958 resultados para Hellenic literatures Classical Greek


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The view that Gothic literature emerged as a reaction against the prominence of the Greek classics, and that, as a result, it bears no trace of their influence, is a commonplace in Gothic studies. This thesis re-examines this view, arguing that the Gothic and the Classical were not in opposition to one another, and that Greek tragic poetry and myth should be counted among the literary sources that inspired early Gothic writers. The discussion is organised in three parts. Part I focuses on evidence which suggests that the Gothic and the Hellenic were closely associated in the minds of several British literati both on a political and aesthetic level. As is shown, the coincidence of the Hellenic with the Gothic revival in the second half of the eighteenth century inspired them not only to trace common ground between the Greek and Gothic traditions, but also to look at Greek tragic poetry and myth through Gothic eyes, bringing to light an unruly, ‘Dionysian’ world that suited their taste. The particulars of this coincidence, which has not thus far been discussed in Gothic studies, as well as evidence which suggests that several early Gothic writers were influenced by Greek tragedy and myth, open up new avenues for research on the thematic and aesthetic heterogeneity of early Gothic literature. Parts II and III set out to explore this new ground and to support the main argument of this thesis by examining the influence of Greek tragic poetry and myth on the works of two early Gothic novelists and, in many ways, shapers of the genre, William Beckford and Matthew Gregory Lewis. Part II focuses on William Beckford’s Vathek and its indebtedness to Euripides’s Bacchae, and Part III on Matthew Gregory Lewis’s The Monk and its indebtedness to Sophocles’s Oedipus Tyrannus. As is discussed, Beckford and Lewis participated actively in both the Gothic and Hellenic revivals, producing highly imaginative works that blended material from the British and Greek literary traditions.


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A brief description of the Greek fisheries for the anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, Engraulidae) is given, with emphasis on the spatial distribution of the catch. Satellite images of phytoplankton pigment distribution obtained with NIMBUS-7 are used to explain local abundance of the dynamics of anchovy populations.


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The goal of this study is to identify cues for the cognitive process of attention in ancient Greek art, aiming to find confirmation of its possible use by ancient Greek audiences and artists. Evidence of cues that trigger attention’s psychological dispositions was searched through content analysis of image reproductions of ancient Greek sculpture and fine vase painting from the archaic to the Hellenistic period - ca. 7th -1st cent. BC. Through this analysis, it was possible to observe the presence of cues that trigger orientation to the work of art (i.e. amplification, contrast, emotional salience, simplification, symmetry), of a cue that triggers a disseminate attention to the parts of the work (i.e. distribution of elements) and of cues that activate selective attention to specific elements in the work of art (i.e. contrast of elements, salient color, central positioning of elements, composition regarding the flow of elements and significant objects). Results support the universality of those dispositions, probably connected with basic competencies that are hard-wired in the nervous system and in the cognitive processes.


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Ce mémoire traite des Saturnales de Macrobe, haut fonctionnaire du 5ième siècle après J.C. et encyclopédiste latin. Malgré l’opinion reçue, selon laquelle les Saturnales dépendraient presque exclusivement d’un nombre très restreint de sources, souvent copiées mot à mot, on a reconnu depuis longtemps que Macrobe remanie de son propre chef l’une de ces sources, les Propos de Table de Plutarque, dans son septième livre. Ce mémoire démontre que ce modèle, tout comme les sources mineures, latines et grecques, avec lesquelles Macrobe le complète, lui était assez familier pour servir à l’articulation d’une vision propre; les Saturnales ne peuvent donc être cités comme preuve de la décadence de leur époque. Ce mémoire fournit une traduction et un commentaire des chapitres 7.1-3 des Saturnales, avec une explication de leurs rapports avec les Propos de Table 1.1 et 2.1 de Plutarque ainsi que des éléments propre à Macrobe, afin de reconstruire sa méthode de composition et de déterminer ses attentes par rapport à son lecteur de l’empire tardif. Le commentaire est précédé d’une introduction de l’auteur, de l’œuvre, et du septième livre.


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Se pone de manifiesto un nuevo método para la lectura del griego antiguo denominado Reading Greek. Que la enseñanza del griego antiguo se haya visto reducido a prácticamente un solo curso de enseñanza, ha sido motivo de queja, a la que no se ha dado respuesta. De ahí que los profesionales de la enseñanza de esta materia se hayan propuesto nuevos métodos para ser más eficaces en su aprovechamiento de este escaso tiempo. Por un lado la gramática se ha dosificado con reglas sintácticas entremezcladas. Aún así no parece claro que el alumno al final del curso esté en las adecuadas condiciones de poder afrontar con un mínimo de garantías la lectura de un texto. Pero La Joint Association of Classical Teachers, tras diez largos años de trabajo ha elaborado un método denominado Reading greek, es decir, leyendo Griego, de gran eficacia. Se propone que lo mejor desde el principio mismo es introducir en los textos al alumno y éstos de una manera gradual en cuanto a adaptación del original, y con un bagaje de vocabulario que va aumentando progresivamente, al igual que la gramática al uso, que más que estudiarla tras cada unidad, resulta más bien la síntesis de la misma. En cuanto a la descripción detallada del método se señala que consta de dos volúmenes, siendo el primero el que contiene tos textos y el segundo, la gramática, el vocabulario y los ejercicios. El tiempo requerido para la puesta en práctica del método son treinta y siete semanas, que viene a coincidir con el curso académico. La materia se distribuye por secciones, dentro de siete apartados o capítulos que enfocan diversos aspectos del mundo heleno. Cada sección dentro de estos apartados viene configurada por cuatro o cinco unidades. Para terminar se realizan dos precisiones sobre la eficacia del método: en primer lugar se le considera de gran utilidad y eficacia para la docencia; y en segundo, el orden de palabras, que acostumbra ya desde el primer texto, a ese hipérbaton tan sorprendente para los que se inician.


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