodon halys pallas, used for treatment of hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis in China, was investigated in an {in vivo} rat model and using in situ hepatic perfusion. Four groups were used in the experiments: (i) healthy, (ii) healthy/venom-treated, (iii) carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-treated, and (iv) CCl4/venom-treated. Treatment effects were assessed by determining hepatic histopathology, biochemistry and fibrosis index parameters, bile production, biliary taurocholate recovery, hepatic mRNA expression of four bile salt transporters (Ntcp, Bsep, Oatp-1, and Oatp-3), comparison of hepatic microcirculation, fibrinolytic activity, and antithrombotic effects. Liver histopathology, biochemistry, and fibrosis index showed a dramatic improvement in venom-treated animals. There were significant differences in bile production between healthy/venom-treated and all other experimental groups and between CCl4/venom-treated and CCl4-treated animals, but no significant differences were found between CCl4/venom-treated and healthy animals. Biliary taurocholate recovery was significantly increased in healthy/venom-treated and CCl4/venom-treated animals. The expression of mRNA levels of the four bile salt transporters showed an increase after venom treatment. The hepatic microcirculation studies showed normalized sinusoidal beds in CCl4/venom-treated animals compared to healthy animals, whereas CCl4-treated animals showed abnormal profiles to the healthy and the CCl4/AHPV-treated animals. The fibrinogen and plasma thromboxane B-2 levels of healthy rats decreased with increasing dose after venom treatment. It was concluded that snake venom treatment may be therapeutic in treatment of hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis by possibly a combination of increased bile flow and improved hepatic microcirculation, changes in bile salt transporter expression, and fibrinolytic and antithrombotic effects of the snake venom preparation.


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For hepatic schistosomiasis the egg-induced granulomatous response and the development of extensive fibrosis are the main pathologies. We used a Schistosoma japonicum-infected mouse model to characterise the multi-cellular pathways associated with the recovery from hepatic fibrosis following clearance of the infection with the anti-schistosomal drug, praziquantel. In the recovering liver splenomegaly, granuloma density and liver fibrosis were all reduced. Inflammatory cell infiltration into the liver was evident, and the numbers of neutrophils, eosinophils and macrophages were significantly decreased. Transcriptomic analysis revealed the up-regulation of fatty acid metabolism genes and the identification of Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha as the upstream regulator of liver recovery. The aryl hydrocarbon receptor signalling pathway which regulates xenobiotic metabolism was also differentially up-regulated. These findings provide a better understanding of the mechanisms associated with the regression of hepatic schistosomiasis.


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Schistosoma mansoni antigens in the early life alter homologous and heterologous immunity during postnatal infections. We evaluate the immunity to parasite antigens and ovalbumin (OA) in adult mice born/suckled by schistosomotic mothers. Newborns were divided into: born (BIM), suckled (SIM) or born/suckled (BSIM) in schistosomotic mothers, and animals from noninfected mothers (control). When adults, the mice were infected and compared the hepatic granuloma size and cellularity. Some animals were OA + adjuvant immunised. We evaluated hypersensitivity reactions (HR), antibodies levels (IgG1/IgG2a) anti-soluble egg antigen and anti-soluble worm antigen preparation, and anti-OA, cytokine production, and CD4+FoxP3+T-cells by splenocytes. Compared to control group, BIM mice showed a greater quantity of granulomas and collagen deposition, whereas SIM and BSIM presented smaller granulomas. BSIM group exhibited the lowest levels of anti-parasite antibodies. For anti-OA immunity, immediate HR was suppressed in all groups, with greater intensity in SIM mice accompanied of the remarkable level of basal CD4+FoxP3+T-cells. BIM and SIM groups produced less interleukin (IL)-4 and interferon (IFN)-g. In BSIM, there was higher production of IL-10 and IFN-γ, but lower levels of IL-4 and CD4+FoxP3+T-cells. Thus, pregnancy in schistosomotic mothers intensified hepatic fibrosis, whereas breastfeeding diminished granulomas in descendants. Separately, pregnancy and breastfeeding could suppress heterologous immunity; however, when combined, the responses could be partially restored in infected descendants.


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Background & Aims: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a chronic liver disease that occasionally progresses to cirrhosis but usually has a benign course. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the hemochromatosis mutation Cys282Tyr in development of the mild hepatic iron overload found in some patients with NASH and its association with hepatic damage in these patients. Methods: Fifty-one patients with NASH were studied. The presence of the Cys282Tyr mutation was tested in all patients, and the data were analyzed with respect to the histological grade of steatosis, inflammation, Perls' staining, hepatic iron concentration (HIC), and serum iron indices. Results: Thirty-one percent of patients with NASH were either homozygous or heterozygous for the Cys282Tyr mutation. This mutation was significantly associated with Perls' stain grade (P < 0.005), HIC (P < 0.005), and transferrin saturation percentage (P < 0.005) but not with serum ferritin levels. Linear regression analysis showed that increased hepatic iron (Perls' stain or HIC) had the greatest association with the severity of fibrosis (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: The Cys282Tyr mutation is responsible for most of the mild iron overload found in NASH and thus has a significant association with hepatic damage in these patients. Heterozygosity for the hemochromatosis gene mutation therefore cannot always be considered benign.