679 resultados para Fiber bundles (Mathematics)


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We compared the lignin contents of tropical forages by different analytical methods and evaluated their correlations with parameters related to the degradation of neutral detergent fiber (NDF). The lignin content was evaluated by five methods: cellulose solubilization in sulfuric acid [Lignin (sa)], oxidation with potassium permanganate [Lignin (pm)], the Klason lignin method (KL), solubilization in acetyl bromide from acid detergent fiber (ABLadf) and solubilization in acetyl bromide from the cell wall (ABLcw). Samples from ten grasses and ten legumes were used. The lignin content values obtained by gravimetric methods were also corrected for protein contamination, and the corrected values were referred to as Lignin (sa)p, Lignin (pm)p and KLp. The indigestible fraction of NDF (iNDF), the discrete lag (LAG) and the fractional rate of degradation (kd) of NDF were estimated using an in vitro assay. Correcting for protein resulted in reductions (P < 0.05) in the lignin contents as measured by the Lignin (sa), Lignin (pm) and, especially, the KL methods. There was an interaction (P < 0.05) of analytical method and forage group for lignin content. In general, LKp method provided the higher (P < 0.05) lignin contents. The estimates of lignin content obtained by the Lignin (sa)p, Lignin (pm)p and LKp methods were associated (P > 0.05) with all of the NDF degradation parameters. However, the strongest correlation coefficients for all methods evaluated were obtained with Lignin (pm)p and KLp. The lignin content estimated by the ABLcw method did not correlate (P > 0.05) with any parameters of NDF degradation. There was a correlation (P < 0.05) between the lignin content estimated by the ABLadf method and iNDF content. Nonetheless, this correlation was weaker than those found with gravimetric methods. From these results, we concluded that the gravimetric methods produce residues that are contaminated by nitrogenous compounds. Adjustment for these contaminants is suggested, particularly for the KL method, to express lignin content with greater accuracy. The relationships between lignin content measurements and NDF degradation parameters can be better determined using KLp and Lignin (pm)p methods. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nerve terminals of intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue of adult wistar rats was studied by using silver impregnation techniques, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) to observe the nerve fibers and their terminals. Silver impregnation was done according to Winkelman and Schmit, 1957. For TEM, small blocks were fixed in modified Karnovsky solution, postfixed in 1% buffered osmium tetroxide solution, and embedded in Spurr resin. For HRSEM, the parts were fixed in 2% osmium tetroxide solution with 1/15 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 4 degrees C for 2 h, according to the technique described by Tanaka, 1989. Thick myelinated nerve bundles were histologically observed among the muscular fibers. The intrafusal nerve fiber presented a tortuous pathway with punctiform terminal axons in clusters contacting the surface of sarcolemma. Several myelinated nerve fibers involved by collagen fibers of the endoneurium were observed in HRSEM in three-dimensional aspects. The concentric lamellae of the myelin sheath and the axoplasm containing neurofilaments interspersed among the mitochondria were also noted. In TEM, myofibrils, mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi`s apparatus, and glycogen granules were observed in sarcoplasm. It is also noted that the sarcomeres constituted by myofilaments with their A, I, and H bands and the electron dense Z lines. In areas adjacent to muscular fibers, there were myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers involved by endoneurium and perineurium. In the region of the neuromuscular junction, the contact with the sarcolemma of the muscular cell occurs forming several terminal buttons and showing numerous evaginations of the cell membrane. In the terminal button, mitochondria and numerous synaptic vesicles were observed. Microsc. Res. Tech. 72:464-470, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss. Inc.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the bond strength between fiber post and laser-treated root canals. Forty single-rooted bovine teeth were endodontically treated and randomly divided into four groups of equal size according to the root canal treatment: group 1 conventional treatment (without laser irradiation); group 2 Nd:YAG laser (1.5 W, 10 Hz, 100 mJ); group 3 Er,Cr:YSGG laser (0.75 W, 20 Hz); and group 4 Nd:YAG + Er,Cr:YSGG lasers. The fiber posts were cemented with an adhesive system + resin cement, in accordance with the manufacturer`s instructions. A mini acrylic pipe was fixed on the coronal section of the post using a light-polymerized resin. Specimens were mounted on an acrylic pipe with a self-polymerized resin. Retention forces were determined using a universal testing machine (0.5 mm/min). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (p < 0.05). The post retention force in group 2 was found to be lower than that in the other experimental groups. Fractures were observed at the interface between the dentin and the resin in all groups. High-intensity lasers can be used in conventional endodontic treatment; however, root canal surface irradiation using the Nd:YAG laser was shown to negatively affect the post retention force.


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Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of bond strength tests to accurately measure the bond strength of fiber posts luted into root canals Materials and Methods The test methods studied were hourglass microtensile (HM), push-out (PS), modified push out (MP) and pull out (PL) The evaluated parameters were bond strength values, reliability (using Weibull analysis), failure mode (using confocal microscopy), and stress distribution (using finite element analysis) Forty human intact single rooted and endodontically treated teeth were divided into four groups Each group was assigned one of the test methods The samples in the HM and PS groups were 1 0 +/- 0 1 mm thick, the HM samples were hourglass shaped and the PS samples were disk shaped For the PL and MP groups, each 1 mm dentin slice was luted with a fiber post piece Three dimensional models of each group were made and stress was analyzed based on Von Mises criteria Results PL provided the highest values of bond strength followed by MP both of which also had greater amounts of adhesive failures PS showed the highest frequency of cohesive failures MP showed a more homogeneous stress distribution and a higher Weibull modulus Conclusion The specimen design directly influences the biomechanical behavior of bond strength tests


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The clinical success of fiber posts has been attributed to their lower elastic modulus. The tested hypothesis was that fiber posts could lead to lower risk of post debonding and lower risk of root fracture, despite an increase in root stresses. Stress analyses were carried out with a 3D finite element model of a premolar restored with a metallic or a fiber post. Bonded and non-bonded post/cement interface conditions were simulated. We calculated risk-of-fracture indices by determining the highest principal stress values divided by the tensile strength. Shear stresses along the post/cement interface were analyzed for the bonded models. Compared with the premolar restored with a metallic post, the fiber post generated lower stresses along the interface and higher stresses in the root. However, with the fiber post, fracture was less likely to occur in the root, since its core and post fracture indices were higher.


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The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the addition of continuous or milled GdAlO(3)/Al(2)O(3) fibers to a dental porcelain increases its mechanical properties. Porcelain bars without reinforcement (control) were compared to those reinforced with long fibers (30 vol%). Also, disk specimens reinforced with milled fibers were produced by adding 0 (control), 5 or 10 vol% of particles. The reinforcement with continuous fibers resulted in significant increase in the uniaxial flexural strength from 91.5 to 217.4 MPa. The addition of varied amounts of milled fibers to the porcelain did not significantly affect its biaxial flexural strength compared to the control group. SEM analysis showed that the interface between the continuous fiber and the porcelain was free of defects. On the other hand, it was possible to note the presence of cracks surrounding the milled fiber/porcelain interface. In conclusion, the reinforcement of the porcelain with continuous fibers resulted in an efficient mechanism to increase its mechanical properties; however the addition of milled fibers had no significant effect on the material because the porcelain was not able to wet the ceramic particles during the firing cycle. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study evaluated the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber posts and varying quantities of coronal dentin. Sixty freshly extracted upper canines were randomly divided into groups of 10 teeth each. The specimens were exposed to 250,000 cycles in a controlled chewing simulator. All intact specimens were subjected to a static load (N) in a universal testing machine at 45 degrees to the long axis. Data were analyzed by 1-way analysis of variance and Tukey test (alpha = .05). Significant differences (P < .001) were found among the mean fracture forces of the test groups (positive control, 0 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 3 mm, and negative control groups: 1022.82 N, 1008.22 N, 1292.52 N, 1289.19 N, 1255.38 N, and 1582.11, respectively). These results suggested that the amount of coronal dentin did not significantly increase the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with prefabricated carbon fiber post and composite resin core. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008;106:e52-e57)


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Objectives. To test the null hypothesis that continuity of resin cement/dentin interfaces is not affected by location along the root canal walls or water storage for 3 months when bonding fiber posts into root canals. Methods. Fiber posts were luted to bovine incisors using four resinous luting systems: Multilink, Variolink II, Enforce Dual and Enforce PV. After cementation, roots were longitudinally sectioned and epoxy resin replicas were prepared for SEM analysis (baseline). The original halves were immersed in solvent, replicated and evaluated. After 3 months water storage and a second solvent immersion, a new set of replicas were made and analyzed. The ratio (%) between the length (mm) of available bonding interface and the actual extension of bonded cement/dentin interface was calculated. Results. Significant lower percent values of bond integrity were found for Multilink (8.25%) and Variolink 11 (10.08%) when compared to Enforce Dual (25.11%) and Enforce PV (27.0%) at baseline analysis. The same trend was observed after immersion in solvent, with no significant changes. However, bond integrity was significantly reduced after 3 months water storage and a second solvent immersion to values below 5% (Multilink = 3.31%, Variolink=1.87%, Enforce Dual=1.20%, and Enforce PV=0.75%). The majority of gaps were depicted at the apical and middle thirds at baseline and after immersion in solvent. After 3 months, gaps were also detected at the cervical third. Significance. Bond integrity at the cement/dentin interface was surprisingly low after cementation of fiber posts to root canals with all resin cements. That was not significantly altered after immersion in solvent, but was further compromised after 3 months water storage. Gaps were mainly seen at middle and apical thirds throughout the experiment and extended to the cervical third after water storage for 3 months. Bond integrity of fiber posts luted to root canals was affected both by location and water storage. (C) 2007 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effects of storage condition and duration on the resistance to fracture of different fiber post systems (and to morphologically assess the post structure before and after storage. Methods: Three types of fiber posts (DT Light Post, GC Post, FRC Postect Plus) were divided in different groups (n=12) according to the storage condition (dry at 37 degrees C; saline water at 37 degrees C; mineral oil at 37 degrees C and storage inside the roots of extracted human teeth immersed in saline water at 37 degrees C and duration (6, 12 months). A universal testing machine loading at a 90 degrees angle was employed for the three-point bending test. The test was carried out until fracture of the post. A 3-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha= 0.05) were used to compare the effect of the experimental factors on the fracture strength. Two posts of each group were observed before and after the storage using a scanning electron microscope. Results: Storage condition and post type had a significant effect on post fracture strength (P< 0.05). The interaction between these factors was significant (P< 0.05). Water storage significantly decreased the fracture strength, regardless of the post type and the storage duration. Storage inside roots, in oil, and at dry conditions did not significantly affect post fracture strength. SEM micrographs revealed voids between fibers and resin matrix for posts stored in water. Posts stored under the other conditions showed a compact matrix without porosities. (Am J Dent 2009;22:366-370).


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Purpose: To evaluate the cement thickness around oval and circular posts luted in oval post spaces prepared with different drills/tips. Methods: Extracted premolars were endodontically treated and obturated, then randomly divided into three groups (n = 5) according to the tips/drills used for post-space preparation and to the type of fiber post luted: medium grit oval tip + oval posts, fine grit oval tip + oval posts, Mtwo Post File drill + circular posts. The specimens were sectioned in horizontal slices; one slice per canal third was chosen for each post-space, resulting in three slices for each specimen. The distances between the canal wall and the post perimeter were measured on SEM images of each slice. Results: The fine grit tip + oval post group obtained statistically significant lower cement thicknesses than the other groups (P < 0.05), in particular in the apical third. The MtwoPF + circular post group showed the highest cement thickness, comparable to that of the medium tip + oval post group. A good post fitting in oval-shaped canals can be obtained using a fine grit oval tip combined with oval posts. (Am J Dent 2009;22:290-294).


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Purpose: The study evaluates the behavior of different adhesive systems and resin cements in fiber post placement, with the intent to clarify the possible role of unfilled resin as a luting material for fiber posts. Materials and Methods: Two luting agents (Dual-Link and Unfilled Resin) for cementing fiber posts into root canals were applied either with All-Bond 2 or One-Step Plus, or without an adhesive system, and challenged with the push-out test. Slices of roots restored with posts were loaded until post segment extrusion in the apical-coronal direction. Failure modes were analyzed under SEM. Results: Push-out strength was significantly influenced by the luting agent (p < 0.05), but not by the bonding strategy (p > 0.05). The best results were obtained in combination with Unfilled Resin with One-Step Plus. Dual-Link groups failed mainly cohesively within the cement, while Unfilled Resin demonstrated more adhesive fracture at the post interface. Conclusion: The results of this study support the hypothesis that adhesive unfilled resin application is essential for achieving high bond strength to radicular dentin.


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Purpose: To evaluate the influence of surface treatments on microtensile bond strength of luting resin cements to fiber posts. Materials and Methods: Forty-two quartz fiber posts (Light Post, RTD) were divided into 7 groups (n = 6) according to the surface treatment. I and 11: experimental patented industrial treatment consisting of zirconium oxide coating and silanization (RTD); III: industrial treatment followed by adhesive application (XPBond, Dentsply Caulk); IV: adhesive (XPBond); V: adhesive (Prime&Bond NT, Dentsply Caulk); VI: silane (Calibra Silane, Dentsply Caulk); VII: no treatment. Adhesives were used in the self-curing mode. Two cements (Sealbond, RTD - group 1, and Calibra, Dentsply Caulk - groups 11 to VII) were applied on the posts to produce cylindrical specimens. Post/cement interfaces were evaluated under SEM. The surface of the industrially coated posts was examined using energy dispersive analysis by x-ray. Cylinders were cut to obtain microtensile sticks that were loaded in tension at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until failure. Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance followed by Dunn`s multiple range test for post-hoc comparisons (p < 0.05). Weibull analysis was also performed. Results: The post/cement bond strength was significantly higher on fiber posts treated industrially (I: 23.14 +/- 8.05 MPa; II: 21.56 +/- 7.07 MPa; III: 22.37 +/- 7.00 MPa) or treated with XPBond adhesive (IV: 21.03 +/- 5.34 MPa) when compared to Prime&Bond NT application (V: 14.05 +/- 5.06 MPa), silanization (VI: 6.31 +/- 4.60 MPa) or no treatment (VII: 4.62 +/- 4.31) of conventional fiber posts (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The experimental industrial surface treatment and the adhesive application enhanced fiber post to resin cement interfacial strength. Industrial pretreatment may simplify the clinical luting procedure.


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Introduction: This study evaluated the bond strength of translucent fiber posts to experimentally weakened radicular dentin restored with composite resin and polymerized with different light-exposure time. Methods: Roots of 60 maxillary incisors were used. Twenty-four hours after obturation, the filling materials of root canals were removed to a depth of 12 mm, and 4 groups were randomly formed. In 3 groups, root dentin was flared to produce a space between fiber post and canal walls. In the control group, the roots were not experimentally weakened. The flared roots were bulk restored with composite resin, which was light-activated through the translucent post for 40, 80, or 120 seconds. Posts were cemented, and after 24 hours, all roots were sectioned transversely in the coronal, middle, and apical regions, producing 1-mm-thick slices. Push-out test was performed, and failure modes were observed. Results The quantitative analysis showed significant statistical difference only among groups (P <.001). Comparing the weakened/restored groups, composite light-exposure time did not influence the results. Overall, adhesive failures occurred more frequently than other types of failures. Cohesive failures occurred only in the weakened/restored roots. Conclusions Intracanal root restoration with composite resin and translucent fiber posts provided similar or higher bond strength to dentin than the control group, regardless of the light-exposure time used for polymerization. (J Endod 2009;35:1034-1039)