931 resultados para Glauconite
During Leg 188 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), employing JOIDES Resolution, we drilled holes at three sites in the southern Indian Ocean in and near Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, between 28 January and 29 February 2000. The objectives of the voyage were to: - Core through sediments deposited when Antarctica underwent the transition from "greenhouse" to the modern "icehouse" state late in the Eocene or early in the Oligocene, at sites obtaining their sediment from the currently subglacial Gamburtsev Mountains that probably were the site of nucleation of the ice sheet (principally Site 1166); - Obtain a sediment record from times at which major changes in the ice sheet volume and characteristics took place as judged from oxygen isotope records, especially at ~23.7 Ma (Oligocene/Miocene boundary), 12-16 Ma (middle Miocene), and 2.7 Ma (late Pliocene) (mainly Site 1165); and - Sample through the upper Pliocene and Quaternary in an attempt to document fluctuations in the extent of the ice sheet over the continental shelf during the Quaternary (especially Site 1167). Paleogene foraminifer-bearing marine sections were not intersected, and thus discussion of marine sections is restricted to the Neogene. Foraminifers are not major contributors to Leg 188 chronostratigraphy but contribute to paleoenvironmental interpretation, to issues such as carbonate compensation depth (CCD) effects and source and history of sediment, and provide a basis for Sr and d18O studies. Chronostratigraphy for the various sections was compiled from diatoms, radiolarians, and paleomagnetism (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2001, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.188.101.2001). Foraminifers were sporadic rather than continuous except in short intervals; however, the Neogene foraminifers from the region are very poorly known and the new records proved to be of significant value in paleoenvironmental interpretation. Only at Site 1167 did drilling intersect a section that yielded foraminifers virtually throughout. Other than for the very young section at each site, there is virtually no continuity of assemblages between sites and thus each section is treated here as separate and unrelated.
A core of foraminiferal-coccolithic oozes filling a valley of the transform fault located at 29°40'S on the South Atlantic Ridge contains layers composed of angular fragments of igneous and metamorphic rocks. They include many serpentinites deriving from serpentinized ultrabasic rocks, probably exposed on the lower section of the southern slope of the fault valley. A mineral and chemical description of these serpentinites is given.
Manganese-iron oxide concretions are presently forming on Patrick Sill in upper Jervis Inlet. The marine geology of Patrick Sill and the adjoining basins (Queen's Reach and Princess Royal Reach) was studied to define the environment in which the concretions form. The river at the inlet head is the principal source of sediment to the upper basin. The average grain size of surficial bottom sediments within this basin decreases uniformly with distance from the source. Patrick Sill separates the upper from the lower basin. The sediment distribution pattern within the lower basin differs markedly from the upper basin as there is no dominant source of material but rather many localized sources. Abundant shallow marine faunal remains recovered in deep water sediment samples indicate that sediments deposited as deltas off river and stream mouths periodically slump to the basin floors. Geologic and optical turbidity information for the upper basin can best be explained by slumping from the delta at the inlet head with the initiation of turbidity or density currents. Patrick Sill appears to create a downstream barrier to this flow. The mineralogy of the bottom sediments indicates derivation from a granitic terrain. If this is so, the sediments presently being deposited in both basins are reworked glacial materials initially derived by glacial action outside the present watershed. Upper Jervis Inlet is mapped as lying within a roof pendant of pre-batholithic rocks, principally slates. Patrick Sill is thought to be a bedrock feature mantled with Pleistocene glacial material. The accumulation rate of recent sediments on the sill is low especially in the V-notch or medial depression. The manganese-iron oxide concretions are forming within the depression and apparently nowhere else in the study area. Also forming within the depression are crusts of iron oxide and what are tentatively identified as glauconite-montmorillonoid pellets. The concretions are thought to form by precipitation of manganese-iron oxides on pebbles and cobbles lying at the sediment water interface. The oxide materials are mobile in the reducing environment of the underlying clayey-sand sediment but precipitate on contact with the oxygenating environment of the surficial sediments. The iron crusts are thought to be forming on extensive rocky surfaces above the sediment water interface. The overall appearance and evidence of rapid formation of the crusts suggests they formed from a gel in sea water. Reserves of manganese-iron concretions on Patrick Sill were estimated to be 117 metric tons. Other deposits of concretions have recently been found in other inlets and in the Strait of Georgia but, to date, the extent of these has not been determined.
Comprehensive investigations revealed that modern deposits in the northern Caspian Sea involve terrigenous sands and aleurites with admixture of detritus and intact bivalve shells, including coquina. Generally, these deposits overlay dark grayish viscous clays. Similar geological situation occurs in the Volga River delta; however, local deposits are much poorer in biogenic constituents. Illite prevails among clay minerals. In coarse aleurite fraction (0.100-0.050 mm) heavy transparent minerals are represented mostly by epidotes, while light minerals - mostly by quartz and feldspars. Sedimentary material in the Volga River delta is far from completely differentiated into fractions due to abundant terrigenous inflows. Comparatively better grading of sediments from the northern Caspian Sea is due to additional factors such as bottom currents and storms. When passing from the Volga River delta to the northern Caspian Sea, sediments are enriched in rare earth elements (except Eu), Ca, Au, Ni, Se, Ag, As, and Sr, but depleted in Na, Rb, Cs, K, Ba, Fe, Cr, Co, Sc, Br, Zr, ??, U, and Th. Concentrations of Zn remain almost unchanged. Sedimentation rates and types of recent deposits in the northern Caspian Sea are governed mainly by abundant runoff of the Volga River.
Massive sandstone and siltstone beds with many shallow-water megafossils overlie acidic volcanic conglomerates at DSDP Site 439. Smear-slides, thin sections from coarse fractions, and heavy minerals of the sandstone and siltstone beds were analyzed. The sandstones and siltstones are very rich in lithic fragments and are classified as lithic arenite and (or) lithic wacke. Hornblende and clinopyroxene are abundant, and zircon is present in most of the examined samples. The proportions of sandstone, chert, and volcanic rock in the coarse fraction are variable, but fragments of clastic rocks and cherts are predominant. Plagioclase crystals of volcanic-rock origin, such as highly zoned plagioclase and very fine, euhedral, lath-shaped plagioclase, are frequently observed. Metamorphic-rock fragments and metamorphic minerals are also observed. Thus, the provenance of the sandstone and siltstone beds appears to have been a slightly mature island arc, the Oyashio ancient landmass, consisting of clastic sediments and metamorphic and volcanic rocks.
Sand detrital modes of Albian-Eocene clastic gravity-flow deposits cored and recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1276 reflect the postrift geologic evolution of the Newfoundland passive continental margin. Cretaceous sandstone compositions (average: Q57F23L20; Ls%Lsc = 35; total%bioclasts = 3) are consistent with a source on Grand Banks such as Avalon Uplift. Their relatively low potassium feldspar (Qm71K8P21) contents distinguish them from Iberian sandstones and appear to preclude an easterly source during the early history of the ocean basin. Isolated volcaniclastic input near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (~60 Ma) at Site 1276 is also present in Iberian samples of this age, suggesting that magmatism was widespread across the North Atlantic during this time frame; the source(s) of this volcanic debris remains equivocal. In the Eocene, the development of carbonate bank facies on the shelf marks a profound compositional change to calcareous grainstones (average: Q27F11L62; Ls%Lsc = 82; total%bioclasts = 55) in basinal gravity-flow deposits at Site 1276. This calcareous petrofacies is present on the Iberian margin and in the Pyrenees, suggesting that it was a regional event. The production and downslope redistribution of carbonate debris, including bioclastic and lithic fragments, was likely eustatically controlled. The Newfoundland (Site 1276 and Jeanne d'Arc Basin) sandstones are mainly quartzolithic. Their composition and the contrast in composition between them and more quartzofeldspathic sandstones from the Iberian margin are likely a product of rifting along a Paleozoic suture zone separating distinct basement terranes. This prerift geologic setting contrasts with that of rifts developed within other cratonic settings with variable amounts of synrift volcanism. When synthesized, the spectrum of synrift and postrift sand compositions produces a general model of passive margin (rift-to-drift) sandstone provenance.
Samples of crystalline basalt from Site 396 B are all more or less altered, usually in strongly zoned patterns. Evidence has been found for several related or independent alteration stages, including (1) minor localized deuteric (amphibole and mixed clay minerals in miarolitic voids); (2) minor widespread nonoxidizing (pyrite on walls of vugs and cracks); (3) localized diffusion-controlled rug filling ("glauconite" in black halos); (4) pervasive low level oxidizing (transformation of titanomagnetite to cation-deficient titanomaghemite); (5) localized diffusion-controlled strongly oxidizing (breakdown of olivine and titanomaghemite in brown zones). Plagioclase and pyroxene are essentially unaltered. Detailed analyses of gray and brown zones in pillow basalts show that low temperature oxidation has proceeded in a step-wise fashion, with the relative stabilities of the igneous minerals controlling the steps. Secondary minerals that crystallized from pore fluids on to the walls of vugs may or may not be related to local alteration of primary phases. During the most intense stage of alteration, brown oxidation zones grew into basalt fragments behind diffusion controlled fronts. The specific reactions and products of this stage differ among the lithologic units at the site. A model is proposed whereby efficient seawater circulation through the pillow units maintains the pH and the concentrations of Mg2+ and SiO2 dissolved at low levels in pore fluids, so that olivine is replaced by hydrous ferric oxides, and Mg and SiO2 are removed from the system. In the massive basalt unit, circulation is somewhat less effective and Mg and SiO2 are retained in smectites. Deposition of authigenic minerals in the sequence saponite/Fe-Mn oxides/phillipsite/calcite in vugs and cracks may reflect the gradual closing of the systems and probably signals the end of localized oxidation in parts of the core. Mineral compositions indicate that most of these deposits formed from seawater at very low temperature.
Geomorphology, geology, stratigraphy, lithology and geochemistry of bottom sediments in the South Ocean are under consideration. Regularities of distribution of iron-manganese nodules, features of occurrence of ore components in the nodules, nodule abundance in bottom sediments have been studied.
Cores from the upper 70 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (upper Pleistocene) at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 645 in Baffin Bay show dramatic meter-scale changes in color and mineralogy. Below this interval, mineralogical changes are more gradual to the top of the Miocene at about 550 mbsf. The Pliocene-Pleistocene section can be divided into five facies: Facies 1 - massive, poorly sorted, gravel-bearing muds; Facies 2 - gray silty clays and silty muds; Facies 3 - laminated detricarbonate silty muds; Facies 4 - silty sand and sandy silt; and Facies 5 - poorly sorted muddy sands and silty muds. Facies 4 and 5 are restricted to the Pliocene section below depths of about 275 mbsf. The mineralogical/color cycles in the upper 70 mbsf are the result of alternations between Facies 2 and three lithotypes of Facies 1: lithotype A - tan-colored, carbonate-rich, gravel-bearing mud; lithotype B - weak, red-colored, gravel-bearing mud rich in sedimentary rock fragments; and lithotype C - gray, gravel-bearing mud. A fourth lithotype, D, is restricted to depths of 168-275 mbsf and is dark gray, carbonate-poor, gravel-bearing mud. We believe that all lithotypes of Facies 1 and the sand and gravel fractions of Facies 2 and 3 were deposited by ice rafting. Depositional processes for Facies 4 and 5 probably include ice rafting and bottom- and turbidity-current transport. Data from petrographic analyses of light and heavy sand-sized grains and X-ray analyses of silt- and clay-size fractions suggest that tan-colored sediments (lithotype A of Facies 1; Facies 3) were derived mainly from Paleozoic carbonates of Ellesmere, Devon, and northern Baffin islands. Weak red sediments (lithotype B) contain significant red sedimentary clasts, reworked quartzarenite grains and clasts, and rounded colorless garnets, all derived from Proterozoic sequences of the Borden and Thule basins, and from minor Mesozoic red beds. Other sediments in the upper 335 mbsf at Site 645 contain detritus from a heterogeneous mixture of sources, including Precambrian shield terranes around Baffin Bay. Sediments from 335 to 550 mbsf (Facies 5) are rich in friable sedimentary clasts and detrital micas and contain glauconite and, in a few samples, reworked diatoms. These components suggest derivation from poorly consolidated Mesozoic-Tertiary sediments in coastal outcrops and beneath the modern shelves of northeastern Baffin Island and western Greenland. For the upper Pleistocene section (about 0-100 mbsf), marked mineralogical cyclicity is attributed to fluctuating glacial margins, calving rates, and iceberg melting rates, particularly around the northern end of Baffin Bay. Tan-colored, carbonate-rich units were derived at times of maximum advance of glaciers on Ellesmere and Devon islands, during relatively warm intervals induced by incursion of warm Atlantic surface water into the bay. At the beginning of these warmer episodes, most icebergs were contributed by glaciers near sea level around the Arctic channels, which resulted in deposition of weak red, ice-rafted units rich in Proterozoic sedimentary clasts.
The present work is based on mineralogical studies of sand and silt layers from a number of Deep Sea Drilling Project sites in the Indian Ocean belonging to different physiographic provinces of different ages. The minerals can be grouped into two major associations: a hornblende-opaque association with varying amounts of pyroxene, garnet, epidote, zircon, etc. and a biotite-chlorite-muscovite assemblage. The dominance of unstable minerals indicates a first generation, though evidence of reworking is reflected in the zircon and tourmaline grains at some sites. A large variety of minerals at some sites indicates a complex source. The mineral composition is nearly homogeneous at different sites for the entire length of the core, indicating that they have been derived from the same source during the deposition of that interval. However, the provenance changed by tectonic activity, the effect of which has been reflected in the mineralogy of some sites. An attempt was made to describe the mineralogic characteristics and their tectonic interpretations in the Pliocene and Miocene periods in the Ganges and Indus fan sites and also in the Wharton and Mozambique basin sites. Similar attempts could not be made for other ages in other physiographic provinces as the numbers of samples were too few. Within the limited scope, some idea about the mineralogical character of different basins and different physiographic provinces can be obtained from the present study. Mineralogical evidence also suggests very long transport of sediments in the deep sea. Regional variation of mineralogy has resulted due to source, sea-floor configuration, selective removal, reworking by different agencies and the processes operating in the ocean. There is no relation between a particular age and a set mineral assemblage for the Cenozoic sediments of the Indian Ocean.
As is less toxic than Hg, Cd, Pb, Se, Zn, and Cu. The As clarke for clays and shales is 10 ppm. Our samples of bottom sediments from Kurshskii Bay were determined to contain from 15 to 26 ppm As and up to 34 ppm As in the vicinity of the Neman River mouth. Elevated As concentrations (50-114 ppm) were detected in four columns of subsurface bottom sediments (at depths of 10-65 cm) from the Vistula Lagoon. Elevated As concentrations (50-180 ppm) were also found in a few surface samples of sand from the Gdansk Deep near oil platform D-6. These sediments are either partly contaminated with anthropogenic As or contain Fe sulfides and glauconite, which can concentrate As and contain its elevated concentrations. The As concentration in columns of bottom sediments from the Gulf of Finland were at the natural background level (throughout the columns) typical of the area (9-34 ppm). We repeatedly detected very high As concentrations (up to 227 ppm As) in politic ooze from Bornholm Deep, in the vicinity of the sunken vessel with chemical weapons. The sources of elevated As concentrations in the Baltic Sea are the following: (1) chemical weapon (CW) material buried in the floor of the Baltic Sea; (2) As-bearing pesticides, agricultural mineral fertilizers, and burned coal and other fuels; (3) kerogen-bearing Ordovician rocks exposed on the bottom; and (4) As-rich Fe sulfides brought to the area together with construction sand and gravel. This mixture was used in paper production and for the construction of hydraulic engineering facilities in the Vistula Lagoon in the early 20th century and later caused the so-called lagoon disease.