917 resultados para Generalist and specialists
Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych
Nowadays, risks arising from the rapid development of oil and gas industries are significantly increasing. As a result, one of the main concerns of either industrial or environmental managers is the identification and assessment of such risks in order to develop and maintain appropriate proactive measures. Oil spill from stationary sources in offshore zones is one of the accidents resulting in several adverse impacts on marine ecosystems. Considering a site's current situation and relevant requirements and standards, risk assessment process is not only capable of recognizing the probable causes of accidents but also of estimating the probability of occurrence and the severity of consequences. In this way, results of risk assessment would help managers and decision makers create and employ proper control methods. Most of the represented models for risk assessment of oil spills are achieved on the basis of accurate data bases and analysis of historical data, but unfortunately such data bases are not accessible in most of the zones, especially in developing countries, or else they are newly established and not applicable yet. This issue reveals the necessity of using Expert Systems and Fuzzy Set Theory. By using such systems it will be possible to formulize the specialty and experience of several experts and specialists who have been working in petroliferous areas for several years. On the other hand, in developing countries often the damages to environment and environmental resources are not considered as risk assessment priorities and they are approximately under-estimated. For this reason, the proposed model in this research is specially addressing the environmental risk of oil spills from stationary sources in offshore zones.
Con el fin de responder a las necesidades de escritores, profesores, estudiantes y especialistas que utilizan el estilo de documentación del MLA, varias organizaciones profesionales se encuentran en el proceso de establecer convenciones que demuestren ser eficientes y eviten la ambigüedad a la hora de citar referencias de fuentes que provienen de INTERNET.Las guías y modelos que se presentan en este artículo están basadas en la obra de Janice Walker "MLA International Bibliography of Books Languages and Literature Style Citations of Electronic Sources", aprobada por la Alliance for Computers and Writing, revisada y recomendada por Andrew Harnack y Gene Kleppinger en "Beyond the MLA Handbook: Documenting Sources on the INTERNET".
Todas las universidades, ministerios, empresas no educativas y colegios profesionales, a través de los investigadores, docentes y especialistas elaboran documentos valiosos de carácter científico, literario, artístico, tecnológico, filosófico, etc.; en las distintas ramas del conocimiento. Son de por sí valiosos porque resultan ser aportes nuevos, producto del trabajo creativo y actualizado que muchas veces no se dan a conocer a través de libros o revistas, pero que constituyen documentos muy serios y de una gran importancia, especialmente como medio difusor de nuevos conocimientos para los profesionales que se desempeñan en campos afines, sobre todo si se trata de profesores o investigadores universitarios.El conjunto de documentos así elaborados, obviamente debe ser utilizado, conservados y puestos al servicio, a través de un centro especializado, dispuesto hábil y estratégicamente, en la empresa en la cual funcione, (para los profesionales que los soliciten) con prontitud y eficiencia. Tales centros especializados reciben el nombre de centros de documentación que de acuerdo con Núria Amat Noguera, es:“toda unidad que realice, aunque sea someramente, las operaciones de selección, identificación, análisis documental, almacenamiento y difusión de documentos”.
La presente investigación se verá enfocada en el análisis del impacto económico generado por los Expats en la planta turística de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el período 2012 - 2015. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto de análisis se comparó información de los establecimientos registrados y no registrados en el catastro turístico del Ministerio de Turismo. Se complementó esta investigación con salidas de campo en donde se realizaron entrevistas a varios especialistas e investigadores además de varios expatriados que residen en Cuenca. Se obtuvieron datos estadísticos, los cuales fueron tabulados y comparados entre los años que enmarcan este sondeo. Los valores obtenidos nos demostraron que la planta turística de la ciudad tuvo un incremento del 4,05%, dentro de los 61 nuevos locales en la ciudad, existen 3 nuevos proyectos en el área de alojamiento, 55 nuevos establecimientos en el área de alimentos y bebidas o restauración. En lo que a transporte turístico se refiere tan solo un local fue puesto al servicio de la comunidad cuenca y extranjera. Finalmente la planta Turística de Cuenca cuenta con tan solo un nuevo establecimiento en lo que a ocio y entretenimiento se refiere. Muchos locales, la gran mayoría de ellos ubicados en el centro histórico de la ciudad y dedicados al servicio de restauración vieron afectados sus ingresos mensuales además de que su promedio semanal de clientes ha disminuido.
Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Produto, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.
This analysis on the ambient licensing is based on a research that identifies the fragilities and advances of the application of this instrument of politics of the environment in the ambient politics of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the period of 1992 the 2003. The isolated urban area of Búzios, situated in the City of Nísia Floresta/RN, situated in the eastern coast of the State, where concentrates the boarding of the ambient question as a matter in the Brazilian process of urbanization, over all the institutionalization and implementation of the ambient licensing. They are distinguished in the used methodology in consultation to the diverse involved social segments with the ambient subject in study, the example of the managers, technician and specialists, as well as the application of the legislation and norms techniques, the forms of appropriation of the common wealth and the procedures of ambient licensing of the competent agencies. The results of the research designate that the ambient licensing while instrument of the ambient politics is one of the alternatives more efficient as techniques in the process of sustainable development, since it is beyond the prerogatives to conciliate the activities and enterprises with the conservation of the environmental resources and natural benefits to the societies. In the RN one evidenced progress in the ambient legislation and the instructions techniques, and that the imperfections and limitations in the system of ambient licensing are not directly on to the instruments, but in the implementation of mechanisms of the ambient agencies. This because they do not make use of operational structure to apply in practical and established abilities, as an ambient management, institutional joint and deliberations of the State Counselor for Environment
During the last decades the growth and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have led us to a new social paradigm that reflects a deep change not only in an individual but also in a social behavioural pattern. All these changes define the so-called knowledge and information society. This social evolution has had different textual states and types as its main core and instrument of transformation therefore scholars and specialists in the field of Humanities have not missed the opportunity of studying recent phenomena, which have come from the current setting given by new technologies. Researchers in Humanities have had to reconsider their own traditional working method based on printed text in order to analyse how nowadays we search for data, select them, analyse them and the ways we create and spread new information and knowledge. Having in mind this scenario where humanist works, the concept of Digital Humanities has arisen conditioned by the existence of cyberspace, digital text, hypertext, on-line text, implementation of new ways of communication, global access to information and various elements which build a common methodology for all humanistic disciplines. Most of these changes have affected the educational system and education as an academic and humanistic discipline.
Novel or story adaptations and also dramatic texts versions, that need to be translated and updated to modern audiences are quite frequent in today`s theatre. This study aims to show the state of contemporary stage adaptation of narrative texts and, specifically, its evolution in Spain in the last forty years (1972-2012). To do this, I have tried to gather, first, all the terminology associated with the concept of stage adaptation: version, dramaturgy, rewriting, translation, interpretation, updating and consolidation. The theoretical part of the work begins with the various definitions of the concept of dramatization. All the positions reflected by theorists and specialists in the field come together when explaining the term adaptation or theatre version: the intervention on the original text is based on the transformation or change, radical or superficial, for its effective representation in the theatre. In contemporary times, the concept of adaptation applies to any kind of intervention, from the translation of the original (and rewriting) to the dramaturgical work involved in creating a new sense. In turn, any theatre adaptation requires a dramaturgical operation and supports all possible moves: reorganization of the story, breakage, reduced characters, dramatic concentration, incorporation of foreign texts, installation and collage, changes to the plot, etc. Although there is no definitive model for the theatre adaptation of works, several authors and theatrical theorists propose guidelines and types of adaptation to the transformation of a work into another or one genre into a different one; and regarding narrative texts, provide criteria for interpreting the original text. The issue for many authors is the danger of modifying or betraying the sense or the form of the original text, considering it as simple material for the play. Finally, it follows that there is affinity of thought among authors finding that there is no differentiation between adaptation and version: both terms refer to the same in the theatrical event and are also terms used equally for the countless film adaptations of novels and plays...
El síndrome aórtico agudo puede presentarse como un cuadro clínico característico de una emergencia vascular, o por el contrario de una forma completamente atípica, donde el diagnóstico reta al médico de emergencias, llevando a errores fatales al pasar por alto el diagnóstico de esta entidad. Con el objetivo de mostrar la utilidad del ultrasonido realizado a la cabecera del paciente en el diagnóstico de disección aórtica, se describen 9 casos de pacientes que ingresaron al departamento de emergencias y que fueron diagnosticados con síndrome aórtico agudo, gracias a la valoración ultrasonográfica inicial realizada por residentes y Especialistas en Medicina de Emergencias en un hospital de Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Este reporte de casos muestra que el ultrasonido a la cabecera del paciente, es un método diagnóstico no invasivo, accesible y útil para la detección temprana de esta patología en los servicios de emergencias.
Modern society is now facing significant difficulties in attempting to preserve its architectural heritage. Numerous challenges arise consequently when it comes to documentation, preservation and restoration. Fortunately, new perspectives on architectural heritage are emerging owing to the rapid development of digitalization. Therefore, this presents new challenges for architects, restorers and specialists. Additionally, this has changed the way they approach the study of existing heritage, changing from conventional 2D drawings in response to the increasing requirement for 3D representations. Recently, Building Information Modelling for historic buildings (HBIM) has escalated as an emerging trend to interconnect geometrical and informational data. Currently, the latest 3D geomatics techniques based on 3D laser scanners with enhanced photogrammetry along with the continuous improvement in the BIM industry allow for an enhanced 3D digital reconstruction of historical and existing buildings. This research study aimed to develop an integrated workflow for the 3D digital reconstruction of heritage buildings starting from a point cloud. The Pieve of San Michele in Acerboli’s Church in Santarcangelo Di Romagna (6th century) served as the test bed. The point cloud was utilized as an essential referential to model the BIM geometry using Autodesk Revit® 2022. To validate the accuracy of the model, Deviation Analysis Method was employed using CloudCompare software to determine the degree of deviation between the HBIM model and the point cloud. The acquired findings showed a very promising outcome in the average distance between the HBIM model and the point cloud. The conducted approach in this study demonstrated the viability of producing a precise BIM geometry from point clouds.
Education for health is a process in which all public health and medical care personnel are involved. People learn both formally (planned learning experiences) and informally (unplanned learning experiences). Since the patient, the client, the consummer and the community expect public health and medical care personnel to assist them with health and disease issues and problems, the response of the professional "educates" the customer whether the professional intends to educate or not. Therefore, it is incumbent on all public health and medical care professionals to understand their educational functions and their role in health education. It is also important that the role of the specialist in education be clear. The specialist, as to all other specialists, has an in-depth knowledge of his area of expertise, i.e., the teaching/learning process; s/he may function as a consultant to others to enhance the educational potential of their role or s/he may work with a team or with communities or groups of patients. Specific competencies and knowledge are required of the health education specialist; and there is a body of learning and social change theory which provides a frame of reference for planning, implementing and evaluating educational programs. Working with others to enhance their potential to learn and to make informed decisions about health/disease issues is the hallmark of the health education specialist.
Disentangling the mechanisms mediating the coexistence of habitat specialists and generalists has been a long-standing subject of investigation. However, the roles of species traits and environmental and spatial factors have not been assessed in a unifying theoretical framework. Theory suggests that specialist species are more competitive in natural communities. However, empirical work has shown that specialist species are declining worldwide due to habitat loss and fragmentation. We addressed the question of the coexistence of specialist and generalist species with a spatially explicit metacommunity model in continuous and heterogeneous environments. We characterized how species' dispersal abilities, the number of interacting species, environmental spatial autocorrelation, and disturbance impact community composition. Our results demonstrated that species' dispersal ability and the number of interacting species had a drastic influence on the composition of metacommunities. More specialized species coexisted when species had large dispersal abilities and when the number of interacting species was high. Disturbance selected against highly specialized species, whereas environmental spatial autocorrelation had a marginal impact. Interestingly, species richness and niche breadth were mainly positively correlated at the community scale but were negatively correlated at the metacommunity scale. Numerous diversely specialized species can thus coexist, but both species' intrinsic traits and environmental factors interact to shape the specialization signatures of communities at both the local and global scales.
Recent developments have highlighted the importance of forest amount at large spatial scales and of matrix quality for ecological processes in remnants. These developments, in turn, suggest the potential for reducing biodiversity loss through the maintenance of a high percentage of forest combined with sensitive management of anthropogenic areas. We conducted a multi-taxa survey to evaluate the potential for biodiversity maintenance in an Atlantic forest landscape that presented a favorable context from a theoretical perspective (high proportion of mature forest partly surrounded by structurally complex matrices). We sampled ferns, butterflies, frogs, lizards, bats, small mammals and birds in interiors and edges of large and small mature forest remnants and two matrices (second-growth forests and shade cacao plantations), as well as trees in interiors of small and large remnants. By considering richness, abundance and composition of forest specialists and generalists, we investigated the biodiversity value of matrix habitats (comparing them with interiors of large remnants for all groups except tree), and evaluated area (for all groups) and edge effects (for all groups except trees) in mature forest remnants. our results suggest that in landscapes comprising high amounts of mature forest and low contrasting matrices: (1) shade cacao plantations and second-growth forests harbor an appreciable number of forest specialists; (2) most forest specialist assemblages are not affected by area or edge effects, while most generalist assemblages proliferate at edges of small remnants. Nevertheless, differences in tree assemblages, especially among smaller trees, Suggest that observed patterns are unlikely to be stable over time. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: The inherent complexity of statistical methods and clinical phenomena compel researchers with diverse domains of expertise to work in interdisciplinary teams, where none of them have a complete knowledge in their counterpart's field. As a result, knowledge exchange may often be characterized by miscommunication leading to misinterpretation, ultimately resulting in errors in research and even clinical practice. Though communication has a central role in interdisciplinary collaboration and since miscommunication can have a negative impact on research processes, to the best of our knowledge, no study has yet explored how data analysis specialists and clinical researchers communicate over time. Methods/Principal Findings: We conducted qualitative analysis of encounters between clinical researchers and data analysis specialists (epidemiologist, clinical epidemiologist, and data mining specialist). These encounters were recorded and systematically analyzed using a grounded theory methodology for extraction of emerging themes, followed by data triangulation and analysis of negative cases for validation. A policy analysis was then performed using a system dynamics methodology looking for potential interventions to improve this process. Four major emerging themes were found. Definitions using lay language were frequently employed as a way to bridge the language gap between the specialties. Thought experiments presented a series of ""what if'' situations that helped clarify how the method or information from the other field would behave, if exposed to alternative situations, ultimately aiding in explaining their main objective. Metaphors and analogies were used to translate concepts across fields, from the unfamiliar to the familiar. Prolepsis was used to anticipate study outcomes, thus helping specialists understand the current context based on an understanding of their final goal. Conclusion/Significance: The communication between clinical researchers and data analysis specialists presents multiple challenges that can lead to errors.