871 resultados para Formative
Dans cette recherche, l’enseignante-chercheuse analyse la méthode d’enseignement, les activités d’apprentissage et les modalités d’évaluation de la portion théorique du cours de stage en biochimie clinique dans le cadre du programme Technologie d’analyses biomédicales (140.BO) offert au Collège de Rosemont. Dans les années précédant la recherche, les stagiaires avaient formulé certains problèmes dont: un contenu trop lourd et le manque d’interactivité. Ces contraintes ont obligé l’enseignante-chercheuse à se questionner sur le processus pédagogique et sur la relation d’apprentissage. De plus, le manque d’intégration des connaissances des stagiaires mis en évidence lors de la préparation de l’examen national de la SCSLM et la baisse de performance à ces mêmes examens ont été les éléments déclencheurs de la recherche. Trois approches pédagogiques ont été utilisées afin de favoriser l’intégration des apprentissages et faire progresser les étudiantes et les étudiants vers un résultat acceptable en fin de stage. Premièrement, il a fallu passer par une réorganisation de contenu. Deuxièmement, nous avons mis en place un environnement plus interactif favorisant l’évaluation formative à l’aide de la plate-forme pédagogique Moodle. Troisièmement, nous avons introduit un mode d’évaluation formative qui s’harmonise à l’évaluation sommative. Toutes ces étapes ont été effectuées afin de faire progresser l’étudiante et l’étudiant et de l’informer clairement de ses performances pour qu’elle ou qu’il en arrive à intégrer les nombreuses notions théoriques en biochimie. Il est important de préciser que c’est à partir des assises du cadre de référence de cette recherche qu’il a été possible de dégager des actions pour innover notre pratique pédagogique. C’est par l’évaluation formative s’inscrivant dans diverses modalités de régulation ou d’autorégulation de l’apprentissage, permettant l’accès à la reprise à l’aide des questionnaires interactifs de la plate-forme pédagogique Moodle que nous avons mis en place une première solution. Comme deuxième solution, l’enseignante-chercheuse a présenté à chaque étape, par sujet de révision, une évaluation formative à des fins sommatives avec la possibilité d’une deuxième tentative. Les performances qui y ont été évaluées, ont été modifiables et ont contribué à la note de fin d’étape. Le but de notre démarche était de trouver des réponses à la question de recherche: L’évaluation formative par l’utilisation des technologies améliorera-t-elle les apprentissages des étudiantes et des étudiants en biochimie à la fin du programme d’étude en Techniques d’analyses biomédicales? La conception du scénario pédagogique ainsi que la mise à l’essai du matériel servant à l’évaluation formative à travers les outils interactifs de la plate-forme Moodle, ont tous été aussi importants. Dans le cadre du choix méthodologique, les trois objectifs spécifiques de la recherche ont été respectés, c’est-à-dire: 1. Concevoir le matériel servant à l’évaluation formative et le générer sur la plate-forme informatisée; 2. Mettre en application l’utilisation des nouveaux éléments d’apprentissage et des processus d’évaluation; 3. Vérifier si l’évaluation formative influencera l’apprentissage qui aura pour but une meilleure intégration des connaissances. Par le volet qualitatif de l’étude, l’enseignante-chercheuse vise à comprendre ce qui a été formulé par les étudiantes et les étudiants relativement à une démarche d’évaluation formative, interactive et continue générée par l’usage de l’outil informatisé Moodle. Cette démarche d’apprentissage assisté par ordinateur comprenait des applications d’évaluation formative élaborées sur la plate-forme pédagogique Moodle pour que les étudiantes et les étudiants en arrivent à cibler plus facilement leurs lacunes. Ainsi, les étudiantes et les étudiants étaient en mesure d’y remédier immédiatement par la fonction régulatrice propre à l’évaluation formative à l’aide des TIC. Ce qui situe la recherche dans le pôle de l’innovation, c’est l’intégration des TIC qui a permis d’établir les modalités d’évaluation formative à des fins sommatives, une reprise en deux temps, dans une perspective d’intégration des apprentissages. Par la collecte de données, se rangeant sous le paradigme interprétatif, la grille d’appréciation et l’entrevue semi-dirigée ont permis de faire ressortir ce que les étudiantes et les étudiants ont noté comme éléments d’approbation ou de valorisation de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage. Dans le volet quantitatif de l’étude, l’enseignante-chercheuse a analysé les résultats des examens du parcours de stage dans l’intérêt de savoir s’il y a eu amélioration des apprentissages des étudiantes et des étudiants en stage à la fin du programme. De ces étapes, l’interprétation des données recueillies a permis d’alimenter la réflexion sur les principales approches mises en place dans les cours théoriques du stage en biochimie clinique. Cette étape a contribué à supporter l’objectivation du sens produit de cette recherche. Les résultats obtenus et l’interprétation qui en résulte présente que l’ensemble des stagiaires s’accorde à dire que les tests formatifs, le processus d’évaluation formative à des fins sommatives, une reprise en deux temps et le contenu interactif sur la plate-forme Moodle, permettent de faire des liens entre les connaissances déjà acquises, d’intégrer la matière et contribue à stimuler leur motivation à fournir un effort soutenu. L’utilisation des ressources du système de gestion de l’apprentissage Moodle a permis d’établir des modes d’évaluation formative dans une perspective d’intégration des apprentissages. Ces résultats sont intéressants puisqu’il a été possible de constater les difficultés des stagiaires aux examens, de relier des questions à des objectifs moins bien réussis et pour lesquels les étudiantes et les étudiants affirment ne pas avoir assez de temps d’enseignement à propos de ces notions théoriques. L’enseignante-chercheuse a alors entrepris une démarche d’amélioration continue de sa pratique pédagogique et de l’environnement numérique d’apprentissage. Entre 2012 et 2015, elle a utilisé une grille d’évaluation et a analysé les résultats des examens lui permettant de mieux cibler les ressources à améliorer pour favoriser la réussite de ses étudiantes et de ses étudiants. Elle poursuit sa réflexion à propos des conditions d’appropriation des connaissances théoriques en biochimie et aux interventions les plus susceptibles d’assurer l’intégration des apprentissages.
Plusieurs programmes de formation offrent des stages pour compléter la formation et valider les apprentissages des stagiaires en regard du développement de leurs compétences. L’évaluation des savoirs et des savoir-faire occupe une grande place lors de la prestation des stagiaires et permet d’établir leur niveau de compétence. Mais qu’en est-il de l’évaluation de leurs savoir-être professionnels ? Pourtant le savoir-être est une composante indispensable au plein développement de la compétence. Les stagiaires manifestent leurs savoir-être professionnels en milieu clinique. Sans s’en rendre compte, leurs comportements influencent leur future embauche par une institution de santé. C’est la plus value qui fait la différence. Dans notre pratique enseignante, souvent nous éprouvons des difficultés dans l’accompagnement des stagiaires pour le plein développement de leurs savoir-être professionnels. Lorsque surviennent des difficultés, l’absence d’outil rend difficile la tâche d’évaluation des savoir-être professionnels. Cette réalité nous amène au thème de cet essai qui vise la conception d’outils d’évaluation des savoir-être professionnels pour les stagiaires du programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie. Les difficultés d’évaluation des savoir-être professionnels dues à l’absence d’outils a entraîné une réflexion nous menant tout droit à nous questionner sur les caractéristiques essentielles des outils d’évaluation permettant aux enseignantes et aux enseignants de porter un jugement objectif sur les savoir-être professionnels des stagiaires du programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie. Suite à une recension d’écrits en lien avec les concepts des savoir-être professionnels, de l’évaluation et des outils d’évaluation, nous nous sommes fixé cinq objectifs spécifiques pour répondre à notre question générale de l’essai : 1) Établir une nomenclature des savoir-être professionnels pour le programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie; 2) Décrire les savoir-être professionnels en manifestations observables; 3) Concevoir un outil d’autoévaluation en regard du développement des savoir-être professionnels pour les stagiaires du programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie; 4) Concevoir une liste de vérification des comportements observables pour évaluer les savoir-être professionnels des stagiaires du programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie; et 5) Concevoir une grille d’évaluation à échelle descriptive pour évaluer les savoir-être professionnels des stagiaires du programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie. Avec une posture épistémologique interprétative et une approche qualitative, nous avons opté pour un essai de type recherche développement, selon Harvey et Loiselle (2009), visant la conception de trois outils d’évaluation des savoir-être professionnels, soit : a) un outil d’autoévaluation, b) une liste de vérification des comportements observables et c) une grille d’évaluation à échelle descriptive. Après avoir réalisé les deux premiers objectifs spécifiques de cet essai, nous avons sollicité les enseignantes et les enseignants des départements de Techniques d’inhalothérapie du Collège de Rosemont et du Collège de Valleyfield pour procéder à la validation des outils d’évaluation des savoir-être professionnels. Pour accompagner les cinq enseignantes et les trois enseignants dans leur démarche de validation, nous avons privilégié un questionnaire de validation, des entrevues semidirigées et un groupe de discussion pour recueillir les données qualitatives et quantitatives que nous avons traitées en deux temps.L’analyse et l’interprétation des résultats ont permis l’atteinte des objectifs spécifiques fixés. En plus d’établir la nomenclature des savoir-être professionnels, les données recueillies portent un regard critique sur la conception des outils d’évaluation des savoir-être professionnels destinés aux stagiaires du programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie. Grâce aux commentaires et aux suggestions obtenus, nous peaufinerons nos outils pour les rendre plus efficaces après cet essai pour ensuite les remettre aux enseignantes et aux enseignants cliniques participants qui décideront avec leur département respectif s’ils désirent les utiliser. Cet essai identifie huit savoir-être professionnels que doivent démontrer les stagiaires du programme collégial Techniques d’inhalothérapie. Ces savoir-être professionnels se manifestent à partir de quarante-deux comportements observables. La conception de nos outils d’évaluation permet de porter un regard objectif sur le développement des savoir-être professionnels de nos stagiaires. Cet essai ne vise pas à généraliser ces résultats. Nous souhaitons plutôt la transférabilité des résultats à d’autres programmes afin d’accompagner d’autres enseignantes et enseignants qui éprouvent des difficultés lors de l’évaluation des savoir-être professionnels.
This paper proposes adolescence as a useful concept rather than definitive. It explores the notion of adolescence and its relevance to contemporary society and schooling. We reflect on the purposes for the emergence of research into adolescence during the early 20th century, particularly the particular scientific and societal pressures that served to bring this field to prominence. Recent debate has started to problematise many of the early parameters used to define and provide bounds for understanding adolescents and adolescent experience and for the rationale for some notionally tailored educational contexts. This paper provides an overview of this debate and argues for a reconsideration of some of the basic tenets for definition. In particular we discuss the cultural construction of adolescence in the light of our new globalised society. A possibility for thinking about contemporary adolescents is by considering them in terms of generational characteristics. What makes a new generation? Typically, members of a generation share age, a set of experiences during formative years, and a set of social and economic conditions. The adolescents of today fall into the group known collectively as the ‘Y Generation’, the ‘D (digital) Generation’, Generation C (consumer) and the ‘Millennial’s’. Born after mid-1980, they are characterised as computer and internet competent, multi-taskers, with a global perspective. They respond best to visual language, and are heavily influenced by the media. We consider the generational traits and how this impacts on the teaching and learning.
Over the last two decades, the notion of teacher leadership has emerged as a key concept in both the teaching and leadership literature. While researchers have not reached consensus regarding a definition, there has been some agreement that teacher leadership can operate at both a formal and informal level in schools and that it includes leadership of an instructional, organisational and professional development nature (York-Barr & Duke, 2004). Teacher leadership is a construct that tends not to be applied to pre-service teachers as interns, but is more often connected with the professional role of mentors who collaborate with them as they make the transition to being a beginning teacher. We argue that teacher leadership should be recognised as a professional and career goal during this formative learning phase and that interns should be expected to overtly demonstrate signs, albeit early ones, of leadership in instruction and other professional areas of development. The aim of this paper is to explore the extent to which teacher education interns at one university in Queensland reported on activities that may be deemed to be ‘teacher leadership.’ The research approach used in this study was an examination of 145 reflective reports written in 2008 by final Bachelor of Education (primary) pre-service teachers. These reports recorded the pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their professional learning with a school-based mentor in response to four outcomes of internship that were scaffolded by their mentor or initiated by them. These outcomes formed the bases of our research questions into the professional learning of the interns and included, ‘increased knowledge and capacity to teach within the total world of work as a teacher;’ ‘to work autonomously and interdependently’; to make ‘growth in critical reflectivity’, and the ‘ability to initiate professional development with the mentoring process’. Using the approaches of the constant comparative method of Strauss and Corbin (1998) key categories of experiences emerged. These categories were then identified as belonging to main meta-category labelled as ‘teacher leadership.’ Our research findings revealed that five dimensions of teacher leadership – effective practice in schools; school curriculum work; professional development of colleagues; parent and community involvement; and contributions to the profession – were evident in the written reports by interns. Not surprisingly, the mentor/intern relationship was the main vehicle for enabling the intern to learn about teaching and leadership. The paper concludes with some key implications for developers of preservice education programmes regarding the need for teacher leadership to be part of the discourse of these programmes.
Educational assessment was a worldwide commonplace practice in the last century. With the theoretical underpinnings of education shifting from behaviourism and social efficiency to constructivism and cognitive theories in the past two decades, the assessment theories and practices show a widespread changing movement. The emergent assessment paradigm, with a futurist perspective, indicates a deviation away from the prevailing large scale high-stakes standardised testing and an inclination towards classroom-based formative assessment. Innovations and reforms initiated in attempts to achieve better education outcomes for a sustainable future via more developed learning and assessment theories have included the 2007 College English Reform Program (CERP) in Chinese higher education context. This paper focuses on the College English Test (CET) - the national English as a Foreign Language (EFL) testing system for non-English majors at tertiary level in China. It seeks to explore the roles that the CET played in the past two College English curriculum reforms, and the new role that testing and assessment assumed in the newly launched reform. The paper holds that the CET was operationalised to uplift the standards. However, the extended use of this standardised testing system brings constraints as well as negative washback effects on the tertiary EFL education. Therefore in the newly launched reform -CERP, a new assessment model which combines summative and formative assessment approaches is proposed. The testing and assessment, assumed a new role - to engender desirable education outcomes. The question asked is: will the mixed approach to formative and summative assessment provide the intended cure to the agony that tertiary EFL education in China has long been suffering - spending much time, yet achieving little effects? The paper reports the progresses and challenges as informed by the available research literature, yet asserts a lot needs to be explored on the potential of the assessment mix in this examination tradition deep-rooted and examination-obsessed society.
It has been argued that intentional first year curriculum design has a critical role to play in enhancing first year student engagement, success and retention (Kift, 2008). A fundamental first year curriculum objective should be to assist students to make the successful transition to assessment in higher education. Scott (2006) has identified that ‘relevant, consistent and integrated assessment … [with] prompt and constructive feedback’ are particularly relevant to student retention generally; while Nicol (2007) suggests that ‘lack of clarity regarding expectations in the first year, low levels of teacher feedback and poor motivation’ are key issues in the first year. At the very minimum, if we expect first year students to become independent and self-managing learners, they need to be supported in their early development and acquisition of tertiary assessment literacies (Orrell, 2005). Critical to this attainment is the necessity to alleviate early anxieties around assessment information, instructions, guidance, and performance. This includes, for example: inducting students thoroughly into the academic languages and assessment genres they will encounter as the vehicles for evidencing learning success; and making expectations about the quality of this evidence clear. Most importantly, students should receive regular formative feedback of their work early in their program of study to aid their learning and to provide information to both students and teachers on progress and achievement. Leveraging research conducted under an ALTC Senior Fellowship that has sought to articulate a research-based 'transition pedagogy' (Kift & Nelson, 2005) – a guiding philosophy for intentional first year curriculum design and support that carefully scaffolds and mediates the first year learning experience for contemporary heterogeneous cohorts – this paper will discuss theoretical and practical strategies and examples that should be of assistance in implementing good assessment and feedback practices across a range of disciplines in the first year.
Grassroots groups – autonomous, not-for-profit groups made up of volunteers – and grassroots initiatives play an invaluable, yet often invisible, role in our communities. The informal processes and collective efforts of grassroots associations, social movements, self-help groups and local action collectives are central to civil society and community building. Grassroots leaders are critical to such initiatives, yet little is known about their influences, motivations, successes and challenges. This study aims to address this dearth in the research literature by noting the experiences of a sample of grassroots community leaders to help gain a greater knowledge about community leadership in action. In-depth semi-structured interviews were held with nine grassroots leaders from a broad cross-section of sectors of interest. The criteria for selection were that these leaders were not in a formal non-profit organisation, were not paid for their work yet were leading grassroots groups or initiatives involved in active community building, campaigning or self-help. The paper reflects on findings in regard to the formative experiences that impacted upon the community leaders’ direction in life, their beliefs and ideas about what it means to be a leader, the strategies they use to lead and challenges they continue to face, and the role of learning and support in maintaining and developing their roles. Finally, the key themes relating to grassroots leadership and how these leaders enhance their own effectiveness and resilience are explored.
Background: Relatively little research attention has been given to the development of standardised and psychometrically sound scales for measuring influences relevant to the utilisation of health services. This study aims to describe the development, validation and internal reliability of some existing and new scales to measure factors that are likely to influence utilisation of preventive care services provided by general practitioners in Australia.----- Methods: Relevant domains of influence were first identified from a literature review and formative research. Items were then generated by using and adapting previously developed scales and published findings from these. The new items and scales were pre-tested and qualitative feedback was obtained from a convenience sample of citizens from the community and a panel of experts. Principal Components Analyses (PCA) and internal reliability testing (Cronbach's alpha) were then conducted for all of the newly adapted or developed scales utilising data collected from a self-administered mailed survey sent to a randomly selected population-based sample of 381 individuals (response rate 65.6 per cent).----- Results: The PCA identified five scales with acceptable levels of internal consistency were: (1) social support (ten items), alpha 0.86; (2) perceived interpersonal care (five items), alpha 0.87, (3) concerns about availability of health care and accessibility to health care (eight items), alpha 0.80, (4) value of good health (five items), alpha 0.79, and (5) attitudes towards health care (three items), alpha 0.75.----- Conclusion The five scales are suitable for further development and more widespread use in research aimed at understanding the determinants of preventive health services utilisation among adults in the general population.
The study addresses known limitations of what may be the most important dependent variable in Information Systems (IS) research; IS-Success or IS-Impact. The study is expected to force a deeper understanding of the broad notions of IS success and impact. The aims of the research are to: (1) enhance the robustness and minimize limitations of the IS-Impact model, and (2) introduce and operationalise a more rigorously validated IS Impact measurement model to Universities, as a reliable model for evaluating different Administrative Systems. In extending and further generalizing the IS-Impact model, the study will address contemporary validation issues.
A small scale sculpture that contributes towards my ongoing explorations into how our collective ability to sustain (the future) is as much a cultural problematic as it is an economic or technological one. The curatorial brief of the project was a technical one - in that each curated artist was to design a piece in CAD suitable for 3D resin printing - The object should be entirely generated through 3D visualisation and modelling tools and should be machined and shipped within the dimensions of 6cm x 6cm x 6cm. My design for this brief was influenced by recent research I had conducted in Mildura in the Sunraysia irrigated region of NW Victoria. Each name set within the work is an Australian soldier/settler – who, on returning from the ‘Great War’ was duly awarded a ‘block’ in Australia’s new inland irrigated settlements - with the explicit task of clearing it to plant and reap. Through their concerted and well-intentioned efforts, these workers began to profoundly re-shape Australia’s marginal country - inadvertently presaging the bleak future faced today by many of Australia’s inland lands and river systems. Furthermore, through that time's predominant colonial conception of ‘terra nullius’ (this land is unoccupied and therefore free to be claimed) they each played a small but formative part in building the profound cultural divide between land and peoples that still haunts Australia today. THE EXHIBITION: Inside Out is a compelling international touring exhibition featuring forty-six miniature sculptures produced in resin using 3D printing technologies. Developments in virtual computer visualisation and integrated digital technologies are giving contemporary makers new insight and opportunities to create objects and forms which were previously impossible to produce or difficult to envisage. The exhibition is the result of collaboration between the Art Technology Coalition, the University of Technology Sydney and RMIT University in Australia along with De Montfort University, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dartington College of Arts at University College Falmouth in the United Kingdom.
While IS function has gained widespread attention for over two decades, there is little consensus among information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners on how best to evaluate IS function's support performance. This paper reports on preliminary findings of a larger research effort proceeds from a central interest in the importance of evaluating IS function's support in organisations. This study is the first that attempts to re-conceptualise and conceive evaluate IS function's support as a multi- dimensional formative construct. We argue that a holistic measure for evaluating evaluate IS function's support should consist of dimensions that together assess the variety of the support functions and the quality of the support services provided to end-users. Thus, the proposed model consists of two halves, "Variety" and "Quality" within which resides seven dimensions. The Variety half includes five dimensions: Training; Documentation; Data- related Support, Software-related Support; and Hardware-related Support. The Quality half includes two dimensions: IS Support Staff and Support Services Performance. The proposed model is derived using a directed content analysis of 83 studies; from top IS outlets, employing the characteristics of the analytic theory and consistent with formative construct development procedures.
This paper presents a novel study that aims to contribute to understanding the phenomenon of Enterprise Systems (ES) evaluation in Australasian universities. The proposed study addresses known limitations of arguably the most significant dependent variable in the Information System (IS) field - IS Success or IS-Impact. This study adopts the IS-Impact measurement model, reported by Gable et al. (2008), as the primary commencing theory-base and applies research extension strategy described by Berthon et al. (2002); extending both theory and the context. This study employs a longitudinal, multi-method research design, with two interrelated phases – exploratory and confirmatory. The exploratory phase aims to investigate the applicability and sufficiency of the IS-Impact dimensions and measures in the new context. The confirmatory phase will gather quantitative data to statistically validate IS-Impact model as a formative index.
As part of a development plan-in-progress spanning a total of 25 years(1996 to 2020), Malaysia’s Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) provides a unique opportunity to witness a brief and microcosmic unfolding of the reciprocally formative process between society and technology that Lewis Mumford lays out in exhaustive detail in Technics and Civilization (Mumford, 1963). The interlocking of national imagining, destiny and progress with a specific group of technologies, information and communication technologies (ICT) is, in itself, worthy of interest. However, what renders the MSC doubly remarkable is its introduction in Malaysia, one of the most well established of contemporary ethnocracies. This chapter reads the development and implementation of the MSC as the text through which the association between nation and ethnicity is examined. Broadly speaking I argue here that the MSC inflects the imagining(s) of Malaysia at two levels. At the first level where the MSC is understood to be the insertion of a new policy into Malaysia’s pre-existent ethnocratic climate, I contend the MSC inflects the nation through its incongruence with prevalent conditions. At the second level, where the MSC is viewed through the position of its Chinese populace, I suggest that the MSC inflects Malaysia (perhaps to a lesser degree) through the re-emphasis it lends to issues of transnationalism and belonging for the Malaysian Chinese.
The need for the development of effective business curricula that meets the needs of the marketplace has created an increase in the adoption of core competencies lists identifying appropriate graduate skills. Many organisations and tertiary institutions have individual graduate capabilities lists including skills deemed essential for success. Skills recognised as ‘critical thinking’ are popular inclusions on core competencies and graduate capability lists. While there is literature outlining ‘critical thinking’ frameworks, methods of teaching it and calls for its integration into business curricula, few studies actually identify quantifiable improvements achieved in this area. This project sought to address the development of ‘critical thinking’ skills in a management degree program by embedding a process for critical thinking within a theory unit undertaken by students early in the program. Focus groups and a student survey were used to identify issues of both content and implementation and to develop a student perspective on their needs in thinking critically. A process utilising a framework of critical thinking was integrated through a workbook of weekly case studies for group analysis, discussions and experiential exercises. The experience included formative and summative assessment. Initial results indicate a greater valuation by students of their experience in the organisation theory unit; better marks for mid semester essay assignments and higher evaluations on the university administered survey of students’ satisfaction.
A novel application of the popular web instruction architecture Blackboard Academic Suite® is described. The method was applied to a large number of students to assess quantitatively the accuracy of each student’s laboratory skills. The method provided immediate feedback to students on their personal skill level, replaced labour-intensive scrutiny of laboratory skills by teaching staff and identified immediately those students requiring further individual assistance in mastering the skill under evaluation. The method can be used for both formative and summative assessment. When used formatively, the assessment can be repeated by the student without penalty until the skill is mastered. When used for summative assessment, the method can save the teacher much time and effort in assessing laboratory skills of vital importance to students in the real world.