999 resultados para Goodson, Ivor Contribuições em educação


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Este texto objetiva discutir contribuições da Psicologia Histrico-Cultural para a formao e a atuao do psiclogo junto educação, num contexto de Educação Inclusiva. Destacam-se os fundamentos e princpios da educação para pessoas com deficincia, bem como postulados da teoria de Vigotski referentes formao e atuao dos psiclogos. Considera-se que a perspectiva terica elaborada pelo autor sovitico contribui por: destacar a transitoriedade dos eventos e fenmenos; atrelar o mundo das ideias, valores e representaes vida objetiva e prtica social; relacionar propostas educacionais a um dado projeto de sociedade; defender a possibilidade do desvendamento da constituio social do psiquismo e da possvel interveno sobre a mesma; requisitar uma condio de desenvolvimento humano sobre o patamar do homem cultural e livre. Por fim, destaca-se o fato de que a Educação Inclusiva deve se referir ao processo de apropriao e usufruto das produes humanas mais complexas, elaboradas nas diferentes reas da vida e do conhecimento.


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The present study aims to reflect on the importance of supervised internship in Physical Education in the context of elementary education; establishing, therefore, a path of definitions of concepts ranging from the disquieting comprehension regarding the association between theory and practice to the most intricate details of the content to be treated in Physical Education classes, as well as the formative process of the learners who perform the supervised training. Thus, it was possible to build a vigorous dialogue with the different theorists and scholars of both Education and Physical Education. Since then, various thematic issues that punctuate the supervised internship in all its dimensions have aroused


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The present study aims to reflect on the importance of supervised internship in Physical Education in the context of elementary education; establishing, therefore, a path of definitions of concepts ranging from the disquieting comprehension regarding the association between theory and practice to the most intricate details of the content to be treated in Physical Education classes, as well as the formative process of the learners who perform the supervised training. Thus, it was possible to build a vigorous dialogue with the different theorists and scholars of both Education and Physical Education. Since then, various thematic issues that punctuate the supervised internship in all its dimensions have aroused


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The present study aims to reflect on the importance of supervised internship in Physical Education in the context of elementary education; establishing, therefore, a path of definitions of concepts ranging from the disquieting comprehension regarding the association between theory and practice to the most intricate details of the content to be treated in Physical Education classes, as well as the formative process of the learners who perform the supervised training. Thus, it was possible to build a vigorous dialogue with the different theorists and scholars of both Education and Physical Education. Since then, various thematic issues that punctuate the supervised internship in all its dimensions have aroused


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Essa pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o processo histrico pedaggico da Educação Fsica, as diretrizes nacionais das licenciaturas e da Educação Fsica e o currculo do curso de Educação Fsica contextualizando as matrizes curriculares de trs cursos da regio do Grande ABC Paulista nesse panorama e por fim discutir acerca dessas questes e incentivar reflexes e discusses desse tema dentre os profissionais e estudiosos da rea. Para tanto fizemos pesquisa documental dos processos histrico-pedaggicos por que passou a rea da Educação Fsica, as tendncias de sua constituio como rea de estudos, a legislao bsica que lhe deu sustentao, a crise de identidade da rea e a diviso, Licenciatura e Bacharelado. As teorias do currculo deram sustentao anlise que fizemos.


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O presente trabalho, ligado linha de Polticas e Gesto Educacional, examina o perodo histrico de 1917 a 1930, em que educadores bolcheviques influenciaram a educação sovitica em pleno processo de construo da sociedade revolucionria. Esse importante contexto histrico gerou o interesse pelo tema remetendo este estudo a um perodo atravessado por discusses educacionais. Assim, procurou-se pesquisar quais foram os educadores que contriburam para o avano da educação sovitica, o que foi pensado por eles e quais ideias sobre educação foram concretizadas por intermdio de polticas educacionais. Por meio de um estudo da poca revolucionria da Rssia, buscou-se apresentar os princpios educacionais de Moisey Mikhaylovic Pistrak (1888-1940), Nadejda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (1869-1939) e Anatli Lunatcharsky (1875-1933). Tentou-se apurar se as propostas de alguns desses educadores (ou de todos) para a poca contriburam ativamente na implantao da prtica pedaggica socialista, fundada no marxismo. Cada um com suas prticas e estudos ajudou a construir o que se conhece na histria como uma pedagogia socialista, baseada na ideia do coletivo vinculada ao movimento mais amplo de transformao social. A hiptese sobre a importncia prtica desses autores foi investigada ao longo do trabalho. A pesquisa intentou contribuir com uma reflexo acerca dos valores possveis na educação contempornea, que idealmente deveria valorizar o trabalho do ser humano e as relaes de carter humanitrio entre os homens. Contudo, no contexto local no se conseguiu ter acesso, ainda, a uma grande quantidade de estudos relacionados ao tema. No obstante esse fato, a pesquisa justifica-se como uma anlise do perodo histrico conhecido por sua importncia para a evoluo da sociedade contempornea. Parte-se da suposio de que no perodo ps-revolucionrio aconteceu grande efervescncia intelectual e cultural, gerando inmeras propostas diferenciadas nos terrenos da organizao escolar, da ao pedaggica, da relao escola-sociedade, da relao escola-unidades de produo, da relao entre educação e cidadania socialista etc. No decorrer da pesquisa, para estudar cada educador, foi preciso buscar em suas obras a presena de quatro temas relevantes no debate sovitico daquele perodo: a nova sociedade sovitica (papel dominante do Estado, declnio no papel da igreja e da famlia, reivindicao do sistema econmico de participao na educação); a organizao do ensino por meio da abordagem de problemas (sistema modular); o processo de revoluo cultural e a construo do novo homem; e a politecnia. Para fundamentar os temas, foi necessrio caracterizar a posio do pensamento e a ao educacional de cada autor. Na abordagem dos temas, buscou-se tambm outros autores interessados pela educação sovitica e pelas correntes doutrinrias no terreno da educação. Considera-se que a pesquisa contribuir academia, ao estudo da pedagogia e da poltica educacional, e compreenso do pensamento dos educadores bolcheviques.


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In Brazil, special education public is a challenge to all teachers, especially to Physical Education ones. Among others, it encompasses students with disabilities, students with intellectual giftedness, and students with pervasive developmental disorder. Besides posing challenges, the inclusion process causes worry and generates debates on problems that impede the full partaking of such pupils in schooling practices related to physical education. This thesis presents a research that focused on these matters by means of co-working involving the researcher and the Physical Education teacher in regular classrooms following co-teaching perspective. The starting point of the research is the following question: what contributions co-working involving Physical Education teacher and researcher may provide to people with disabilities and to Physical Education teacher in regular schools attended by students who are the special educations target? The research aimed at discussing and analyzing the development of such co-working activity involving the researcher and Physical Education teacher. It followed co-teaching perspective and was put into practice in a public school in Uberlndia, state of Minas Gerais. Participant qualitative approach, which recognizes relations between social sciences and intervention in social reality, was the methodological choice to develop the research in three phases: 1) making the research; 2) intervening in social reality; 3) assessing/diagnosing it. Strategies to gather data included semi structured interview, questionnaire, participant observation, and group interview. Data come, above all, from oral accounts as well as from the work by the group of participants of the research, which means, researcher, Physical Education teacher who works at regular schools and three teachers who deal with AEE (Atendimento Educacional Especial), a special educational teaching program. The concept of inclusion is discussed accordingly to authors such as Miranda (2001), Mantoan (2001), Duarte and Santos (2003), Mittler (2003), Rodrigues (2006), and Bueno (2008). The conception of co-working is developed in the light of studies by Capellini (2004) and Mendes (2009), among others. Results point out not only initial conditions of anguish, doubts and hardships, but also a will to debate difficulties Physical Education teachers face in their daily pedagogical activities at school. Likewise, results showed that teachers who took part in the research are interested in continuing their training in connection with co-teaching as strategy to teach physical education at inclusive schools.


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For the reader of this book it is reserved a historical walk through the efforts realized in the field of education to settle the necessary basis for the formation of a participating citizen in the socio-technical process and the dialogic and communicative action with the technological world. There are ten articles that discuss about many aspects of the relationship between education and technology, experienced by the author, who at any moment forgot thinkers with whom he spoke as Jrgen Habermas, Karl Marx, Karl Popper, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Ruy Gama. You can dream and run away from the instrumental knowledge to incorporate the woven continuous experience in the practice and experience with people. In this atmosphere of concepts, characteristics and perspectives is the technological education, which runs through dialogue with technology, possession of knowledge and interdisciplinary. Talking to the technology, the subject interacts with society so that the demands are part of projects in this field of this champ of knowledge and the other sciences. It also means to explore knowledge and practices of professionals and educators working in this field full of normative and formative values.


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Acompanha: A educação de jovens e adultos e o ensino de cincias naturais: contribuições da utilizao dos conceitos unificadores


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Dissertao apresentada para obteno a grau de Mestre na rea de Educação Social e Interveno Comunitria


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Dissertao apresentada para obteno a grau de Mestre na rea de Educação Social e Interveno Comunitria


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A internacionalizao da educação superior e a cooperao internacional devem ser assumidas, hoje, no mais como um meio, mas como um fim para se movimentar e relacionar na sociedade globalizada, sem fronteiras e centrada no conhecimento. Esse compromisso, portanto, alm de estratgia prioritria das agendas governamentais, deve tambm ser assumido pelas universidades, pelas profisses e pesquisadores, como desafio ao impacto da globalizao.