998 resultados para Habitat modification


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BACKGROUND: People may alter their solid oral medication dosage forms to make it easier to swallow. However, modification of solid medication dosage forms can lead to undesirable effects, and people may alter the dosage forms without informing the health professionals involved in their care. AIM: To estimate the prevalence of swallowing difficulties and medication modification amongst community pharmacy consumers, and to investigate consumer views, attitudes, and interactions with health professionals regarding such issues. METHODS: Consumers were recruited from five community pharmacies in Brisbane, Queensland and invited to participate in a structured interview. RESULTS: A total of 369 consumers participated in the study. Overall, 16.5% of people reported experiencing swallowing difficulties, and 10.6% of all respondents reported modifying medication dosage forms. Almost half (44.2%) of those surveyed did not think there would be issues with modifying medication dosage forms. Some consumers would not seek advice from health professionals if they experienced swallowing problems and/or would not seek advice from health professionals before modifying their medication dosage forms, regardless of their thoughts about any problems associated with this practice. CONCLUSION: Some consumers appeared to be accustomed to modifying medication dosage forms, even when there was no apparent or obvious need. People were also reluctant to seek advice from health professionals regarding swallowing difficulties, or modifying medication dosage forms. Health professionals must be assertive in educating consumers about swallowing problems, and medication dosage form modification.


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The photochemistry and photophysics of organic molecules in organized assemblies are being studied with great interest in order to understand the features controlling the selectivity in the photoreactions brought about by these media.l These studies have paved the way to an intriguing number of possibilities by which photoreactivity can be modified. In this connection, we have investigated the photobehavior of a number of phenyl alkyl ketones and cu,cu-dimethylphenyl alkyl ketones (Scheme I) incorporated in the hydrophobic interior of cyclodextrin cavities.


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Ricinus communis agglutinin was subjected to various chemical treatments and the effect on its hemagglutinating and saccharide-binding properties was studied. Acetylation, succinylation and citraconylation led to a complete loss in the activity of the agglutinin, whereas reductive methylation had no effect on the activity, showing that charged amino groups were involved in the hemagglutinating and saccharide-binding activity of Ricinus agglutinin. Modification of tryptophyl, arginyl and carboxyl-group-containing residues did not lead to any loss in the activity of the agglutinin. Acetylation of tyrosyl groups with N-acetylimidazole strongly reduced the hemagglutinating and saccharide-binding property of Ricinus agglutinin. The loss in activity was restored on deacetylation of the tyrosyl groups. Modification of tyrosyl residues also led to a change in the immunological properties of the agglutinin. The initial rate of modification of tyrosyl and amino groups and the concomitant loss of activity was reduced in the presence of lactose.


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We used an established seagrass monitoring programme to examine the short and longer-term impacts of an oil spill event on intertidal seagrass meadows. Results for potentially impacted seagrass areas were compared with existing monitoring data and with control seagrass meadows located outside of the oil spill area. Seagrass meadows were not significantly affected by the oil spill. Declines in seagrass biomass and area 1 month post-spill were consistent between control and impact meadows. Eight months post-spill, seagrass density and area increased to be within historical ranges. The declines in seagrass meadows were likely attributable to natural seasonal variation and a combination of climatic and anthropogenic impacts. The lack of impact from the oil spill was due to several mitigating factors rather than a lack of toxic effects to seagrasses. The study demonstrates the value of long-term monitoring of critical habitats in high risk areas to effectively assess impacts.


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The accessibility of methionines in RNAase A to reaction with OBQ has been studied at highly acidic pH. The differences between the rate constants of reactions of the methionine and methionines of RNAase A with OBQ is a reflection on the limited accessibility of methionines in the protein conformation. Nevertheless, at sufficiently high OBQ concentration, all the four methionines of the enzyme can be modified. At lower concentration of OBQ, a derivative may be prepared in which a specific methionine is modified. The introduced chromophore ionizes at around pH 3 in this derivative. The derivative has partial activity towards RNA which is enhanced on addition of S-protein.


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Strategies that confine antibacterial and/or antifouling property to the surface of the implant, by modifying the surface chemistry and morphology or by encapsulating the material in an antibiotic-loaded coating, are most promising as they do not alter bulk integrity of the material. Among them, plasma-assisted modification and catechol chemistry stand out for their ability to modify a wide range of substrates. By controlling processing parameters, plasma environment can be used for surface nano structuring, chemical activation, and deposition of biologically active and passive coatings. Catechol chemistry can be used for material-independent, highly-controlled surface immobilisation of active molecules and fabrication of biodegradable drug-loaded hydrogel coatings. In this article, we comprehensively review the role plasma-assisted processing and catechol chemistry can play in combating bacterial colonisation on medically relevant coatings, and how these strategies can be coupled with the use of natural antimicrobial agents to produce synthetic antibiotic-free antibacterial surfaces.


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Biomaterials play a fundamental role in disease management and the improvement of health care. In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the diversity, function, and number of biomaterials used worldwide. Yet, attachment of pathogenic microorganisms onto biomaterial surfaces remains a significant challenge that substantially undermines their clinical applicability, limiting the advancement of these systems. The emergence and escalating pervasiveness of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains makes the management of biomaterial-associated nosocomial infections increasingly difficult. The conventional post-operative treatment of implant-caused infections using systemic antibiotics is often marginally effective, further accelerating the extent of antimicrobial resistance. Methods by which the initial stages of bacterial attachment and biofilm formation can be restricted or prevented are therefore sought. The surface modification of biomaterials has the potential to alleviate pathogenic biofouling, therefore preventing the need for conventional antibiotics to be applied.


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Despite many synthetic biomaterials having physical properties that are comparable or even superior to those of natural body tissues, they frequently fail due to the adverse physiological reactions they cause within the human body, such as infection and inflammation. The surface modification of biomaterials is an economical and effective method by which biocompatibility and biofunctionality can be achieved while preserving the favorable bulk characteristics of the biomaterial, such as strength and inertness. Amongst the numerous surface modification techniques available, plasma surface modification affords device manufacturers a flexible and environmentally friendly process that enables tailoring of the surface morphology, structure, composition, and properties of the material to a specific need. There are a vast range of possible applications of plasma modification in biomaterial applications, however, the focus of this review paper is on processes that can be used to develop surface morphologies and chemical structures for the prevention of adhesion and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria on the surfaces of in-dwelling medical devices. As such, the fundamental principles of bacterial cell attachment and biofilm formation are also discussed. Functional organic plasma polymerised coatings are also discussed for their potential as biosensitive interfaces, connecting inorganic/metallic electronic devices with their physiological environments.


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Amongst various methods to attain sound antibacterial and antifouling properties, surface modification of biomaterials combines efficiency, processing flexibility, and most importantly, the ability to preserve favourable bulk properties, such as mechanical strength and chemical inertness. This chapter will first briefly discuss key parameters by which the biomaterial surface can be described, namely surface chemistry and morphology, and their individual and combined contributions to cell-surface interactions. More emphasis will be placed on surface morphology as the area of much debate. The chapter will then describe a range of available methodologies for surface modification, with plasma-assisted modification as one of the foci.


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Knowledge of the habitat requirements of bat species is needed in decision making in land use planning. Bats' hibernation requirements were studied both in Estonia and in southern Finland. In both countries, the northern bat and the brown long-eared bat hibernated in colder and drier locations, whereas Daubenton's bat and Brandt's/whiskered bats hibernated in warmer and more humid locations. In Estonia, the pond bat hibernated in the warmest and most humid conditions, whereas Natterer's bat hibernated in the coldest and driest conditions. Hibernacula were at their coldest in mid-season and became warmer towards the end of the season. The results suggest that bats made an active choice of colder hibernation temperatures at the seasons end. They minimised the negative effects of hibernation early in the hibernation season by hibernating in warmer locations and energy expenditure late in the hibernation season by hibernating in colder locations. The use of foraging habitats was studied in northern and southern Finland. The northern bat used foraging sites opportunistically. Daubenton's bat foraged mainly in water habitats, whereas Brandt's/whiskered bats and the brown long-eared bat foraged mainly in forest habitats. In northern Finland, Daubenton's bats foraged almost exclusively on rivers and typically together with the northern bat. Daubenton's bats and Brandt's/whiskered bats were found only where there were lower ambient light levels. One of the most important things in the management of foraging areas for them is to keep them shady. Hibernacula in Finland typically housed few bats, suggesting that hibernation sites used by even a small number of bats are important. Bats typically used natural stone for hibernation suggesting that natural underground sites in rocks or cliffs or man-made underground sites built using natural stone are important for them. The results suggest that appropriate timing of surveys may vary according to the species and latitude.


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Composting is the biological conversion of solid organic waste into usable end products such as fertilizers, substrates for mushroom production and biogas. Although composts are highly variable in their bulk composition, composting material is generally based on lignocellulose compounds derived from agricultural, forestry, fruit and vegetable processing, household and municipal wastes. Lignocellulose is very recalcitrant; however it is rich and abundant source of carbon and energy. Therefore lignocellulose degradation is essential for maintaining the global carbon cycle. In compost, the active component involved in the biodegradation and conversion processes is the resident microbial population, among which microfungi play a very important role. In composting pile the warm, humid, and aerobic environment provides the optimal conditions for their development. Microfungi use many carbon sources, including lignocellulosic polymers and can survive in extreme conditions. Typically microfungi are responsible for compost maturation. In order to improve the composting process, more information is needed about the microbial degradation process. Better knowledge on the lignocellulose degradation by microfungi could be used to optimize the composting process. Thus, this thesis focused on lignocellulose and humic compounds degradation by a microfungus Paecilomyces inflatus, which belongs to a flora of common microbial compost, soil and decaying plant remains. It is a very common species in Europe, North America and Asia. The lignocellulose and humic compounds degradation was studied using several methods including measurements of carbon release from 14C-labelled compounds, such as synthetic lignin (dehydrogenative polymer, DHP) and humic acids, as well as by determination of fibre composition using chemical detergents and sulphuric acid. Spectrophotometric enzyme assays were conducted to detect extracellular lignocellulose-degrading hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes. Paecilomyces inflatus secreted clearly extracellular laccase to the culture media. Laccase was involved in the degradation process of lignin and humic acids. In compost P. inflatus mineralised 6-10% of 14C-labelled DHP into carbon dioxide. About 15% of labelled DHP was converted into water-soluble compounds. Also humic acids were partly mineralised and converted into water-soluble material, such as low-molecular mass fulvic acid-like compounds. Although laccase activity in aromatics-rich compost media clearly is connected with the degradation process of lignin and lignin-like compounds, it may preferentially effect the polymerisation and/or detoxification of such aromatic compounds. P. inflatus can degrade lignin and carbohydrates also while growing in straw and in wood. The cellulolytic enzyme system includes endoglucanase and β-glucosidase. In P. inflatus the secretion of these enzymes was stimulated by low-molecular-weight aromatics, such as soil humic acid and veratric acid. When strains of P. inflatus from different ecophysiological origins were compared, indications were found that specific adaptation strategies needed for lignocellulosics degradation may operate in P. inflatus. The degradative features of these microfungi are on relevance for lignocellulose decomposition in nature, especially in soil and compost environments, where basidiomycetes are not established. The results of this study may help to understand, control and better design the process of plant polymer conversion in compost environment, with a special emphasis on the role of ubiquitous microfungi.


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Salt-fog tests as per International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recommendations were conducted on stationtype insulators with large leakage lengths. Later, tests were conducted to simulate natural conditions. From these tests, it was understood that the pollution flashover would occur because of nonuniform pollution layers causing nonuniform voltage distribution during a natural drying-up period. The leakage current during test conditions was very small and the evidence was that the leakage current did not play any significant role in causing flashovers. In the light of the experimental results, some modification of the test procedure is suggested.


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A significantly increased water regime can lead to inundation of rivers, creeks and surrounding floodplains- and thus impact on the temporal dynamics of both the extant vegetation and the dormant, but viable soil-seed bank of riparian corridors. The study documented changes in the soil seed-bank along riparian corridors before and after a major flood event in January 2011 in southeast Queensland, Australia. The study site was a major river (the Mooleyember creek) near Roma, Central Queensland impacted by the extreme flood event and where baseline ecological data on riparian seed-bank populations have previously been collected in 2007, 2008 and 2009. After the major flood event, we collected further soil samples from the same locations in spring/summer (November–December 2011) and in early autumn (March 2012). Thereafter, the soils were exposed to adequate warmth and moisture under glasshouse conditions, and emerged seedlings identified taxonomically. Flooding increased seed-bank abundance but decreased its species richness and diversity. However, flood impact was less than that of yearly effect but greater than that of seasonal variation. Seeds of trees and shrubs were few in the soil, and were negatively affected by the flood; those of herbaceous and graminoids were numerous and proliferate after the flood. Seed-banks of weedy and/or exotic species were no more affected by the flood than those of native and/or non-invasive species. Overall, the studied riparian zone showed evidence of a quick recovery of its seed-bank over time, and can be considered to be resilient to an extreme flood event.