991 resultados para Far Field Pattern


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Lo sviluppo di soluzioni sempre più pervasive, nell’ambito delle telecomunicazioni, ha determinato una necessità crescente di avere sistemi wireless con dimensioni estremamente ridotte. Tale obiettivo deve essere raggiunto evitando di incorrere nelle problematiche in termini di prestazioni di radiazione che si presentano utilizzando antenne dalle dimensioni molto ridotte rispetto la lunghezza d'onda. Tali inefficienze finiscono poi per ripercuotersi sulle funzionalità, ma sopratutto sul consumo energetico e quindi sulla sua autonomia. Nell’ambito di questa tesi, ci si è focalizzati sui materiali e in particolare su come possono essere selezionati in base alle caratteristiche delle varie topologie di antenne, con lo scopo di massimizzare le caratteristiche prestazionali dell'elemento radiante. Sarà inoltre presentata una definizione innovativa e dedicata ai materiali magneto-dielettrici del volume di campo vicino. Si concluderà infine che, nel caso di antenne rappresentate da sorgenti equivalenti magnetiche è conveniente usare materiali magnetici, mentre con sorgenti equivalenti elettriche il solo dielettrico risulta più indicato.


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Waterproofing agents are widely used to protect leather and textiles in both domestic and occupational activities. An outbreak of acute respiratory syndrome following exposure to waterproofing sprays occurred during the winter 2002-2003 in Switzerland. About 180 cases were reported by the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre between October 2002 and March 2003, whereas fewer than 10 cases per year had been recorded previously. The reported cases involved three brands of sprays containing a common waterproofing mixture, that had undergone a formulation change in the months preceding the outbreak. A retrospective analysis was undertaken in collaboration with the Swiss Toxicological Information Centre and the Swiss Registries for Interstitial and Orphan Lung Diseases to clarify the circumstances and possible causes of the observed health effects. Individual exposure data were generated with questionnaires and experimental emission measurements. The collected data was used to conduct numeric simulation for 102 cases of exposure. A classical two-zone model was used to assess the aerosol dispersion in the near- and far-field during spraying. The resulting assessed dose and exposure levels obtained were spread on large scales, of several orders of magnitude. No dose-response relationship was found between exposure indicators and health effects indicators (perceived severity and clinical indicators). Weak relationships were found between unspecific inflammatory response indicators (leukocytes, C-reactive protein) and the maximal exposure concentration. The results obtained disclose a high interindividual response variability and suggest that some indirect mechanism(s) predominates in the respiratory disease occurrence. Furthermore, no threshold could be found to define a safe level of exposure. These findings suggest that the improvement of environmental exposure conditions during spraying alone does not constitute a sufficient measure to prevent future outbreaks of waterproofing spray toxicity. More efficient preventive measures are needed prior to the marketing and distribution of new waterproofing agents.


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Turbulence affects traditional free space optical communication by causing speckle to appear in the received beam profile. This occurs due to changes in the refractive index of the atmosphere that are caused by fluctuations in temperature and pressure, resulting in an inhomogeneous medium. The Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence has been suggested as a means of mitigating these atmospheric inhomogeneities on the transmission side. This dissertation analyzed the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence by verifying the Gaussian-Schell model in the far-field, investigated the number of independent phase control screens necessary to approach the ideal Gaussian-Schell model, and showed experimentally that the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence is achievable in the far-field using a liquid crystal spatial light modulator. A method for optimizing the statistical properties of the Gaussian-Schell model was developed to maximize the coherence of the field while ensuring that it does not exhibit the same statistics as a fully coherent source. Finally a technique to estimate the minimum spatial resolution necessary in a spatial light modulator was developed to effectively propagate the Gaussian-Schell model through a range of atmospheric turbulence strengths. This work showed that regardless of turbulence strength or receiver aperture, transmitting the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence instead of a fully coherent source will yield a reduction in the intensity fluctuations of the received field. By measuring the variance of the intensity fluctuations and the received mean, it is shown through the scintillation index that using the Gaussian-Schell model of partial coherence is a simple and straight forward method to mitigate atmospheric turbulence instead of traditional adaptive optics in free space optical communications.


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Measuring shallow seismic sources provides a way to reveal processes that cannot be directly observed, but the correct interpretation and value of these signals depend on the ability to distinguish source from propagation effects. Furthermore, seismic signals produced by a resonating source can look almost identical to those produced by impulsive sources, but modified along the path. Distinguishing these two phenomena can be accomplished by examining the wavefield with small aperture arrays or by recording seismicity near to the source when possible. We examine source and path effects in two different environments: Bering Glacier, Alaska and Villarrica Volcano, Chile. Using three 3-element seismic arrays near the terminus of the Bering Glacier, we have identified and located both terminus calving and iceberg breakup events. We show that automated array analysis provided a robust way to locate icequake events using P waves. This analysis also showed that arrivals within the long-period codas were incoherent within the small aperture arrays, demonstrating that these codas previously attributed to crack resonance were in fact a result of a complicated path rather than a source effect. At Villarrica Volcano, seismometers deployed from near the vent to ~10 km revealed that a several cycle long-period source signal recorded at the vent appeared elongated in the far-field. We used data collected from the stations nearest to the vent to invert for the repetitive seismic source, and found it corresponded to a shallow force within the lava lake oriented N75°E and dipping 7° from horizontal. We also used this repetitive signal to search the data for additional seismic and infrasonic properties which included calculating seismic-acoustic delay times, volcano acoustic-seismic ratios and energies, event frequency, and real-time seismic amplitude measurements. These calculations revealed lava lake level and activity fluctuations consistent with lava lake level changes inferred from the persistent infrasonic tremor.


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BACKGROUND Local abnormal ventricular activities (LAVA) in patients with scar-related ventricular tachycardia (VT) may appear at any time during or after the far-field electrogram. Although they may be separated from the far-field signal by an isoelectric line and extend beyond the end of surface QRS, they may also appear fused or buried within the QRS. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to characterize LAVA in postinfarction VT patients with respect to their anatomic locations. METHODS Thirty-one patients with postinfarction VT underwent mapping/ablation during sinus rhythm with a three-dimensional electroanatomic mapping system. From a total of 18,270 electrograms reviewed in all study subjects, 1104 LAVA (endocardium 839, epicardium 265) were identified and analyzed. RESULTS The interval from onset of QRS complex to ventricular electrogram (EGM onset) on the endocardium was significantly shorter than the epicardium (P < .001). EGM onset was shortest in the septal endocardium and longest in the inferior and lateral epicardium. There was a significant positive correlation between EGM onset and LAVA lateness as estimated by the interval from surface QRS onset to LAVA (r = 0.52, P < .001). LAVA were more frequently detected after the QRS complex in the epicardium (241/265 [91%]) than in the endocardium (551/839 [66%], P < .001). Only 43% of endocardial septal LAVA were detected after the QRS complex. CONCLUSION Lateness of LAVA is affected to a large extent by their locations. The chance of detecting late LAVA increases when electrogram onset is later. Substrate-based approach targeting delayed signals relative to the QRS complex may miss critical the arrhythmogenic substrate, particularly in the septum and other early-to-activate regions.


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This work investigates the subcritical spatial transition in the swept Hiemenz boundary layer by means of direct numerical simulations (DNS). A pair of steady co-rotating vortices located at the attachment line is enforced as a primary disturbance leading to streaks which are stable. A small secondary, time-dependent disturbance interacts with these streaks such that instability and breakdown to turbulence may occur. The instability only occurs for a certain band of secondary disturbance frequencies. Positive secondary instability growth rates could be observed for Reynolds numbers as low as , whereas the linear critical Reynolds number is. Uniform wall suction is shown to stabilise this transition mechanism, analogously to results from linear stability theory. The effects of suction on the formation of primary streaks and on the secondary growth rate are decoupled. For streaks of different suction whose amplitude is held constant by adjusting the Reynolds number, the suction is shown to increase the growth rate of the secondary instability. The stabilising influence of wall suction consists in decreasing the streak amplitude only. Depending on the Reynolds number and the suction strength, breakdown may either occur locally and may be convected along the far-field streamlines, or occur globally and cover broad regions in the downstream direction.


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A down-core 231Pa/230Th record has been measured from the southwestern Indian Ocean to reconstruct the history of deep water flow into this basin over the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 ratio throughout the record is nearly constant at approximately 0.055, significantly lower than the production ratio of 0.093, indicating that the proxy is sensitive to changes in circulation and/or sediment flux at this site. The consistent value suggests that there has been no change in the inflow of Antarctic Bottom Water to the Indian Ocean during the last 140 ka, in contrast to the changes in deep circulation thought to occur in other ocean basins. The stability of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 value in the record contrasts with an existing sortable silt (SS) record from the same core. The observed equation image variability is attributed to a local geostrophic effect amplifying small changes in circulation. A record of authigenic U from the same core suggests that there was reduced oxygen in bottom waters at the core locality during glacial periods. The consistency of the (231Paxs/230Thxs)0 record implies that this could not have arisen by local changes in productivity, thus suggesting a far-field control: either globally reduced bottom water oxygenation or increased productivity south of the Opal Belt during glacials.


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In central Antarctica, drainage today and earlier back to the Paleozoic radiates from the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (GSM). Proximal to the GSM past the Permian-Triassic fluvial sandstones in the Prince Charles Mountains (PCM) are Cretaceous, Eocene, and Pleistocene sediment in Prydz Bay (ODP741, 1166, and 1167) and pre-Holocene sediment in AM04 beneath the Amery Ice Shelf. We analysed detrital zircons for U-Pb ages, Hf-isotope compositions, and trace elements to determine the age, rock type, source of the host magma, and "crustal" model age (T(C)DM). These samples, together with others downslope from the GSM and the Vostok Subglacial Highlands (VSH), define major clusters of detrital zircons interpreted as coming from (1) 700 to 460 Ma mafic granitoids and alkaline rock, epsilon-Hf 9 to -28, signifying derivation 2.5 to 1.3 Ga from fertile and recycled crust, and (2) 1200-900 Ma mafic granitoids and alkaline rock, epsilon-Hf 11 to -28, signifying derivation 1.8 to 1.3 Ga from fertile and recycled crust. Minor clusters extend to 3350 Ma. Similar detrital zircons in Permian-Triassic, Ordovician, Cambrian, and Neoproterozoic sandstones located along the PaleoPacific margin of East Antarctica and southeast Australia further downslope from central Antarctica reflect the upslope GSM-VSH nucleus of the central Antarctic provenance as a complex of 1200-900 Ma (Grenville) mafic granitoids and alkaline rocks and older rocks embedded in 700-460 Ma (Pan-Gondwanaland) fold belts. The wider central Antarctic provenance (CAP) is tentatively divided into a central sector with negative ?Hf in its 1200-900 Ma rocks bounded on either side by positive epsilon-Hf. The high ground of the GSM-VSH in the Permian and later to the present day is attributed to crustal shortening by far-field stress during the 320 Ma mid-Carboniferous collision of Gondwanaland and Laurussia. Earlier uplifts in the ~500 Ma Cambrian possibly followed the 700-500 Ma assembly of Gondwanaland, and in the Neoproterozoic the 1000-900 Ma collisional events in the Eastern Ghats-Rayner Province at the end of the 1300-1000 Ma assembly of Rodinia.


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Ephemeral polar glaciations during the middle-to-late Eocene (48-34 Ma) have been proposed based on far-field ice volume proxy records and near-field glacigenic sediments, although the scale, timing, and duration of these events are poorly constrained. Here we confirm the existence of a transient cool event within a new high-resolution benthic foraminiferal d18O record at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 738 (Kerguelen Plateau; Southern Ocean). This event, named the Priabonian oxygen isotope maximum (PrOM) Event, lasted ~140 kyr and is tentatively placed within magnetochron C17n.1n (~37.3 Ma) based on the correlation to ODP Site 689 (Maud Rise, Southern Ocean). A contemporaneous change in the provenance of sediments delivered to the Kerguelen Plateau occurs at the study site, determined from the <63 µm fraction of decarbonated and reductively leached sediment samples. Changes in the mixture of bottom waters, based on fossil fish tooth epsilon-Nd, were less pronounced and slower relative to the benthic d18O and terrigenous epsilon-Nd changes. Terrigenous sediment epsilon-Nd values rapidly shifted to less radiogenic signatures at the onset of the PrOM Event, indicating an abrupt change in provenance favoring ancient sources such as the Paleoproterozoic East Antarctic craton. Bottom water epsilon-Nd reached a minimum value during the PrOM Event, although the shift begins much earlier than the terrigenous epsilon-Nd excursion. The origin of the abrupt change in terrigenous sediment provenance is compatible with a change in Antarctic terrigenous sediment flux and/or source as opposed to a reorganization of ocean currents. A change in terrigenous flux and/or source of Antarctic sediments during the oxygen isotope maximum suggests a combination of cooling and ice growth in East Antarctica during the early late Eocene.


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Fossil, facies, and isotope analyses of an early high-paleolatitude (55°S) section suggests a highly unstable East Antarctic Ice Sheet from 32 to 27 Myr. The waxing and waning of this ice sheet from 140% to 40% of its present volume caused sea level changes of ±25 m (ranging from -30 to +50 m) related to periodic glacial (100,000 to 200,000 years) and shorter interglacial events. The near-field Gippsland sea level (GSL) curve shares many similarities to the far-field New Jersey sea level (NJSL) estimates. However, there are possible resolution errors due to biochronology, taphonomy, and paleodepth estimates and the relative lack of lowstand deposits (in NJSL) that prevent detailed correlations with GSL. Nevertheless, the lateral variations in sea level between the GSL section and NJSL record that suggest ocean siphoning and antisiphoning may have propagated synchronous yet variable sea levels.


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We present sea surface, upper thermocline, and benthic d18O data, as well as temperature and paleoproductivity proxy data, from the International Marine Global Change Study Program (IMAGES) Core MD06-3067 (6°31'N, 126°30'E, 1575 m water depth), located in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean within the flow path of the Mindanao Current. Our records reveal considerable glacial-interglacial and suborbital variability in the Mindanao Dome upwelling over the last 160 kyr. Dome activity generally intensified during glacial intervals resulting in cooler thermocline waters, whereas it substantially declined during interglacials, in particular in the early Holocene and early marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 5e, when upwelling waters did not reach the thermocline. During MIS 3 and MIS 2, enhanced surface productivity together with remarkably low SST and low upper ocean thermal contrast provide evidence for episodic glacial upwelling to the surface, whereas transient surface warming marks periodic collapses of the Mindanao Dome upwelling during Heinrich events. We attribute the high variability during MIS 3 and MIS 2 to changes in the El Niño Southern Oscillation state that affected boreal winter monsoonal winds and upper ocean circulation. Glacial upwelling intensified when a strong cyclonic gyre became established, whereas El Niño-like conditions during Heinrich events tended to suppress the cyclonic circulation, reducing Ekman transport. Thus, our findings demonstrate that variations in the Mindanao Dome upwelling are closely linked to the position and intensity of the tropical convection and also reflect far-field influences from the high latitudes.


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The main motivation for Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310 to the Tahitian Archipelago was the assumption that the last deglacial sea-level rise is precisely recorded in the coral reefs of this far-field site. The Tahitian deglacial succession typically consists of coral framework subsequently encrusted by coralline algae and microbialites. The high abundance of microbialites is uncommon for shallow-water coral reefs, and the environmental conditions favouring their development are still poorly understood. Microbioerosion patterns in the three principal framework components (corals, coralline algae, microbialites) are studied with respect to relative light availability during coral growth and subsequent encrustation, in order to constrain the palaeobathymetry and the relative timing of the encrustation. Unexpectedly for a tropical, light-flooded setting, ichnotaxa typical for the deep-euphotic to dysphotic zone dominate. The key ichnotaxa for the shallow euphotic zone are scarce in the analysed sample set, and are restricted tothe baseof thedeglacial succession, thus reflecting thedeglacial sea-level rise. At the base of the deglacial reef succession, the ichnocoenoses present in the corals indicate shallower bathymetries than those in the encrusting microbialites. This is in agreement with radiocarbon data that indicate a time gap of more than 600 years between coral death and microbialite formation. At the top of the deglacial reef succession, in contrast, the microbioerosion patterns in the three framework components indicate a uniform palaeobathymetry, and radiocarbon ages imply that encrustation took place shortly after coral demise. An enigma arises from the fact that the ichnocoenoses imply photic conditions that appear very deep for zooxanthellate coral growth. During the deglacial sea-level rise increased nutrients and fluvial influx may have led to (seasonal?) eutrophication, condensing the photic zonation. This would have exerted stress on the coral ecosystem and played a significant role in initiating microbialite development.


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This thesis contributes to the analysis and design of printed reflectarray antennas. The main part of the work is focused on the analysis of dual offset antennas comprising two reflectarray surfaces, one of them acts as sub-reflector and the second one acts as mainreflector. These configurations introduce additional complexity in several aspects respect to conventional dual offset reflectors, however they present a lot of degrees of freedom that can be used to improve the electrical performance of the antenna. The thesis is organized in four parts: the development of an analysis technique for dualreflectarray antennas, a preliminary validation of such methodology using equivalent reflector systems as reference antennas, a more rigorous validation of the software tool by manufacturing and testing a dual-reflectarray antenna demonstrator and the practical design of dual-reflectarray systems for some applications that show the potential of these kind of configurations to scan the beam and to generate contoured beams. In the first part, a general tool has been implemented to analyze high gain antennas which are constructed of two flat reflectarray structures. The classic reflectarray analysis based on MoM under local periodicity assumption is used for both sub and main reflectarrays, taking into account the incident angle on each reflectarray element. The incident field on the main reflectarray is computed taking into account the field radiated by all the elements on the sub-reflectarray.. Two approaches have been developed, one which employs a simple approximation to reduce the computer run time, and the other which does not, but offers in many cases, improved accuracy. The approximation is based on computing the reflected field on each element on the main reflectarray only once for all the fields radiated by the sub-reflectarray elements, assuming that the response will be the same because the only difference is a small variation on the angle of incidence. This approximation is very accurate when the reflectarray elements on the main reflectarray show a relatively small sensitivity to the angle of incidence. An extension of the analysis technique has been implemented to study dual-reflectarray antennas comprising a main reflectarray printed on a parabolic surface, or in general in a curved surface. In many applications of dual-reflectarray configurations, the reflectarray elements are in the near field of the feed-horn. To consider the near field radiated by the horn, the incident field on each reflectarray element is computed using a spherical mode expansion. In this region, the angles of incidence are moderately wide, and they are considered in the analysis of the reflectarray to better calculate the actual incident field on the sub-reflectarray elements. This technique increases the accuracy for the prediction of co- and cross-polar patterns and antenna gain respect to the case of using ideal feed models. In the second part, as a preliminary validation, the proposed analysis method has been used to design a dual-reflectarray antenna that emulates previous dual-reflector antennas in Ku and W-bands including a reflectarray as subreflector. The results for the dualreflectarray antenna compare very well with those of the parabolic reflector and reflectarray subreflector; radiation patterns, antenna gain and efficiency are practically the same when the main parabolic reflector is substituted by a flat reflectarray. The results show that the gain is only reduced by a few tenths of a dB as a result of the ohmic losses in the reflectarray. The phase adjustment on two surfaces provided by the dual-reflectarray configuration can be used to improve the antenna performance in some applications requiring multiple beams, beam scanning or shaped beams. Third, a very challenging dual-reflectarray antenna demonstrator has been designed, manufactured and tested for a more rigorous validation of the analysis technique presented. The proposed antenna configuration has the feed, the sub-reflectarray and the main-reflectarray in the near field one to each other, so that the conventional far field approximations are not suitable for the analysis of such antenna. This geometry is used as benchmarking for the proposed analysis tool in very stringent conditions. Some aspects of the proposed analysis technique that allow improving the accuracy of the analysis are also discussed. These improvements include a novel method to reduce the inherent cross polarization which is introduced mainly from grounded patch arrays. It has been checked that cross polarization in offset reflectarrays can be significantly reduced by properly adjusting the patch dimensions in the reflectarray in order to produce an overall cancellation of the cross-polarization. The dimensions of the patches are adjusted in order not only to provide the required phase-distribution to shape the beam, but also to exploit the crosses by zero of the cross-polarization components. The last part of the thesis deals with direct applications of the technique described. The technique presented is directly applicable to the design of contoured beam antennas for DBS applications, where the requirements of cross-polarisation are very stringent. The beam shaping is achieved by synthesithing the phase distribution on the main reflectarray while the sub-reflectarray emulates an equivalent hyperbolic subreflector. Dual-reflectarray antennas present also the ability to scan the beam over small angles about boresight. Two possible architectures for a Ku-band antenna are also described based on a dual planar reflectarray configuration that provides electronic beam scanning in a limited angular range. In the first architecture, the beam scanning is achieved by introducing a phase-control in the elements of the sub-reflectarray and the mainreflectarray is passive. A second alternative is also studied, in which the beam scanning is produced using 1-bit control on the main reflectarray, while a passive subreflectarray is designed to provide a large focal distance within a compact configuration. The system aims to develop a solution for bi-directional satellite links for emergency communications. In both proposed architectures, the objective is to provide a compact optics and simplicity to be folded and deployed.


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Este trabajo de Tesis ha abordado el objetivo de dar robustez y mejorar la Detección de Actividad de Voz en entornos acústicos adversos con el fin de favorecer el comportamiento de muchas aplicaciones vocales, por ejemplo aplicaciones de telefonía basadas en reconocimiento automático de voz, aplicaciones en sistemas de transcripción automática, aplicaciones en sistemas multicanal, etc. En especial, aunque se han tenido en cuenta todos los tipos de ruido, se muestra especial interés en el estudio de las voces de fondo, principal fuente de error de la mayoría de los Detectores de Actividad en la actualidad. Las tareas llevadas a cabo poseen como punto de partida un Detector de Actividad basado en Modelos Ocultos de Markov, cuyo vector de características contiene dos componentes: la energía normalizada y la variación de la energía. Las aportaciones fundamentales de esta Tesis son las siguientes: 1) ampliación del vector de características de partida dotándole así de información espectral, 2) ajuste de los Modelos Ocultos de Markov al entorno y estudio de diferentes topologías y, finalmente, 3) estudio e inclusión de nuevas características, distintas de las del punto 1, para filtrar los pulsos de pronunciaciones que proceden de las voces de fondo. Los resultados de detección, teniendo en cuenta los tres puntos anteriores, muestran con creces los avances realizados y son significativamente mejores que los resultados obtenidos, bajo las mismas condiciones, con otros detectores de actividad de referencia. This work has been focused on improving the robustness at Voice Activity Detection in adverse acoustic environments in order to enhance the behavior of many vocal applications, for example telephony applications based on automatic speech recognition, automatic transcription applications, multichannel systems applications, and so on. In particular, though all types of noise have taken into account, this research has special interest in the study of pronunciations coming from far-field speakers, the main error source of most activity detectors today. The tasks carried out have, as starting point, a Hidden Markov Models Voice Activity Detector which a feature vector containing two components: normalized energy and delta energy. The key points of this Thesis are the following: 1) feature vector extension providing spectral information, 2) Hidden Markov Models adjustment to environment and study of different Hidden Markov Model topologies and, finally, 3) study and inclusion of new features, different from point 1, to reject the pronunciations coming from far-field speakers. Detection results, taking into account the above three points, show the advantages of using this method and are significantly better than the results obtained under the same conditions by other well-known voice activity detectors.


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This work discusses an iterative procedure of shaping offset dual-reflector antennas based on geometrical optics considering both far-field and near-field measurements of amplitude and phase from the feed horn. The surfaces synthesized will transform a known radiation field of a feed to a desired aperture distribution. This technique is applied for both circular and elliptical apertures and has the advantage to simplify the problem compared with existing techniques based on solving nonlinear differential equations. A MATLAB tool has been developed to implement the shaping algorithms. This procedure is applied for the design of a 1.1 m high-gain antenna for the ESA’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft. This antenna operating at X-band will manage high data rate and high efficiency communications with Earth stations.