Petrology of ODP Leg 210 and Leg 173, and DSDP Leg 47 sites

Autoria(s): Marsaglia, Kathleen M; Pavia, Jennifer A; Maloney, Sara J

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 42.889769 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -26.245909 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 40.724110 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -44.785830 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 45.405330 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -10.718300 * DATE/TIME START: 1976-04-14T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2003-07-16T08:44:00




Sand detrital modes of Albian-Eocene clastic gravity-flow deposits cored and recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1276 reflect the postrift geologic evolution of the Newfoundland passive continental margin. Cretaceous sandstone compositions (average: Q57F23L20; Ls%Lsc = 35; total%bioclasts = 3) are consistent with a source on Grand Banks such as Avalon Uplift. Their relatively low potassium feldspar (Qm71K8P21) contents distinguish them from Iberian sandstones and appear to preclude an easterly source during the early history of the ocean basin. Isolated volcaniclastic input near the Paleocene/Eocene boundary (~60 Ma) at Site 1276 is also present in Iberian samples of this age, suggesting that magmatism was widespread across the North Atlantic during this time frame; the source(s) of this volcanic debris remains equivocal. In the Eocene, the development of carbonate bank facies on the shelf marks a profound compositional change to calcareous grainstones (average: Q27F11L62; Ls%Lsc = 82; total%bioclasts = 55) in basinal gravity-flow deposits at Site 1276. This calcareous petrofacies is present on the Iberian margin and in the Pyrenees, suggesting that it was a regional event. The production and downslope redistribution of carbonate debris, including bioclastic and lithic fragments, was likely eustatically controlled. The Newfoundland (Site 1276 and Jeanne d'Arc Basin) sandstones are mainly quartzolithic. Their composition and the contrast in composition between them and more quartzofeldspathic sandstones from the Iberian margin are likely a product of rifting along a Paleozoic suture zone separating distinct basement terranes. This prerift geologic setting contrasts with that of rifts developed within other cratonic settings with variable amounts of synrift volcanism. When synthesized, the spectrum of synrift and postrift sand compositions produces a general model of passive margin (rift-to-drift) sandstone provenance.


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Supplement to: Marsaglia, Kathleen M; Pavia, Jennifer A; Maloney, Sara J (2007): Petrology and provenance of Eocene-Albian sandstones and grainstones recovered during ODP Leg 210: Implications for passive margin (rift-to-drift) sandstone provenance models. In: Tucholke, BE; Sibuet, J-C; Klaus, A (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 210, 1-47, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #% bearing metamorphic and mica clasts; % of total grains; % of total mica; 173-1065A; 173-1069A; 210-1276A; 47-398D; Alg; Algae; altered/partially dissolved micrite; altering to chlorite; average; average rounding; Bioclasts; Biotite; bone or other phosphatic fish debris; Bryozoa; Bt; Calculated; Carb frac; carbonate; Carbonate, fractionated; carbonate, unknown origin; carbonate lithic; Cement; Chl; Chlorite; Clasts; clay; Clay; claystone-shale; Deep Sea Drilling Project; dense; dense non-opaque; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Description; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; Echinod; Echinodermata; Epoch; Event; Feldspar; Foram; Foram bent; Foraminifera; Foraminifera, benthic; Foraminifera, planktic; Foram plankt; Fragm; Fragments; Fsp; Glauconite; Glomar Challenger; Glt; Grains; Grains, counted/analyzed; Grain size descr; Grain size description; gypsum; in # fracture; in # interparticle; in # intraparticle; in # other/unknown origin; in # secondary, due to dissolution of detrital grains; in % total; including carbonate lithic fragments; of sum total quartz + feldspar + lithic; including muscovite, biotite and chlorite; % of total grains; Joides Resolution; Kalifeldspar; Kfs; Label; Leg173; Leg210; Leg47; Lithic; Lithic grains; lithics; % of total lithics; Lithologic unit/sequence; Matrix; mbsf; metacarbonate; Metam fragm; Metamorphic fragments; metapelite; Mica; micrite; micritic carbonate; microcrystalline calcite; microporous; Minerals; Mollusca; monocrystalline and polycrystalline; of sum total quartz + feldspar + lithic; MonoQz; Ms; Muscovite; North Atlantic/SEAMOUNT; North Atlantic Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; of sum total monoquartz + kalifeldspar + plagioclase; opaque; Opaque; Opaque minerals; Ostrac; Ostracoda; other; other/unknown grains; partially dissolved or altered claystone-shale; Pl; Pl/Fsp; Plagioclase; Plagioclase/Feldspar ratio; plagioclase and kalifeldspar; of sum total quartz + feldspar + lithic; Plant tis fragm; Plant tissue fragments; Point counting; polycrystalline mica, mixed or undetermined; polycrystalline mica with biotite; polycrystalline mica with chlorite; polycrystalline mica with muscovite; PolyQ; Por descr; Porosity description; Quartz; Quartz, monocrystalline; Quartz, polycrystalline; quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate, mixed or undetermined; quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate with biotite; quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate with chlorite; quartz-feldspar-mica aggregate with muscovite; quartz-mica tectonite, altered; quartz-mica tectonite, mixed or undetermined; quartz-mica tectonite with biotite; quartz-mica tectonite with chlorite; quartz-mica tectonite with muscovite; quartz overgrowth; questionable, possible feldspar-unstained thin section; Qz; Rad; Radiolarians; red; Sample code/label; sandy siltstone with detrital micas; Sed fragm; sedimentary chert or cherty claystone; Sedimentary fragments; sedimentary lithics; % of total sedimentary lithics; silt; Sort descr; Sorting description; Sponge spic; Sponge spiculae; Sum; total points counted; Unit; unknown type or altered/dissolved; volcanic; Volcanic; Volcanic components; zeolite
