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We consider the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation in a non-locally perturbed half-plane. This problem models time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering by a one-dimensional, infinite, rough, perfectly conducting surface; the same problem arises in acoustic scattering by a sound-soft surface. ChandlerWilde & Zhang have suggested a radiation condition for this problem, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings, and uniqueness of solution has been established. Recently, an integral equation formulation of the problem has also been proposed and, in the special case when the whole boundary is both Lyapunov and a small perturbation of a flat boundary, the unique solvability of this integral equation has been shown by Chandler-Wilde & Ross by operator perturbation arguments. In this paper we study the general case, with no limit on surface amplitudes or slopes, and show that the same integral equation has exactly one solution in the space of bounded and continuous functions for all wavenumbers. As an important corollary we prove that, for a variety of incident fields including the incident plane wave, the Dirichlet boundary-value problem for the scattered field has a unique solution.


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We consider a two-dimensional problem of scattering of a time-harmonic electromagnetic plane wave by an infinite inhomogeneous conducting or dielectric layer at the interface between semi-infinite homogeneous dielectric half-spaces. The magnetic permeability is assumed to be a fixed positive constant. The material properties of the media are characterized completely by an index of refraction, which is a bounded measurable function in the layer and takes positive constant values above and below the layer, corresponding to the homogeneous dielectric media. In this paper, we examine only the transverse magnetic (TM) polarization case. A radiation condition appropriate for scattering by infinite rough surfaces is introduced, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings. With the help of the radiation condition the problem is reformulated as an equivalent mixed system of boundary and domain integral equations, consisting of second-kind integral equations over the layer and interfaces within the layer. Assumptions on the variation of the index of refraction in the layer are then imposed which prove to be sufficient, together with the radiation condition, to prove uniqueness of solution and nonexistence of guided wave modes. Recent, general results on the solvability of systems of second kind integral equations on unbounded domains establish existence of solution and continuous dependence in a weighted norm of the solution on the given data. The results obtained apply to the case of scattering by a rough interface between two dielectric media and to many other practical configurations.


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The problem of scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by an inhomogeneous fluid layer on a rigid plate in R2 is considered. The density is assumed to be unity in the media: within the layer the sound speed is assumed to be an arbitrary bounded measurable function. The problem is modelled by the reduced wave equation with variable wavenumber in the layer and a Neumann condition on the plate. To formulate the problem and prove uniqueness of solution a radiation condition appropriate for scattering by infinite rough surfaces is introduced, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings. With the help of the radiation condition the problem is reformulated as a system of two second kind integral equations over the layer and the plate. Under additional assumptions on the wavenumber in the layer, uniqueness of solution is proved and the nonexistence of guided wave solutions of the homogeneous problem established. General results on the solvability of systems of integral equations on unbounded domains are used to establish existence and continuous dependence in a weighted norm of the solution on the given data.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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ZusammenfassungDie selbstkondensierende Gruppenübertragungspolymerisation von 2-[(2-Methyl-1-triethylsiloxy-1-propenyl)oxy]ethyl-methacrylat (MTSHEMA) und die Copolymerisation mit Methylmethacrylat und tert-Butylmethacrylat wurde untersucht. Da MTSHEMA eine polymerisierbare Methacryloyl-Einheit und eine zur Initiierung einer Gruppenübertragungspolymerisation befähigte Silylketenacetal-Einheit besitzt, führt die Homopolymerisation zu hyperverzweigten und die Copolymerisation zu hochverzweigten Polymeren.Bei der Homopolymerisation von MTSHEMA konnten nur niedrige Molekulargewichte erreicht werden. Dies wird auf Nebenreaktionen der aktiven Kettenenden zurückgeführt, welche die Carbonylgruppen nucleophil angreifen und, mit der Doppelbindung Kern-Einheit reagieren. Die Copolymerisation mit Methylmethacrylat verlauft ohne Nebenreaktionen. Durch die Variation des molaren Verhältnisses von MTSHEMA zu den Comonomeren war es möglich, das Molekulargewicht, den Verzweigungsgrad und dadurch die Viskosität in Lösung zu kontrollieren. Die Bestimmung der Molekulargewichtsverteilung sämtlicher Polymere erfolgte durch Kopplung der Gelpermeationschromatographie mit einem Viskositätsdetektor und einem Vielwinkel Lichtstreu-Photometer. Die aus dem Vergleich der Viskositäten und Trägheitsradien ermittelten Schrumpfungspa-rameter lassen Schlüsse auf den Verzweigungsgrad zu.Nach den Ergebnissen der viskoelastischen Spektroskopie folgt das Verhalten der verzweigten Polymere in der Schmelze der Rouse-Theorie und deutet damit auf die Abwesenheit von Verschlaufungen hin.Durch die Copolymerisation mit tert-Butylmethacrylat und MTSHEMA konnte hochverzweigtes Poly(tert-butylmethacrylat) synthetisiert werden. Die Verseifung dieser Polymere ergab verzweigte Polymethacrylsäure.


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We consider the question of optimal shapes, e.g., those causing minimal extinction among all shapes of equal volume. Guided by the isoperimetric property of a sphere, relevant in the geometrical optics limit of scattering by large particles, we examine an analogous question in the low frequency (electrostatics) approximation, seeking to disentangle electric and geometric contributions. To that end, we survey the literature on shape functionals and focus on ellipsoids, giving a simple proof of spherical optimality for the coated ellipsoidal particle. Monotonic increase with asphericity in the low frequency regime for orientation-averaged induced dipole moments and scattering cross-sections is also shown. Additional physical insight is obtained from the Rayleigh-Gans (transparent) limit and eccentricity expansions. We propose connecting low and high frequency regime in a single minimum principle valid for all size parameters, provided that reasonable size distributions of randomly oriented aspherical particles wash out the resonances for intermediate size parameters. This proposal is further supported by the sum rule for integrated extinction.


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The optical scattering coefficient of a dilute, well-solubilized eumelanin solution has been accurately measured as a function of incident wavelength, and found to contribute < 6% of the total optical attenuation between 210 and 325 nm. At longer wavelengths (325-800 nm), the scattering was less than the minimum sensitivity of our instrument. This indicates that ultraviolet and visible optical density spectra can be interpreted as true absorption with a high degree of confidence. The scattering coefficient versus wavelength was found to be consistent with Rayleigh theory for a particle radius of 38 6 1 nm. Our results shed important light on the role of melanins as photoprotectants.


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Extremely broad emission wings at Hβ and Hα have been found in VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey data for five very luminous BA supergiants in or near 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The profiles of both lines are extremely asymmetrical, which we have found to be caused by very broad diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) in the longward wing of Hβ and the shortward wing of Hα. These DIBs are well known to interstellar but not to many stellar specialists, so that the asymmetries may be mistaken for intrinsic features. The broad emission wings are generally ascribed to electron scattering, although we note difficulties for that interpretation in some objects. Such profiles are known in some Galactic hyper/supergiants and are also seen in both active and quiescent Luminous Blue Variables (LBVs). No prior or current LBV activity is known in these 30 Dor stars, although a generic relationship to LBVs is not excluded; subject to further observational and theoretical investigation, it is possible that these very luminous supergiants are approaching the LBV stage for the first time. Their locations in the HRD and presumed evolutionary tracks are consistent with that possibility. The available evidence for spectroscopic variations of these objects is reviewed, while recent photometric monitoring does not reveal variability. A search for circumstellar nebulae has been conducted, with an indeterminate result for one of them.


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Inclusions of sp-hybridised, trans-polyacetylene [trans-(CH)x] and poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV) chains are revealed using resonant Raman scattering (RRS) investigation of amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H) films in the near IR – UV range. The RRS spectra of trans-(CH)x core Ag modes and the PPV CC-H phenylene mode are found to transform and disperse as the laser excitation energy ћωL is increased from near IR through visible to UV, whereas sp-bonded inclusions only become evident in UV. This is attributed to ћωL probing of trans-(CH)x chain inhomogeneity and the distribution of chains with varying conjugation length; for PPV to the resonant probing of phelynene ring disorder; and for sp segments, to ћωL probing of a local band gap of end-terminated polyynes. The IR spectra analysis confirmed the presence of sp, trans-(CH)x and PPV inclusions. The obtained RRS results for a-C:H denote differentiation between the core Ag trans-(CH)x modes and the PPV phenylene mode. Furthermore, it was found that at various laser excitation energies the changes in Raman spectra features for trans-(CH)x segments included in an amorphous carbon matrix are the same as in bulk trans-polyacetylene. The latter finding can be used to facilitate identification of trans-(CH)x in the spectra of complex carbonaceous materials.