929 resultados para Gender Identity Disorder


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Victoria's Equal Opportunity Act provides statutory protection from discrimination on grounds of 'gender identity' - problems for those people who are transgendered or have not completed the process of sex affirmation - vulnerability of these minority groups to acts of discrimination perpetrated against them in Australian society.


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On 16 March 2007, in the matter of M v A & U [2007] QADT 8, the Anti-Discrimination Tribunal of Queensland found that a complaint of discrimination in the supply of goods and services had been made out by the complainant on two grounds: her female sex and lawful sexual activity. The decision would have been quite unremarkable except that ‘M’, as the complainant was known for the purposes of the hearing, is a woman of difference, one who had unusually arrived at her legal female state by completing the sex reassignment process now more commonly described as ‘sex affirmation’.

This article seeks to elaborate on the language and law of transsexualism used by the Tribunal. Its aim is to enhance practitioners’ understanding of the legal and social issues peculiar to those who affirm a sex opposite that first assigned to them so that those practitioners may better interpret the law to their clients. As the instant decision shows, the failure by an employer to take reasonable steps to avoid infringing the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld), either on its own part or by the actions of its employees, can prove a costly business indeed.

The author offers a brief synopsis of the current medical viewpoint regarding transsexualism and reviews recent Australian legal developments in the jurisprudence. She reminds practitioners that the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) has since been further strengthened by the inclusion of ‘gender identity’ as a protected attribute, and concludes by proposing the existence of a heightened duty on the part of practitioners to ensure business clients are aware of the full extent of their legal obligations to not discriminate against employees or clients.


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In this chapter I examine domestic practices in migrant families through interviews with immigrant men who were asked to talk about the impact that migration and displacement had upon their attitudes and behaviour in relation to their gendered roles. How are their personal and domestic relationships with women affected by migration? How do they feel about any changes in gender roles and the division of domestic labour? How do they feel about the perceived and experienced changes in gendered power?

The aim of the chapter is to explore how gendered power operates within particular immigrant groups. Given that the literature argues that migration influences the relations between men and women (Shahidian 1999)" a critical examination of immigrant men's experience of masculinity may shed some light on how gender-based inequalities in migrant communities are enacted. It has already been noted in this book how little we know about the effects of migration on men's domestic relations (Hibbins and Pease in this volume). Hibbins and I have argued that immigrant men need to renegotiate their gender identity as they relate their own cultural understandings of masculinity to the meanings and practices in the dominant culture. In this chapter I explore what this process of negotiation means for immigrant men's involvement in domestic work and family life.


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This thesis is based on fieldwork I carried out between December 1987 and June 1989 while living with the residents of a small Warlpiri Outstation Community situated ca. 75 km north-west of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory of Australia. Colonialism is a process whereby incommensurate gender regimes impact differently on women and men and this is reflected in the indigenous response which affects the socialization of Western things. The notion of the indigenous KIRDA-KURDUNGURLU reciprocity is shown to be consistent with a gender system and to articulate all exchange relations as pro-creative social relationships. This contrasts with the Western capitalist system of production and social reproduction of gendered individuals in that it does not ascribe gender to biological differences between women and men but is derived from a land based social division between Sister-Brother. Social relationships are put under great strain in an effort to socialize Western things for Warlpiri internal use, I argue that the colonization of Aboriginal societies is an ongoing process. Despite the historical shift from a physical all-male frontier to the present day cross-cultural negotiations between Aborigines and Non-Aborigines, men still privilege men. The negotiation process for ownership of a Community Toyota is the most recent phenomenon where this can be observed. Male privilege is established by linking control over the access to the Community Toyota with traditional rights to land. However, the Toyota as Western object has a Western gender identity as well. By pitting women against men it engages people in social conflict which is brought into existence through an organisation of Western concepts based on an alien gender regime. But Western things, especially the Community Toyota, resist socialization because the Warlpiri do not produce these things. Warlpiri people know this and, to satisfy their need for Western things, they engage them in a process of social differentiation. By this process they can be seen actively to maintain the Western system in an effort to maintain themselves as Warlpiri and to secure the production of Western things. This investigation of the cultural response to Western influences shows that indigenous gender relations are only maintained through a socially stressful process of socializing Western things.


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This thesis examines the nature, extent and impact of multiple forms of maltreatment (multi-type maltreatment) from within a developmental victimological framework. The interrelationships between sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, neglect, and witnessing family violence are assessed. The role of family variables in predicting maltreatment and the relative contribution of child maltreatment and family variables to adjustment are evaluated. Risk factors for multi-type maltreatment, and the relationship between multi-type maltreatment and adjustment are explored. The major theories of child development are reviewed. As well as exploring the relevance of developmental theories to understanding the impact of child maltreatment, factors influencing the emergence of child psychopathology are reviewed from a developmental psychopathology perspective. Ecological and developmental perspectives on how child maltreatment translates into the behavioural and emotional adjustment problems of children are integrated in the Child Maltreatment: Risk and Protection Model. After exploring some of the relevant conceptual issues, the literature on the prevalence and impact of each maltreatment type is reviewed, and the literature on multi-type maltreatment critiqued. Methodological and ethical concerns with the conduct of research in the field of child maltreatment using direct assessment of children led to the need for an instrument to assess parent perceptions of each of the types of abuse and neglect, as well as adult retrospective reports. Data are presented from two cross-sectional questionnaire-based studies using the Parent and Adult versions of the Family and Life Experiences Questionnaire which was designed to assess perceptions of children's experiences of sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, neglect and witnessing family violence. Problems with the isolated focus of research on single forms of child maltreatment are addressed by the inclusion of each of these forms of child maltreatment within a single research design. Respondents for both studies were volunteers recruited from counselling agencies, medical, community health, child care and fitness centres and a first year psychology course. Parents (N=50) described their perceptions of primary school children's family characteristics, experiences of maltreatment and adjustment. Children's behavioural adjustment (internalising and externalising), sexual behaviours, emotions, self-esteem, gender identity, family adaptability and cohesion, parental traditionality, parental sexual punitiveness, interparental relationship satisfaction, and demographic characteristics are assessed in the study of Parents' perceptions. A large degree of overlap between the different types of abuse and neglect was found, with a high proportion of parents describing children's experiences of multiple forms of child maltreatment. Using both maltreatment and family characteristics to predict internalising behaviour problems, neglect and family cohesion were the only unique predictors. Family adaptability and cohesion were the only unique predictors of externalising behaviour problems. Physical and sexual abuse were not predicted from family characteristics; neglect was predicted, but no variables provided unique prediction. Unique predictors of psychological maltreatment were family cohesion, parental sexual punitiveness and divorce. Divorce was the only variable with significant unique prediction of the child witnessing family violence. Family background and family functioning were found to predict some forms of maltreatment, but to also be important factors mediating the adjustment of children, independent of maltreatment. The results are interpreted within an ecological framework, integrating risk factors for maltreatment with experiences of abuse and neglect and subsequent adjustment in childhood. Retrospective reports of adults' (N=175) own childhood family characteristics, experiences of maltreatment, and reports of their current adjustment are also studied. Included with the adult version of the FLEQ were the Trauma Symptom Checklist-40, Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale, and the Family and Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-II. Similar results were found in the in the Adult Study. As hypothesised, adult retrospective reports of the five different types of child maltreatment were found to be highly intercorrelated. Family characteristics predicted maltreatment and adjustment scores and discriminated between single and multi-type maltreatment. Maltreatment scores also predicted adult adjustment. As the number of maltreatment types increased, there was an increase in the number of adjustment problems reported. Alternate hypotheses regarding the possible operation of mediating and moderating processes in the relationships between family characteristics, maltreatment and the adjustment of adults were assessed. Finally, the results of these investigations are discussed and interpreted in the light of extant findings previously reviewed. Data from the two major empirical studies are used to demonstrate the overlap between different child maltreatment categories, and the extent and impact of multi-type maltreatment. The results show that children are vulnerable to more than one type of maltreatment. Individuals who experience a number of different forms of maltreatment had greater adjustment problems than those experiencing only one or two different types of abuse or neglect. Dysfunctional families place children at risk of child maltreatment. Negative family characteristics lead to adjustment problems in children and adults. The type of maltreatment having the most damaging effect on children was neglect, and in the long-term, sexual abuse. A multi-dimensional approach to prevention and intervention needs to be adopted, based on the co-morbidity of maltreatment types, and the likelihood of children experiencing further abuse or neglect of a different type. Dysfunctional family dynamics which place children at risk of multi-type maltreatment, and mediate the effects of maltreatment on adjustment, need to be specifically targeted with support and family intervention strategies. Risk-assessment measures used by Child Protection workers must include adequate knowledge of the inter-relationships between maltreatment types, and the particularly negative impact on adjustment of experiencing many forms of abuse or neglect. Suggestions for future clinical and research work in the area of child maltreatment are developed. The importance of assessing all forms of maltreatment when examining the relationships of maltreatment to adjustment is emphasised. It is recommended that prevention and intervention strategies acknowledge the interrelationships between maltreatment types.


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Consistent with FIFA president Sepp Blatter’s proclamation that the future of football is female, the Australian Football League (AFL) has instituted a range of initiatives in an attempt to present a ‘female friendly’ face and garner women’s support for the national game. Given the large number of women who follow the AFL, especially in comparison to other football codes nationally, it’s worth considering the motivations behind the AFL’s tactics. To what extent does what the AFL think women want correlate with women supporters’ experiences and realities of being a football fan? This paper presents findings from semi-structured and focus group interviews with female AFL fans to gauge their perceptions of being an Australian rules football supporter and its impact on their lived experiences and sense of self. The responses of women supporters are critically assessed in order to contemplate how women negotiate gender identity through their support of a male dominated sport. As well as offering insights into the role gender plays in leisure pursuits such as sport spectatorship, this paper considers how femininity and masculinity might be contested and/or remade through the practice of following football in the Australian context. By demonstrating the range and diversity of women’s experiences, this research has the capacity to generate alternative imaginings of fanship and sporting community beyond gender stereotypes.


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This thesis covers historical, theoretical, and clinical grounds to re-examine historical and contemporary debates concerning sexual difference from a Lacanian psychoanalytic perspective. A new modality of the hysteric's ancient questioning of sexual identity has emerged from the clinic of transgender patients with crucial implications for our understanding of subjectivity today.


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This thesis explores the gender differences in the way men and women conduct themselves in everyday friendship interaction, finding that the informal rules governing friendship interaction allow individuals a level of freedom to enact gender to extremes in the company of friends. Generational changes in men's friendships are also noted.


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The apparent sexualization and exploitation of young girls by the consumer media is a much debated topic in the advanced liberal democracies. This paper will develop the argument that the ‘consumer-media culture’ has established itself as one of the most powerful influences in processes of self-formation for young people, and that a tweenie self can be understood as an artefact of consumption. We will identify and analyse the resources that the consumer media provides to tweenies - girls aged between 9 and 14 - as they seek to fashion a sense of self. The paper presents an analysis of the resources presented to this population of young girls/women by an Australian ‘appearance’ magazine, Dolly. We will argue that these identity resources are limited in scope, are dominated by images of young, slim and attractive females, and position the tweenie self as an artefact of consumption.


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Research on student attitudes and aspirations towards science has been an increasing focus of concern in the past decade. Much of this is driven by a growing concern about students’ lack of interest in the further study of science in advanced societies. Because attitude to science is a multifaceted construct, the chapter first reviews research into attitudes in order to develop principles for its meaningful measurement. We then explore the main features of student responses to science and examine the common assertion that there is a negative downward trend as many have suggested. Recent research clearly shows a negative correlation between a country’s developmental index and student attitudes to science. The effects of gender, teacher quality and pre-adolescent experience on student attitudes and aspirations towards science are examined in some detail, as well as a number of other factors in attempting to understand the complex pathways and choices that students make throughout their schooling about the study of STEM subjects. The construct of identity is used to make sense of the variety of attitudes and aspirations of students towards science, with particular emphasis on gender and youth in post-industrial societies. Finally, the role of enrichment experiences in science is examined, as a real and potential influence on student engagement with science.


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The love of cariocas for the city of Rio de Janeiro is widely known. As well as the cariocas, there is another social group, called tijucanos, which the love for the neighborhood is peculiar. The Tijuca zone, known by its tradition and development during the 60¿s, due to his local identity ¿ tijucana, definitely deserves prominence in the ¿wonderful city¿. The people of Tijuca can be known as a ¿personality¿ in Rio, and their habits of consumption seldom exceed the area¿s limits. Enclosure of histories and special characteristics, how to be a tijucano, an adjective that people of Tijuca are proud of, is one of the focus of this present study. To be an unconditional tijucano, who loves to walk around in the neighborhood, in the square, enjoy their lives in famous bars, ended up as a peculiarity in the carioca scenario, together with the people of Ipanema, Barra and many others, that together make Rio de Janeiro a unique city. In spite of the increasing visibility, there are few studies trying to understand the way heterosexual men interact with the world of consumer goods. In view of the great interest and in the contemporary world, the meaning of consumption has increased. The object of the present study is to try to understand how the people from Tijuca use the world of consumer goods to ¿become a man¿, i.e., to construct their male heterosexual identity. This analysis is crucial to investigate the construction of masculine gender identity of the people from Tijuca. The study was based on data gathered through deep interviews with nine men from Tijuca during the month of January 2007. The results have shown that the tijucanos interact with the neighborhood services and locals during the process of construction of gender and local identity. It was possible to notice that there are four differents stages, by means of, people use the world of consumer goods to identify themselves as men from Tijuca. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that it occurs the consumption of specific products and places in strategy to: define masculinity and local identity (when young person), move aside, assimilation, acceptation and reinforcement of that identity.


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Este trabalho estuda uma rede de sociabilidade homoerótica na cidade do Rio de Janeiro na década de 1960 através da análise dos relatos contidos no jornal doméstico – produzido por um dos grupos e que circulava entre os participantes da rede – O Snob. A rede era composta por vários grupos de convivência que se vinham formando desde a década de 1950, e a maioria dos participantes elaborava suas identidades pessoais compartilhando com a sociedade maior a crença de que pertenceriam ao “terceiro sexo”, “sofrendo” inversão sexual. Assim se desenvolveu uma forma de sociabilidade peculiar, caracterizada por encontros festivos em domicílios como estratégia de sobrevivência, visto que as expectativas sociossexuais dos grupos eram envoltas em hostilidade da sociedade maior. Desta maneira esse estudo aponta processos de sociabilização empreendidos pela rede, moldados na invisibilidade, configurando-se, ainda que de maneira não articulada (ou involuntária), em experiência de conquistas dos direitos civis e sociais ao promover ações práticas que possibilitavam encontros de seus membros e que podem ser traduzidas como o direito de ir e vir, o direito de livre expressão, ainda que num espaço segregado (ou segredado?), direitos básicos, que, no entanto, não eram garantidos aos participantes da rede. Evidencia, nessa trajetória, os processos de ressignificação identitária que os grupos vivenciaram ao longo do período estudado.


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In the teaching history course it s found the female teacher entering, reflecting significantly in the continuous process of her identity redefinitions and reconstruction. This entering brings, even in a silent and not explicit way, the confluence of gender identity to professional identity, in which are present the relations of the proper to female. In the mastership case, these relations are found imbricated in the teaching identity construction and in the translation of this profession as female, based in Virgin Mary, through Mariano ideal diffused by the catholic church. Therefore there is a lanck in educational historiography towards the register of female teachers presence, mainly in male religious institute, the reason of this study, in which we seek to investigate: how to explain that a female identity can give support to a highly male educational project? What relations can we establish between this female identity and the entering of female teachers in Maristas Province Schools of North Brazil? We performed a bibliographic research in Maristas Schools Libraries, of Marista historial, in Recife, of Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Catholic University), in Curitiba-PR. We searched for support in studies about pedagogy history, of Marista Institute, Catholic Church, Brasilian Education and of Women; Mariologic studies, the referring to Marista Educational Proposal, to feminization and to teaching identity; and feminist theology productions. The empirical research included 10 schools from referred province and Marista Schools from Lisbon Portugal. Through semi-estructured interviews, we interviewed pioneer female teachers, Marista former Brothers and Brothers from those schools, due to their presence and action within the study period and for the concern to save their memories about the theme. The study reveals the particularities of Mariano ideal as female model and teaching, and her presence in Marista Educational Proposal. This study, in a historical approach, aims to contribute to give visibility to the woman in history and teaching construction in Brazil, mainly in religious institutions from male origin