998 resultados para Fillmore, Charles, 1854-1948.
Background Impulsivity critically relates to many psychiatric disorders. Given the multifaceted construct that impulsivity represents, defining core aspects of impulsivity is vital for the assessment and understanding of clinical conditions. Choice impulsivity (CI), involving the preferential selection of smaller sooner rewards over larger later rewards, represents one important type of impulsivity. Method The International Society for Research on Impulsivity (InSRI) convened to discuss the definition and assessment of CI and provide recommendations regarding measurement across species. Results Commonly used preclinical and clinical CI behavioral tasks are described, and considerations for each task are provided to guide CI task selection. Differences in assessment of CI (self-report, behavioral) and calculating CI indices (e.g., area-under-the-curve, indifference point, steepness of discounting curve) are discussed along with properties of specific behavioral tasks used in preclinical and clinical settings. Conclusions The InSRI group recommends inclusion of measures of CI in human studies examining impulsivity. Animal studies examining impulsivity should also include assessments of CI and these measures should be harmonized in accordance with human studies of the disorders being modeled in the preclinical investigations. The choice of specific CI measures to be included should be based on the goals of the study and existing preclinical and clinical literature using established CI measures.
Tutkielma käsittelee viime sotien jälkeisiä sosiaalisia ongelmia niin sanotun pinnarilain kautta. Laki työtä vieroksuvien henkilöiden määräämisestä työhön tai erikoistyölaitokseen oli voimassa 1946–1948. Tutkielma selvittää, miten viranomaiset sovelsivat pinnarilakia Helsingissä ja avaa työnvieroksunta-käsitteen sisältöä ja määrittelyä. Tutkielman näkökulma pohjautuu kontekstikonstruktivismiin. Erilaisuuden ja sosiaalisten ongelmien määrittely on jatkuvan keskustelun ja kiistelyn alainen aihepiiri, sillä kyseisissä ilmiöissä ja niiden hallinnassa törmäävät erilaiset intressit ja tavoitteet. Sosiaalisen ongelman määrittely on tulosta aktiivisesta kollektiivisesta määrittelyprosessista, johon osallistuu useita toimijoita. Koska itse laki määritteli työnvieroksunta-käsitteen ja rajasi lain soveltamisalan hyvin väljästi, paikalliset viranomaiset saivat laajat toimintavaltuudet. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeä tutkia, millaiset henkilöt koettiin ongelmallisiksi, ”häiritsevän erilaisiksi”. Tärkein lähdemateriaali työssä on kunnallisen työasiainlautakunnan laatimat henkilöaktit työnvieroksujina käsitellyistä henkilöistä. Henkilöaktit sisältävät lautakunnan omien merkintöjen lisäksi poliisin huolto-osaston, huoltolautakunnan ja lääkäreiden asiakirjoja. Systemaattisen otannan avulla akteista on koottu noin 350 henkilöaktin otos. Nämä henkilöt on jaettu neljään ryhmään sen perusteella, mitkä syyt ovat johtaneet henkilön päätymiseen pinnarikäsittelyyn. Näin muodostuneen neljän ryhmän nimet ovat rikolliset, alkoholiongelmaiset, irtolaisnaiset ja ”kunnon kansalaiset”. Ryhmiä analysoidaan vertailun ja tilastollisten menetelmien avulla. Pinnarilaki oli yhtä aikaa työmarkkina-, sosiaali- ja kontrollipolitiikkaa. Sen soveltamisessa tulivat ilmi valtion työvoimapoliittiset intressit jälleenrakentavassa ja työvoimapulasta kärsivässä maassa. Työnvieroksujien joukkoon päätyi niin yhteiskunnan syrjässä roikkuvia moniongelmaisia kuin työkyvyttömyydestä tai työn puutteesta kärsiviä tavallisia kansalaisia. Pinnarilaki sai sovellettaessa ”kaatoluokka”-luonteen: sen avulla viranomaisten kynnys puuttua epäilyttävinä pitämiensä henkilöiden elämään madaltui, sillä esimerkiksi alkoholisti- ja irtolaislainsäädännön soveltamisala oli rajatumpi. Sotatoimien päätyttyä viranomaiset kävivät taistoon yhteiskunnan sisäisiä vihollisia, kohonnutta rikollisuutta, muuttuneita moraalikäsityksiä ja lisääntynyttä päihteidenkäyttöä, vastaan. Tässä taistelussa pinnarilaki oli viranomaisten tärkein ase ja kontrollikeino.
The Davoser Hochschulkurse took place for the first time in 1928. Mainly university teachers from Germany, France, Switzerland (perhaps elsewhere) offered lectures to students recovering from tuberculosis at the health resort in the Swiss mountains. The lecturers were accommodated at the Grand Hotel Curhaus, where the lectures also took place.
26 vital documents for Rudolf Eduard Briske (birth, marriage military, etc.); 30 vital documents of ascendants of Rudolf Eduard Briske; 10 vital documents for relatives of Rudolf Eduard Briske; 4 photos of tombstones; one photo of Hans Briske.
Photocopies of poems
The memoirs were written in 1982 in Sydney, Australia and include excerpts of letters from various relatives during the years 1938-1941. Early childhood recollections of World War One. The family was living in the 6th district of Vienna. Description of domestic life with maids, laundresses and a French governess. Death of her mother in 1918. Trip with her stepmother Ida Plohn to Prague. Recollections of a stay in the countryside at their maid's family, where Selma and her older sister Martha awaited the birth of their younger sister Trude. Memories of Christmas celebrations. Summer vacations in the mountains. Description of the extended family. Inflation and economic depression in the 1920s. Strict upbringing by her stepmother. Children recreation trip to Grado, Italy in 1925. Selma was accepted at the "Bundeserziehungsanstalt" for gifted students. Only few fellow Jewish students. Religious education with beloved rabbi Diamant. Recovery from tonsilitis in a senatorium in Aflenz, Austria. Celebration of Jewish holidays and visits at the Synagogue on Yom Kippur. Transfer to Realschule. Due to a sudden onset of various illnesses Selma was unable to continue school and had put an end to her father's dream of an university education for her. Difficult to find a position in the depression times of the early 1930s. Only few working options for a Jewish woman. Position as a secretary in a Jewish firm. Outings in the Vienna Woods. Membership in the Zionist group Betar.
Correspondence, diaries, acount books, pamphlets, and other personal and professional materials pertaining to Jacob da Silva Solis and his descendents.
Contains Board of Directors minutes (1903, 1907), Executive Committee minutes (1907), Removal Committee minutes (1903-1917), Annual Reports (1910, 1913), Monthly Reports (1901-1919), Monthly Bulletins (1914-1915), studies of those removed, Bressler's "The Removal Work, Including Galveston," and several papers relating to the IRO and immigration. Financial papers include a budget (1914), comparative per capita cost figures (1909-1922), audits (1915-1918), receipts and expenditures (1918-1922), investment records, bank balances (1907-1922), removal work cash book (1904-1911), office expenses cash account (1903-1906), and the financial records of other agencies working with the IRO (1906). Includes also removal case records of first the Jewish Agricultural Society (1899-1900), and then of the IRO (1901-1922) when it took over its work, family reunion case records (1901-1904), and the follow-up records of persons removed to various cities (1903-1914). Contains also the correspondence of traveling agents' contacts throughout the U.S. from 1905-1914, among them Stanley Bero, Henry P. Goldstein, Philip Seman, and Morris D. Waldman.
Contains the notebook and correspondence of Abram Kanof relating to the naval career and activities of Uriah P. Levy; the correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings, and a manuscript paper of Isaac Markens pertaining to the alleged claim that Levy was instrumental in abolishing flogging in the Navy; personal documents including a letter to Captain E.A.F. Lavalette concerning the behavior of officers under Levy's command as commodore of the Mediterranean fleet (1859), a photostatic copy of his will and the inventory of his estate (1862), and published material by and about Uriah Phillips Levy including a bound typewritten copy of "Record of Naval Court of Inquiry, 1857;" An essay on flogging in the Navy, 1849; Memorial of Uriah P. Levy, ... 1855; an original copy of a Manual of rules for men-of-war by Captain U.P. Levy, 1862; and Monticello and its preservation, since Jefferson's death, 1862-1902, by George Alfred Townsend. Also contains the halitza of Virginia Lopez Levy, widow of Uriah P. Levy, 1866, signed by J.J. Lyons; copies of letters of Michael Levy to Henry Deering and Dudley Woolridge, 1787-1788, and a published copy of The defense of Captain Jonas P. Levy. Gift, in part, of the Elsie O. and Philip D. Sang Foundation, 1979 and of Herman Herst, Jr., 1987.
Temple Israel was founded as Congregation Adath Israel in 1854 when a group of German Jews broke from Congregation Ohabei Shalom. The congregation was also known as the Pleasant Street Synagogue. In 1859, the congregation purchased cemetery land in Wakefield, Massachusetts. The synagogue was, and remains, a Reform congregation, and has been home to well known Rabbis, including Joshua Loth Liebman and Roland B. Gittelsohn. This collection contains flyers, newsletters, pamphlets, sermons and a yearbook.
The international aid that the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland received between 1945 and 1948 is the topic of this historical study, in which the process of reconstruction of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland is examined in a European context. The key questions are related not only to the achievements of the reconstruction programs but also to the purposes and objectives of the donating churches. The study pays particular attention to the changes in the ecclesiastical, political and economic fields after the Second World War and asks how the tense political atmosphere of a divided world affected the reconstruction programs of the churches. It is possible to distinguish three periods within the European church reconstruction process. To begin with, the year 1945 was, in general, the year of organization. Many churches had started planning reconstruction work already during the war, but only after the conflict in Europe had ceased did they have a chance to renew contacts, assess the damage and begin operations. The years 1946 and 1947 were the main years of the work. Large reconstruction organizations from American churches donated money, food, clothes and vitamins worth millions of dollars to the European churches. The work started to diminish as early as 1948, partly because Marshall Plan aid and the rising standard of living had reduced the need for material assistance in many countries and partly because other problems overshadowed the reconstruction work of the World Council of Churches: for example, most WCC resources at this time were directed to refugee programs and to Third World churhces. The most important donors from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland's point of view were the American Section of the Lutheran World Federation, the World Council of Churches and the Churches of Denmark, Sweden and England. The amount of money and value of goods received by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland totaled approximately 2.5 million dollars, from which about 60 per cent came from the Lutheran churches of America. The importance of the Lutheran World Federation was even greater because of the productive financial arrangements that increased the American Lutheran funds. In addition the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland imported hundreds of tons of tax-free coffee and sold this to Finns. The money gained was used mostly to rebuild destroyed church buildings and to support the work of different ecclesiastical organizations. Smaller amounts were used for scholarship programs, youth work, and supporting sick and disabled church workers.
Natrix clerki Wall, 1925, previously known from its sole holotype and considered a synonym of Amphiesma parallelum (Boulenger, 1890), is resurrected in the genus Amphiesma on the basis of the analysis of morphological variation in 28 specimens of ``Amphiesma parallelum'' auctorum, plus six living, unvouchered specimens discovered in Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland, India, and one vouchered specimen from Talle Valley in Arunachal Pradesh. Specimens from northeast India (Nagaland), northern Myanmar, and China (Yunnan), previously identified as Amphiesma parallelum either in the literature or in museum's catalogues, are also here referred to A. clerki. The holotype of Amphiesma clerki is redescribed. As a consequence, the definition of Amphiesma parallelum is modified. A. parallelum inhabits the Khasi Hills and Naga Hills in Northeast India, whereas A. clerki has a wider range in the Eastern Himalayas, northern Myanmar and Yunnan (China). Amphiesma clerki differs from A. parallelum by its longer tail, dorsal scales more strongly keeled, scales of the first dorsal scale row strongly keeled vs. smooth, a postocular streak not interrupted at the level of the neck, and a much more vivid pattern on a darker background colour. Characters of species of the Amphiesma parallelum group, i.e. A. clerki, A. parallelum, A. bitaeniatum, A. platyceps and A. sieboldii are compared. A key to this group is provided.
Resumen: Este artículo procura dar cuenta del escenario legal y político abierto con la sanción de la ley de Derechos Políticos de la Mujer en 1947. Entre ellos, los mecanismos que el estado solventó con el empadronamiento de las mujeres y la confección de los documentos de identidad; la sanción de la normativa acorde al voto femenino en las provincias a fin de no desvirtuar el espíritu de ley nacional; y la ley de Estatutos de Partidos Políticos. Los aspectos políticos revelaban los cambios y reacomodamientos de la rama femenina que integraban los centros cívicos partidarios; la aparición en escena y el juego político que emprendieron algunas primeras damas provinciales. Todos estos temas son analizados a la luz de la incesante metamorfosis que adquiría Eva Perón, que troca de primera dama a líder popular.
Contenido: Realismo intelectualista o irracionalismo caótico : nueva fórmula del dilema de la filosofía y cultura contemporánea / La Dirección – El desarrollo histórico de la filosofía y lógica medioevales del lenguaje / Martín Grabmann – F. H. Jacobi y la filosofía : un ejemplo de filosofía del sentimiento / Raymundo Paniker – Humanismo moderno y humanismo cristiano / Ricardo Fuentes Castellanos -- Bibliografía